[00:57:11] [1/2] Feedback on my new wikipedia style map for my world? [00:57:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232495520526766121/IMG_2562.png?ex=6629aa66&is=662858e6&hm=4b1263ea4d50ea01474980808b1f7e961843e00dc46e120249b3c616f04f5e53& [01:00:00] #Bot Addition Proposal - Make it a Quote [01:31:59] I'll let the poll there decide if we add it or not lol [01:33:37] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1232495874836398151/1232503424357241015 [01:59:55] [1/2] hey guys can someone help me in this in the mediawiki server? [01:59:56] [2/2] <#1232483739544588349> [02:21:04] lowkey hate this map but i don’t want to make a new one for my wiki cause its too late & it’s been a year and all my stuff is done so i’d have to go through 400+ pages to retcon it [02:21:09] https://tenor.com/view/trisha-pautas-crying-kitchen-kitchenfloor-you-tube-gif-8989919 [04:14:02] also 2nd is so real [04:27:41] [1/4] I have no strong feelings about the as-is map in either direction, but how I would approach it: [04:27:42] [2/4] * Does it do its job today? [04:27:42] [3/4] * Would you enjoy reworking it? [04:27:42] [4/4] * Would reworking it take time away from things you're excited about doing for your project? [04:28:29] If your answers are yes, no and yes, then pretty clear you've got better places to spend your time. 🙂 [05:52:49] [1/2] Feedback on the CSS so far? [05:52:50] [2/2] https://ultros.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [06:30:06] If in doubt, skid templates from en.wiki [12:31:17] after 20 days of using aliucord I'm decided it's not worth it [12:31:59] the thing has annoying notif dot bug, first on 1 server, now on 2, and it really loves crashing more than vanilla discord [12:32:55] also the need to turn off acceleration in android settings rendered half of my other apps borked [12:33:49] checking vanilla again, it seems like they fixed search function, so yeah [12:34:04] crashing tendencies and requiring untenable settings changes sounds like an absolute no [12:36:16] not acceleration, "MIUI optimization" [12:36:53] and I had to turn it off for discord links opening in this app, instead of vanilla [12:37:16] the new formatting/text rendering isn't supported too [14:32:32] hi [15:20:00] strange, it never did that for me, unfortunate that it didn't work for you [15:20:06] It looks pretty good [15:25:46] Thx [15:27:56] [1/3] AI update [15:27:56] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232714650202673173/image.png?ex=662a767b&is=662924fb&hm=821a2c35881069b395fd070141ac68b688439153479e11ad11a292f7bcd2f8a9& [15:27:56] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232714650630750380/image.png?ex=662a767b&is=662924fb&hm=50250d3012a747195f5f9fd8179ecf075853900211f8da2bcf3cb7eef0f081d9& [15:28:04] I am kinda wondering if the account owner came on just to do a funny [15:28:19] It sent that weird picture after me and some friends pestered it to send a picture of it holding a piece of paper to prove its human [15:37:21] [1/2] Seeing it delete a message is kind of incredible, I definitely think the owner has come on this account at some point [15:37:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232717022278844416/image.png?ex=662a78b0&is=66292730&hm=cdccd16338d4cff6f4ba3dea722ef2da9e35680afe7bcfe7a8702caa80ef42ac& [15:41:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232718166694690939/image.png?ex=662a79c1&is=66292841&hm=9efd367795276e08da2229710c02af7a76ccf8769f703e533b810216d5b1f2ad& [15:51:58] just saw the announcement, thank god [16:16:22] https://save-nix-together.org/ just saw this letter lmao [16:16:27] big rip [16:29:45] ```Crossing of the trust thermocline by Eelco and the Foundation as a whole``` deja vu [16:29:59] yeah [16:30:10] Feels like a lot of FOSS and community projects do this [16:32:27] they do [16:32:49] I haven't been deep in the foss community specifically but I've been satellite to it and other community projects to see it [16:42:12] FOSS gets scary and disgusting. Especially some Rust projects. [16:43:40] The inherent drawback to informally organized teams of volunteers, especially idealistic ones - sometimes ideals clash. [16:44:04] I read 'sometimes ideals crash' and tbh that could be the more apt line [16:44:09] Heh [16:44:46] @notaracham any chance you have a sec via DMs [17:00:45] https://aplwiki.com/wiki/Main_Page - cool wiki if you want a a maintained time capsule to look at [17:22:47] RIP