[01:28:29] I had an accidental nap [01:28:38] With dream ๐Ÿ’€ [02:44:21] am I seriously the only one who reads safety instructions on a plane [02:50:13] I'd like to make a proposal in #discord-forums to create a meme channel but i'm not sure if that proposal would go over well [03:08:59] We don't really get a lot of memes; any memes we do get can be posted here in offtopic [03:09:04] hm alr [04:30:50] When I waked up, I was like "Did I just sleeped" [04:31:40] btw yesterday I stayed up to like 1:40 am, and i waked up like very tired [04:32:26] so with that accidental nap I recovered those hours lol [04:35:23] [1/2] Quora... I don't know Hebrew [04:35:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236536700767830066/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-04_a_las_10.34.59_p.m..png?ex=66385e0b&is=66370c8b&hm=b118e31c567a34c7b44fea2b8ded2f1248bc4afccb9304651165ed69f175a197& [04:53:04] zionists have taken over your device [05:05:26] [1/5] anyways, here's some good news, regarding the story of a particular wiki: the wiki about the band Yes was finally revived recently: https://yeswiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [05:05:26] [2/5] ok, so why am I talking about this wiki in particular? well, it's because there's an interesting story to this wiki. years ago, they used to have a wiki on Fandom that iirc had 5000 pages. sometime in like 2021/2022, for no apparent reason, that wiki was closed, and I'm gonna assume that they looked at the wiki name and say "this is spam" [05:05:27] [3/5] https://web.archive.org/web/20210415173445/https://yes.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page [05:05:27] [4/5] here's a snapshot for someone having the "yes wiki" created but as an empty wiki (and I'm gonna assume not about the band): https://web.archive.org/web/20220326175416/https://yes.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page [05:05:27] [5/5] but hey, 2 years later, someone on miraheze finally requested a wiki for the band. it doesn't have 5000 pages, but for what the wiki has documented so far in just a week, it's doing pretty good [05:09:01] I just have quora just to get bombarded with mails with crazy stories like "My uncle drug me and something I can't say" because idk [06:35:26] damn lmao [06:35:48] Yes weee highly influential how can you fuck up so badly [06:36:00] 5k article [06:36:13] I assume no dumps were left [06:43:20] It's unfortunate that it got deleted like that without even checking the content [06:43:52] Yeah, Quora is crazy lol [06:45:07] yeah [06:45:15] but hey, at least the wiki is back in a decent state [06:45:30] I haven't otherwise seen any other revivals of the wiki beforehand [06:47:04] thinking again about music wikis alliance thing which was suggested at some point here [06:48:00] that would be cool [06:51:10] [1/4] like u have the Soft Cell Wiki [06:51:10] [2/4] and there's the Ennio Morricone Wiki [06:51:11] [3/4] and there are also a few expansive external wikis of bands, such as The Police and Sublime [06:51:11] [4/4] and of course, let's not forget the other Fandom wikis of actual pop stars and bands such Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber :P [06:52:47] and there are some really good wikis based on a genre, like the jpop wiki and the kpop wiki [06:53:02] and another two good wikis of edm labels, which are the monstercat and ncs wikis [06:53:08] SPcodex is quite big and ot started on Miraheze initially [06:53:43] I think the that actually made me start on my own was Elvis Costello wiki [06:54:00] NIN wiki feels very odd tbh [06:54:02] and finally, there's metal archives, which I think counts as a wiki? if so, I'd argue that's the best music "wiki" [06:54:51] those on fandom? [06:54:56] yes [06:55:09] but content wise, they're pretty high quality [06:55:22] DMlive wiki is massive tbh, it acts like archive too [06:55:41] don't even know who dmlive is/are lol [06:55:49] Depeche Mode lol [06:56:13] it initially started as place for documenting live recordings and shows, it seems [06:56:47] https://dmlive.wiki/wiki/Main_Page [06:57:07] btw, of course I expect there to be wikis for like pop stars cuz they are famous and have a fanbase, and wikipedia usually isn't enough for the documentation of albums/songs/etc. [06:57:38] but