[01:29:24] we are all in the same boat now [01:34:26] [1/2] This is a question I have, a prompt I'd like to set forth before the community as there have been concerns raised both in my revocation thread and elsewhere, given....recent events. What would you say your current opinions are regarding the Board's recent actions, as a broad generalization? [01:34:26] [2/2] Not meant to single anyone out/take shots at people, so please don't, but please provide your thoughts. I'm curious. [01:45:39] I'm not gonna say too much since I believe there's more to this story the board will reveal through something or other. I think the rebrand was done with the benefit of the community in mind. To restate what I said before, it was both for the community['s benefit] and for the community [on its behalf]. In my opinion there should have been more [01:45:39] democracy to it, though some board members I have talked to privately have raised some good points imho. [01:47:36] Anyways @rhinosf1 https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AU7VT6cb6snAnmqnK_qT thoughts? :smile: [01:49:02] Also why does my brain go straight to CentralAuth with this https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AU7VT6cb6snAnmqnK_qT [02:03:03] Well would ya look at that random quip https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AWlURNlefM03vZ1oEumF that guy looks familiar :) (also *cough* agent) [03:37:49] https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/AU7VVZBN6snAnmqnK_w7 the great intelligence of the internet [03:38:52] ikr everyone mediawicci is only on the apple app store [03:39:04] also we should definitely host our own instance of https://github.com/bd808/quips [03:39:16] Rhinos proposed that today [03:39:16] or someone here should, just to add some really memorable moments from the server [03:39:21] Yeah I know [03:39:29] & from miraheze spaces in general [03:39:56] There's a discord bot I know that works kinda like it sending images of quotes to one channel [03:40:45] But I would like to self host. We definitely have the resources, but I think everyone with shell access has much better things to do. [03:41:13] So the alternative would be a community member hosting it themselves [03:41:17] I mean it's not really a good use of Miraheze resources because the IRS forms say that resources and assets are exclusively used for Miraheze's mission [03:41:27] I don't have a VPS or domain name so I can't host it myself unfortunately [03:41:47] What do you mean it's extreamly important [03:42:20] We are a volunteer run farm you telling me we can't put a bit of RAM towards morale? [03:43:21] I have a VPS prepaid until December(and will likely extend it) but I've never hosted a production facing website. I would like to learn though and this is no risk cause no private data [03:44:32] The only thing I don't have it sanity and a domain name. Luckily the former is a recommendation not a prerequisite so the only issue is the domain. [03:44:54] and that's an easy fix for no cost for me [03:46:19] GitHub gives me three differernt domains for free for a year(a .tech, .me and .live). There's also that site that provides free subdomains [03:49:18] Tomorrow i'll talk with some people in the community if there would be interest in this, maybe talk with the tech guys and give setting it up on my own server a shot and a half [03:50:12] if it don't combust I can slap on a domain using cloudflare as a proxy ~~and forget to enact any and all security practices for production websites~~ [03:52:14] [1/2] AI is fun [03:52:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231452408861950073/image.png?ex=6637026d&is=66248d6d&hm=c345f3152f0024e047e58941e390cfbb4202fd63a497b30ffbcba542e44e18b6& [03:52:41] don't worry it'll be a fun thing to talk about if it gets hacked [03:53:05] Oh totally [03:53:18] And now im PixDeVl33 web libera is silly [03:53:21] ANyways [03:53:54] I own a Discord server that gives everyone mod rights automatically on join and the most interesting topics are always what weird bots someone put in the server or channels they made or deleted [03:53:57] To my recollection the only thing I have on that server rn is a discord bot i coded that adds some funny commands [03:54:05] Lol that's cool [03:54:10] thats sounds hilarious [03:54:17] So if your website gets hacked it'll be fun to talk about what the hackers did [03:54:20] Real [03:54:46] I did also spend waaaaaaay too long setting up Grafana