[06:57:10] @owenrb my electric bill makes zero sense [06:57:30] £65.60 for 53 days [06:57:43] That's £1.24 a day [06:58:26] According to smart meter data I can access, never gone higher than 80p [11:49:47] iirc, the app and the IHD don't count standing charge? [11:58:52] British Gas website says it does [11:58:59] But that would explain the gap [14:20:57] i know most people won't ever see category pages but I'm still having fun adding some decorative flair [14:27:12] OKAY BUT THAT'S BASED [14:27:15] i love those [14:27:37] also god ever since i started working on the PTWiki i think i've just gotten sucked back into my small interest of wikis in general [14:27:44] i've always had an idle fascination with them [14:28:01] like yeaaars ago when friends and i ran a public server we even made a fuckin fandom wiki about us and just documented each other [14:28:09] we abandoned it a little bit after but it's like [14:28:15] that sparked a weird passion for wikis inside of me [14:50:00] I got sucked into wikis when I noticed that one of Russian Borderlands Wiki's editors started uploading images of game models I did 3Dmax, like references lol [14:50:26] hehe, once the wiki spirit has bitten you, there's no escaping anymore [14:50:33] right [14:51:08] I just always had kind of need to sorting things and shit, I admined groups in VK a lot, including Borderlands fan group lol [14:51:17] where I posted those images as well [15:24:56] the desire to organize things is in my blood as an autistic motherfucker so if anything wikis just enable that in me LMAO [15:36:36] YES [16:36:21] @paladox Conservative MP Bob Stewart guilty of racially abusing activist https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67310954 [16:38:00] [1/3] >conservative [16:38:00] [2/3] >racism [16:38:00] [3/3] yeah that sounds about right [17:25:40] [1/2] second MMKB fork? are they aware about mira one? [17:25:41] [2/2] https://megamanwiki.com/ [17:26:57] started in 2020 ... [17:28:24] probably started from scratch [17:32:11] Grifkuba [17:32:31] Been revamping their main page for the past however many years 🤣 [17:33:16] are they NIWA affiliated? [17:33:33] Idk [17:33:38] Seem to host a few NIWA wikia [19:37:08] anyone else having major issues with Firefox Developer after the latest update? [23:59:45] Why would you want to escape from the glorious utopia of MediaWiki land?