[10:25:45] since this issue is over it's kitchen gun time [10:25:45] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-7NDP8V-6A [12:57:37] Nice [12:58:49] Where's that? [13:16:25] Mablethorpe [13:24:45] Ah [15:15:45] i must admit that is the most interesting ice cream cone I've ever seen xD [15:15:51] hope it was yummy [15:21:08] https://www.wenger-trayner.com/introduction-to-communities-of-practice/ [15:32:47] Yes it was! [16:12:00] If it wasn't raining I'd go and take a photo of the ice cream shop on the pier [16:24:16] It’s raining here [19:07:31] Also @dmehus, when you get a moment could you see your DMs. Thanks. [19:07:37] Kind of impiortant [19:59:09] <:DoneMH:775407710400675940> Done [21:27:02] I love you all πŸ™‚ [21:39:42] aw [23:18:37] https://tenor.com/view/quandale-quandale-dingle-gif-25093205 [23:44:08] Meantime the ice cream I had for pudding last night broke a knife-- 😭