[03:57:24] [1/2] So I helped strengthen the security of entra ID enterprise apps in my department, so users can't just consent to any random app on the internet with their departmental account. Instead, they'll get an error that they're not authorised to use the app and they're given a form to fill to request access. [03:57:24] [2/2] Well today I'm trying to review some apps that were consented to before I made these security changes. So I booted up Powershell and ran a command to talk to the Graph API. Alas, the Graph API is an enterprise app, and it's now asking me to fill in a form to request access. I've never played myself so hard before. lmao (in a good way tho) [03:58:22] Working in IT can be very fun lol [07:29:34] [1/3] cohost: we won't going to show you or other users amount of likes/shares because we saw they often underwhelm user experience [07:29:35] [2/3] artists who tried cohost: nooo i need my happy numbers, at least make them so only OP can see them [07:29:35] [3/3] musk: we'll remove likes/reposts number from x cus they clutter space [07:29:37] lol [07:30:22] I'm totally on the side of cohost's sentiment [07:31:02] as an artist w/ a very low following I had to learn to not give a shit about numbers [07:31:21] both mine and other artists [08:05:02] :whipped_look: [09:03:57] <.labster, replying to jeb_cc> Evil sysadmins who won't let us run the software we want. Boo! [16:11:21] so the like buttons might as well be going into the void? [17:42:48] well well, nighty night [17:42:56] a:b_abt2sleep: [19:26:53] Out of curiosity which hats are invited to the Community Volunteer discord? Ie do SRE and CVT also use it or just WC/steward [19:27:20] SRE doesn't use it [19:27:27] community roles which is inclusive of all cvt and and wiki creators [19:27:34] Stewards, CVT and WC from what I know [19:27:41] sre was not but ought to have a spot there tbh [19:27:44] SRE/Board/T&S have the Foundation Discord [19:27:57] so that's where that channel is huh [19:28:12] sre/board/ts should be able to chat/fw directly to community groups tbh even if their actual business is elsewhere [19:28:13] 100 [19:28:22] would make comms better [19:28:45] K. Also to clarify cause this never ceases to confuse me: SRE as in the tech team, including software engineers or SRE as in Site Reliability Engineers only [19:28:47] it would finally undo 99% of the damage when the best cross-group channel got whacked [19:29:00] SRE as in the people in acl*security [19:29:02] Site Reliability Engineers and MediaWiki Engineers [19:29:09] I used to have access but don't anymore [19:29:21] tech blokes for simple, never cared for all the big letter acronyms anyway [19:29:31] (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/project/members/1/) [19:29:33] So SE don’t have a private communication channel? [19:29:36] tech ppl should talk to comm ppl and board ppl should have a voice too and haraj is fun [19:29:38] no [19:30:17] also, it is kind of not a general channel, it is meant for security stuff [19:30:21] yeah [19:30:23] the channel that exists on the Foundation Discord is technically supposed to be for security stuff [19:30:30] though it's now used for pan-SRE discussions [19:30:31] it is called `#wikitide-sre-security` now [19:30:46] on IRC at least [19:30:48] so merge the chitchats and by all means have functional islands [19:31:08] perhaps [19:31:38] or I'll just make a raidarr bar and invite a smattering of people [19:31:49] Yes [19:33:19] We do have one tho, it is called RhinosF1's PMs 😂 [19:33:34] Lol [19:34:38] there wasn't people in the SWE role until just very recently, so I guess SRE is still figuring out what our roles ought to look like [19:36:03] I say do it btw [19:38:24] The role ain’t even hoisted [19:38:26] Criminal [19:39:44] it's not super big \:P [19:40:18] Smh logical arguments [19:40:31] destroyed with facts and logic [19:40:51] Nuh uh [19:41:06] For i invoke the power of the internet in my battle [19:41:20] I say certified freak 🎵 seven days a week 🎵 wet ass p-word 🎵 make that pullout game weak [19:41:45] thats cap [19:41:54] What [19:42:05] Did i get pinged [19:42:15] nope [19:42:28] probably got pinged on IRC 'cause I said your username [19:42:37] This probably [19:43:04] yes but the argument against has been that everything should