[00:31:01] That's food [00:34:05] The Earth is an uneven sphere. [00:36:41] More specifically, it's elongated at the equator by around 15 miles [02:32:48] [1/2] does anyone know how to communicate this to them [02:32:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234693908328615956/image.png?ex=6631a9cf&is=6630584f&hm=a8149440b6ea9be34218fcb4d35cdf0ab9c6216b8314f17103e8616e7ff50702& [02:33:24] [1/2] and this in one of the seven group chats they created to obtain "payback value" and "customer's return" [02:33:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234694061395415090/image.png?ex=6631a9f3&is=66305873&hm=e68b22570ad8156d597b6922b76e3bc7c33d560be99607a04bac6e0af356288f& [02:33:39] all of this because they accidentally kicked someone from one of the other 4 group chats they made this month [02:37:13] I told him to change his Discord password because apparently there have been group chats made from his account and messages sent that he didn't try to make and then he told me that he already changed his password months ago because he forgot it and then told me what his password is [02:44:51] confoosed [03:45:46] One of my YouTube videos from January got posted onto a Korean forum website lolol [04:14:31] lol cool [05:39:07] [1/5] [MIRA] JustLeafy [05:39:07] [2/5] [MIRA] Tali64 [05:39:07] [3/5] or perhaps... [05:39:08] [4/5] [MH] JustLeafy [05:39:08] [5/5] [MH] Tali64 [05:40:22] tbh, any fighting of vandalism/spam is a W [05:53:36] M H M [06:56:45] [1/2] apparently Kotaku also adds game wikis links on their game profile pages but calls them just Fandom [06:56:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234760333730643978/IMG_20240430_095533.jpg?ex=6631e7ac&is=6630962c&hm=151c67a5513a706536469a7c10b21bd8c889b53c8c8308525e4eb87ef4e5064f& [06:56:56] both link to my fork as for now lol [07:23:37] Convince Kotaku to add a "Miraheze" one [07:56:23] https://twitter.com/GooglePlay/status/1784251158933942361 [07:56:31] google play is not smart [08:05:49] I mean, hey, at least the wikispace is getting recognized among sites like kotaku [08:06:00] which is still better than nothing [08:06:21] but I do agree that your wiki should be linked, since it's the main one, and fandom should only be linked when it's the only available wiki [08:15:57] gotta be just wiki really [08:16:09] like igdb has it as "community wiki" [08:17:08] amongst fandom's biggest sins are both branding of the word "fandom" and very much monopolizing the fan wiki spaces [08:30:19] sounds fair to me [11:17:32] Agreed, fandom is a generic word for a community. At least "Wikia" was obviously the name of a wikifarm [11:28:40] It was the most clever thing to do fro their perspective. [11:31:27] it's nasty, considering how fandom communities work and live [11:31:41] like, trying to control them [11:32:38] wikia was back when fandom wasn't terrible [11:32:55] at least not as much as now [11:41:46] the first waves of unrest started in 2010 [11:42:04] it still was Wikia, but communities already realized where it's going [11:42:22] it did seemed alright, before Fandom rebrand [11:42:56] after 2018 things started getting wore especially fast [11:57:19] [1/2] I'll give my honest opinion: around the Fandom rebrand was when you started to get all the long time staff members who built the platform, both from a community perspective and a technical perspective, leaving the company. In turn, you got people like Brandon Rhea rising through the ranks making executive level decisions which compounded the issues. [11:57:19] [2/2] (Not a personal attack on Brandon, I just think that he has done more harm than good in his role) [11:57:53] Of course, then you get the merge, which worked out horribly and drove away all of the people who built Gamepedia, which in hindsight was leagues about Fandom ever has been. [14:21:16] https://www.johnsoncitypress.com/news/crime/man-accused-in-walmart-parking-lot-shooting-sentenced-to-three-years/article_be718314-8c36-5573-8dd7-02d64cb7e4fc.html [14:21:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234872273446506637/image.png?ex=66324fec&is=6630fe6c&hm=5ad97441410c04c3f404257769a9c99fb74310496205006a42e56beaf435f7f3& [14:21:40] Ik that's not who you're talking about lol [14:28:25] So respectfully, we don't need to include links to shootings in these types of discussions. [14:28:46] oh sorry [14:28:51] Especially if it's not who is being talked about, because people will get the idea that the persons are the same, which isn't good. [14:28:58] Sorry [14:29:19] All good, it's just a sensitive issue for many and it's not something to be carelessly tossed around. [14:29:37] Alr [16:05:29] [1/2] :moonch: [16:05:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234898428945895574/image.png?ex=66326848&is=663116c8&hm=3e4cd4488425ea2c502bd89284c5a1a06ef00405f835ed0ef44fa9fc34ed735f& [16:54:40] url gore [17:17:30] %E2%80%8BThe [17:22:38] chinese character encoding [20:12:47] This is the sort of shit that makes poorly written IRC clients implode [20:45:09] bush hid the facts ---> 畂桳栠摩琠敨映捡獴 [20:58:46] "The sun and the sunshine are the most powerful suns in the world, and they are the most powerful suns in the world." --DeepL Translate [20:59:18] huh, interesting [21:00:13] today I learned `code .` opens vs code [21:00:53] terminal or web browser protocol? [21:00:58] terminal [21:02:07] who even uses VS code? [21:06:12] a lot of people [21:06:38] 🤚 [21:07:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234974526329323673/image.png?ex=6632af27&is=66315da7&hm=5f6c1fe14d4c230d057df42bbea6f0cfbd246f2650100fd5a7f409859b7a666e& [21:08:38] VS code is a piggyback of VS's name with nothing in common imho [21:43:33] i wish there was an easy way to disable the annoying a:visited style for my browser [21:44:07] instead of having to rely on whether the website had disabled the style itself or not [21:52:00] VSCode is probably the most popular text editor. [21:52:19] But nothing will beat jetbrains products. [22:22:00] [1/2] does anyone remember when these vector tabs were like this [22:22:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234993182563897457/old_vector_tab.PNG?ex=6632c087&is=66316f07&hm=881be7e034b52894a197e9842a01a9805b722042c1a4de97644546864c175ffd& [22:23:04] They still are on the legacy skin [22:23:17] They still are if you use VecOG [22:23:31] [1/2] they had a redesign [22:23:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1234993566732914778/new_vector_tabs.PNG?ex=6632c0e3&is=66316f63&hm=55ddb0c203b412a135679110b132acea6b6ce2a056cfb70fb711e35977639abd& [22:24:17] now they like "mix" idk [22:26:05] in the old one has a line [22:26:29] at the bottom of the selected tab [22:34:38] I stopped paying for CLion when I started writing my own game engine, VS is much better for managing large C/C++/C# projects, especially if you use the MS toolchain [22:34:59] why would pay for a text editor [22:35:58] [1/2] ||talking about text editors, one time I tried to make one [22:35:59] [2/2] https://github.com/joelemiliano/soda|| [22:43:26] It's the finer details and debugger integration that make an editor worth paying for [22:52:24] lol no, ain't paying for a text editor, probably the only software I would buy is Adobe Photoshop, good program ||I used it via PIRACY!!!|| but I can't have it because is too expensive [23:00:51] Inkscape > Photoshop [23:04:56] [1/2] photoshop is for raster, inkscape is for vector [23:04:56] [2/2] though inkscape is kinda ass, figma is better [23:05:11] There is also GIMP [23:05:47] gimp is assier than inkscape [23:06:03] If you talk too much shit about inkscape there is a non-zero chance of getting smited by the vactor artists on WM Commons [23:07:36] Inkscape now that I remember is not that ass, inkscape sometimes is kinda clunky, and sometimes unstable [23:08:34] but is not my first option when I want to make a design [23:08:49] It's FOSS so if you don't like something you can always [[WP:FIXIT]] yourself [23:08:49] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:FIXIT [23:08:50] [23:10:30] what da hell is FOSS [23:11:54] Free and Open Source Software [23:12:10] The good kind of software [23:12:46] also sometimes you see FLOSS [23:12:50] the L is libera [23:16:31] yeah [23:17:31] yeah, gimp is putrid [23:19:13] photopea is better [23:19:49] lol I have the 1.2 version, so i upgraded [23:23:47] anyone got a good eye for colour? [23:24:24] if I have a background of `rgba(248, 249, 250, 1)`, what colur is is sensible for an input box [23:24:33] i'm shocking at choosing colurs that make things legible. [23:25:45] [1/2] I kinda don't know if this looks silleh (the darker being the input box) [23:25:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1235009227508944926/image.png?ex=6632cf79&is=66317df9&hm=8629db81062b4a559768751f1667bb824805395de3a64bae1444d186d23f3e7f& [23:27:00] the dark mode looks bad [23:30:35] [1/2] gimp vs photopea and inkscape vs figma. there are pros and cons to each and it's a matter of what you're hoping to achieve or willing to put up with. also a matter of what you're more comfortable working with. what's ass to you might be great to others. i haven't used figma, but I don't think I'd appreciate its ad-supported interface. I'll have to check out photopea to see if its web-ba [23:30:35] [2/2] sed protocol is better than gimp for me. [23:31:34] [1/2] >ads [23:31:35] [2/2] No thanks. If I see advertisements in my software - I rage [23:31:49] affinity is the fat better solution 😛 [23:32:23] ad blocker lol [23:32:47] the image looks good to me. [23:33:16] if you don't want ads, pay for getting the self hosted version [23:33:35] i don't have the money for doing that but well [23:33:51] [1/5] I am not against ads in general, but if you try to shove them down my throat I will go out of my way to block/strip them out. [23:33:52] [2/5] I would not mind ads on MH on the following conditions: [23:33:52] [3/5] opt in where I have to log in and enable them and they are off by defeault [23:33:52] [4/5] my privacy is respected (no tracking BS, ideally ads served from MH servers) [23:33:52] [5/5] the ads are not spammed all over the interface. One banner at the top and one at the bottom [23:34:44] [1/2] > opt in where I have to log in and enable them and they are off by defeault [23:34:44] [2/2] there would be no reason to display ads if that was an option, because everyone would turn them off. [23:34:59] you can donate to Photopea [23:35:04] I would actually enable them if they don't piss me off [23:35:45] https://tenor.com/bmuFF.gif [23:35:46] A lot of forums serve their ad banners locally, and there is no need for targeting because only webmasters go to the forum I go to so only relevant services buy the placements, no tracking, no BS. Can we do ads the old school way thank you [23:37:02] [1/2] if you are elon musk lol [23:37:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1235012066717466644/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-04-30_a_las_5.36.32_p.m..png?ex=6632d21e&is=6631809e&hm=5d76404cbf7c86f4a056607f2f4bcd7ecf57357ab4f5682b113a5c216d64a521& [23:38:07] oh well, or pay 5 dollars for premium [23:38:22] per month [23:38:40] so 1 year of premium would be like 60 dollars [23:38:59] no ads [23:39:25] oh, so 1 year is 50 [23:44:58] what app is this ☠️ [23:45:16] photopea [23:45:24] You can buy affinity for about the same pricd [23:45:39] What does it do [23:46:00] very good online phony photoshop [23:46:07] https://photopea.com [23:46:23] simulates the event horizon [23:46:43] I actually in the past I was using Pixlr [23:46:50] now is very ass [23:47:00] everything haves a paywall [23:50:36] Very expensive, it costs here in Mexico like 1,499 MXN [23:51:10] thats about the same as $70 which isn't much difference than $50 [23:51:26] for a one-off payment v $50 a year. [23:52:33] Thats my entire wallet, and I'm not joking at all [23:52:48] https://tenor.com/nHZ3s7lUjvu.gif [23:53:11] Then there is me, total non artist doing edits in paint.net/pinta [23:53:28] paint.net is kinda weird, but not bad [23:53:54] Why I need to set my color to transparent for blanking an image [23:54:03] Gimp is the wierdest software I'd ever touched [23:54:27] Maybe not quite weirdest but ranks up there [23:54:53] Gimp is the assiest image editor I'd ever touched [23:56:33] I chalk it to skill issue, but not a skill I'm interested in developing at a glance [23:56:47] I only use it in my other laptop, because my main pc is a MacBook [23:57:19] BTW paint.net needs a Mac port [23:59:14] Pinta's the linux port at least