[00:23:47] [1/2] @brandon.wm here try this for bot [00:23:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216542049831223306/rI1YcCM.png?ex=6600c412&is=65ee4f12&hm=4a54c3834d9a5924de39cda0f0060e863d791ac6974defdadf40e9a561320b47& [00:23:50] 300x300 [00:24:03] for bot [00:24:08] If needed I can make smaller [00:24:33] hm [00:24:35] testing [00:24:42] god damn it [00:24:49] the nitro one seems corrupted [00:24:59] done [00:25:01] perfect [00:25:04] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216542373085970547/f8D98tj.png?ex=6600c460&is=65ee4f60&hm=fbeaab8922ccf09380a803b3cc91efba615604a808b34c1393bd3e2b56b78aa3& [00:25:07] @Dyno ping [00:25:08] Pong! [00:25:12] ooooooo [00:25:16] let me try a full sized [00:25:18] see if it works [00:25:21] can we fix that GR though [00:25:46] give image [00:25:52] hang on [00:25:58] [1/2] 2000x000 [00:25:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216542600912437258/lYwOnFK.png?ex=6600c496&is=65ee4f96&hm=7bc2a0f0c38003964d763e96b9c1a0ba195f0a10bc005146693317d12fb6e724& [00:26:13] the actually base size is 2700 [00:26:22] https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Miraheze_Global_Rollbacker.png [00:26:28] we gotta fix it to other sizes [00:26:57] im not sure why i bothered to add detail [00:28:26] 400x400? [00:28:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216543262794321921/fQ5FNQo.png?ex=6600c534&is=65ee5034&hm=3345992a27f7b54d18a0ddbb9ed5533ab33e53bcf7d4fde1256e1a51a874abc5& [00:28:48] don’t know. you should check the other images [00:29:17] too much work [00:29:23] cross my heart and both for the best [00:29:28] now thats my style [00:29:45] [1/2] try [00:29:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216543550389358592/Kecs5oD.png?ex=6600c578&is=65ee5078&hm=bd6d5e4fb13a9addd5740a0b71415119f373c1cf871814d72f10f9b320651f48& [00:30:33] still a little small but no matter [00:30:36] yes [00:30:51] if i make it any smaller it wont be square or itll cut [00:31:02] yeah it's fine [00:31:51] okay [00:32:07] [1/2] try- [00:32:08] [2/2] WHY [00:32:14] STOP WITH THE WHITE BACGROUNDS [00:32:26] lmao [00:32:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216544295000080464/Tj6A5Pg.png?ex=6600c62a&is=65ee512a&hm=e916d08f68ad7d98fa23870c6125d5b875a083a529b7cdb53fc0c31d0af6fda4& [00:32:45] .. [00:32:52] THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT [00:34:27] [1/2] try this for now ig [00:34:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216544734000971776/1WrM8as.png?ex=6600c692&is=65ee5192&hm=1b77df1317d325ce7506feb8c1e89d4e42d5c09e92682c76060e0f5d15e02d82& [00:34:29] im fuming [00:38:37] [1/2] work around achevied [00:38:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216545783479013456/uXJlUc2.png?ex=6600c78d&is=65ee528d&hm=e5317c09922bf5f95d479c8edb4abf61b54bf93d8736375f93600528791606ef& [00:38:48] @brandon.wm fresh off the grill! [00:38:59] for what [00:39:04] CSS/JS [00:39:22] bigger than 256 KB [00:39:35] grrrrrrrrrrr [00:39:43] I am going to murder [00:40:06] [1/2] try as a temp to see how big [00:40:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216546152216793148/tHzcSmg.png?ex=6600c7e5&is=65ee52e5&hm=cd0b26eed9d39e0d6efd8ea3feef4b7eb58aa8e4d4c3192bdf8e9c2723a7021e& [00:40:11] this is 2000x2000 [00:40:18] i wanna know if this fits [00:40:31] [1/2] doubt [00:40:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216546262749282394/image.png?ex=6600c7ff&is=65ee52ff&hm=315f8267b0cf3c46b2ff1e9ef7ccc9c55a701bbad55e277787e6fedcce43457f& [00:40:49] why [00:41:24] nevermind.... [00:42:20] [1/2] this fit? [00:42:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216546717172895874/mirajscss.png?ex=6600c86b&is=65ee536b&hm=cc4440a8c1ef8d321e0d5c124e76b0b0f0b01e9e9dcab1dd21380cafcdd782af& [00:42:32] I