[14:47:45] [1/2] good for them [14:47:46] [2/2] https://twitter.com/MinecraftWikiEN/status/1705599307351748881 [18:12:32] [1/2] live [18:12:33] [2/2] https://minecraft.wiki/ [18:21:30] So they did go with runescape’s hosy [18:21:45] Kinda sad about that but oh well [18:22:08] yeah they did [18:23:37] Almost through the 4 pages of wiki requests 😭 [20:52:19] Sad why? [21:05:46] i kinda wanted them to come to us [21:09:09] could Miraheze handle Minecraft? I don’t even think Miraheze was a contender was it? [21:14:54] We could technically handle it, we weren’t but I was trying to convince them to come over, but yeah [21:19:21] Yeah I think the whole closing down fiasco may have put them off