because i want my server to feel like Miraheze-senpai [03:55:00] (this is ironic i promise dont ban me for cringe) [03:55:39] ミラへぜーせんぱい [03:55:46] if it can be written in kana it must be done [03:55:49] yo no halbo japones [03:55:57] Lol [03:56:01] I don't speak very much Japanese either [03:56:07] It's just "Miraheze-senpai" in Japanese [03:57:00] but yeah all its doing rn is funny bot that makes those hand pat gifs from user profiles and images [03:57:08] its rough and incomplete as fuck [03:57:19] lol i see [03:57:55] my current excuse is I'm waiting for my library to add support for discord's new user installed apps [03:58:10] Since to be able to make the gif anywhere is pretty cool [03:58:32] you can just copy and paste [03:59:24] pixdevl 93 [03:59:28] but yeah quibs may be pretty funny and I could customize it a little bit as my basic ass PHP knowledge allows [03:59:37] Hm? [03:59:56] just pointing out the "93" being added lol [04:00:09] a [04:00:43] I got kicked and reconnected but Libera still thought I was connected until it timed out 250 seconds late [04:00:48] so the name was used [04:01:19] irc moment [04:01:47] I've registered the name so I prob could have booted the other one idk [04:01:49] so true [04:01:56] Oh yeah I've had things like that happen all the time on IRC [04:02:02] Never understood why they happen nor cared to fix it [04:02:04] but i like using it sometimes [04:02:17] i could use irc but i don't bother [04:02:20] mainly when im too tired to reach for my phone at night [04:02:21] discord is a lot easier to use [04:02:33] or cause i forgot to charge it [04:03:07] I have Discordon both phone and laptop personally [04:12:45] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4cv1b6w8aQ [04:19:31] TIL #wikimedia-kawaii is a thing here on Libera [04:24:08] whats in that chanenl [04:24:25] no activity rn [04:24:32] what's the history of it like [04:24:50] It's IRC [04:25:18] Yeah I know [04:25:22] The topic is [04:25:23] But they have a history bot [04:25:23] ⓘ Have a kawaii day (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・ ゚ ゚ ゚ ゚ ゚ ゚✧ — Welcome to this quiet channel, where we post random selections from sites like /r/aww zooborns.com tumblr.com/tagged/kawaii-animals supercutekawaii.com dailypuppy.com etc, and squee at them! — Rulez: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wikimedia-kawaii-lolcat.png [04:25:24] ʕ•͡ᴗ•ʔ [04:25:39] now good night i mean morning [04:26:07] gn [06:17:21] [1/5] I think, if you really have that attitude, you should think about changing that. [06:17:21] [2/5] We have to be sensible in our choices. Are RfF, RfC and other Community requests really necessary. Most of them you've made have been closed before they really got started. [06:17:21] [3/5] Just use [[Community portal]] and open a topic. See what the response is. If it's encouraged, then open the RfC or RfF. [06:17:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal [06:17:22] [4/5] The reason I say this, is that you won't get so much backlash. Your ideas are often well meant, but not productive. [06:17:22] [5/5] But you are really appreciated on what you do on Development Wiki, and your help on the support threads. This community is about helping each other. [06:17:22] [06:18:02] [1/2] I am now a perfectionist. [06:18:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231489103812628540/76af5154b73c6bfc.png?ex=6626011a&is=6624af9a&hm=57a0ed36808860289b47b43fc648bf481ff578f5812639e080f7787dccf4a545& [06:18:34] I have made very few RfCs [06:18:47] Also I was talking about a wiki and mostly joking [06:24:32] Sure that sounds fun! 👀 you can dm me the details [06:25:20] It should immediately reject for what it's worth [06:26:57] Unrelated but add something to the theme designer that informs and warns you if the color scheme you've chosen is low contrast [06:27:20] - in database name so can't be created anyway [06:27:59] But all server names, some common stuff, all our non wiki subdomains are blocked [06:33:53] How big a margin does Verstappen win? 30sec? 