always be open [19:43:15] so any convos can be had in general [19:43:21] I obviously disagree, but…. [19:43:25] it's a nice dream [19:43:33] a meme response to https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1215383601554661416, Ben Shapiro (the facts and logic guy) actually singed WAP on his YT channel, while self-censoring [19:43:41] what is [19:44:05] the idea that all business just happily conducts itself right in the general venues [19:44:15] My DMs are open to most stuff [19:44:18] discord is goofy which message do that link to? [19:44:28] I can’t tell if it was mine your or raids [19:44:34] Nothing you lot is more ridiculous than what i hear in day job [19:44:35] Raidarr's "destroyed with facts and logic" [19:44:35] my wha [19:44:45] ah, yeah [20:01:04] [1/4] Any idea why the URL redirect is not working: [20:01:05] [2/4] GNU nano 6.2 .htaccess [20:01:05] [3/4] RewriteEngine On [20:01:05] [4/4] RewriteRule ttps://taerel.com/wiki/index.php/(.*)$ ttps/taerel.com/taerelwiki/index.php/$1 [R=301,L] [20:02:15] ttps is not a valid protocol [20:02:39] you're probably looking for https [20:04:13] That was to get around auto mod [20:06:40] How would I match it with regex? [20:08:06] is your url path domain.com/main_page? [20:09:00] Taerel.com/wiki/index.php/[page] [20:09:34] hold up [20:09:43] index.php/page? [20:10:05] Yes, default [20:10:21] That don’t seem right, index.php takes a URL parameters [20:10:45] taerel.com/taerelwiki/index.php/Taerel_Worldbuilding_Wiki [20:10:52] Mmmm [20:11:25] I never did set up short urls [20:11:37] The default is `zindex.php?title=` [20:11:44] Yeah [20:11:53] you can have `index.php/page` but you have to set that yourself [20:11:57] I just installed, I never changed my urls [20:12:18] Verson is 1.39. [20:12:28] then `index.php/page` is not the right path. If you haven't changed the urls it is `index.php?title=$1` [20:12:49] You can vist the wiki and see that it it uses taerel.com/taerelwiki/index.php/Taerel_Worldbuilding_Wiki [20:14:38] You also need to configure mediawiki if you want /wiki/ you can't just rewrite it in Apache. [20:14:42] https://shorturls.redwerks.org might be of use. [20:14:55] This is not about short urls [20:15:09] Yes it is [20:15:25] because you can't just rewrite something to /wiki/ without configuring mediawiki for short urls. [20:15:40] I wanted to redirect taerel.com/wiki/index.php/Taerel_Worldbuilding_Wiki to taerel.com/taerelwiki/index.php/Taerel_Worldbuilding_Wiki [20:16:28] as I just said you cannot just rewrite something to /wiki/ without configuring short urls in some form [20:16:29] The later is a short url [20:16:50] UGH. [20:17:13] [1/2] > taerel.com/wiki/index.php/Taerel_Worldbuilding_Wiki [20:17:14] [2/2] Whilst not technically a "short url", you adding "wiki" in here requires some form of short url manipulation. [20:17:33] I can show htacess showing I did not do any altering [20:17:49] Is this running on a bare metal server? [20:18:02] VPS [20:18:19] So fully manual configuration not a web host [20:18:21] I don't know how to say this without sounding rude, so it isn't meant to sound rude, but please read what has been said above. [20:19:09] [1/4] you probably wan't something like [20:19:10] [2/4] ```php [20:19:10] [3/4] $wgArticlePath = '/wiki/index.php/$1; [20:19:10] [4/4] ``` [20:20:40] [1/5] $wgScriptPath = "/taerelwiki"; [20:20:40] [2/5] ## The protocol and server name to use in fully-qualified URLs [20:20:40] [3/5] $wgServer = "[url stuff]://Taerel.com"; [20:20:41] [4/5] ## The URL path to static resources (images, scripts, etc.) [20:20:41] [5/5] $wgResourceBasePath = $wgScriptPath; [20:21:55] There is no $wgArticlePath = '/wiki/index.php/$1; [20:22:59] I just want a matching regex, NOT stuff avout setting up short urls [20:24:01] you're not understanding [20:24:27] you need to configure some sort of rewriting using $wgArticlePath to achieve what you want. [20:24:32] UGH;. [20:25:08] you have not specified anything for $wgArticlePath, which is where your issue probably lies. [20:26:00] @pixldev how does one do this https://github.com/pixDeVl/pixDeVl/blob/main/README.md [20:26:13] which part [20:26:20] the discord link? [20:26:29] the readme sorry [20:26:35] ye [20:26:41] i mean which part of the readme [20:26:47] oh heh [20:26:49] the stats