[00:01:26] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Global#Vanish_my_Account [00:01:26] [2/2] See ↑ [00:01:57] [1/5] Was a bit more forceful: [00:01:57] [2/5] ``` [00:01:57] [3/5] Hi, fellow wiki creator stepping in here. It's unacceptable to speak that way to our volunteers. I don't care what's happened, nothing justifies that response. Do not be disrespectful to our volunteers who put their time and effort into serving this community and you. Looking into your request, you've added.....2 sentences of content. Knowing much about super [00:01:58] [4/5] heroes and comics myself, I'd second Rodejong's opinion that the current request is not sufficient for approval and you'll need to delve into specifics. Please see the "Edit request" tab to do just that. If that proves to somehow be too much for you to handle, you know where the "close tab" button is, I'm sure. [00:01:58] [5/5] ``` [00:02:49] Ignore him, he has no right to treat you that way [00:02:53] I'll handle it further [00:02:58] No [00:03:03] I wish you didn't [00:03:15] Why did you do that [00:03:20] Let a steward do any further action or comment [00:03:21] I had already responded [00:03:30] Yeah that's fair [00:03:53] You shouldn't try to stand on your stripes like that. [00:04:20] If they communicate this to the outside world, this would do much more harm than good [00:04:32] doubt it [00:04:38] Highly doubt it [00:04:39] the response was very justifiable [00:04:50] And I am well able to fend for myself. I just do it in a calm way. [00:05:13] Best to leave it be from here, the guy wants removal, he'll get it [00:05:49] It's not likely he reads it, but I do not like it that I am overruled. [00:06:16] Didn’t overrule - I seconded your opinion [00:06:21] I already had replied correctly. There was no need in taking over [00:06:27] Perhaps this is better suited for wiki-creators [00:06:45] You asked it here, and you placed your comment here [00:07:02] And I am off to bed anyway, as it's past 2 am. [00:24:59] Do you ever not go to sleep before 1? [00:46:37] [1/2] smh. [00:46:37] [2/2] sadly this generated a bigger response than it should have. [00:47:15] ro only sleeps at times we cannot predict. lol [00:47:38] (ngl, i do kinda miss the icons) [00:52:41] WAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY PENCIL [00:53:06] someone boost the server 👍 [00:53:10] (and that’s one to quote once i set up quips) [00:53:30] Please i will give joo a hug if you do hypothetical booster [00:54:02] technically i could but i don't want to lose my may 2022 nitro badge 😦 [00:54:21] fair [00:54:28] ah well, makes life easier not working in the fickle assumption boosts are forever [00:54:44] does it reset of you change servers? [00:55:05] but raidarr don’t even have a raidarr now [00:55:55] meh [00:56:08] fix the gs color and I'll be dandy [00:56:17] I can tend to predict pretty well when he sleeps(that he says im going to sleep ofc i don’t live in ro’s walls) it tends to be some variation of 2-3 AM [00:56:30] That shit criminal [00:57:23] [1/2] (well live in his walls anymore, it was really stuffy and cold and dirty and not worth the rent) [00:57:24] [2/2] (And the rent was free) [00:58:09] yes [00:58:35] i've been boosting my own server since may 2022 and if i move that one to this server then it'll be reset [00:58:40] Discord L [00:58:55] don’t you get two boosts? Unless you’re boosting smt else [00:59:08] yeah i'm using one boost on this server and another on my own [00:59:13] ab [01:00:20] true, but he does play games with us. you cannot deny that. [01:13:18] @globe_x my issue with that is it may get confusing that it is for Discord and not wiki stuff... [01:13:41] True [01:14:16] Discord Fourms [01:15:05] #discord-fourms? [01:15:17] Yeah [01:15:38] That works [01:15:39] A channel description could also clear up anything thats unclear [01:16:30] Now I need to figure out which tags to create lol [01:17:36] I'll handle rest later I have to go for now... [01:17:51] Okay, thanks [01:20:40] @cosmicalpha why couldn’t it just be #forums [01:21:24] also tags: Election, Revocation, maybe some other tags too [01:24:36] Bug Support, Question, Commenf [01:25:41] I assumed election would stay seperate? [01:25:59] tbh if tagging is done well it might not need to be [01:26:16] @brandon.wm also, this is why CA didn't want it to just be #fourms [01:26:17] I assumed the entire driving point behind this is that revocations were handled separately from #elections [01:26:35] and if so we should just tag it all as @raidarr said [01:27:21] @rhinosf1 by the way, have you heard of Maltego? [01:27:31] eh just rename #support to #wiki-support [01:27:32] would make sense as a first point of order using that new forum area tbh [01:27:50] eh, would not want to touch support as it stands [01:28:11] fix 'fourms' and it'll be dandy [01:42:25] On this episode on why pixl should never been given access to any production system ever, I seem to have somehow taken my web panel hosted on my server offline entirely after I try to install Elastic Search via said panel [01:43:55] Elastic Search needs around 4 cpu and 6 gb of ram to function at minimum [01:44:06] huh [01:44:16] advised to get a separate vps [01:44:50] Let me check my stats rq... [01:45:27] So in other news did you know this VPS has 2Gs of RAM? [01:46:26] aight now how to