[03:49:18] its really not [04:12:17] hi eytirth [17:54:02] @owenrb Online Safety Bill has passed the lords [19:17:09] guys silly question but is it possible to use comic sans in mw? <:EpicFaceMH:912930767972225095> [19:17:20] like w/o uploading font file [19:17:39] cus I've been asked to do something w/ it [19:21:57] probably, since all windows installations have it [19:22:53] just slapping `font-family: 'comic sans'` in css does nothing tho [19:27:03] I remember using ``font-family: "Comic Sans MS";`` on fandom a while ago... [19:55:56] doesn't seen to work [19:56:18] the thing is canceled so nevermind [20:08:26] not that you need it anymore, but font-family:cursive looks like comic sans [20:13:44] [1/2] The "cursive" is a system fallback default, all it means is that whatever system you run, Comic Sans is your default for 'cursive'. (IIRC cursive, monospace, serif, sans-serif are the four system default fallback names? been a wee bit since I last had to wrangle with font family system defaults) [20:13:44] [2/2] Comic Sans isn't packaged with a lot of default system fonts anymore so that's why it might not show up when you try setting it as a font family (the correct name is "Comic Sans" or 'Comic Sans' just to confirm.) [20:17:51] ooh interesting :0 [20:25:15] [1/2] Also if you use the font-family rule a REALLY good thing to do is to use those fallback categories (cursive, serif, sans-serif, or monospace) at the end of the list in case the font isn't installed, that's how you're supposed to use it: `font-family: 'Comic Sans', cursive` [20:25:15] [2/2] that way you don't end up with Arial (like I did before I remembered the fallbacks exist) [20:26:56] neat, ty for the info <:pupCoffeeMH:766487840694599711> [20:29:50] You're welcome! Sorry I got a bit wordy over it, I'm in infodrop mode lmao [20:31:20] nice thank u