[00:56:08] [1/2] I've been talking to this weird Discord account, it doesn't say app or bot like an app created in the dev portal, but it types way too fast like sending entire paragraphs in response to a question in just a second, and sometimes says things that make no sense, so I'm assuming it's some kind of selfbot AI (this would be the 3rd I've encountered) but I can't tell if a hum [00:56:08] [2/2] an is on the account sometimes because of how detailed and realistic what it says is, maybe the AI taking over humanity theory is going to come true 💀 [00:56:36] It also responds 24/7 [00:56:58] sounds like a chatbot with a halfway competent gpt backbone [00:57:08] and obviously not flagged appropriately [00:57:34] Yeah [00:57:42] It's still kinda incredible [00:58:33] I also got it to join some servers and everyone in the servers was so surprised and interested (but in all cases the mods removed it because it'd started writing textwalls in Russian, this happened with it in my server too but goes away after a few hours) [00:58:46] it will get more sophisticated and far far worse in consequences [00:59:01] just wait for impersonation to kick off [00:59:15] Oh yeah that's true [02:37:41] yeah that's def some kinda automated account [03:14:27] Yeah [03:14:28] It is [03:14:33] But I'm not sure if a human is on it sometimes [03:14:42] We've had one before where we were pretty sure a human came on it sometimes [03:15:00] [1/2] Also this is kinda incredible [03:15:00] [2/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9TJWsuzBLU [03:15:15] I've known that was possible for a while but still amazing [03:49:31] [1/2] Oh yeah here's something funny the AI said [03:49:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232176503186391090/image.png?ex=6628814b&is=66272fcb&hm=79e22a5437035caf1082bff94380b51c9d8cf1abe1336ca31d0e5f1543078ed6& [04:07:37] First time listening to them, now I think they're cool and unique [04:11:55] Tainted Love is a fucking albatross which is both a blessing and a curse to them, but if you start digging further - get ready for strong shit, and some's gonna be really gut wrenching too [04:27:57] I have to add tho I don't vibe w/ reunion stuff lol (early 2000s and now in the last 6? years) [04:38:50] [1/2] can't help but get reminded of THIS specific van [04:38:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232188911657422890/18r6nnbg5yjj1jpg.png?ex=66288cd9&is=66273b59&hm=e4260d1c0cad78d01301a542b8f5809858f771af67f89dc4366aa6eb18524ab0& [04:38:59] lmaooo [04:39:01] real [04:39:10] Just replace candy with WiFi. [04:39:33] [1/2] You can also make the video title mean something else by altering it slightly [04:39:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232189093517983754/image.png?ex=66288d04&is=66273b84&hm=e956b5d80dcdf95386d8afbba42a2f04abab8aafbb0ef437efd6ceafa8ea021f& [04:39:55] Someone made a Beam.NG mod for the free candy van too [04:40:09] lol that's amazing [04:40:10] very cool [04:42:00] [1/2] gmod had one for ages [04:42:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232189711666122835/hl2_2024-03-25_00-32-19.jpg?ex=66288d98&is=66273c18&hm=7ab98fc80b66308acb82cddfe226a5e2b9965e2e740f1dd292e0d757acb66e35& [04:44:38] [1/2] even the funny space game has a blueprint for one [04:44:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232190375012073493/SpaceEngineersLauncher_2024-03-24_16-58-45.png?ex=66288e36&is=66273cb6&hm=795b23b292fdb792e9c1efb41f5c6b13bf8dc81a5146766a644648f5ae689baa& [09:19:29] tmobile sucks so much ass [09:19:51] i hate how every week some random game i don't care about is automatically installed [09:20:03] and i have no way of disabling this [09:37:03] would not accept a device like that tbh [09:48:16] Get a pre-unlocked device [10:04:47] (I had a request from a user called `Zipzopboppitybop` I love that 60's vibe that name gives 😄 Could be taken from the song in Grease: "We go together") [12:21:03] So, what about a vote, for if my wiki should use Light Mode vs Dark Mode or toggle (hardest to add as that would need code to make the toggle and redo templates as to allow them to look good on both) . React with ⚪ for light mode, ⚫ for dark mode and :colorcircle: for a toggle [12:22:02] Would probably be better to hold such a vote on your wiki itself, so you get the opinion of the actual people using your wiki [12:22:28] No one uses my wiki other then viewers [12:24:53] It's your wiki! You use it. [12:26:03] I am unsure what viewers would prefer [12:26:50] Put a pole on your front page where users can click on what they'd prefer [12:27:34] [1/2] Well asking here is not gonna make you find that out, since we are not your viewers. I would still say put the vote on your wiki. [12:27:34] [2/2] If noone votes well that must mean they done care or are indifferent, and you can decide whatever you want, since you would then be the only vote, and thus the majority [13:28:19] A van for cracking knuckles [15:06:23] [1/4] there should be a support group for people who have >1k bookmarks for wiki-related research :p [15:06:23] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232346839206854747/Untitled.jpg?ex=66291fee&is=6627ce6e&hm=9e1feddaab1313a7e8b5eb4f72e946e5c928bb56bda59db74b2b0529af79d2ee& [15:06:23] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232346839471358102/8nqz90.jpg?ex=66291fee&is=6627ce6e&hm=11cbb378705e6e390b11eb15f007fc0b8504d780ddc0c1ca5f0edc73a374890d& [15:06:23] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232346839794057236/Untitled.jpg?ex=66291fee&is=6627ce6e&hm=5025709303739c1ce119a4c786aa3c777ed16023fb8b3994df7417c173e37a62& [15:26:45] It can likely be disabled, look in your phone app list for the apps that it installs, look at what is listed as "installed by", go back to the app list, enable "show system", search for what was listed as the installer, and disable it [16:26:00] [1/8] Naem_Wet_Meadow.jpg exists, overwriting...failed. (at recordUpload stage) [16:26:00] [2/8] Ananaroth_Flooded_Grassland.jpg exists, overwriting...failed. (at recordUpload stage) [16:26:00] [3/8] Var'ik_Decideous_Forest_Hills.jpg exists, overwriting...failed. (at recordUpload stage) [16:26:01] [4/8] Gautarl_Mudflat.jpg exists, overwriting...failed. (at recordUpload stage) [16:26:01] [5/8] Anyeri_Hard_Rock_Erosional_Caves.jpg exists, overwriting...failed. (at recordUpload stage) [16:26:01] [6/8] Slaugm_Alpine-Steppe.jpg exists, overwriting...failed. (at recordUpload stage) [16:26:02] [7/8] Is the error I get, latest MediaWiki version after upgrade [16:26:02] [8/8] Any idea how to fix? [17:30:52] Hi [22:29:35] [1/2] AI side effect (it would replace all numbers with "18" likely to avoid this but we found a workaround lmaoo) [22:29:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232458377473560617/image.png?ex=662987cf&is=6628364f&hm=383bd796713fb439b8bd0369cc0b8748bf30ac34f91a09502e3d4012caef1fcd& [23:20:06] first one is accurate [23:20:21] google always indexes category pages for my wiki instead of the pages themselves