[01:10:11] Fuck it I need to make some Fullmetal Alchemist flavored memes about the ultimate wiki taboo of importing from Wikipedia [02:15:53] hm? [02:19:05] <.labster> For every XML import, something of equal import must be lost. [04:38:21] https://tenor.com/view/get-real-girls-und-panzer-gif-20333800 [04:41:26] https://tenor.com/view/gup-girls-und-panzer-anchovy-its-chover-gif-9535297029007077379 [14:36:03] @paladox congrats on the +2 for MediaWiki gerrit repos! 🎉 [15:08:11] Thanks! [19:20:06] Woo! Congrats paladox! [19:20:11] a:hollowclap: [21:48:18] nice [21:48:19] congrats! [21:48:36] I also made it through work today without collapsing from physical exhaustion, so I win too! [21:48:37] lol [21:49:00] I had to keep telling myself I had no other choice though. [21:49:18] That I had to push through the physical pain. [21:49:24] But at least I'm home now. [21:50:55] Since there's obviously quite alot of tech people here, what would you say are some of the best resources for learning sysadmin stuff? Apart from just having fun testing things out, that is (I already do that) [23:04:36] Went back and reread some stuff from back in June about the drama and shit and am even more proud that Miraheze managed to not only survive but thrive. Thank you to everyone who helped bring us to where we are :ShibaHeart: