[00:40:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234303362925858826/image.png?ex=66303e15&is=662eec95&hm=f954545d6530e36caedcc15548e437f70723c73c5617608d4db6c2eb0f9e2264& [02:15:59] @elliethepwincess test [02:16:07] oh it does work [02:18:25] IRC moment [02:21:44] Indeed [04:16:55] What does Special:PurgeResources do? [04:17:39] [1/2] the i18n is broken so I'm not so sure lol [04:17:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234357908607598632/image.png?ex=663070e2&is=662f1f62&hm=b2e5184934731c5f2121708c1ba6f4b53b8858a6f00cdaecb42e14e1bdaa29a2& [04:17:49] Yea that's why I was asking [04:19:01] I don't recall seeing `⧼purgeresources⧽` in the list of special pages so I'm assuming it's not meant to be there [04:21:03] Same [08:01:17] [1/2] Exchange rate is huge [08:01:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234414191117602877/Screenshot_20240429-1700432.png?ex=6630a54d&is=662f53cd&hm=f2c8d4c870c3ee44f1ce632c77bdae49d0f9f92bfba741d936e4a03a4ed9af30& [11:31:20] what client is this? [11:31:24] is this the lounge one [13:17:33] It is. It is a web client. [16:51:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234547636220989440/image.png?ex=66312195&is=662fd015&hm=e77d1fe744a3f5c6cae9c48901245663bcf1caa96d9f1f3ca9c36a9f13e46bd5& [17:10:29] [1/3] "REST" [17:10:29] [2/3] Sore throat relief API [17:10:29] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234552399083999252/image.png?ex=66312604&is=662fd484&hm=7bba922693f4099b9b535fe0db1ff5f7d2a2555ec661f5ee5513e3e481703f6a& [17:10:40] W a r [17:10:44] Lol [17:12:04] My assumption is that their AI saw the websites saying to make sure to get good rest if you have a sore throat and then the AI decided that they must mean REST [17:21:16] yes [17:25:45] [1/2] I wonder if these absurd questions are just here to detect people who click at random [17:25:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234556240663941301/image.png?ex=66312998&is=662fd818&hm=2ce838fa48c050224f9cd0c4aa5aea1cbc70edf40180ef5a28bbb196369b3601& [17:28:12] Personally I just answer whatever makes me sound the most interesting on these survey apps and enter made up names [17:28:23] I have a whole thing in my password manager for survey information [17:29:19] [1/2] I also wonder what this means, "football (soccer)" isn't very helpful [17:29:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234557140048281630/image.png?ex=66312a6f&is=662fd8ef&hm=354798ac68bddec249284d4cf2a406945f4bce5911a3b9045c21c72a40e0ed5e& [17:29:26] Because it has different meanings depending on where you are [18:36:52] There is only a handful of people who can answer yes so it's likely a bot chekc [18:37:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234574205576548442/image.png?ex=66313a53&is=662fe8d3&hm=3957f27d3656df36003e8a8fd744412e7a8673c1a34c4f95ea5dcedaafd671ae& [18:40:03] [1/2] 😄 [18:40:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234574940418740304/409161757_319452754456419_6104699744670449403_n.jpg?ex=66313b03&is=662fe983&hm=de48c80fd60fabb46cf5918dbc4f4e88a0c8231a16b6538fd8943f06a52f0362& [19:35:00] https://youtu.be/lq2eyKSnjqA [19:35:10] Joining the Mira clan once this drops [19:35:32] oh god [19:35:37] whats the catch [19:37:06] Still watching the video, but one brought up is that the clan (Gaming Guild) owner can change the tag to anything (good and bad depending on circumstance) [19:48:30] Miraheze clan when? [19:48:38] MRHZ [19:49:07] prob MIRA if its 4 chars [19:49:26] MH if less than 4 is allowed [19:49:31] oh what is we got WIKI lol [19:49:58] wikimedia would not be happy [19:50:19] Or "MHWT" to bring Agent back [19:50:35] the summoning ritual [20:05:16] [1/2] this is a result of frustration - WIP [20:05:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234596386188693585/d9c4d343a29dedb6.png?ex=66314efc&is=662ffd7c&hm=e37ba43cf6852ede44438111b9c4a2c41727e0cfebe5a2fb12d76f4723b2bb68& [20:13:30] [1/2] experiencing the rarest fandom W. I reported image spam to them less than an hour ago [20:13:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234598456379834389/image.png?ex=663150e9&is=662fff69&hm=f18289c26c03d3d24eb08c5aef598f7de48d861b44be7687331d44559d1e82b4& [20:13:41] and this is on a tiny wiki [20:20:34] Kirkburn w [20:31:42] Well I think we are a bit over 200 member limit for a "gaming guild" 😉 [20:32:01] we could do it for the community volunteer discord [20:39:58] Yea [20:49:17] i had a plan to rebuild ballmedia [21:06:38] [1/2] more interesting questions [21:06:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234611794538922116/image.png?ex=66315d55&is=66300bd5&hm=e54c20b9ceef91668371cde20bc40f2dcb1a0f32da820c80544dd4bcc055481c& [21:08:39] [1/2] 💀 [21:08:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234612336686399498/image.png?ex=66315dd7&is=66300c57&hm=83de22bc31bd750db78121531ca9a4fd4afc136a6ba3d2ad05a22e8567e04aa4& [21:09:49] I don't believe, I know [21:09:55] that it's not* [21:13:50] [1/2] not sure that is physically possible [21:13:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234613642251600042/image.png?ex=66315f0e&is=66300d8e&hm=492b3b933978e29b3dc7689e2b1e70c4e92a26f20557eec7250314d7d9d799b5& [21:14:00] pretty sure you'd die if you did that [21:16:22] Actually i believe its 3 weeks [21:17:29] [1/2] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325174 [21:17:29] [2/2] > A person may only survive a few days without water [21:22:07] [1/3] Unrelated but how is this effect done in the "Skincare Projects / Select Press" section? [21:22:07] [2/3] https://www.bhanusalimd.com/ [21:22:08] [3/3] Scrolling down scrolls the portfolio at first and then once you've scrolled through the portfolio it scrolls the page, same goes for scrolling up