[09:59:40] [1/2] The "fire hazard" panel is a code violation, it's against code to use a breaker panel without the cover plate. Also, the general operating theory of the European and the American panel is completely different, in the European panel the breakers are mounted to DIN rails that aren't carrying current, in our American panels the breakers slot into two bus bar [09:59:40] [2/2] s in the middle of the panel that carry current. This is why the wires are routed differently. Further, because we use lower voltages, we need larger conductors. Ultimately, both of the systems are doing the same job safely, just in a different way. [10:01:58] This is a major code violation too. This would fail any inspection and have to be replaced. [10:02:30] For reference, here's what a to-code breaker panel looks like. Completely safe. [10:02:32] https://integraelectrical.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/breaker-panel-after-1.jpg [19:48:35] Most based answer 🫡 [22:42:45] wicky [22:42:47] vs [22:42:55] weekey