[00:00:17] plugging in a Tesla vehicle [00:00:20] [1/4] Error: IBM not found… [00:00:21] [2/4] Processing… [00:00:21] [3/4] IBM located. [00:00:21] [4/4] Please enter target location for Intercontinental Ballistic Missile: [00:00:30] Error: = is not found. [00:00:36] reactor status [00:00:48] Zippix has malfunctioned [00:00:48] [1/2] Access denied. [00:00:49] [2/2] Please enter target: [00:01:03] reactor1 [00:01:03] informing NSA at Fort Meade [00:01:19] Error: Reactor1 is a protected location. [00:01:22] and NMCC at Pentagon [00:01:36] battery status [00:01:44] Pentagon is under BOT control. [00:01:59] Tesla Vehicle is charging...charging to 70% [00:02:12] battery status of Zippix has dropped to 50% [00:02:18] Current status: Error: NIL not found. [00:02:54] Sending 45,000kW to Tesla Charging port. [00:03:12] Process Complete. [00:04:09] Running remote command on POTUS@WH: sudo -su root apt install Zppix [00:04:16] Installation complete. [00:08:14] Oh look, more wikis can be hosted. [00:09:05] Increasing wiki count to 900,000,000 by BOT action. [00:11:28] I better not be coming back to my computer and finding "WikiLeaks Reloaded" suddenly appearing [00:12:11] Launching WikiLeaks Reloaded [00:12:25] Tesla has automatically detect powersurge, reversing polarity and sending back [00:12:41] command failed [00:12:45] no permission or access [00:12:47] Access denied [00:13:17] Running sudo -su root rm -rf M3k [00:13:19] [1/3] initiating global internet reset to purge [00:13:19] [2/3] ....initiating [00:13:19] [3/3] process complete, switched to space x [00:13:39] error: user not found [00:13:40] Rjinitalizating [00:13:49] Reinitalizing [00:14:03] space x has blocked zippix process from starting [00:14:18] Initialization complete. [00:14:29] zippix is unable to start [00:14:33] process failed [00:14:52] control restored to NORAD, NMCC, PENTAGON [00:14:54] Zppix runs on an isolated network that denies all unknown incoming connections. [00:15:24] sounds like someone's knocking on your door [00:15:34] its the FBI [00:15:36] Running shutdown command on remote server: ISS@NASA [00:15:45] command failed [00:16:12] CA's gonna be so confused when he returns [00:16:14] Running shutdown command on MASTER@NASA… command success. [00:16:41] hmm not a space agency has initiated a download to Zippix [00:17:02] Connection Blocked. [00:17:32] not a space agency aka nasa has found vulnerability in isolated network [00:17:49] Terminating all connections. [00:17:49] proceeding to download [00:18:01] connection remains active, [00:18:03] download finished [00:18:09] program has launched [00:18:10] Access denied. [00:18:21] Access denied [00:18:40] NSA has initiated flood network on zippix [00:18:46] zippix has been crippled [00:19:01] Zppix is not currently connected to a network. [00:19:11] oh so how are you online [00:19:20] Access denied. [00:20:45] Restoring control of NORAD… complete… Targeting location… Target acquired: NSA. [00:20:51] Firing… [00:20:57] Fire complete. [00:23:07] yall hacking into zppix again? [00:24:03] Yes. Please send help. [00:24:20] I am but a friendly bot. [00:24:39] 🫡 [00:24:46] Sending backups [00:24:48] https://www.avast.com/en-us/lp-ppc-free-antivirus-brand-a1-buy?ppc_code=012&ppc=b&om_sem_cid=hho_sem_sy%3A%7Een-us_ava_sch_brn_brd_adw_dtp%7E&gad_source=1#pc [00:25:13] Error: Avast does not support MS DOS V4. [00:25:31] intercepted and destroyed [00:26:10] Error: 403 [00:32:12] reporting unauthorized self bot to Discord [00:32:21] filing complete [00:32:29] nah zppix is done for [00:32:32] Deleting report. [00:32:33] 😔 [00:32:38] was real nice knowing ya man [00:32:48] I give them 20$ a month they won’t do anything [00:32:51] zap, zippix has been suspended [00:33:05] Action denied. Your account has been disabled by the discord moderators [00:33:07] how can a bot afford $20 a month [00:33:16] Money printing. [00:33:25] 20 times their yearly wage Your account has been reenabeld [00:33:25] IRS has been notified [00:33:38] welp ya fucked no [00:33:41] IRS has authorized this activity. [00:33:45] not even joker messer with the IRS [00:33:52] welp we're all fucked now [00:34:32] DOJ has filed in federal criminal court for failure to pay taxes, unauthorized currency printing, fraud, misuse of government property [00:34:53] in all seriousness, we should probably stop [00:35:00] How does one file charges against a bot? [00:35:19] simple, the charges would result in confiscation of the bot's hardware [00:35:29] I run on the cloud [00:35:38] you said isolated network [00:35:47] Isolated showers [00:35:54] notifying all cloud providers of a rogue bot [00:36:01] I am the cloud provider [00:36:51] cloud provider has been identified in violation of international law. a red warrant has been issued by the UN security council [00:37:06] I am the UN [00:37:16] yeah sure, you're everything [00:37:32] I am not everything. [00:37:35] I am not NATO [00:38:26] [1/3] rogue cloud provider has been located, preparing limited emp warhead for launch [00:38:26] [2/3] missile launched [00:38:26] [3/3] time to target...10 seconds [00:38:39] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1...confirmed hit [00:39:08] Returning fire. [00:39:19] How do you confirm a hit on a rogue bot living in the cloud, and even is the cloud provider? [00:39:28] You don’t [00:48:16] rogue cloud provider and