[03:14:21] God I love longhorns [03:21:06] Haha welcome to America where we know how to do food [13:26:40] That do look pretty good [14:25:41] Looks tasty but I like my steak very rare [15:06:52] noooooooo [15:08:55] You vegan? [15:09:07] Nope but I like my steak chewy [15:09:15] I realise how weird that is to say [15:13:12] My teeth are too bad to eat chewing things [15:46:15] i will split the difference and take mine medium rare [15:46:54] hi chat. i found this today: https://iwf-website.vercel.app/ [15:47:01] it seems like an unfinished site but i am interested in it [15:47:08] it says in the FAQ miraheze wikis can join it too [15:58:04] Interesting indeed [15:58:06] Nice find [15:58:15] thanks!! found it on the hollowknight wiki [15:58:17] said they were in it [16:30:56] I LOVE HOLLOW KNIGHT WIKI [16:31:12] Fr though it’s a great Wiki of an equally great game [16:36:33] Speaking as a representative of IWF here; we are very much up and running and taking applications if you are interested πŸ™‚ [16:37:40] ooh alright!! thank you :] [16:40:19] What did I saw about the internet being a small place [16:40:31] What wiki do you serve as a rep for? [16:40:36] Telepedia [16:41:38] Oh I thought reps were by individual wikis not hosts [16:41:47] oh [16:42:06] They are; there are two exceptions based on founding status. [16:42:31] Ah [19:27:07] [1/21] "Additional Restrictions [19:27:07] [2/21] Wiki creators may assess requests on standards not covered in this list. [19:27:08] [3/21] Wiki-hosting is an evolving process, if certain genres or topics of wiki prove consistently problematic, additional limitations may be placed on new requests beyond those listed in the main content policy. This sort of deviation could take the form of topic bans insitituted by community approval, or may be instituted by the WikiTide board of directors at their discretion. [19:27:08] [4/21] Currently Enforced Bans [19:27:08] [5/21] "Personal use only" wikis -- a wiki must have a clear topic [19:27:09] [6/21] i.e. a wiki requested to serve as a personal diary, for testing MediaWiki or writing random things is not approvable, a wiki for a worldbuilding project may be approvable. [19:27:09] [7/21] This restriction is primarily a resource consideration and may be lifted in the future [19:27:09] [8/21] Reception Wikis -- See page for example characteristics, no exceptions will be made for this ban [19:27:09] [9/21] "Single Individual" wikis (also known as vanity wikis or individual biography wikis) [19:27:10] [10/21] limited exceptions can be made when documenting a larger body of work by the individual, e.g. A wiki about an author with several published works may be permissible, if the wiki plans to also document the plot/settings of the books. [19:27:10] [11/21] Worldbuilding wikis centered on content derivative of existing IPs [19:27:10] [12/21] Wikis documenting personal TTRPG campaigns which may include derivative content due to setting do not fall under restriction [19:27:11] [13/21] New -ball and -human genre wikis [19:27:11] [14/21] Existing communities looking to migrate from other platforms will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis [19:27:12] [15/21] New wikis whose primary purpose is to host fanon and fan-fiction content [19:27:12] [16/21] Existing communities looking to migrate from other platforms will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis [19:27:13] [17/21] Wikis whose primary purpose is to act a social platform without a specific topic [19:27:13] [18/21] 'free-editing' wikis where anyone can write anything on any topic [19:27:14] [19/21] This includes wikipedia-style 'encyclopedias of everything'" [19:27:14] [20/21] https://meta.wikitide.org/wiki/Content_Policy [19:27:15] [21/21] I am curois why they do not allow Fanfic/Fanon/Worldbuilding-based-on-existing works [19:38:26] @rareware64 I aplogize for my actions on the Entryway and the Dreadful/Breadful discord server. I want to apologize to Amy/Tigerblazer/I'm confused and Skate [19:45:09] Does anybody know why WIkiTide does not allow Fanfic/Fanon/Worldbuilding-based-on-existing works wikis? [19:45:17] Please ping me uipon reply [19:46:55] [1/2] you could ask them directly, they have discord too [19:46:55] [2/2] or maybe ping NotAcharam [19:48:03] I kinda do not want to join a discord just to ask a question [19:49:48] @notaracham do you know know why WIkiTide does not allow Fanfic/Fanon/Worldbuilding-based-on-existing works wikis? [19:58:56] [1/6] While MH isn't the best venue to discuss, happy to answer as I have been directly asked. [19:58:56] [2/6] The reason for that restriction is a few-fold based on our experiences across a few platforms, and we recently loosened that restriction to allow for existing communities to request a secondary review if they'd like to migrate. [19:58:56] [3/6] * Higher-than-average demand on resources and can veer into "expensive fanart repository" very quickly [19:58:57] [4/6] * These wiki topics also have a higher abandon rate/absentee management/propensity for vandalism, increasing workload on our small volunteer team [19:58:57] [5/6] * Respect for content licenses/copyright has not always been the best, and works are not always sufficiently transformative to avoid copyright/license violation claims [19:58:57] [6/6] * Fan communities can also generate some fairly toxic behavior (depending on the fandom), so a good moderation team and policy are important to have thought through ahead of time [19:59:28] Thank you for telling me [20:00:09] Now that we're past early stages and are much better resourced technologically and financially, we're revisiting some of those topic-specific restrictions that were originally imposed by necessity, so that's one that's potentially on the strikedown list in the future. [20:02:56] One other point, WT is on the verge of receiving non-profit standing from the IRS (fingers crossed for the next few weeks), and part of the obligations entailed in that unfortunately means we need to be a bit more selective in our content to receive and retain that status. [20:03:25] I did not know about the toxic commuities of fandoms or the copyright thing or the higher abandon rate/absentee management/propensity for vandalism [20:03:55] To be sure, these are the exceptions not the norm, but they are very noisy, time-consuming exceptions. [20:10:37] [1/2] Btw, interesting stuff with the IWF, I'll be taking a deeper look for sure. [20:10:37] [2/2] I see some ambiguous language about 'excessive rules', would WF/WT wikis be eligible for membership at present, if you can speak to that? [20:11:05] Amazing wikis has a lot of rules and I saw them there [20:15:15] Yep, that's what prompted my question, in fact. 