[01:17:05] who here ever play Magic: The Gathering? [01:17:08] curious [01:59:27] My terminal wants to go amber when it's battery runs out and it forgets all it's settings. [01:59:59] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223089239479029790/image.png?ex=6618959e&is=6606209e&hm=4cd14667605a11096d0ab70b1ace8c8a789bc4dc17d9fdfac91c93eae5c17654& [02:14:01] Awesome stuff [02:14:25] My MainPage has a terminal box πŸ˜„ [02:14:35] https://jwmeeting.miraheze.org/ [02:15:04] Look at the bottom [02:38:36] But I want to participate in RfC's with one. [03:36:50] <.labster, replying to pixldev> I played back in 4th edition, but I never got into the game that much. Got out after spending about $100, which I consider pretty lucky for that hobby. [03:38:04] I'm not sure how much I've spent. It's not a lot im not a big spender, I don't buy games theses days. I have like one deck I bought supplemented with some boosters and a nice box [03:38:25] its been so long since ive played kinda forgot the rules lol [03:38:42] Ive also always been garbage at deck building [03:39:02] a friend helped me pick my best cards and purge the garbage [03:39:02] <.labster> I mean, when I played we had Instants and Interrupts so it's probably easier now [05:19:13] People buy me games. If you want to play vidya with me you buy me the vidya. That's how I was forced Ready Or Not upon me [05:19:46] The only games I bought are those that I actually care about and spend 1000+ hours in [12:15:42] @agentisai could you add a WikiTide Transfer tag to #support for organization sake? I have perms to edit tags on posts so I can mark them if I see any [12:22:47] Or any discord admin or mod [12:22:55] I don’t wanna ping [12:28:24] Perhaps 1108-Kiju? [12:28:48] Nope [12:28:57] Ironically stewards have absolutely zero discord perms [12:29:08] ah [12:29:15] To my knowledge by looking at the permissions data through black magic [12:29:26] Only roles, excluding bot ones, with perms [12:29:27] NDKilla then? [12:31:38] Discord Admin(Administrator aka all rights), Moderator(most rights, minus manage server), and MWTSV(manage messages and threads in support) [12:32:10] She can do it [12:32:20] Actually technically speaking she has the same rights as admins [12:32:39] Because the administrator role gives all rights and bypasses all restrictions [12:33:06] Then go ahead and Ping πŸ˜„ [12:33:39] A role with admin is bound only by users with a higher role, which is why discord manager exists. If pens highest role is admin, they can’t give someone else admin [12:33:41] The more you know [12:34:00] Fine fine [12:34:51] @Discord Administrators? :nomChocoStrawberry: thanks in advance [12:35:03] (Technically mods can do it too but whxusindrij$ [12:42:43] Boarding a flight to London, god there’s so much British accents already it feels weird as heck lol [12:44:13] time to unleash the worlds slowest 200% synchronous bot again lol [12:45:30] British accents are the best accents [12:45:48] Especially the Yorkshire accents [12:46:08] Being in London is going to be so weird [12:56:25] Remember to walk on the left side [13:02:10] Done [13:02:32] https://tenor.com/view/praying-cat-please-thank-you-thanks-gif-16119732 [13:05:11] Added to all the ones I saw [13:09:47] We fly πŸ›« [13:31:05] Wait, so people in London / the UK drive on the left side too? [13:36:01] yes. [13:36:08] the correct side of the road to drive on. [13:39:47] So same as in South Africa~ [13:40:08] Though I have seen some people driving on the wrong side of the road here on occasion πŸ’€ [13:44:58] The countries where they drive left, have all been under British rule as far as I know. So that's why SA for example drives on the left side. [13:45:25] I keep forgetting that πŸ˜“ [13:46:08] Britain ruled a lot [13:46:20] Now our government have no idea how to wipe their own ass [13:47:20] If the Dutch hadn't lost to Britain in the 1700's, we'd all speak Dutch an drive on the right, and everyone would use Metric and Kph. Etc. But noooo. The Brits had to spoil the party πŸ˜„ [13:54:07] I don't live in the UK but there's a British store nearby and the confusion between locals walking on the right side of the aisle vs. British expats walking on the left is amusing to witness [16:05:18] POV! [16:06:31] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223302280141340683/image.png?ex=66195c07&is=6606e707&hm=23a59fa01cbed15333c4f5f6abc795984f3f0b3409fe1a018b56f361a982fbdc& [16:25:39] Yes, all the sensible countries driving on the left. [16:26:36] However, the majority is driving on the right side of the road. [16:27:08] I think that map is a bit misleading, since a lot of those countries don't even have "roads" [16:27:40] My worst nightmare would be driving somewhere like India [16:27:48] everyone is so savage and just drives wherever there is spacw [16:31:49] While it is true that some countries have carriageways and others have roadways, most places on the map have at least one place where consesus is needed on which side to drive. [16:32:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223308791290921101/image.png?ex=66196217&is=6606ed17&hm=6e441102ab70bc82a3b181c6c7f34134f41d371dfdce616d81a284f08478a545& [16:33:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223309032631177256/image.png?ex=66196251&is=6606ed51&hm=7c810fdfd9aa900dfc1f4d956eba609ae80f47cded7ec0cda3bab61804690006& [16:40:53] [1/5] Any idea why this