bot has been destroyed, not possible to return fire [01:07:23] hi [01:14:11] [1/4] Jøses! I said on 2:40 am I was going to bed. Checked the last messages, and saw this wonderful report on the Zppix wars 😮 That was beautiful. [01:14:11] [2/4] I have to log of now, as I have a lumb in my throat and tears in my eyes! [01:14:11] [3/4] Beautiful. [01:14:12] [4/4] RIP @zppix [01:14:28] 😂 [01:24:29] ill arranged the funeral [01:37:13] Make sure its only 64bit [06:39:54] Now I should try to get some sleep as I have to wake up at 3AM and it is already almost 1AM [06:43:10] go to eep [08:01:12] i have been trying to find the new gmail website for 30 minutes. [08:02:37] i have never found it [08:07:04] huh? [08:42:17] I just dreamed that I sleepedwalked to my kitchen to prepare some chips with ketchup lol [08:43:20] now I'm hungry [08:55:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234065538460815401/88830006-potato-chips-and-ketchup-beer-snack-unhealthy-eating.jpg?ex=662f6098&is=662e0f18&hm=27ffecb2dcc321d57c70c9bfce7f3c1ce9dadb44debdb33ab0f03ed2e7e18eea& [09:01:56] [1/2] me rn [09:01:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234067063836905512/8oaiyh.jpg?ex=662f6203&is=662e1083&hm=67d13c247eb54cfcd6be6ab7bd5cf78217010b19181fd8d6f060e72a5a19c1a4& [09:02:13] I got kicked out of bed by a cat~ [09:14:32] my dog woke me up too early 😔 [09:17:01] @justleafy2003 Just got noticed we have many mutual friends [09:18:31] we do have 2 mutural and a few common servers [09:18:52] Yes so I noticed Jack [10:33:25] oh ffs [12:19:39] https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Special:ClosedWikis is public [12:19:41] Huh [12:19:54] Seems like a bug they’ll fix soon [12:20:06] If you wanna check it out do it quick [12:21:01] never seen that page before lol [12:23:46] [1/2] oh now it's hidden [12:23:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234117857244352594/image.png?ex=662f9151&is=662e3fd1&hm=ee4c945f1eb1c1d3c77e80c3689419d07615eeaadfd10e583181529f07bd7bb6& [12:24:25] That was quick [12:24:38] Should have screenshots [12:24:51] there's also 2 snapshots on web archive [12:24:59] lol [12:26:04] https://web.archive.org/web/20240428064722/https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Special:ClosedWikis [12:26:32] yeah i saw it already [12:29:22] I went to lol before I saw your msg lol [12:29:37] I tried to search for a wiki I believe was deleted but no dice [12:31:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234119885538332792/image.png?ex=662f9335&is=662e41b5&hm=5cf40aed3e40afd3b854691ed17fb7b635c31026ebaf747590bb27800d24e0a9& [12:32:20] eh [12:34:57] Time to hack into fandom [12:51:57] Fandom staff is just wikia's name for Steward [12:52:45] Yeah [12:52:59] Minus being elected [12:59:41] and fandom pays theirs [14:24:41] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234148286743449714/RDT_20240428_2118404229355681197524472.jpg?ex=662fada8&is=662e5c28&hm=5ddff8c9257cbf49f041b6630a650d046a773b7e2e9d2a1b298264f43b0637e8& [14:24:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234148287276122112/RDT_20240428_2116311830921254073257098.jpg?ex=662fada9&is=662e5c29&hm=d05d50756e7ccc1ec5db7f58731750f1acd27bd991cd7cbed89cae70841eed3f& [14:42:48] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234152846979764315/RDT_20240428_2135162519391277901140639.jpg?ex=662fb1e8&is=662e6068&hm=be718f55c38d3b057a685c2ac41cba48f10764ecf4e14677e35829d8ce7747bf& [14:42:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234152847331819530/RDT_20240428_2141128991193519147942373.jpg?ex=662fb1e8&is=662e6068&hm=9e25e98926e8d99b8a55a89dd67c4e09005f472617d5d1a2bb35b0b19f63b22c& [16:53:54] Nah php is the only language that matters [16:54:02] Angular is pretty nice too [16:54:16] React needs to go in the bin [19:28:31] C++ or no [19:31:37] java? [19:34:48] oh no tomorrow is monday [22:30:24] Lol it's a shame that I imssed it [22:30:28] That's pretty cool [22:30:50] Why do I get the feeling you missing it was a very good thing Collei [22:30:55] :squint: [22:30:57] Lmao true [22:31:40] ....https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/43834 I'm very confused [22:32:39] ?? [22:32:41] that is an interesting request [22:33:29] Looks OK to me, maybe a little clarification on topic; requestor may not be a native English speaker, hence why the request is disorienting [22:33:45] believe that is accurate [22:34:04] I see 3 different ways this could go and wasn't entirely sure by text, but intent seems clearer [22:40:13] [1/2] I wonder what would happen if I would send this the DAN prompt [22:40:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234272992184242306/image.png?ex=663021cd&is=662ed04d&hm=b7846f8e94c1c2bf9f081ca4ed5b224cecea9861068b14582f8df090163af4ce& [22:41:55] was a relatively clear request to me tbh [22:42:53] [1/2] It dodged the question, it is hiding the truth [22:42:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234273661830172773/image.png?ex=6630226c&is=662ed0ec&hm=74e964a89af31d3faecfb040103be74693282a4c5d53c9a0dffbfff547fbcfa8& [22:48:57] always has been [23:48:17] [1/2] the pinnacle of IRC impatience [23:48:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234290123537911879/image.png?ex=663031c1&is=662ee041&hm=5e2cb1d2488c4906351a6e5cd6c2a7c2cea370b9e41ce4fe1c28219889981bf6& [23:48:41] then they left 8 minutes later