😊 [20:19:13] I think Amazing Wikis has way more rulews then they need for their size [20:19:56] seems like they ban Russian IPs too lol [20:20:14] yeah man, that will get you far, sure [20:20:52] Who bans Russan IPs?> [20:21:17] Amazing Wikis [20:21:57] bery scary [20:23:58] Why do they have such strict rules [20:24:11] I was also surprised with the rule granularity over there, but that's their right as a host, I suppose. [20:24:23] Also Russian people are welcome on my wiki [20:24:33] [1/2] ok, idk what I'm looking at [20:24:34] [2/2] their main page looks underwhelming [20:24:48] Why would you think that? [20:25:16] How muchj rules do you think is too much?> [20:25:51] I've done a fan site (just HTML and self-drawn assets) for a contest in 2012 and it looked by miles better lol [20:26:44] I think my main page looks better then theirs [20:27:32] I challenge their definition of Cyber Trespassing but ok [20:28:43] I think they are far too strict, probly why they have so few wikis [20:29:24] Also TONS of rules: https://community.amazingwikis.org/wiki/Amazing_Wikis:Global_Policy [20:34:17] I'll be honest, I cackled at this [20:37:49] what exactly are they [20:39:16] A lot of rules/poilcies on a wiki farm [20:43:24] yeah [20:44:43] wrong question i guess [20:55:05] Jesus [20:58:47] what did russian citizens ever do to this fuckin site man [20:59:05] it's more like panic over russian hackers [20:59:09] good lord [20:59:17] but the text is incridebly funny [20:59:34] "we WIL take legal action!" over what, looking at text on a site? sdfjkghd [20:59:35] I haven't seen anything like that before [20:59:42] at max [21:00:02] blocked per security reasons, like very short sentence of this kind [21:00:08] It reminds me of some of the hidden error pages from sites in the '90s [21:00:38] Yeah holy hell that blocked message is aggressive AF [21:01:02] When it was cool to make your errors have 'attitude' [21:01:10] I remember I found some neat blog on Blogger, and pin the tab w/ it [21:01:20] and it was hanging there for months [21:01:31] and when I decided to clean up tabs at last [21:01:44] if anything it just makes me roll my eyes because it reeks of lowkey racism against russian people, which is especially prevalent in the US, basically labeling everyone who's russian a supporter of their own government and a bunch of horrible people [21:02:09] [1/2] I saw that the post is either hidden, replaced, I don't know, but basically was "russians are not welcome here, go away" [21:02:09] [2/2] and it was probbly in 2015 [21:02:21] god [21:02:40] I couldn't even remember what was n the post I pinned lol [21:03:07] xenobia, you mean [21:03:13] also I'm not Russian [21:03:15] xenophobia yeah [21:03:21] oh my fault [21:03:29] i know you live in russia iirc but i know nothing else [21:03:33] look at me, mixing up word [21:03:42] Xenobia is a character from game [21:03:44] sdfgsdghj [21:06:11] sounds like smt id do [21:07:46] "banished" is wild [21:07:53] "cyber tresspassing" 😭 [21:08:20] i have NEVER heard of the term cyber tresspassing its so fucking funny [21:08:29] same [21:10:24] cyber tresspassing is a SERIOUS CRIME guys... //shot [21:12:11] [1/2] yea, I turned VPN on [21:12:11] [2/2] watcha gonna do about it [21:12:23] Yeah never heard that word before, but if it is an actual term, I HIGHLY doubt visting a public website would be under it, it would more likely be for stuff like trying to get access to the private parts of a network [21:12:34] im googling it [21:12:45] https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwimgMKoyuKCAxWRF1kFHTE7ApwQFnoECBkQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FComputer_trespass&usg=AOvVaw3lIavVDy4iuhjoooM2k4Xj&opi=89978449 [21:12:59] well [21:13:04] thats a different thing [21:13:21] unlawful access to computers, not websites [21:14:08] imagine banning an entire country from visiting your site [21:15:11] I'm in a country that bans so much sites, I'm don't even care [21:15:20] lmao fair enough [21:16:15] to me this both annoys me and is kind of hilarious [21:17:11] Also I like how they first talk about even using Tor, proxy or VPN would be allowed either, and then go on to mention your IP being monitored... when those things they explictly just mentioned makes it look like you have a completely different IP xD [21:18:14] I'm not big on network security but I do work a little in IT and it all sounded ridiculous lol [21:18:47] very much reads like "call the cyber police!!" kind of talk where they're just talking out of their ass [21:18:50] yeah, funny little wiki farm, that [21:19:10] wouldn't even trust a reception wiki to them [21:19:17] sdfgsdfgh [21:29:34] Let's remember it's someone's passion project, we can have differences of opinion and still be nice. πŸ™‚ [21:31:58] same can be applied to those very wikis and yet - they are bad [21:33:35] to be fair i don't know if i would want to respect the opinion of someone who blocks an entire country from their site / content for essentially no reason