[02:33:49] This is my dog [03:01:24] Boy or girl? Either way, that's so wonderful and beautiful. [03:02:11] Female [03:02:21] She cute and chill [03:03:53] Nice! ☺ [03:12:20] I never told anyone anything on here, but, who here's of companies like Bang Zoom! Entertainment and Studiopolis? They're both dubbing and western animated companies just to let everyone know. [20:53:50] suggestion: on the "Translate" button in the donate banner, maybe add an icon [20:54:19] because people who dont speak english likely wont know the meaning [20:54:30] of the english word for translate [20:55:13] That doesn’t make sense [20:55:29] You cant translate if you don’t know English [20:55:42] oops [20:55:56] i thought it was a button to show other versions of the notice in different languages [20:56:35] No, language should be automatic [20:56:44] Based on interface language [21:35:16] i see