👀 [06:35:01] I'll say 40 [06:35:25] I'm going to turn on for the race, no build up today [06:35:44] [1/2] Look what gem I saw get posted on IRC today [06:35:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231493557353713725/076818a4b70a2658.png?ex=663728c0&is=6624b3c0&hm=0796caba8cc9d9faab17da7bf848977b8ddeba4f834657a23b854bb671fdb19b& [06:35:55] No buildup? [06:36:04] No F1 TV? [06:41:29] Because I'm still in bed [06:41:57] It's not the worst campaign. I've seen worse come out of the NCA. [06:42:31] You'll see it mentioned in #announcements too [06:47:03] Their YT video gets cringe when you see the details [06:47:43] [1/2] Tell me that's not a video of the hollywood byobu script [06:47:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231496571305332808/3f15469e24665cb3.png?ex=66372b8e&is=6624b68e&hm=fde05b7f1ba14893ed4ce7e6a773996ee2c593e4616dbab0bb165047a56b4b75& [06:48:46] The advice given isn't blatant nonsense and it's at least got some purpose [06:48:57] Not like the poster from a group of ROCUs [06:52:14] [1/2] This one? [06:52:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231497710327300166/kids-using-kali-linux-are-the-next-generation-hackers-uk-police-warn-529211-2.png?ex=66372c9e&is=6624b79e&hm=061adbff1d0ba96311cdca75d9f7104c2c4b63abe595e42e2c550ae0826c0f8e& [06:55:19] Yes [06:55:30] The irony of this all of us have used a VM (some cases without knowing) and we are on discord so, hmmm [06:56:17] I'm a civil servant and my government laptop has 2 of them on [06:57:46] I am paid to work with the Windows DDK (a giant turd) and VMWare Workstation is part of the standard image on all machines at work [06:59:12] I am connecting to a virtual machine that's on virtual box inside a VM via another VM at work [06:59:15] VM^3 [06:59:31] H4ck3r! [06:59:46] I'm a software engineer so basically ye [07:01:22] To be honest, the NCA video ad does not actually anyone what to do. It just says what the consequences are. [07:03:01] Ye [07:03:09] Which are true [07:04:38] The cyber choices scheme would have been an option to us if the fat kid that DDoS'd us in September was in the UK [07:04:47] Or if he ever gets stopped by border force [07:05:20] The other alternative would have been him risking jail time [07:20:23] Oh yea, have you seen the Dutch police trolling stresser users? [07:20:40] No [07:21:39] When they would take down another of those skid stressers they would go ahead and email all the registered users with a "we know what you have done. Please do not do this again. We may investigate you" [07:22:23] As they should!! [07:26:04] Now that is something I would pay taxes for. [07:28:43] @felenov met sent 800 emails to users registered with a phishing site maker this week [07:29:04] London met? [07:29:53] @felenov ye [07:29:56] https://news.met.police.uk/news/law-enforcement-infiltrates-fraud-platform-used-by-thousands-of-criminals-worldwide-482687 [07:41:35] Well, scammers deserve to be messed with, justified. [07:47:44] I seen cases where a scammer gets scammed or screwed in another way and then complains about it and my reaction is always the same: if you don't want something happening to you - don't do it or the tables might turn. [07:54:32] Brilliant policing in my book [07:54:42] Success for 25k victims [07:55:01] With tens of thousands more likely to be identified in due course [07:59:07] Remember Anom and EncroChat? [07:59:23] Nope [08:00:28] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sg1FbtXYvK8 oh you are going to have a good time [08:00:50] That sounds perfect [08:01:08] They would have been more secure using FOSS tools, that's the irony. [08:04:26] [1/2] "Hello %shady_person% here is this totally proprietary secure telephone that costs 1200 units of American currency per month that you can use to talk to all your friends, trust us, it's secure!" I am calling BS on that. [08:04:26] [2/2] Products marketed to criminals are going to be used by criminals and will attract attention of law enforcement or be run by law enforcement [08:09:35] Just remember using one's ego and laziness against one is the most powerful tool LE has, and it's proven by time [08:20:58] @felenov not just LE [08:21:33] A few big sockpuppetry cases both here and on WMF have been uncovered because of someone having an ego and getting lazy [08:23:04] Are Orangemoody and WikiPR among said cases? [08:23:24] No idea [08:23:34] I don't watch many [08:23:47] I know ACE Scruitneers have caught an admin before [08:27:27] Mind linking it? Someone went through the effort of RFA and then does shit like this. [08:31:48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Arbitration_Committee/Noticeboard/Archive_12#Edgar181_desysopped [08:38:41] That's some good reading [08:41:02] We've had it twice on miraheze too [08:41:07] Sau226 [08:41:11] And Examknow [08:50:28] [1/2] last one got me off guard [08:50:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231527462094245939/04f6dec9bb4aeeb4.png?ex=66374853&is=6624d353&hm=64064cb394f68dc7ee91a7cc3d2ed999fcede104ccbb05d7e3e90ff5256a6fce& [08:54:45] Examknow was freaky [08:55:01] I have never managed to get my head round the scale of it [09:08:02] This person has some serious issues, ngl [09:09:58] Half of it isn't even easily public [09:10:06] I know the full story and it's beyond [09:10:37] This guy co-ordinated with other LTAs, made anti spam tools to stop himself, attempted to frame other users. [09:12:17] I think this is a case of someone who wants control, there was a case of HATSHOP [09:16:41] [1/2] This sort of HATSHOP [09:16:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231534059549622414/3517ec4774142ee0.png?ex=66374e78&is=6624d978&hm=443aef25a1cd8c1a9d698b2e3c9417ae998ec16961d80339331e2d1874d6bd0f& [09:20:05] [1/2] I always get an unease feeling with people who collect badges. They're trying to get recognition they likely don't get in real life 😛 [09:20:06] [2/2] Same with all those userpages full of templates. telling who they are and what they can. Just look at mine 😄 [09:20:21] --Sarcasm off-- [09:20:39] [1/2] This is how I see people who have TopIcons or UserBoxes [09:20:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231535058435965030/1cc248f29781094e.png?ex=66374f66&is=6624da66&hm=69c59b2a1e37000f5982e33182cec2695457d731088973a3ef2aa84ce10ede48& [09:20:52] LOL [09:21:03] if someone needs to verify your permissions, they can do so using the interface. [09:21:21] That's true [09:28:38] I think babel is a good idea and I think everyone should be encouraged to have it on their user page. I am okay with permission user boxes ONLY if they have categorization. Also, can we get a babel-like system for timezones [09:29:36] ye [11:48:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231572290936897536/image.png?ex=66377213&is=6624fd13&hm=e00df06581b91278581917548d78666c8c19d88b71dd6fe735b68fc9f1aa105a& [11:49:05] babel would be kind of useless for me as english is the only language I scrape by enough to use [11:49:27] anything else and I'd be measuring my machine translate skills [12:11:50] You think I know how to code that shit Original and the others guys were carrying me through editing a page 😭 [12:23:00] This is a hat menagerie [12:26:07] What about my Userboxitis [12:26:34] early on I prided myself in minimal boxes [12:26:36] You're the worst 😄 [12:26:43] at one point steward was the only one I really used [12:27:54] Hey @rhinosf1 how’s that volunteer appreciation form going [12:39:45] Fair few responses [12:39:50] Very nice reading [12:39:59] Im gonna add a few more [12:40:12] Go ahead [12:40:19] Please warm my heart [12:45:12] I’m actually forgetting if I already thanked one of the people I was gonna thank lol eh I’ll just put don’t recall on the question [12:46:09] It just gets flagged for me to check [12:46:30] I just pay closer attention [13:12:26] Perhaps @rhinosf1 could regularly post it in the support threads. "Please give us feedback on the support received" or something similar 😉 [13:13:28] I agree [13:13:35] We should advertise it [13:16:02] @rodejong that feels like something a bot could do [13:17:47] They are all unique responses [13:26:56] I didn’t thank them yet :p [13:27:15] I have two more to put in still [13:27:21] 3* [13:27:32] Go for it [13:32:29] I may do more if I think of them [13:32:48] All appreciation all from me [13:34:51] what was the original wikitide logo? I remember liking that one [13:35:09] since there are concerns about the wt logo being flat perhaps that is a productive avenue to explore improvement [13:36:53] Pre the one we have now that mirrors Forge? [13:40:12] mhm [13:50:42] @rhinosf1 how many responses have you gotten and when do close [14:13:19] It can be done client side [14:13:31] There's a lot of open source code for calculating contrast [14:14:43] Cri [14:14:53] Let me get it to work first please [14:15:07] If you know what you’re doing please you’re free to help add it [14:15:52] I may take a short recess from Themeing to get quips running [14:17:47] I’ve never used elastic search and the apache configuration [14:59:36] 17 responses and 3 weeks left [15:01:29] Let’s try to get to at least 25 [15:01:37] :) [16:46:37] [1/2] This is a really good podcast [16:46:38] [2/2] https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ZUJumJRjYiyQUNdVSl1Tr?si=Dx8q68DSRdu-Sx17CR8pPQ [16:46:48] Alright I will [16:47:05] Don't worry I know it takes a while to develop MW extensions, there is very little documentation on the MW API [16:47:48] It took me a while to get RemoveRedlinks working because I couldn't find any documentation on what I wanted to do so I just had to kind of try some things and reference other code [16:49:23] spotify link, funny [17:08:36] I need to publish the git repo still [17:08:46] Yeah ik [17:08:51] Debating wether to use GitLab or stick with GH [17:09:03] Codeberg is best [17:09:12] Or say fuck it try codeberg yeah [17:09:14] self-hosted git [17:09:19] LMAO [17:09:36] jk jk of course [17:09:36] OrangeStar… do I need to reiterate what happens to the things I self host? [17:10:31] i mean i am planning on trying to self host quips for the community to use [17:10:35] and also for practice [17:11:03] i need to figure out elastic search which shouldn’t be too hard and web server configuration [17:11:09] sobs [17:12:03] If anyone has tips on how to host a website that’s actually “production” and needs to “follow basic security principles” lmk [17:12:10] do you do that tho [17:12:19] no, I'm not insane [17:12:43] it requires tinkering with OpenSSH's config more than I'm comfortable with for a publicly-exposed server [17:13:18] I'm talking about just regular Git over SSH here, not self-hosting something like GitLab or Forgejo [17:14:13] I still haven’t gotten the hang of full cli [17:14:32] also despair https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Imadeausername!/Userboxes [17:16:11] https://web.archive.org/web/20240401142505/https://codeberg.org/ [17:16:29] seriously though would you recommend it as a better alternative to github? [17:18:54] [1/3] Have you ever said "Thank you for your help" to some one? [17:18:54] [2/3] This is your chance: [17:18:54] [3/3] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfmk9HFTTy7tSNZVZmBDvtA3uoVM4i-AV22za1jTRRnR0m33A/viewform [17:19:35] hehehe we gonna alternate being on thank you reminder duty [17:19:59] 90 days may have been too long though imho [17:21:38] It shouldn't close at al I :ThinkerMH: [17:24:12] No I mean after 90 days rhinos publishes the aggregated data [17:40:28] It will only close for a few hours while I download all the data and copy it [17:40:56] I will reopen it once I've downloaded the responses and cleared the ones in the form [17:41:40] We should make @pixldev generate a mediawiki extension for it [17:41:55] And have it automatically mark responses with a feedback period [17:42:01] And a script to anonymise it all [17:43:00] hey thats not a bad idea. Seems semi simple and I’m already using Forms [17:43:26] what kind of script you thinking? [17:44:18] One that when ran changes the actor_id to null for any responses before a certain time [17:44:21] And one to delete to [17:44:30] I did a thank [17:46:25] Please don't do everyone is amazing [17:46:38] It will just be deleted [17:47:26] my idea was to set an iteration value [17:47:28] It's for telling us about individuals who have gone above and beyond [17:48:02] Yes you'll need an ID for a feedback period [17:48:12] you know how for notice banners to refresh when people dismiss it you need to increment a value? like that [17:48:24] have a maint script bump it [17:48:43] aggragate the data for a certain period and delete data from an old one [17:49:01] Could just be a config value [17:49:10] Then a maint script to aggregate and delete [17:49:17] It should aggregate the previous [17:49:21] And delete the one before [17:50:43] what do we mean by aggragate [17:51:08] dump all responses into a json minus the submitter? [17:51:14] Makes it so we no longer record submitter [17:51:33] You could combine them into one entry [17:52:20] I think dumping to json is versitle enough for really any desired medium of report [17:52:46] but I would definitely be interested in working in that [17:52:49] It should also check that someone hasn't submitted more than 1 for the same user in that feedback period [17:53:01] it would be good practice to learn how to use database tables [17:53:06] And allow the comments to be reviewed for being not nice [17:53:12] that should be easy enough [17:53:15] So they can just be dropped rather than aggregated [17:53:26] yea [17:53:44] I’m already mentally planning the basics in ny head [17:56:27] if i worked on this would be want to make it a me project used by the farm Or would it officially be a miraheze extension(ie