Baidu Baike [17:22:59] I smell a hype for Qiuwen Baike [17:23:26] [1/3] Oh, Agent retired [17:23:26] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232743716549296138/image.png?ex=662a918d&is=6629400d&hm=f280c47b92f8ca731d88ca97952f92dc0c0662fac1e709ac0d2d6b01e2851ef4& [17:23:26] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232743716851023994/image.png?ex=662a918d&is=6629400d&hm=7cd5ffae0808c930e53fa91d94b4d70d1e06a94d93f7e96a5b81bf3ac135360a& [17:26:44] Well rip [17:26:54] 🫡 [17:27:14] :xsob: [17:27:22] Godspeed Agent [17:28:22] So there's an opening for WC, I see [17:28:54] well you know openings are a relative thing [18:08:07] https://eev.ee/blog/2016/07/22/on-a-technicality/ [18:11:59] https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Agent_Isai uhh [18:12:07] he also has no meta userpage anymore [18:12:10] is his account going away [18:12:13] big rip if so [18:12:19] He's been GDPRd [18:12:22] Ah [18:12:28] Oh yeah [18:12:32] Process is just taking a bit [18:12:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232756111711539200/image.png?ex=662a9d18&is=66294b98&hm=1dc3b117b16bdf0857e6d47c212e616fc8437e51194e709787ec847dc607b901& [18:12:45] Wow that's a shame [18:13:14] a 2015 account being GDPRd [18:13:15] dang [18:13:15] It's just server-side cache on https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Agent_Isai [18:13:40] [1/2] wasn't empty before [18:13:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232756359947227267/image.png?ex=662a9d53&is=66294bd3&hm=833ec0e95bb18c177224caa1514ece34d630e8bdb6f33c6c42a990527a96a0a8& [18:14:05] [1/2] @cosmicalpha https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Agent_Isai There is an issue with RemovePII. Agent's GDPR deletion has succeeded but his contributions page is cached. I already cleared my browser cache. [18:14:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232756464712417360/image.png?ex=662a9d6c&is=66294bec&hm=9f3384f056613cad9c0350d1731667a130e22c8d4b72afe931bb2fdea9497b7a& [18:14:05] ah yeah now it says MirahezeGDPR [18:14:13] it's updated now [18:14:33] Not on my end [18:14:35] sounds like a cloudflare behavior [18:14:42] try to purge the cache [18:14:44] Also my thoughts [18:14:44] especially if logged out but perhaps even when in [18:14:49] I did [18:14:51] all his revisions are on https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/MirahezeGDPR_7d0d9955a879b561967e37f13c9e30c8 now [18:14:52] Oh I am logged out [18:14:54] Did not mean to be logged out [18:14:57] I would leave it be unless it persists for a good few days [18:15:02] yeah if logged out expect severe update delays [18:18:16] Ah yeah I logged in and it's gone, it only happens when logged out [18:18:49] average cloudflare [18:22:12] I got logged out again [18:22:15] Annoyinh [18:23:34] it can happen with new attachments to wikis unless that issue alleviated [18:23:45] I found it basically stopped after 2fa was straightened out [18:49:36] [1/2] https://taerel.com/taerelworkshop/index.php/User:TaerelAdmin/dark-mode.js [18:49:36] [2/2] Why is the anon dark mode toggle not working? [18:56:31] (This is not a mediawiki support server and you are unlikely to get assistance for non-Miraheze wikis) [19:02:00] Grrr. [19:03:00] If you haven’t noticed, we are a bit swamped at the moment. I’m sorry that this isn’t the correct place but that’s not our fault frankly and there’s no need to get upset over it [19:03:49] @theburningfirethatscorchessouls there is a MediaWiki support server that you could ask for help in https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1001373934874284112/1202010624695996436 [19:04:24] I. Know. [20:19:30] You know, the white Vector is growing on me [22:18:58] sometimes images in MediaWiki are hell [22:19:38] in a server manner [22:22:36] i installed mw in a website but it fails to create thumbnail when uploading an image [22:23:17] and the help channel in MW server is so inactive [22:26:22] [1/2] that reminded me of this lmfaooooo [22:26:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1232819954642845716/mttx3md3k5571.png?ex=662ad88d&is=6629870d&hm=c1dd96616364832cbb5e97618b035643bf8a3e06507c0880249041c14a1c6cb6& [22:27:00] 🫡 [22:27:03] lmao [22:27:38] lmaoo [22:42:28] [1/2] https://taerel.com/taerelworkshop/index.php/Endather_Forsaken_Forest [22:42:28] [2/2] Do you like the CSS I made? [23:18:28] morning [23:19:40] evening [23:19:54] afternoon [23:23:20] sup