[03:03:46] [discord] https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/02/godaddy-says-a-multi-year-breach-hijacked-customer-websites-and-accounts/ [03:03:53] [discord] multi-year breach?! [03:03:56] [discord] :kermitfunsized: [03:08:03] [discord] This makes me even more glad I dumped them as a registrar [10:27:56] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> donated ¥100 [14:20:15] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1076508448704974969/download.png [14:21:43] [discord] 14 lira is not much money compared to my country, but I thank you on behalf of my country and my people for your donation. [14:23:54] [discord] After the earthquake, the Turkish lira dropped a lot, this is a normal situation, I guess its value will increase as the country returns to its normal state. [17:38:25] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> it is CNY [17:39:32] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1076558601717547149/Screenshot_20230219_013917.jpg [17:39:46] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> donated to IFRC [17:40:55] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> 100 yen is about nothing [17:41:08] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> it is yuan,not yen [17:46:36] [discord] TIL the Chinese yuan and the Japanese yen use the same symbol [17:49:12] [discord] You mean like $ is used in like 4-5 countries at least (if not more :P) [17:56:19] [discord] Okey, thank you donate [18:03:07] [discord] 1 hundred trillion dollars [18:03:08] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1076564535659475064/Zimbabwe_24100_trillion_2009_Obverse.png [19:10:56] [discord] https://www.theverge.com/2023/2/17/23605073/twitter-blue-charge-sms-2fa [19:10:59] [discord] lol [19:11:19] [discord] 2FA is a *luxury* [19:11:41] [discord] You can make money off of anything [19:15:04] [discord] I mean if it makes more people move to better forms of 2FA, (and maybe once they tried it, realise how much easier it is even, they swap on other platforms too), you could argue it for once would be a good thing xD [19:16:51] [discord] "it costs money to send SMS messages, and Twitter does not have a lot of money right now" going straight for the jugular [19:16:57] [discord] I use authy for 2FA [19:19:22] [discord] Yeah, I mean charging people for the worst method of 2fa only bothers me because it’s been excepted as a free service. [19:19:23] [discord] [19:19:24] [discord] Though I will admit SMS is more expensive than the better 2fa options anyway. [19:29:37] [discord] let it die [19:29:41] [discord] holy shit [19:30:10] [discord] how fucking detached from tech stuff must obe be to own tech companies [19:37:49] [discord] Uh, I dislike having SMS codes send to my phone. Never rember to charge it [19:47:07] Agent: it’s only SMS 2FA which is shit 2FA anyway [19:58:00] [discord] My phone is never charged anyway [20:04:59] [discord] luckily for me, never liked godaddy [20:05:55] [discord] sms 2fa sucks so much, like someone could sim swap you or smth [20:06:16] [discord] your carrier could at anytime choose to intercept the messages anyways [20:06:25] [discord] i really dont use sms 2fa at all [20:22:57] [discord] Also you kinda have to wait for the sms, where as rolling codes in a app or similar, the code is there all the time to use, so not only is sms less secure, it is also slower xD [20:25:51] it is better than nothing, if your threat model doesn't include your cell phone operator as a malicious third party [20:26:31] TOTP and WebAuthn are still better though [20:40:46] [discord] It’s been done multiple times [20:41:39] redbluegreenhat: the cell provider is an actor for everyone [20:41:52] Hardware based 2FA is best [20:41:59] TOTP 2nd [20:42:06] SMS 3rd [21:39:36] [discord] Hardware 2FA "Where the glorydamm did I put it this time?! [21:40:54] [discord] I mean "Where the glorydamm did I put my smartphone this time?!" (and that could be both in relation to SMS and app based tokens 😉 that part is about the same tbh [21:41:06] [discord] Oh, I fall into that as well [21:42:06] [discord] I feel worried I will miss calls again. Also "Glorydamm'it I forgot to charge my smartphone. Again." [21:48:36] [discord] @GummielI loose my stuff all the time, smartphone, debit card, MP3 player... [22:19:56] [discord] > Hardware based 2FA [22:19:57] [discord] You forgot that the hardware isn't owned by you [22:20:43] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1076629364558545017/96e.png [22:24:01] so deep [22:25:27] [discord] very [22:25:33] [discord] wb [23:46:00] [discord] Warner Bros.? [23:58:06] [discord] Welcome back [23:58:26] [discord] But I never left