kill ES [01:47:55] Uh thanks for the head up @m3w ~-~ [01:49:22] 2 gb of ram is no where close to enough [01:49:34] do you have a web console? [01:49:42] the vps probably crashed [01:49:57] check host provider dashboard [01:50:58] I don't think it crashed, yeah I have a console. I restarted it and the panel hosted on the server itself is back. I have Grafana/prometheus so gonna check that [01:52:14] before you check anything, run `ps` [01:52:30] figure out elasticsearch and do `kill process_id` [01:52:44] or shut it down [01:53:11] Yeah. I don't have a terminal on this damned laptop so I'll use the one on the panel this setup aint scufffed at all trust [01:55:46] I feel taunted rn I open the panel see Elastic is still showing as installing try to open the menu to cancel it and the text shows up in Japanes [01:55:48] what [01:56:17] can you do cntl + c to cancel? [01:56:24] or Chinese i cant tell [01:57:03] its not a terminal window so my plan is.. click buttons i can't read until it stops? [01:57:25] Does that count as a plan? [01:57:34] General couse of action [01:58:08] Okay progress [01:58:16] I think I clicked the pause install button [01:58:30] since the green arrow became a red | | [01:58:50] I am export sys badmin [02:00:11] Okay yeah I can see in Grafana the gap when I restarted/the install took everything to hell and CPU/RAM going absoltuly ballistic [02:02:49] There we are an uninstall button in English! Well that was fun [02:03:08] Thanks again for saving my VPS from going supernova :) [02:10:10] I think I'll look into an external host for Elastic Search since there's one I know of with a free plan for sandbox/hobby stuff that should suffice(maybe?). [02:10:41] I swear I'm so bad at this it's hilarious [03:06:30] @solodayheavenofficial what stuff do you have on your Codeberg account? curious cause i wanna check out cool stuff [03:52:48] I do not have anything on it [03:53:01] There's one private repo that I won't discuss here per "don't game the system" discussion earlier [04:01:10] [1/2] Actual Conservapedia page [04:01:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1231817046610677840/image.png?ex=66273285&is=6625e105&hm=ae0befcfcc50fe0709c6a64ee9807d732c214c2fb8d730fbbbbd5547e5a84d42& [04:02:17] i have never seen someone write "hardcore" with a - [04:02:37] hard-core [04:02:42] same [04:09:01] do i seriously have to make rules for the wiki when requesting one now lol [04:09:55] I don't think you have to make the whole rules page but a basic idea of rules is a good idea [04:13:02] I have nothing to add to Miraheze policies, so just link them on disclaimer [15:02:17] [1/2] @neoqwerty I think we are at the point where I'm allowed to spread propaganda lol [15:02:17] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=bT_RVRX1CGo [15:06:16] [1/2] bonus early raw demo which is somehow closer to the movie [15:06:17] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=SHdUJVFxknU [18:30:25] Who wants to talk about templates? [18:32:45] I wonder if Dev's nav box is any good [20:32:26] That's a good idea actually [21:27:13] Man I am spoiled, not only is this song on its own like, an entire short horror story that just nails it, but now I've got a new movie to watch to boot!!!! [21:29:10] yeee, I'm not grand film watcher but watched Martin after the song, it's really good [21:29:30] also Friday 13 pt 2 samples lol [21:29:56] /still haven't watched any of Friday 13/ [21:33:46] I also don't watch a lot of movies (mostly because my brain won't turn OFF so I get a bunch of new ideas for my writing, which is not the time most of the time) [21:35:00] but horror/thriller/slasher seems to work for my brain shutting up and staying focused so I'm really hyped now [21:37:18] [1/2] funny thing, I wasn't big on horror movies, I was mostly invested in anime, trashy OVAs, Nagai shit ofc [21:37:18] [2/2] but Soft Cell also made me to watch Texas Chainsaw lol [21:47:29] I've still got so many trashy OVAs to get through, too (though a friend insisting I binge one ep of Jujutsu Kaisen a night with him has burned me OUT on anime for a bit, EVERYONE I LIKE DIES IN THERE) [21:48:03] so going through live-action horror will be a nice breather [21:49:25] my current problem is that after I rewatched D: Bloodlust w/ a friend (it was their first watch) I watching stuff alone doesn't really hit anymore, I want to at least stream but it's a rare opportunity [21:50:26] btw one of last things I watched was Near Dark, it's reaaaaally good, gotta love unorthodox vampires [21:56:38] now I shall go eeping [21:56:53] good eep [21:58:09] enjoy eep [21:58:11] Me too [21:58:28] A good nights eep will help us all [21:58:34] 💤 [21:58:38] right [21:58:44] 🛌🏻 [21:58:57] help [21:59:00] dog walking over my keyboard [21:59:12] karate? [21:59:50] 🥋 [21:59:54] sausage dog for dinner [22:00:02] you mean hot dog? [22:00:21] Sausage be more refined [22:00:44] i had ///////////////////////////////// in my message box [22:02:11] also wondering cause brain eepy myself. when i was setting up my extensions i mistyped Theming as Themeing and have been intentionally running with it since should i just call it Theming? [22:03:21] I think it'd be good to rename it to Theming if possible because it'd probably be annoying for other devs to see the typo [22:04:09] ja prob [22:04:17] PHPStorm refactor <3