the niche wikis that have like thousands, if not tens of thousands of pages, are interesting [06:57:52] music wikis overall seem to be in a minority comparing to other mediums [06:57:55] and like [06:58:30] yes, when the artist/band is big, there's definitely gonna be someone were nerdy and dedicated [06:58:45] and bunch of fans are very very organised and stuff [06:59:07] [1/2] if not - congratulations, you're fucked lol [06:59:07] [2/2] that's my case [06:59:57] plenty of fans over 40 out there but they're sooo unorganized, passive or plain greedy lol [07:00:14] yeah [07:01:20] if I was there in the 80s, man, I wouldn't miss anything, and would probably be the first person to run a proper fan site, and make a wiki by mid 2000s [07:01:37] interesting [07:03:30] [1/2] here's Elvis Costello btw, 31k pages lol [07:03:31] [2/2] https://www.elviscostello.info/wiki/index.php/Main_Page [07:03:36] [1/3] tho if anything, my favorite type of music wikis are the genre/label wikis, most particularly the ones that are expansive (like I've said, wikis such as monstercat wiki, jpop wiki, vaporwave wiki, eurobeat wiki, ncs wiki, etc.) [07:03:36] [2/3] because the artists documented on those wikis are otherwise not like very well known, but not very obscure either [07:03:36] [3/3] however, it's nice to find out basic info about who the artists are in the form of a wiki, where they're otherwise not documented on wikipedia [07:05:24] [1/2] yeah, just talked about this wiki, earlier [07:05:25] [2/2] like it's cool that a wiki of one particular/more niche musician exists, but I genuinely wonder how u can get so far as to having 31k pages [07:06:12] they document everything, even magazine interview [07:06:19] the guy is very fruitful too [07:06:48] for comparison, I know this is a totally different subject of wikis here, but games like minecraft and dwarf fortress are very in-depth games, their wikis have 10k pages each lol [07:07:16] my wiki isn't about single band too, it's supposed to be everything about 2 artists, but my brain can't take solo Marc Almond shit and I just hope someone else will jump on that lol [07:10:35] [1/2] these guys nearing 5k [07:10:36] [2/2] https://musewiki.org/MuseWiki [07:11:36] there's also http://tmbw.net/ [07:11:58] 6k pages [07:13:01] I love their name lol [09:22:45] I reckon it was due to copyright issues [09:25:54] I think if we had the manpower to thoroughly investigate wiki's, many would get closed. [09:26:38] [1/3] @felenov https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1236455951364653147 [09:26:38] [2/3] You mean on a wiki farm like here on Miraheze? ๐Ÿ‘€ Otherwise you have to take care of the hosting as well which is more troublesome than syncing an Obsidian vault. [09:26:39] [3/3] I like Obsidian for personal notes because I just like having all my files locally. But it's true, still searching for a way to have wiki-like templates in Obsidian, it has at least three template systems and they're mostly for copy-pasting >-> [09:27:10] After using mediawiki templates there's just nothing better for certain things [09:44:46] stable fan communities are arguably free matketing [09:46:18] if it was something along the lines of piracy yeah, I can see DMCA being justified on a platform (indie wikis don't care) [09:46:59] but otherwise it hurts artist's image more than helps [11:22:00] [1/7] Depends. Disney for example is quite strict, especially with music and video's. [11:22:01] [2/7] Fan content can only go so far. [11:22:01] [3/7] If they copy everything, on several sites, the exclusivity is gone. Another problem is our licenses. Cc-by-sa states that you are allowed to make money from it. So If I were to play dumb, and make lot's of money from making merchandise, I could claim, well On Disney.miraheze.org (no does not exist) it states cc-by-sa so I am allowed. [11:22:01] [4/7] That would mean, I go free, but then Miraheze comes in trouble as we host that wiki who falsely claims that images are available under that license. [11:22:01] [5/7] Disney is known for their aggressive campaigns against copyright violations. [11:22:02] [6/7] We just do not want to, nor should, get to such point. [11:22:02] [7/7] And even though the likelihood is small, it would be another stain on our reputation. We really