can't tell if it fixed it or if it didnt override the old image [00:43:07] it's 800x800 instead of 2048x2048 so it is smaller [00:43:39] yes [00:43:47] woo! [00:43:51] found hte issue i tihnk [00:43:57] it fixes when I export as a smaller size [00:43:58] maybe [00:44:00] ? [00:44:04] it works [00:44:12] ebyam? [00:44:24] iuo oui [00:46:39] GUY ITS ARNOLD AND DANNY DEVITO [00:52:52] [1/2] @brandon.wm thoughts [00:52:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216549369667518524/KHsYbKc.png?ex=6600cae4&is=65ee55e4&hm=b015bcd96d0935b4e7310de62cb5f6500d5994328678761651cc12c10678cabe& [00:52:58] based on the mediawiki logo [00:53:28] If autumn was a miraheze logo it would be this logo [00:54:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216549790213734500/OcZdsFW.png?ex=6600cb48&is=65ee5648&hm=0838d8d02fd8ee8fba1bf68a3d09c85b119ac4597dad5d60c4a14c8105e9eb1b& [00:55:06] sure [00:55:14] i’m mobile though so ping me in a few hours [00:56:43] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216550337721139370/6uedanU.png?ex=6600cbca&is=65ee56ca&hm=06c84ca19510f6f716d057b7f85fac236d153cc034c2ea3c0423f57bff30ffae& [00:56:57] oh but i like sleeping at mid night :( [00:57:15] we should add a remind bot [00:57:52] @Dyno remindme 4h logo [00:57:56] .. [00:58:03] *remindme 4h hey [00:58:08] cough [00:58:09] um [00:58:27] /remindme [00:58:34] use the / [00:58:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216550828912148601/azznRaa.png?ex=6600cc40&is=65ee5740&hm=73b883c7b61960097a0522a382087583714db510cbb75f1e678c60ac3ac6c988& [00:58:41] fixed [00:58:46] was a spot i missed [01:00:25] excited to see how it looks [01:00:34] need one for donars [01:25:54] the real disconnect can lead to clarity [01:26:16] definitely not speaking from 7 months of experience [01:36:36] Ah yes my favorite thing to do at 9:30 at night [01:36:46] Report swastikas to FANDOM [01:36:48] 😄 [01:52:22] [1/2] I'm sorry to tell you, but there's another [01:52:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216564342418571304/Screenshot_20240310-205144.png?ex=6600d8d5&is=65ee63d5&hm=5b6ada4553ae3a8f2d54928c3a86d187c88819ec6850394c38ac03782762a835& [04:21:38] <.labster, replying to pixldev> I’d make the middle hex have an empty circle in the middle like the MW logo (also like a hex nut) [04:23:34] <.labster> Or possibly inscribe a larger circle that rounds the inner edges of the outer hexes [05:54:05] Done pending changes [06:15:21] oooo [06:15:25] I like this [06:16:33] I still think something like a paintbrush+pallet would be better than book for CSS/JS [06:20:20] Hillo [06:21:12] The miraheze can all independent global languages wikis? [06:21:41] https://worldpedia.miraheze.org/wiki/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E5%A4%A7%E5%85%B8:%E9%A6%96%E9%A0%81?variant=zh-hant [06:21:53] Thanks [06:32:53] Like to Wikipedia that [06:33:22] Can create 355 languages wikis [06:33:33] Miraheze can do? [06:36:59] You can search languages wikipedia [06:37:12] You can my mean. [06:38:57] Is your language Chinese? [06:39:06] Yes [06:39:25] My wiki want to build global wikis [06:39:39] Can you help me? [06:39:46] I from taiwan [06:40:10] I'm sorry but I don't really understand what you're saying because of a language gap, I think @kiju1108 speaks Chinese and might be able to help you with your issue [06:40:24] Wait to see if they respond [06:40:39] If you're asking about wikis in languages like Chinese yes you can [06:41:33] Ok thanks [06:43:01] 請問@1108-kiju他會上線嗎? [06:43:08] 今天 [06:44:44] @msnhinet8 问题是什么呢? [06:56:07] this is not the first time he asks about having over300 of languages like Wikipedia, and he at keast twice he was told to use Translate extension, because no way he'll be allowed to create each