[00:43:00] Nearly sliced my finger off with a knife 😦 gruesome photo of anyone wants to see lol [00:46:24] Well as long as you didn't actually slice the top of your finger off, I geuss all is good 😄 [00:48:46] That’s true. There’s a god after all. [01:12:13] No, we don't want to [12:46:09] https://x.com/skynews/status/1697569939832312212?s=46&t=i-UD2LZovA7wQSvP_zWQuw [12:46:15] @owenrb [14:23:19] Yep... [14:23:47] The pain has already started for me [18:15:05] https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1697668599442288692?s=46&t=i-UD2LZovA7wQSvP_zWQuw [18:15:08] @rhinosf1