[00:42:26] I just saw Miraheze's social media posts from a few days ago about "recent events" and saying the future of Miraheze was uncertain. Is there somewhere I can read about these "recent events?" [00:43:18] I was just in the process of trying to migrate from Fandom to Miraheze😠 [00:46:41] TL;DR: Former Steward refused to follow one of his T&S restrictions, mass comunity backlash and several resignations [00:53:45] Hmm, worth writing out some sort of message to try and calm things down. [00:54:17] [1/2] I just wrote a message on CN that I think I could modify to an announcement. Something to the effect of "realistically the only major effects on Miraheze is that we have fewer volunteers. This means it will be slower to get things done, and we may have to evaluate whether or not we can still meet our commitment of providing the latest MediaWiki version. We will be reaching out to [00:54:17] [2/2] the community to try and fill out some roles." [00:59:13] What was the rule they broke? [01:01:31] To not engage in discussions relating to a user that has since been community banned. You can see why there was community backlash; T&S should not be regulating whether someone can discuss about another user. [01:21:54] What [01:23:00] Data protection was breached. It’s the law that we have to follow it. [01:23:20] @owenrb would be able to explain more on that [01:44:36] Owen has refused to elaborate on this FYI besides that, there’s more in the chat history but not a lot more, mainly due to privacy reasons (NDA protected) [01:44:50] you could ask raidarr but I don’t know if he’ll give an answer [01:45:25] also @paladox pretty sure that’s the wrong owen [01:46:19] Nope that’s the correct one [01:47:36] oh huh my mistake [01:47:43] used to seeing the gold discord profile picture haha [01:47:48] so red is a new one to look at [01:47:51] apologies [01:48:35] But it's blue [01:50:05] @Tali64 [01:57:50] its blue for me too [01:58:05] oh haha who knows [01:58:08] maybe different for all [01:58:51] Red here lol [01:59:31] Probably got bungled for some users by the migration to new user ids [01:59:59] yeah that was my thought [02:27:23] I've also seen this behavior intermittently for a few of the default-avatar users who recently migrated, Void's explanation is almost certainly the correct one here or some other Discord backend nonsense. [03:02:06] ah, that explains why the relay has been starting to show some peoples tags as #0000 [06:19:47] You are presenting a very minimal side of the story to make T&S look bad. [06:21:29] They were sanctioned for data protection and other reasons. Escalated to site ban because they refused to abide by restrictions put in place to prevent further harm and offences [06:22:54] It's like a bail/parole violation. If you do something bad, you get restrictions. If you do anything against those restrictions, you lose all leeway and get given the original sanctions you probably should have been given [11:16:22] Anyone here got a Bluesky invite by chance? [11:19:39] the twitter thing? [11:20:22] Yeee [11:20:32] I wanna hop over before the Muskrat blows up twitter [11:21:35] I deleted my own account in months ago, only hop once in a week for my wiki's account so idk what's the new disaster [11:22:07] Now they're changing it so you have to be a blue check to DM accounts that don't follow you or something to that effect [11:22:16] Which is really screwing over commission-based artists [11:22:37] Something to do with combatting spambots but most spambots buy blue checks anyway so it ain't gonna help [11:22:48] what's the fucking logic behind this [11:22:55] lmao [11:22:58] no clue lmao [11:23:33] speaking of bots, I think it's been 2 weeks w/o bots on tumblr (don't jinx it) [11:24:13] the last wave of bots got weird but not gibberish names [11:24:51] May as well just remove DMs entirely [11:25:14] Elon tweeted out something about potentially removing the ability to block people too [11:25:24] I mean compared to many of the other changes, I can see some logic in that, as it will indeed make it harder for scambots, BUT it really should rather just be a setting anyone could turn one or off [11:25:51] <:ThinkerMH:912930078646730792> [11:26:19] Now the worry is if they deprecate blocking people, those people you have blocked, let's say for harassing you, are going to be able to harass you again [11:26:32] meanwhile, I got really fucking annoyed by hashtags update on insta, the removed "recent" option [11:27:09] it was my main source of digging up rarities [11:27:41] now you have only "top" and "recent top", and both are flooded w/ the same reposted trash [11:28:56] Meanwhile twitters for you loops around on itself and keeps redisplaying the same crap I've already read [13:54:56] [1/6] That's been a perennial issue on and off for a few years, but has definitely gotten worse under musk's tenure, like most things on the platform. [13:54:57] [2/6] I left earlier this year, don't regret it. Dude's running Twitter into the ground with moves that make clear he either: [13:54:57] [3/6] * doesn't understand core use cases for the product that make it valuable to users [13:54:57] [4/6] * intentionally wants to destroy the platform [13:54:57] [5/6] * is a goofball that is using his money as a toy with real-world consequences for others [13:54:58] [6/6] * some mix of the above [13:56:30] [1/2] i had twitter blue for a month, and cancelled it. i retained the blue check for some reason for an additional 3 months. when i went to change name, the change went through and i got hit with the profile review period. whereas it lasted about 3-4 days while i was a blue subscriber, this time the review period lasted 2 weeks. at least this time, the blue check didn't come ba [13:56:31] [2/2] ck unlike the prior time i had tried 2 months prior [13:56:52] but this is all why i'm trying to get a BlueSky invite [13:57:14] so i can have a fallback incase he does pick the nuclear option and royally frig twitter up [14:01:25] I'm much less sold on the concept of mass social media these days. I'm not entirely sure that it's a net good, and that perhaps smaller archipelagos of networks are then way to go [14:01:43] (Though NextDoor in the US is a clear example of how to do that very, very wrong) [14:10:53] I forgot my fucking glasses at home and practically had to kiss my screen to see anything [14:11:35] Oh noooo. Wishing you a safe navigation through the world until you can be reunited with them. [14:11:37] no my bad neck hurts, right side of my head hurts, and my right eye [14:13:17] I'm not blind as a mole I just use for screens and far distances [15:45:49] NextDoor is awful [15:46:58] WHy? [15:49:29] Short version, it's a social network based on local neighborhoods, which means that nosy folks in the suburbs report every 'scary thing' they see, which is usually nothing. [16:13:35] might actually leave twitter if this ever comes to fruition [16:14:37] twitter already has it bad enough with accounts i simply don't want to see, removing that is gonna be a pain in the ass [18:32:42] Apparently Discord thinks I'm using a screen reader; I am not [19:42:40] @Hey Türkiye Why