happens? It happens whenever I try to use my VM. I've already tried reinstalling the VM and doing sfc /scannow. All the built in UI breaks like this. [16:40:53] [2/5] It's also not possible to search in the start menu, it stops being responsive after entering one character and no results show up, sometimes the start menu disappears. [16:40:53] [3/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223310925633945682/image.png?ex=66196414&is=6606ef14&hm=ba05bfdb9db0b4cd9a80c011ed9bd96cbb0574f81c75b9af2ecf6e041393bf7b& [16:40:54] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223310925990334494/image.png?ex=66196414&is=6606ef14&hm=5770c3463752e97821e566b1da9fbe420815a30b6b5c2d464fba1c6350c89c1f& [16:40:54] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223310926426406964/image.png?ex=66196414&is=6606ef14&hm=5fd9e6c2fff02850cb1a542bd9d20edd1363e099da6a0a6266a0627c3f446b15& [16:47:39] This looks like a badly designed mess. [16:51:28] there's no design in engineering [17:32:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223323822078296095/YJMCivRw5hRRiIKkWhAfNLjiyyLULdt3HM78x4ey2Wk.png?ex=66197017&is=6606fb17&hm=2baa969ee1e1755c5c52c9ac1fbe71ecde7abc7898804a3b64168513385c8617& [17:32:33] It's perfectly functional [17:32:47] perfectly functional and well designed are not one in the same [17:33:05] Hell yea look at that transport efficiency! The freedom to get from A to B in an automobile. [17:33:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223324135984201779/YJMCivRw5hRRiIKkWhAfNLjiyyLULdt3HM78x4ey2Wk.png?ex=66197062&is=6606fb62&hm=f8bbaeb4f5240ddd12086c3b2797204aa180ac85bbd79715ef9f328dfec0b911& [17:33:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223324211544719492/bi5yo8vx5f011.png?ex=66197074&is=6606fb74&hm=e13e693e81325763e900bcba436a72fcd14741d83ad40faadddb2e5222f02377& [17:38:36] [1/2] And the worst Roundabout πŸ˜„ [17:38:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1223325452752650250/image-378980.png?ex=6619719c&is=6606fc9c&hm=d7ebd7688da612fbad8bafcffb516d2549dab5f5d604b8bf5d81749dc898a90f& [17:38:53] In the UK of course [18:08:31] I am bored. What can I do with my wiki [18:10:25] Install the Coordination and Citation Templates [18:10:39] It will keep you busy for a while [18:11:08] Don't forget to inclued the dcumentation pages for more unnecessary templates and modules [18:11:11] πŸ˜‰ [18:12:00] What is the Coordination templates for [18:16:35] It will show the coordinates of a specific location. [18:16:36] https://jwmeeting.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Forde_200918.jpeg [18:16:53] 61Β° 27' 7.64" N, 5Β° 49' 47.89" E [18:17:40] You can paste that in Google Search or Google Maps, and it will directly show you where it is [18:17:59] https://www.google.com/search?q=61%C2%B0+27%27+7.64%22+N%2C+5%C2%B0+49%27+47.89%22+E&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 [18:18:15] How long did it take for you to set up? [18:19:14] I did it manually, couple of hours [18:21:08] I may work on a navbox for places once all places are done [18:25:48] Just look at how the infoboxes use them. You can add the coordinates on each page in the template, like I do. [18:27:14] Being fictional places, no need for it. I was thinking more "places by landmass" [18:28:56] I wonder if Dennmark still has large forests left [18:37:48] We do, mostly on Jutland [18:38:12] But Sweden and Norway have really large forrests. [18:41:51] Just sad as Bristish forests are small. [18:42:43] Are they? No large forrests left? [18:43:56] Maybe some [18:46:32] I do not think I have ever been in a forest that would take over a week to hike though [18:46:44] <.labster> In real life the Glorious Revolution caused the center of global trade to move from Amsterdam to London. Same as how the Scottish Stuart dynasty inheriting England caused Scotland to diminish in importance. But when playing NL in EU4 I always do what you said. [18:47:01] ? [18:47:14] <.labster, replying to rodejong> In real life the Glorious Revolution caused the center of global trade to move from Amsterdam to London. Same as how the Scottish Stuart dynasty inheriting England caused Scotland to diminish in importance. But when playing NL in EU4 I always do what you said. [18:48:58] Scotland is still ahead of the curve and is the model of what the British government should be imo. [18:52:58] [1/2] The Dutch Suffered their big loss in 1666. [18:52:58] [2/2] The fleet was attacked on the Vlie (Between Vlieland and Terschelling), and most ships were sunk. I've visited the museum on Terschelling a few times, where many of the remains of the ships and their content are on display. [18:53:30] The Brits burned the Town and it's lighthuse to the ground [18:54:45] The new Lighthouse was build then and is still the oldest lighthouse in working [18:57:04] <.labster> European history is a ton of stupid wars when they should have just been making money. [18:58:40] <.labster> But I guess when land is more valuable than anything else, and you don't have industrial infrastructure to protect, human life is cheap. It's amazing that wars in Europe have come to an end mostly because we have built machines more valuable than humans. [20:06:07] Indeed [20:07:23] But Since then, The Dutch have become world masters in Land protection against water (floods, storm surges, etc) [20:08:03] It's said: "God created the Earth, and the Dutch created the Netherlands" πŸ˜„