[02:02:23] what did robinson0414 do to get band just curious [10:13:31] [1/2] Can we put this video of Stop Using Fandom inside of Fandom wiki? [10:13:31] [2/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcfuA_UAz3I [10:15:06] lol try it [11:21:33] does anyone by any chance speak or understand Russian [11:29:10] bad translation lol [11:29:19] Russian doesn't have articles [11:29:53] can't say if English one sounds correct either lol [11:30:27] [1/2] Every Man Is a King [11:30:28] [2/2] Каждый человек - король [11:31:20] that would be right [12:13:43] thank you. [12:30:30] [1/2] i got kicked from a server because i said "fuck you i'm not changing my population" to literally nobody <:koharuwheeze:906112415865896990> [12:30:30] [2/2] anyways do y'all think i should put audio in my wiki page [12:30:31] @haya_nate43 Watch your language. [12:31:38] I was thinking of having When Johnny Comes Marching Home's instrumental as a temporary placeholder for A Second Chance [12:38:13] This is fancy IT talk for the servers are on fire. 😂 [12:41:44] lmao [12:42:51] music is the most copyright tightened form of media, be careful w/ uploads, I'd suggest embedding if possible, there are several extensions for that [12:43:48] Music copyright is fun… [13:11:40] link to it on wikimedia commons [13:16:06] Ah yes. The art of making the burning inferno seems like routine maintenance [15:06:11] Poor hamsters just need a break every so often [15:15:56] They deserve 2 weeks paid time off and dental smg [15:55:48] ofc [15:55:56] however, the song is from the 1860s [15:56:03] I think I'll be fine [15:56:20] aight, public domain then [15:56:32] you still can embed file from Wikimedia tho [15:56:39] w/o uploading to yours [15:56:41] is it legally alright in the UK to modify wikipedia maps like what i use [15:56:51] in additional settings -> Media tab [15:57:00] sharing file repository w/ Wikimedia [15:57:16] that's how folks usually do stuff like flag icona [15:57:27] i see [16:02:27] by the way since this is #offtopic i think i should share my writing [16:04:42] my near 80 year old grandfather has said that I write just as well as my great grandfather [16:13:38] the song itself may be public domain, but individual recordings can still be copyrighted by the people who perform them. so you have to find a recording that's public domain/cc/another license that allows reuse [16:13:58] i see [16:41:48] [1/2] I need to ask y'all because i'm out of ideas [16:41:48] [2/2] You have four syllables to make a nickname for a woman with a happy-go-lucky yet commanding personality, that essentially sticks to your side like a damn magnet and acts as your therapist, what would you give her [21:40:18] @owenrb energy ombudsman recorded a record number of complaints in Q2 [21:46:17] Edit I did for an alternative universe of mine [21:50:37] Wouldn't surprise me [21:53:48] Energy Ombudsman: Complaints leap by 84% in one year https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-67307080 [21:54:13] I hope you didn't cause too many [22:00:59] Debt collection always causes loads [23:54:34] How many % of those did you account for? 😉