[00:46:06] Not yet [00:46:28] That’s nice ig…. [02:55:49] [1/6] From Wikipedia, educational institutions are exempt. [02:55:49] [2/6] Look at it this way [02:55:49] [3/6] ovh is service provider [02:55:50] [4/6] Miraheze is a wiki hosting platform [02:55:50] [5/6] Each wiki is a publisher [02:55:50] [6/6] Technically as the hosted wikis are documenting for research, covering in a educational manner would gain some exemptions. A wiki is an online encyclopedia. [02:57:26] So far only approved by senate commerce committee, not yet passed senate nor is there a companion bill in House. [03:38:30] surprisingly the KOSA bill is rather easy to read, its straightforward [03:38:45] [1/3] bringing back this [03:38:46] [2/3] https://dramatica.online/Miraheze [03:38:46] [3/3] Why they are gatekeeping!!?? [03:39:17] "Miraheze is for people too poor to use the MediaWiki engine to build their own website" [03:39:53] night [03:43:43] page is written by a bunch of degenerates, including a ||nazi|| supporter [03:44:34] I ||fucking|| hate ED after I looked at the Offended page [03:46:01] its a wiki that documents drama, what do you expect from losers [03:48:07] https://tenor.com/view/puff-puff-puff-puff-puff-humbert-humbert-your-favorite-martian-gif-7501374868592398510 [05:05:22] encyclopedia dramatica belittles and insults everything they document, tbh [05:05:47] except it's not funny, unlike uncyclopedia [06:45:24] wasn't ED initially on wikia too? [06:47:13] I have a lanyard for all occasions, 1 pastel rope lanyard, 1 Pagan lanyard and two Sunflower lanyards [07:33:10] No idea [07:33:56] Don't think so [07:34:27] But if it was, it'd probably get shut down for the right reasons lol [07:52:08] I managed to make my own CSS for a website: https://taerel.com/taerelworkshop/index.php/Busor_Sea_Caves [09:55:22] [1/4] @mokure about local note systems, have you looked into Obsidian? Yes, it uses markdown, but it has a quite robust plugin system that can allow for things like JS execution and more [09:55:23] [2/4] [09:55:23] [3/4] I use it as a "personal wiki" personally and it's quite fun. A good option of you also want to use it on mobile (though file syncing has to be done via a separate solution like Google Drive if you want it for free) [09:55:23] [4/4] Just letting you know if you weren't aware of this app :pupCoffeeMH: [09:55:58] Nice GUI [12:01:19] [1/2] I think I did a good ob on my CSS (myself, with help from MediaWiki Discord users for part of it) [12:01:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1233025043395514429/2121212123132.png?ex=662b978e&is=662a460e&hm=a5d3e2d153db957edaeb346434753172e08ca27e3d8205064ccb6f1005ac59a3& [12:20:43] nice [12:22:13] Took a while to get some of the more tricky selectors right? What should I do with the box with nothing in it>? (I was considering converting it to a "fetered article" box, and using the lowermost box for fetred images} [12:22:44] My other idea would be to add in useful pages to the box or something [12:33:46] No [12:35:36] Uncyclopedia is the only good [12:36:05] Yeah cuz at least Uncyclopedia has humor [13:27:39] ED Forum is the worst [18:20:49] I only relized I made my CSS for an old verson of Vector 2022's design so worried it may have to be remade if the old design is removed [18:50:30] ok [18:50:38] i hate this [18:52:13] im not on the forums but i lurk in the wiki [19:00:31] the Miraheze page is pretty tame, but frankly you can't get that much to put there anyways [21:16:28] Net neutrality has returned: https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2023/10/fcc-moves-ahead-with-title-ii-net-neutrality-rules-in-3-2-party-line-vote/ [21:18:36] W [21:58:00] Feedback on https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Redmin/Abolish_the_Steward_role is welcome. [22:27:17] [1/2] Ok in all seriousness, at this moment we don't need further destabilizing actions or proposals [22:27:17] [2/2] This borders on foolish and reckless [22:43:31] theres people in the forums that say the most crazy things, like, things I cannot say here [22:46:44] I've had a few rounds with him on this and what I would take from it is yes, some further delegation would be good to explore, it's the core 