under the mh org and phorge) [17:58:46] Not too bothered [17:58:50] Draft in your own [18:00:05] aight. Ill consider if i want to start this after Themeing is doneish or work on both sametime/alternating [18:15:57] if its a on wiki special page can anyone use it or only autoconfirmed on meta ya think [18:17:28] Anyone [18:17:40] We can just filter abuse out [18:17:44] A rate limit may be good for spam [18:17:48] and remove all by [18:17:50] Do it behind a user right though [18:17:58] ofc [18:18:02] And ye support for rate limits would be cool [18:18:19] Limiting view to meta crats/stewards [18:18:31] would be if i knew hoe [18:18:50] Again, userrights [18:18:54] database gonna be hard enough [18:19:06] yeah i mean what rights has it by default [18:19:20] should i try and gear it to be used on non meta wikis? [18:19:25] Yes [18:20:16] this will be interesting [18:20:56] Thanks is taken as a name so what about Appreciation? [19:11:15] @rhinosf1 for this as well should logs be public(PixDeVl thanked a user) like RemovePII or is thag too much data given out ya think [19:16:04] I'd say no need to log tbh [19:25:22] [1/2] Discord Messages for sale? [19:25:22] [2/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snL8x__lXqY [19:39:28] https://tenor.com/view/powercat-catpower-gif-13874994171711907652 [19:39:29] I mean you would be pretty naive to think something like that wasn't going on [19:39:47] How this is news to anyone shocks me [19:40:03] This happens because our society has given up on privacy [19:40:14] Don't send private information on Discord and don't trust Discord [19:40:43] Discord is just another Tencent subsidiary and the founder of Discord has been caught abusing the privacy of users in old products [19:41:16] Unsurprisingly he has abused the privacy of users on Discord. The only difference is that Discord is now a monopoly so nobody can really avoid it if they want to talk to people online [19:41:34] That site talked about in that video has nothing to do with discord as a company though [19:41:56] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktxbXlF6UQE this video explains it much better imo [19:42:02] Yeah I know [19:42:20] And those are public messages, shocking nobody [19:42:45] To get removed from that site, use a VPN and lie about being from the EU, I do that to claim GDPR protections all the time [19:43:09] Make sure your VPN points to the EU [19:43:47] I've also lied about being from the EU so that I can file DSA reports of CSAM and sextortion that Discord refuses to remove if they aren't facing the legal threats [19:44:32] NO, don't even attempt to get it removed, the chance they would actually remove your data is close to 0, and it is FAR more likely you would end up being targeted for harrasmnet and other things more by giving them your username (which is ofc needed for them to actually remove your data) [19:44:36] have you ever wondered why you get banned so often from everywhere? [19:44:48] yes [19:45:00] saying these things on public servers is likely why [19:45:01] Lying about being from the EU is not that bad though [19:45:03] just saying [19:45:15] A lot of my bans are automatic for being a spambot though [19:45:21] um what did I say wrong [19:45:31] it's not "wrong" [19:45:49] just perhaps don't talk publicly about how you're gaming the system [19:45:56] Oh I see what you mean sorry [19:46:18] [1/2] I don't mean to cause any issues so feel free to tell me if anything I say is a problem [19:46:18] [2/2] Gonna go do other stuff rn talk later [19:48:53] I live in the middle of nowhere and don't talk to many people irl because there just isn't anyone to talk to so most of my social skills come from the internet which is why I don't always have a good understanding of what is normal to talk about, sorry if I've caused any problems by bringing up uncomfortable topics... [19:49:34] I'm not going to ban you, I'm not a mod, no need for that [19:49:49] out of all the reasons to game the system, that's probably one of the better ones [19:50:38] Alr I see [19:50:58] And yeah I know you're not a mod but it's not that I just follow the rules to please mods, I don't want to be an annoying person lol [19:52:34] https://blog.spy.pet/p/optout if they would harass someone I feel that'd just create more evidence of wrongdoing and more claims to add if someone wanted to file a lawsuit [19:52:57] A lot of these people that run these sites are very arrogant and think their opsec