bit [20:26:49] the quote grade or discord [20:27:07] like this https://camo.githubusercontent.com/edd1f01793c867193c424dc7dce8f056abfeb6c59cb36f643ef7d75f63d1dc9c/68747470733a2f2f6769746875622d726561646d652d73746174732e76657263656c2e6170702f6170693f757365726e616d653d7069786465766c267468656d653d6d69646e696768742d707572706c652673686f775f69636f6e733d74727565 [20:27:24] https://github.com/anuraghazra/github-readme-stats [20:27:45] ah ty! [20:27:45] for me `![pixDeVl's GitHub stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=pixdevl&theme=midnight-purple&show_icons=true)` [20:28:22] could also self host [20:28:27] same with the discord one [20:28:43] gonna try this hehe [20:29:52] whats your grade lol [20:30:49] grade? [20:31:50] oh C+ [20:32:13] dang [20:33:09] I dont really use github tho [21:15:43] there's a publication in a peer-reviewed journal that uses Miraheze! https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-02138-x "Infectiousness of SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections and reinfections during the Omicron wave". it used data from a miraheze wiki by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, but it's gone now [21:16:22] bruh [21:20:16] Added to bibliography [22:41:17] me rn https://imgflip.com/i/8ifn3v [22:42:42] what program was you looking at? [22:46:45] it's made by fandom [22:46:50] should explain it well enoguh [22:48:23] [1/2] (lol its this thing) [22:48:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1215430877253869578/wLsLH8p.png?ex=65fcb936&is=65ea4436&hm=17700b626154e73c60c54029caf74d7459b912f44678d405dcd174750597389d& [22:48:33] well the backend scoring thing [22:48:44] https://github.com/soap-team/cynthia was bored [22:49:07] I tried to set it up back in january actually [22:49:20] but the revscoring package is so infernal hard ot install [22:49:27] I spend hours and it didnt work [22:53:32] Oh its made by Jr Mime [22:53:38] Using Wikimedias ORES [22:53:43] Its a total mess [22:54:09] They already approached us to have it monitor miraheze and were declined because its a mess [22:54:15] i only make messes so I can't judge [22:54:32] yeah Rhinos mentioned that the first time I mentioned it [22:54:44] still that was definitly nice of them to offer [22:55:42] lots of neat people in the fandom community ngl, the company is the one to blame down with the tryany!!111 lol [22:56:11] I actually talked with one of the devs(noreplyz) when trying to set it up [22:56:21] were very cool [22:57:27] Noreplyz is really nice yeah [22:57:35] The dev community at Fandom is pretty neat [22:57:41] Shame Fandom has driven a lot of them away [22:58:42] also they took fucking notes on cynthia when deving 😭😭😭🫡🫡🫡🫡 [22:58:50] my adhd ass could never [22:58:53] Also a shame that they haven't made UCP open source which also threw off a couple of users who contributed to the core repo [23:00:26] i go to sleep and dream about the day some rouge fandom executive/sr dev goes onto github and unchecks private on all the repos [23:15:29] one may dream [23:20:07] would still be the issue of licensing [23:32:50] Fandom licenses most of its extensions under GPL which is so odd that theyre kept private [23:33:12] wait wait wait [23:33:25] legally they are under an open license [23:33:30] but they just [23:33:33] Yup [23:33:34] dont give the code..? [23:33:41] what the fuuck [23:33:45] isnt that like [23:33:47] oh idfk [23:33:50] illegal? [23:33:58] Must he Brandon Rhea at the helm of these decisions [23:34:07] Only reasonabme explanation for such stupid behaviour [23:34:19] also means that if this happened it could technically work and I love that [23:34:51] Some are also under Apache [23:35:06] I think they just go with whatever sounds best [23:35:24] me thinks the license were decided by marketting and not legal [23:35:54] Technically they should be chosen by whoever wrote the code [23:36:18] tEcHnIcAlLy [23:37:30] What i find the funniest is their ad repository is the most active public repo 😭🤣 [23:37:59] their ad repo? [23:38:03] like the software? [23:38:35] https://github.com/Wikia/ad-engine [23:39:36] sigh [23:40:06] Ironic [23:40:43] this- this feels intentional [23:41:21] Probably, its not useful to anyone because its tied to Fandom specific account etc so probs why they keep it public