[00:06:22] [discord] That was directed to OrangeStar [00:06:47] [discord] Ok, but I'm not OrangeStar, so why'd you reply to me [00:07:50] Agent: OrangeStar had already disconnected. [00:08:30] [discord] Did you like my bit about Agent said "Welcome back" and I repiled "I never left" [01:12:50] [discord] if you can own several tech companies it shows being a business owner doesn't involve as much work as elon claims [01:13:06] [discord] he spends most of his time shitposting on twitter while the site just burns in the background [02:04:57] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> Capital is profit driven, but I didn't expect to this [02:13:34] [discord] It was an IRC side thing + an oops-reply, able to be disregarded [12:16:44] I just saw https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/30041 and I was wondering, how do the people here feel about web3/NFTs/blockchains/cryptocurrency? [12:24:39] [discord] "Good chance I get scammed." [12:47:08] Orange_Star: a scam [12:54:37] I also think it's a scam, just wanted to know what some of you thought about it. [13:05:13] The wiki request got approved, I kinda think that we shouldn't give a platform to these people, but it can be fun to argue why it's BS and see how long it takes to get banned. [13:29:45] [discord] well there's not too much reason to reject the wiki and not every aspect of web3 is 100% scam, but yes, a lot of scam running around there [13:29:54] [discord] also a scam, people are told that they'll get from zero to rich but instead they burn out, this shit only makes rich ones richier, and nft is simply fuck up over artists [13:30:05] [discord] it's just very experimental, not very useful, and doesn't have enough standards to curate it [13:54:51] raidarr: the whole web3 thing has existed for quite some time now, yet nothing useful, nor any usecases have appeared, other than the pay-to-earn games, which is just another scam. [13:55:41] what even is web3 supposed to be anyway? I think it's really just a marketing term. [13:56:35] [discord] If it is really just gonna be about technical documentation and the like per their description, there really is no reason why it should not be allowed, but yeah probably a good idea to have someone keep a close watch on it, to make sure it doesn't take a wrong turn to outright scams [15:58:25] [discord] In any case, we've had previous 'only documentation' requests related to web3 that turned out to be from folks actively involved in litigation related to crypto scams. [15:58:44] [discord] So anything crypto/NFT/web3 does need a higher level of scrutiny. [16:47:39] kadenawiki's mainpage has been created (https://kadena.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Main_Page&oldid=4), looks promising so far /s [16:54:15] [discord] At least it doesn't appear to be a fly-by-night rugpull operation. [16:54:30] [discord] Small blessings, I guess [16:54:30] [discord] Pretty barebones tbh, looks almost like just a first draft, so hard to say anything specific [17:05:09] Gummiel: if there's something these companies don't like is getting into the specifics. [17:06:08] I doubt the mainpage will be expanded with any real content (no tech-buzzword-filled word salad) in the future. [17:07:48] [discord] I ran into this one some time ago and whenever I'm reminded of it (like just now) I do a quick Google search to see if there's been a rug pull or not 😛 [17:10:54] A play to earn game, lol. [17:18:45] Checkout their "detailed tokenomics" https://cryptoroyale.one/info/ROY.html [17:19:30] You can absolutely cash out to real money, trust me bro. [17:20:27] [discord] lol yeah, I remember seeing that wiki request too [17:20:32] If only I had no morals at all and I only cared with getting as much money as possible... [17:20:38] [discord] nothing in policy prohibits it so not much we can do [17:21:04] [discord] unless you apply the "deceiving, defrauding or misleading" clause of the CP [17:21:06] [discord] potentially [17:23:19] I mean surely all crypto is misleading [17:23:23] I mean, if you ask me this is deceiving people [17:23:26] If we define crypto as a scam [17:24:06] play-to-earn has the expectation that you'll be earning something, heavily implied to be currency most of the time. [17:24:50] But like all of these kinds of games, what you're earning is some worthless cryptocurrency ("ROY", in this case). [17:25:03] [discord] That is certainly where it could go, but is not guaranteed, so hence why imo should be kept a closer watch on than normal [17:26:01] [discord] and yeah @Orange_Star basically, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably also is 🙂 [17:29:31] The only ones earning real money here is the developers, who sell you cryptos and in-game items, for real money, obviously. Good luck finding someone willing to exchange $$$ for "ROY" [17:37:24] [discord] Uh... actually... wouldn't this violate our commerce content policy? [17:38:38] [discord] Oh, disregard. Every 'token-changing-hands' event is offsite, it's just prominently featured on every page. [17:39:39] [discord] Though whether you consider their custom domain of the wiki being a subdomain of the site where that's happening, that's tenuously 'offsite' [17:58:42] [discord] Pretty funny when you consider the main page claims it is a fan-made wiki [18:03:03] [discord] Fans that also happen to be on the payroll. 😄 [18:14:51] [discord] They are just getting some "gifts" it's not a payroll 😛