is flawless when it's not, the alpha bay is a great example [19:54:22] DId you watch the video I linked? It should be pretty clear from what he diggied up there, that the people running that site, don't really know WTF they are doing, and would have NO intention of ever actually opting you out [19:54:46] Again then if that's the case it just adds more torts for a lawsuit imo [19:55:09] I personally would not be interested in going to court but there are some people who would be very happy to sue for harassment or stalking or whatever [19:55:13] Which is most likely on the way, if it hasn't happened already yeah [19:55:19] Yea [21:17:42] [1/2] RemoveRedlinks apparently isn't working on mirabeta, it removes redlinks for everyone now regardless of who first created the cache, not sure if someone enabled wgremoveredlinksallusers or if it's related to mirabeta having no cache or 1.42 broke something [21:17:42] [2/2] https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/User:Collei/Sandboxhttps://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/User:Collei/Sandbox [21:18:13] yeah, Ro reported that [21:20:00] check if that settings is on managewiki [21:20:11] If so I can change it on test.beta [21:21:10] <3 Beta Crat [22:33:15] [1/2] why is it greek [22:33:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231734525265186867/image.png?ex=6638092b&is=6625942b&hm=cc8ec75673bef5831240fab429b9c01300be91e9f272da0222336b1d1f816d39& [22:33:24] the entire email is greek too LMAO [22:35:58] Possibly whoever created the account for you has their account language as greek [22:36:11] Just a guess though, no idea really [22:36:59] when i logged in the language was set to greek so idk [22:37:26] [1/2] ??? [22:37:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231735575774629919/image.png?ex=66380a25&is=66259525&hm=ec0b2d14c8b5d27e7066153089c3bd4e429e389a1953be2fa1e8a232e854396d& [22:37:32] bro is having a bad day [22:38:04] confus [22:40:12] @rhinosf1 i voted [22:40:20] it's been a hell of a ride for my council [22:40:26] council leader is a domestic abuser [22:40:39] eventually resigned and only two tories spoke out [22:40:48] their new pfcc candidate didn't say anything lol [22:41:13] the current pfcc is a misogynist [22:49:10] lol do you have link or SS of the actual request kinda curious what the desceiption he gave are now xD [22:49:26] I will get it later [22:49:32] If you want to find it though just search his username in farmer logs [22:52:34] I have no idea where I would look for this "farmer log" people mention from time to time, and even the request queue always takes me a long time to find too tbh xD, it doesn't seem to have a direct link anywhere easy to reach, and I can never remember the full URL for it [22:53:11] [[Special:Log/farmer]] [22:53:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log/farmer [22:53:11] [23:19:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Global_Interface_Editor rfc opened it appears [23:39:46] Indeed [23:40:04] i love the news [23:40:16] "Did you know being bored at work can lead to dementia?" [23:41:14] For reference a bit of talk about it https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1231743803371814922 [23:56:54] [1/2] They can not expect from a wiki creator, to know everything about Sports, Fantasy writing, Games, Religion, Encyclopaedias, etc. LOL [23:56:55] [2/2] What he writes means nothing to me [23:58:28] If it is too much to ask some extra questions to understand what he wants to put on that wiki and how the wiki will be used, and whether he has read our policies... Well 🤷🏻‍♂️ [23:58:28] Please send me this request [23:58:38] Oh well, you know what they say about doorsand the way out [23:58:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/43506 [23:58:46] Appreciate [23:59:03] I responded already [23:59:19] [1/3] ```Hello again. I've read it, but you can not expect from a wiki creator, to know everything about Sports, Fantasy writing, Games, Religion, Encyclopaedias, etc. To me this is an unknown segment, so you need to be more specific. Sell it to me. We don't just create wiki's without any form of expectations. [23:59:19] [2/3] That is why I also asked if you read our Content Policy and Terms of Use. [23:59:20] [3/3] Another thing is, that we all at Miraheze are volunteers, spending our free time to help people like you. We do not get paid for this. So I would ask of you to please take a different tone with me.```