[19:16:26] yes but the extensions are a bit frustrating sometimes [19:18:41] fr [19:21:29] _waves at @theresnotime_ [19:21:58] [19:22:35] @theresnotime I should go on a nighttime wander and see if I spot a fox at some point [19:22:48] You should! [19:22:58] I did last time [19:23:07] But it has to be dark [19:23:32] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/2XdQbQRh/1688072340.JPG [19:23:40] @theresnotime ^ [19:23:46] It's a good fox [19:23:46] That's 2 week ago [19:24:02] Taken 10pm [19:24:12] Me wanting to go for a walk at 10pm is hard [20:07:36] all your meme belong to me now 😛 [20:13:19] Heh @zppix [20:21:41] <:nyaboom:1089282060251840594> <:nyaboom:1089282060251840594> [20:25:36] Certified Swift Moment™️ [20:27:15] took me way too long to find that image