separate version of the wiki in such quantities [07:04:31] Going to say right now, this was asked for before and the answer is still no, we are not allowing a single person to request (and create) 355 wikis on the same topic in different languages. [07:06:30] [1/2] also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the wiki in question comes off as Wikipedia clone [07:06:30] [2/2] unless it's the same case as w/ Indonesian Wikipedia hosted on Miraheze [07:07:01] 我還是滿希望miraheze可以開放 [07:07:51] 如果打擾到大家真的很抱歉 [07:08:28] please use on your wiki which already exists [07:09:20] 雖然這不是我需要的 謝謝 [07:10:46] what is the theme of your wiki? [07:11:27] My wiki is like to wikipedia that theme. [07:12:02] It not clone wiki [07:12:25] [1/2] do you know that general encyclopedia wikis - like Wikipedia, are not allowed on Miraheze? [07:12:26] [2/2] unless it's a language community which can't afford servers like Indonesian Wikipedia [07:12:55] I don't know. [07:13:25] You've got seven wikis you're a bureaucrat on already, and a trail of requests that spans three pages. Further projects are extremely unlikely to be approved without substantial reasons provided. I'd strongly encourage you to focus efforts on developing the remaining open projects. [07:14:26] [1/2] if it's one language that is not currently represented on Wikimedia you can have the wiki [07:14:26] [2/2] but this way you can't - and don't need to, have 355 versions of your wiki - because there is already Wikipedia [07:15:05] Ok thanks [07:15:17] please listen to NotAcharam as well [08:18:16] even if it was another language of a not-wikipedia it would likely be struck down as simply too broad [09:23:07] Indeed, I would decline it to as a too wide of range of scope. [13:46:17] I had a blood test today - was not that bad really [14:05:11] Also, I do know MediaWiki on Windows appears unstable when (I truied [14:57:44] Noted [14:58:15] That’s a good idea [14:58:33] Thanks [14:58:38] ? [15:00:05] Probably because no-one is developing or deploying a wiki on Windows [15:00:54] wikis run mostly on some flavor of Unix, mostly Linux, so most development is also done on Linux, if nothing so that it matches more a real prod environment [15:03:45] [1/2] ^, and apprarently Windows cache is pretty bad for these type of applications. [15:03:46] [2/2] Unless the app is highly optimized for telling Windows to cache the wiki, Windows is sucks. [15:04:02] Also uh to meta admins https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Sakananigate [15:04:16] Someone messing around it seems [15:04:24] just a draft [15:04:26] chill [15:04:43] Yeah I know [15:04:49] maybe they're planning smth [15:04:52] It seems to be a test though [15:04:56] Oh possible [15:05:03] I may have been bot trigger happy [15:05:19] Just noticed a red link user making an RFC with their name so [15:05:33] Thought I’d mention at least [15:17:54] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/786615849921675294/1216543845823549573 dang I missed my promotion [15:20:15] I did manage to set it up on Windows. Why would people not host MediaWiki on Windows? [15:20:32] What is wrong with the windows cache? [15:20:44] windows server sux [15:21:02] All my homies hate windows server [15:21:06] Linux on top [15:21:14] MW doesn't support SQL Server as well, so you'll end up running MariaDB anyway [15:22:04] so at that point whatever advantage you gain from using Windows server is deleted from existence [15:22:12] Kinda dumb, usually only works with normal application and not MW [15:22:41] I think most of web hosting applications also very slow on Windows [15:25:08] I kinda agree there, Windows seesm pretty heavy as well [15:27:47] I have noted that Windows aways seems slower for me, I hate Windows Updates (Configering update 1 of 264 = Ugh) [15:28:31] Most of Windows update these days are quite fast [15:28:45] But yeah just use Linux [15:28:53] I used Windows 7 when I used Windows. [15:29:26] I moved to Linux when I found a former freind on IRC and he conviced me to try Linux [15:31:11] No idea every time I tried Linux, the software is crazy buggy [15:31:33] 💀 [15:31:47] Most of laptops are built for Windows, not Linux [15:32:19] I think HP and Dell laptops works well with Linux but not Asus, Acer, MSI, GB, etc... [15:32:33] picking any generic laptop and installing Linux on it is asking for trouble, especially with WiFi/BT drivers [15:33:27] My Dell Inpisron N5050 (I miss it) worked well on Linux. So did a small HP computer. My currant one is a custom build [15:33:37] WiFi/BT drivers are pretty fine if you got one with Intel [15:33:45] The driver is open-source [15:34:10] My CPU is an intel one [15:50:26] [1/2] (not) fun fact: Wikimedia can't technically use the domain `wikimedia.vn`, for this particular reason: [15:50:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216775248868016178/Q.png?ex=66019d41&is=65ef2841&hm=7b32c84d8826454cdc014b0f848ddca63ebc9ff45fff12737ee3c0c96e6ddef7& [15:50:39] I'm sorry but I have to warn ya [15:50:45] DON'T GO TO IT [15:51:27] You are causing people to want to do exactly that.. [15:53:55] I've been very lucky in this regard, got a streak of 3 standard win laptops converted to linux (mint seems to be the best ootb balance) [15:54:33] But I expressly avoid the very cheapest and the very newest [15:55:15] I mean, I think my custom built PC works well with Linux [16:16:04] Curious to see what that deleted message was 👀 [16:16:41] These new role icons are looking really good 👍 [16:19:35] Agreed.\ [16:54:10] Ty [17:25:12] [1/2] sa ka na ni ga te [17:25:12] [2/2] japanese? [17:25:40] Não só japonês. Não sei [17:26:51] I can see it though [17:26:57] yea [17:27:13] さかなにがて [17:27:44] [1/2] not a word ig [17:27:44] [2/2] https://jisho.org/search/%E3%81%95%E3%81%8B%E3%81%AA%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8C%E3%81%A6 [17:29:10] Does anyone else ever think that British English "localisation" sounds like it reads as "localiさtion" instead of "localizaytion"? [17:45:24] [1/2] based on context, it seems to be 魚苦手 (sakana nigate) [17:45:24] [2/2] 魚 means fish, 苦手 can indicate not being good at something or not particularly liking it [17:45:59] I see [17:45:59] Thanks [17:47:59] :BagThumbsUp: still studying JPN myself (took 4 semesters at university but stopped due to circumstance + JPN not being my focus) [17:56:39] Very cool [17:57:11] I like anime, manga, and some Japanese games so the Japanese language is interesting to me [17:57:35] I haven't studied very frequently though because I've been busy irl with other things [19:24:08] Huh, just saw {{Support}} was case sensitive and had more text for catching both variants, thanks Silicona for fixing that [19:24:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Support [19:24:09] [19:24:39] Ah, dang, Thanks extension isn’t enabled on meta [19:25:18] Wait [19:25:29] Maybe it has something to do with not being logged in… [20:19:24] I managed to get Java Wiki Broswer working on one of myu wikis [20:19:53] Huh [20:19:58] You mean JavaScript? [20:22:00] Yes [20:23:30] Ah [20:23:38] How much of a hassle was it [20:24:46] A bit of a hassle [20:25:11] Hm [20:25:17] I may try it out one day [20:28:59] Javascript can be fun, if you know what it does, and you can copy it from somewhere 😄 [20:29:20] On WIkipedia, you should visit User:Krinkle [20:29:51] Oki [20:29:53] meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/user:krinkle [20:30:06] Meta or enwiki [20:30:13] meta [20:30:19] His global account [20:31:01] Ah [20:31:07] It’s a global page anyways [20:33:14] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:PrefixIndex/User:Krinkle [20:33:26] Easier [20:33:40] He has loads of useful scripts [20:33:43] Ah [20:35:26] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Krinkle/Tools He has a list here [20:37:04] Lot's of what he has written is now standard in WikiMedia [20:37:14] MediaWiki 😄 [20:38:34] Which ironically makes them redundant as scripts [20:39:35] I may look for more RC patrol scripts that work on Miraheze [20:39:35] Correct [20:39:47] I need to bully twinkle into working as well [20:39:56] I geuss that is one way of putting it, another would be this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRWE5tnaxlI [20:40:04] twinkle is popular on meta [20:40:19] I enabled the gadget but it don’t work >:( [20:40:29] there's stuff on dev wiki related to it iirc [20:40:31] OS suggested looking at the browser console [20:40:42] you know I've been around this long and done almost literally nothing with userscripts [20:41:00] I use some on fandom [20:41:16] I probably should, I've done some impressively boring menial things [20:41:16] One of which is a fork ish of something OA wrote a while ago [20:41:28] Adds quick actions [20:41:41] Super useful for me considering how much I need to add templates to pages [20:41:46] Ie format stub [20:42:42] https://jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Rodejong/vector-2022.js [20:43:03] I still use it, Especially for edit window [20:43:08] I know Ro is a fan of them lol [20:43:13] Extra buttons is sooo usefull [20:43:20] https://tenor.com/view/mine-now-steal-take-grab-mine-gif-13196166 [20:43:46] Hippity hoppity your scripts are now my property [20:45:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216849602846785616/image.png?ex=6601e281&is=65ef6d81&hm=8658422633b3211d2abc1b1d7bf3f3d43b8dabcf0282611ba786645d407e87e0& [20:46:28] Always handy with extra links with an icon [20:46:54] Huh [21:34:58] [1/2] like? [21:34:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216861950609461380/QWMC2mk.png?ex=6601ee01&is=65ef7901&hm=bcf46d5820fba61fcc49ed66e0cfbaaa9048efc65ebeae415e559d368663b862& [21:35:07] it do look like a flower [21:35:51] also so i dont have to deal with picking a color for the center [21:35:55] :p [21:36:18] i hate having to pick a color from a side to be the center [21:36:19] The idea is nice but the logo is not really readily available for modifications for group logos [21:36:22] feels unbalanced [21:36:33] hm? [21:36:47] The Miraheze logo isn't versatile [21:37:11] yeah im shocked i managed as much as I did with the others [21:37:13] like, with the WikiTide logo, you could modify the concept and the guitar pick shape of the logo to create some nice derivatives [21:37:26] Miraheze logo... not so much [21:37:32] the board icon using the hexes like seats at a table was neat [21:38:20] you can clip parts of it, stick things on top, and change the color/texture [21:38:21] bout it [21:38:39] or disassemble it [21:39:08] I don't think we can retain the current icons for too long [21:39:13] consensus among mods is to revert [21:39:17] but it was a nice attempt [21:39:30] goes to show that the logo isn't versatile \:( [21:41:14] Hey, I'm not sure where to bring this up, but it appears for the time being I have lost access to one of my GitHub accounts. It was the one I was using to donate as well. My main computer is...out of commission at the moment too, so I have no real way of getting back on it. (Thanks 2FA.) [21:41:57] Tl;dr - I will likely use the new account to sponsor with. [21:49:14] https://tenor.com/view/pepe-crying-cry-tears-sad-gif-15565723 [21:49:27] dang 😔 [21:49:33] any spared? [21:49:45] probably not [21:49:48] cri [21:49:54] default emoji cringe it is [21:50:01] yeah, unfortunately [21:50:31] shame, the nitro and mediawiki ones looked so good 😔 [21:53:07] lack of appreciation for the arts in the modern day aside how da fuc did we get 144 requests on SR/UD in 6 damned days [21:53:34] we gonna need archive bot to go ham like christ [21:54:35] Nitro did look good but the Miraheze logo makes it easy for n00bz to think they're official authority [21:54:58] did it really get bombarded? [21:55:47] fair.. [21:56:13] if thats the logic some of the volenteer ones could prob stay [21:56:27] or remade to have the same elements minus the mh logo [21:56:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1216867445470527608/DY2A75l.png?ex=6601f31f&is=65ef7e1f&hm=e47576778ac7ad8546fb56e18becc00b049d137ac5b9816ea68c9d16ca2d5d96& [21:57:08] somehow only one person placed theirs on the top [21:57:20] that wasnt fixed before I saw at least [21:57:35] they also managed to put the subdomain and reason in comments [21:57:37] interesting [21:58:46] It could one of many things [21:58:53] either the wiki deletion bug hit hard [21:59:01] likely [21:59:18] There's still a task stalled about recent changes being corrupted/wiped [21:59:19] so [21:59:31] lots of wiki prob bit it [21:59:52] Remember how we used to say 8k wikis on main page? [21:59:55] yeah its 5 now [21:59:59] idk if thats something else or [22:00:15] or the rename of the SN made everything easier and more intuitive so people know where to go now [22:00:20] wow that message sent so late [22:00:31] welcome to discord.. [22:00:37] eh idk [22:00:48] That was operator error though [22:00:58] It affected wikis that had misconfigured wgRCMaxAge [22:00:58] ❓ [22:01:04] oh [22:01:13] Some people just press buttons because they can [22:01:16] Did it say in the task and I missed [22:01:18] I don't blame them, I do too [22:01:22] ............. [22:01:25] totally not me [22:01:34] I do prefer the new wc icon [22:01:41] anyways whats up with the 8 to 5 k thou [22:01:46] but that's just because I found the old wc icon pretty meh and this one's just mirahezy [22:01:55] oh that one was garbage [22:02:11] if these do get reverted I will not die until i replace them with something that works [22:03:15] mass message everyone a survey bam [22:03:41] I agree [22:03:49] both icons suck but the new one sucks less [22:04:01] the deletion script ran I think [22:04:08] I choice to take that as a complement [22:04:13] oh, what happened was that closed wikis were deleted, that's it [22:04:23] ah [22:04:27] I'm talking about the WC icon [22:04:29] I think I made it? [22:04:47] I might be thinking about the Moving to Miraheze page icon though [22:05:01] a dedicated channel to server matters might be nice tbh [22:05:12] role icons among its topics [22:05:55] I've wanted to suggest a channel for suggesting suggestions, but there's no suggestion channel for those suggestions. [22:06:59] what are the mentioned issues btw? anything fixable? [22:08:18] then I shall suggest a channel to suggest further suggestions in a suggestively open area [22:08:31] I endorse this suggestions [22:09:37] They're confusing and some not super well designed [22:10:00] mainly the discord themed ones(colored) or wiki themed(ie wiki creator steward) [22:10:45] Great suggestions about the suggestion of suggestions. I'd suggest suggesting this suggestion to a Discord mod. [22:11:20] I'd suggest considering we have a discord admin here to hear our suggestions [22:12:01] further discussion on the design of them might be fruitful [22:12:18] I just wanted an excuse to use the word suggestion 😆 [22:12:35] lmao [22:12:38] Don't we all [22:13:09] I did think about creating a #feedback or #server-discussion channel as existed on the WikiTide server