[00:15:31] The U.S. should follow the U.K. [00:15:59] Imagine having to file your own taxes [00:18:30] I don’t understand any of this lol [00:19:37] It’s the U.S. Need I say more [00:44:23] I too believe we should reestablish the monarchy in America [00:44:47] Lol [00:45:05] Sometimes im worried about the future of this place [01:15:41] Me too honestly [02:28:31] <.labster, replying to agentisai> Taylor Swift I for Queen? [02:45:41] <.labster> A nice feature of constitutional monarchies is that a would-be autocrat can’t claim to embody the nation because that job is already taken. [02:52:05] Technically the President also does that (at least half the nation anyway) [03:11:08] [1/2] But that is the thing, the president is the (more or less) active ruler, while also being the one position from which such a claim could be tried to be made. [03:11:08] [2/2] where in a constitutional monarchy, well the monarch clearly is the one that would be embodying the nation, while the Prime Minister would be the (more or less) active ruler. [07:08:27] Essentially I I had a job end 1 day into the New tax year and HMRC put me on an emergency tax code where they took 20% of monthly pay because they couldn't be certain in my 1 day of employment I wasn't paid £12500 taking me over the personal tax threshold [07:31:28] Did you ring them up? They were fairly quick to fix my error. Although mine had gone a few months between one income no longer paying and one starting. [07:31:58] Mine was caused by a previous PAYE income source failing to correctly report an end date to HMRC [07:32:37] Nah, it was a temporary job and I had little outgoings at the time so the idea of being forced to save 20% a month wasn't a bad idea 😂 [07:33:00] So a call (an hour on hold, 5 minutes with human) and it was end dated and a new tax code issued for my new employment. It did take a few months for my new employment to get told about previous untaxed income though. [07:33:10] Fair enough [07:33:36] I think I'd have been bust if I had to wait until end of the tax year with an extra £300 being taken [07:33:56] Would have been £2,100 by end of tax year [12:23:11] hello [12:36:57] hey there [16:59:24] Hi [17:03:49] hi [22:45:33] im not [22:45:39] im a patriot 🇺🇸 🦅 [22:46:46] do your own taxes, if you pay too little you get arrested, you pay too much you get fined. that's the true american way [22:47:05] You pay enough, you don't have to pay at all