[00:25:31] Miraheze Plus: automatic stewardship [00:35:48] How much does it cost? [02:24:18] [1/7] Question for our UK folks when it's a reasonable hour: Is the Corbyn ban on running for Labour in the next election... [02:24:18] [2/7] -Overblown and uneventful [02:24:18] [3/7] -Petty but normal infighting [02:24:19] [4/7] -Potentially a fracture point for the party [02:24:19] [5/7] -(something else since I don't have UK political context) [02:24:19] [6/7] Context: [02:24:20] [7/7] https://www.politico.eu/article/jeremy-corbyn-uk-labour-formally-blocked-from-running-for-labour-at-next-election/ [02:25:19] My overall read after skimming a few articles was "seems bad but normal-petty" [13:33:29] The ban is good. He was told to apologise for his remarks regarding the EHRC report. Decided to double down and now reaps the consequence [13:36:42] Next UK election is going to be interesting [17:23:07] See, this is a bit of context that was missing or glossed over in my skimming. Very helpful. [18:28:56] Looking in from the outside the whole antisemitism in the Labour Party issue seemed like a massive shitshow, at least back when it was all over the headlines couple years back. Kind of stopped following it after the "Labour accusing Jews of being antisemitic" story/ies since it seemed to be going full circle at that point. [18:35:47] Yeah I think they really had to distance themselves completely from that if they want a chance in 2024. Having Corbyn run would've been a message in the opposite direction [18:36:28] Though there is always the risk that he could run as an independent and split the vote between him and Labour so another party ends up winning [18:39:58] Seems like a lose-lose kind of situation but hopefully for the UK Labour will clutch it out. I don't have high hopes for a Tory govt managing any possible tensions re: Northern Ireland govt formation or indyref2 [20:23:33] @paladox when are privileges committee due to report [20:23:47] After the locals [20:25:25] https://www.jewishnews.co.uk/streeting-says-corbyn-has-no-one-to-blame-but-himself-for-labour-election-ban/ [20:27:02] Labours a unionist party. We’re against a 2nd ref as it was settled in 2014 and the polls are basically unchanged. [20:29:35] I know, just trust Tories less in regards to handle it well [21:17:20] Labours resurged in Scotland. [21:17:47] Labour in power in all corners of Great Britain 😍 [21:18:18] Labour could allow labour to stand in Northern Ireland. I know someone who’s pushing that and met the NEC on the weekend to push the case. [21:18:38] Polls also look great for labour in ni if it stood