but I've found those channels are chronically dead until they're sporadically given life for a day or two and then they die again for months [22:13:27] I advice the advisor to advice the head advisor to advice the advisor to advice me whatever there is to advice [22:13:42] good advice [22:13:57] not the worst channel to be intermittent tbh, it could also be meta/a discord community portal of sorts [22:14:20] though that may overlap somewhat with #general (then again it truly is a whatever channel short of the ot) [22:14:48] maybe a forum channel like Community Portal but discord [22:15:58] A thread could also always work [22:16:07] eh [22:16:19] a thread I strictly expect to die/get forgotten with little chance of restoration [22:16:42] amen [22:19:21] <.labster, replying to pixldev> yep, that exactly [22:20:58] <.labster, replying to rodejong> https://d.justpo.st/media/images/2013/01/2115b9a6173682abdaadf4d093b8c8e9.jpg [22:21:04] cool [22:22:02] twinkle work please [22:22:05] stop being goofy [22:23:22] do the modules need to be individually installed or smt [22:23:53] <.labster> I think Agent is wrong, the Miraheze logo is a little bit more versatile than the WikiTide logo, because there's a lot you can do with simple shapes. It doesn't necessarily mean better. [22:55:10] It’s back 😔 [23:04:30] You can take apart the Miraheze logo and the hexagons to form something, yeah [23:04:41] but then it's just a hexagon with a modification [23:05:49] No its 5 yellow and one less yellow hexagons [23:06:07] New Miraheze tagline: hexagon with a modification [23:06:15] It's not entirely impossible to put a spin on the logo but it's harder [23:06:30] The DevWiki logo is an example [23:06:35] Yeah [23:14:28] I hate the dev logo [23:14:57] it's one of the nicer ones [23:14:57] Miraheze is bright colours, and then there is Dev in black [23:15:21] the logo I really don't like is Commons [23:15:27] It's invisible as favicon in dark mode [23:15:32] fair [23:16:16] The commons follows WM commons. Also blue. Easy recognisable [23:16:28] But a bad colour indeed [23:16:36] indeed but it's so bland [23:16:44] yup [23:17:03] WM Commons' logo at least has a meaning [23:17:08] [1/2] I am not a graphic man, I never could create something [23:17:08] [2/2] Wish I could [23:17:29] graphic designers run low at Miraheze lol [23:18:27] I can see great ideas in my head, but unable to put it on my computer 😄 [23:18:45] Miraheze is hexagons [23:18:56] But they look also like a beehyve [23:19:26] Bees are workers [23:20:00] So put a bee with a camera on the hyve, and you're there 😄 [23:20:02] lol [23:47:19] @globe_x Please tell me more about the wiki farm [23:48:20] Its basic right now [23:48:38] We just started a few months ago and just got createwiki to work this week [23:49:00] We have a stricter content policy and only allow wikis with extremly well thought out ideas to be created [23:49:15] We don't want wikis that will stay stagnet forever [23:49:15] So why your farm over Miraheze? [23:50:23] You get access to users that can help you build your wiki from the ground up [23:50:40] Because we're so small, we have the resources to help our wiki owners to grow their communities [23:51:41] We've got other things in the works, and lots of possibilities upon request. One idea I had was to allow trusted wiki owners additional control of their wikis. [23:52:26] it's a new flavor of apple, maybe it'll have an audience but time will tell [23:52:26] Also, would "all rights reserved" wikis be allowed in thoery? [23:52:49] And what do you mean by additional control of their wikis? [23:55:13] Yes if all contents created by yourself [23:55:38] WikiTide 2.0 [23:59:23] My wikis would not fit given the way they are written by freelancers hired online