[00:21:32] That’s the second person I’ve heard say that but I can’t think of where that’d come from [00:21:57] Or, something similar, anyway [00:22:17] One of the hall monitors at my school said he read somewhere that the word for “flood” was a bunch of people on a boat. [00:22:53] but..i cant for the life of me figure out where that might be from [00:24:29] Oh.. I think I know why.. [00:24:41] 船.. (the modern mandarin word for boat) has what looks like 八口(eight mouths) to the right.. [00:26:30] that might be why some people think that [00:26:30] [1/2] but that’s not the case because [00:26:30] [2/2] the left side is 舟(radical for boats) and the right side is 㕣(hint for pronunciation... at least in old chinese anyway) [00:28:29] A website perpetuating the myth: http://www.bibleprobe.com/chinese.htm [00:31:24] I’ve done some more digging and it appears everyone who talking about eight people on a boat are people pushing creationism. [00:32:04] Which... is hilarious because China would not have been Christian. [00:34:13] [1/2] I see this page, and I want to laugh and cringe. [00:34:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1214007960494153768/image.png?ex=65f78c04&is=65e51704&hm=5cee1ffb26920af4a95bb01f74ee9fe3ebd6cef7b0a40518b468a3ae3c2ae37d& [00:34:13] Yeah, that's what I remember. [00:34:29] Amazing. Thanks [00:36:10] because its 舟 + 㕣, not 八口 [00:37:05] Ah [00:37:37] I remember it from several decades ago [00:48:38] To where? [01:18:43] To sre@miraheze.org [01:19:05] I'm pretty sure is the intended email address. [02:20:13] Half of the Miraheze problems discussed on this server are your everyday wiki issues. The other half? ||Infoboxes beloathed.|| [02:22:11] https://tenor.com/view/so-true-gif-24068595 [02:26:30] riel [02:46:15] Still better than half the issues being lua [02:55:23] lol [15:25:50] @bluemoon0332 is it okay if I hijack your GIA RfC and rewrite it? I feel like the current format might lead to voting fatigue [15:26:22] edit at will [15:30:43] [1/2] POV: You're a wiki creator [15:30:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1214233572920135680/image.png?ex=65f85e23&is=65e5e923&hm=81613ad1c1ce3f3bff4932f66ce709aa38e417b9b90626b887cb60853f783927& [15:31:15] at least the "someone commented" notifs don't send email by default [15:39:08] at least now your life isn't going to be that boring [15:41:22] Not that it was that boring to begin with 😂 [16:19:59] once had 97 on there [16:20:03] yeeps [16:20:25] you go through the queue of 125 requests and that’s what happens [18:05:21] LOL [19:35:44] Holy crap, what happened with the wiki requests? There's been A TON over just the past few days [19:35:59] we have no idea [19:36:10] idk [19:36:11] did Tardis Wiki started another wave? [19:36:32] At least I'm glad to see Miraheze get so much attention, especially compared to 2016-2018 hahaha [19:37:56] oh definitely lol [19:38:03] I discovered Miraheze only in 2021 [19:38:18] same [19:38:43] I discovered Miraheze in 2016 when a friend of mine made a wiki for a community song contest 😅 [19:38:44] WC requests? [19:38:54] or wiki reqs itself [19:39:00] Wiki creation requests [19:39:02] I haven’t checked the queue in half a day [19:39:05] oh [19:39:06] brilliant [19:39:14] My guess is that theres like 50 of them over the past 48 hours hahahaha [19:39:17] more work! [19:39:23] a:peepoCheer: [19:39:25] ehhh no [19:39:29] 75 minimum [19:39:31] unpaid work too, the best kind! [19:39:33] bordering on 100 [19:39:37] 🙂 [19:39:41] Hoooooly [19:39:48] eh it’s fine [19:39:52] but yikes [19:40:07] i did 123 requests on saturday and did not want to do that many 48 hours later [19:40:22] Hopefully the wikis will be active and won't disappear within a few months due to inactivity :shrug [19:40:39] Unfortunately that is a common occurrence [19:40:41] You're a real fighter, hang in there haha ❤️ [19:41:06] There are some more WC perms requests going on atm [21:01:37] several yes [21:01:57] I'm thinking maybe something happened on Fandom or someone popular talked about Miraheze or something because a bunch of new people joined to request wikis [21:02:04] Record breaking even for the dark age [21:02:54] Mira is definately getting more traction while fandom continues to alienate editors and wiki managers [21:03:06] Yeah [21:23:28] Perhaps we should spam on all social media [21:23:36] 😄 [21:23:54] but fr, what's happened [21:24:20] I can only think of Tardis Wiki but I haven't stumbled on some kind of news entry of video blog about it [21:29:02] The "Stop using Fandom" video by mossbag definitely contributed to the influx of wiki requests back in November 2023 [21:29:21] that's ofc [21:29:34] I'm part of the wiki mentioned in it after all lol [21:29:57] I mean Tardis Wiki going indie is the ltest biggest thing [21:30:03] Oh yeah [21:30:28] Famous person :pepehypers: [21:30:39] Warcraft Wiki migrating second time didn't seem to get as much coverage as MCW or Hollow Knight Wiki [21:30:48] the overall trend to go indie and probably not too shabby seo is likely a massive contributor to mira's traction [21:31:10] I'd say no better time to get a new wc crew but in practice there will be a consistency gap as new and perhaps new-old creators get mixed in [21:31:28] Amen [21:31:41] man, I just was suffering in semi official game server trying to exaplin to main mod why two fandom owned wikis both claiming to be official are bad [21:32:11] That one brick wall meme seems applicable here [21:32:20] https://tenor.com/view/talking-wall-gif-5021467 [21:32:30] I'm just walking around and begging IP owners to at least strip OfFiCiAl WiKi badges lol [21:32:45] doubt they'll care for DMCA [21:33:05] it's good to have new wcs as it might highlight potential candidates to get more involved and partake in functions like GS and perhaps eventually steward as well, a role that will need more faces with growth [21:33:16] more techies is a given but, an ever present issue anyway [21:35:06] If I can butcher my current IRL time sink(which should be over by ~17th) I am definitely interested in starting to learn about the software dev side and contributing here and there to stuff like CreateWiki features [21:35:25] Can’t do anything too complicated obviously I’m stoopid [21:36:04] one big piece of assistance that's always had limited engagement is just testing really, especially around upgrades and regarding extension ins and outs [21:36:29] Really? Didn’t know that [21:36:54] oooh testing [21:36:57] my behated [21:37:09] I do have an account on mirabeta(fuck betaheze) so if needed I can bully some stuff [21:37:24] it's a very good thing to do especially around upgrade season [21:37:42] Do we have a checklist? [21:38:00] not sure that formal ones exist/ed, sre might be able to advise [22:30:46] For anyone who uses/d FreeDNS for subdomain was it a good experience? [23:24:10] Just saw this on let’s encrypts page. Interesting https://youtu.be/Xe1TZaElTAs?si=3ZJpUm0_LzncYGEG