'abolish stewards' catchphrase that I've steadily disagreed with [22:46:51] [1/2] so in conclusion [22:46:51] [2/2] saying crazy things and being and asshole to people ≠ funny [22:52:03] [1/3] Perhaps something to consider but not now. Poor timing. [22:52:03] [2/3] Better to get things stable > move to really define responsibility and duties for community, sre roles. [22:52:03] [3/3] - ensuring there's a wall that divides sre and community roles, no holding both sides [22:57:14] so on one hand I believe a degree of separation is indeed in order, but we have to be careful not to have them isolated either [22:57:57] that I believe has been the cause of some dangerous separation especially last year, although sre-steward has been far too common too [23:01:27] [1/2] Yes, there still needs to be communication but sre needs to simply focus on technical without permissions to enforce community roles [23:01:27] [2/2] Essentially what is each role purpose and what permissions at minimum to achieve [23:05:49] [1/3] A lack of standard policy, procedures being adopted by sre [23:05:49] [2/3] Adopting software abd technology reliant on 1 or 2 person instead of what majority is familiar with thus causing burnout [23:05:50] [3/3] Poor communication between sre and community leaders [23:30:14] I disagree if a member of sre should be able to obtain any other right just like anyone else can, the problem is, is when it comes to actually time to do something no one will back anyone else up [23:54:08] [1/9] not proposing to silo sre and community, community and board, sre and board [23:54:08] [2/9] - having someone be a communication coordinator between community, sre, and board may prove beneficial for long term. [23:54:09] [3/9] > - Technical minded folks tend to struggle to explain in easy to understand terms or it gets misunderstood, intent could be misinterpreted, important matters could be unintentionally omitted thus having someone capable of translating effectively could prove effective. [23:54:09] [4/9] - there have been incidents that blew up where a member of sre took out their frustration on a user bothering them by using their community role to issue consequences instead of a neutral/impartial community role dealing with it. [23:54:09] [5/9] - there are times a role is considered rather a heavy load and having too many can burn someone out [23:54:10] [6/9] - with what happened yesterday is example of how having too many roles and miscommunication creates unintended quitting. juggling too many roles has not proven effective for Miraheze and has repeatedly resulted in unstable situation [23:54:10] [7/9] if what you say about backing each other up is not happening, that is a team issue that needs to be dealt with internally. [23:54:10] [8/9] - when someone is nominated and approved but then refuses to be a team player, the team needs to decided and have the authority to dismiss. [23:54:10] [9/9] before trying to rehash or reconsider delegating of tasks or responsibilities, need to first ensure long term stability of miraheze [23:55:17] if there were a communication coordinator role, I would be inclined to nominate RhinosF1 [23:55:50] Okay you make people only have role, good luck having anyone to run Miraheze, its not done because its cool to have every role known to man, its done because no one else will [23:56:47] You have to remember the overwhelming majority of the community isn’t even in highschool yet [23:57:32] yes as of now there is understaffing. to ensure long term, folks need to step up [23:57:53] You don’t think we’ve been trying to have that happen for years now? [23:58:47] It’s nearly infinitely easier to say “we need people to step up” than it is to find people who do/can [23:58:57] Issue is overwhelming majority of our comment can’t sign NDAs because they aren’t 18+, so that automatically takes them out of the running for over half of the roles [23:59:20] that's where scouting takes place [23:59:46] in regards to NDAs, are all of the roles impacted by such a requirement absolutely needing one? [23:59:56] Where in the calendar do we have time for scouting? Between keeping things running, and cleaning up stuff constantly in the community