need to clean up our act. [11:23:31] images don't state they're CCBYSA when tagged properly like w/ fair use [11:25:02] That is the main problem. If no license is given, the logo at the bottom showing CC-by-sa would provide the license for that image [11:25:37] That would include any video or image [11:25:53] [1/2] again, more and more people now hate disney and nintendo for their rampant copyright attacks, but clearly they're too huge to care [11:25:53] [2/2] other companies are more cautious of their image/perception [11:29:02] Miraheze does better job at telling users about copyrights tbh [11:29:20] the fact that file licenses are needed [11:30:48] [1/2] Unfortunately, they just put a PD on an image that is licensed under cc-by-sa [11:30:49] [2/2] Or forget licenses. No sources given, ... It's a mess. really a mess [11:33:06] Fandom, despite having default set of templates, doesn't get this trough [11:34:59] "no sources given" is what drives me up the wall the most, especially when I'm doing research. I started adding that information to my images because I was tired of forgetting where I got them from lol (even if the info is just "screencap from the movie itself") [11:35:26] Screencaps are a problem as well [11:35:39] [1/2] oh that's yeah lol [11:35:40] [2/2] pinterest my behated [11:36:22] I figure a single cropped frame from a movie to put in the character infobox falls under fair use [11:37:51] sometimes I think pictures just spontaneously spawn on Pinterest because I'll be finding stuff there that doesn't seem to exist anywhere else :p [11:38:04] I never understood uploading a barrage of screenshots [11:38:06] I agree. A little fragment is no problem. The problem is that some users copy several images that tell the scene, which then no longer falls under fair use [11:38:45] exactly, and lack of sourcing or descriptions is frustrating [11:39:09] also reposts from other places which actually do have info [11:39:19] just cus yeah, collecting fave pics [11:39:36] and I gotta somehow find the original copy [11:41:00] [1/2] Same with uploading an icon to use on ones user page, does not fall under Fair use. [11:41:01] [2/2] Fair use is only permissible under "Educational" status. Not for own entertainment use [11:42:18] it's kinda covered by DMCA tho? [11:42:38] or nobody would be permitted to post on social media [11:43:48] etc [11:45:50] [1/2] Uploading to social media is always ending up in a far less quality and a bit distorted. Often only available in 50x50px, and as such the big tech try to avoid the problem. [11:45:50] [2/2] But yeah, Social Media are a big problem. As everything is AI nowadays, much isn't seen yet. Just switch the image from left to right โ†’ right to left is confusing. You see that on YouTube. [11:46:51] And then after 3 weeks they delete the vids, before the owners can have their reports filed. Then all YouTube can do is state "The owner has deleted the content" [11:47:23] Copyright is a minefield. [11:48:38] Commons.wikimedia.org has a large group of volunteers who daily check new uploads, and a load gets deleted straight away. [11:49:48] I would rather suggest that commons.miraheze gets closed and users only be able to upload to Commons.Wikimedia or on their own wiki. [11:50:08] We simply lack the volunteers for this, who also have the ful knowledge [11:51:11] I seem the one being most active on that front. But I only can do so much besides WikiCreation and Development wiki [13:08:03] It's self-hosted and for me it's pretty easy since I already maintain two other wikis (software docs and a sandbox wiki) and there is some level of automation in place [14:38:59] Oh yup in that case it's awesome ๐Ÿ‘Œ [15:20:18] [1/2] @neoqwerty menacing shit [15:20:18] [2/2] https://dearsoil.bandcamp.com/album/raw-ambassador-barbaric-tendencies [16:46:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236720645468061806/Screenshot_20230910-110749.png?ex=6639095b&is=6637b7db&hm=f1897941c4630e226cc0fa02a5940687e1ca2f941ff8b28a589150fb4a1baf42& [17:04:54] โ€ฆ.. [17:07:33] We need to recreate FandomDesktop: Cosmos sucks [17:07:48] wrong [17:08:04] cosmos > oasis >>>>>>>> fandomdesktop [17:09:28] Well kinda [17:09:40] Cosmos is kinda old [17:10:05] I don't entirely mind FD but I think some changes could be in order [17:10:25] evelution started as fd fork [17:10:37] but now it's whatever it is ... [17:10:52] Yeah I did not like Evelution at all [17:11:07] cosmos is juuust right [17:11:18] :DoneMH: [17:11:39] Has too much shit going on in the screen [17:11:45] Yeah [17:11:52] Looks weird, hard to navigate too [17:12:15] So we should recreate FandomDdsktop? [17:13:01] Sometimes I love FD [17:13:17] I am willing to help with that if you want after I finish working on recreating Discussions but I think some changes for FD could be useful [17:14:14] I don't know how to make a skin โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ [17:14:40] Just read the documentation [17:15:07] I could help you a bit if you want though but not a lot because I want to do my other ideas [17:15:25] [1/2] One thing is that the sidebar on the left is crap [17:15:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236727969125236736/Screenshot_20240505-101427.png?ex=6639102d&is=6637bead&hm=aa9f7d66cb1b0e236cd894af9179c288a002f207512cb1945ee0cf7b1fced7b4& [17:16:18] Let's infiltrate into FANDOM's FTP server and download the skin right from there lol [17:17:16] Their code is all stored in a private GH repo, if you can compromise the account of someone with access you can do that [17:17:27] But it's not well legal [17:17:41] So not something I'd talk about here [17:17:41] lol joke [17:17:50] Yea I thought so lol [17:18:37] sidebar just needs to be placed horizontally on yop, and then you just get sligtly updated oasis [17:18:57] like vector to vector 22 [17:19:04] Yea [17:19:53] Also the language dropdown needs a localization-related icon next to for people who don't speak English and wouldn't know what it means [17:20:55] Also FD fork would need integration with Pix's theme designer, SocialProfile, and my Discussions [17:24:11] why not tbh [17:24:51] cosmos is just a re-created oasis, and not much issue there [17:25:03] I mean, yeah [17:26:03] FD kinda sucks but I kinda like it [17:27:00] imo, the skin itself isn't the worst, it's just the fact that it is associated with the terrible ads experience [17:27:15] I prefer it adless over evelution [17:28:30] and I guess it can be made like without the global nav to the side, but rather on the top [17:29:57] Yea [17:30:15] not like there's really a global nav on miraheze to begin with [17:30:36] but there is the local nav of a wiki on the top of the page and then follows you [17:33:50] Yeah I know [17:34:12] I'm thinking the "global" nav could be merged with this [17:34:13] [1/2] let's take this nav for example, instead of a search button, we can put a search field, and page counter can be below those buttons [17:34:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236732698295271504/image.png?ex=66391494&is=6637c314&hm=5da63adbd0642b57c881314a20000b2f6d974e166fa1827b0dfa3e9d760733e0& [17:34:32] I think a search button popup would be fine [17:34:56] [1/2] search field will also exist here, and profile and notifs will be on the right side after the buttons [17:34:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236732881041231973/image.png?ex=663914c0&is=6637c340&hm=abf31797b62a593b21daec046e07ca28cca8f833ad655cd7980f2e8e4f783def& [17:35:05] I think extendable search bar is nicer [17:35:09] than popup [17:35:12] I was thinking of the left [17:35:23] Hmm I see what you mean [17:35:29] But I'm not sure [17:35:46] nah, I don't like it, takes time to load [17:35:47] One sec I'm going to draw what I'm thinking of in my mind [17:35:57] search field is simpler [17:35:59] I mean make a drawing [17:36:02] One sec [17:36:05] I'll send soon [17:36:11] but if navigation has a lot of items it can be a problem, unless you it opens up bellow or above, but that's probably gonna look weird [17:36:52] Could be an issue regardless of it being on the left or right [17:37:03] Hold on a bit [17:37:10] I do a remember a time back in like 2018 when u click search, the links to "games, movies, tv" disappear, seemed cool to me [17:37:53] not a bad option, but a search field that's always visible to me seems the best imo [17:38:38] agree [17:38:58] but you also just can make same thing that cosmos does [17:39:11] and thus no need for search icon in banner [17:40:36] I guess that's a fine option [17:41:14] only catch is the wiki nav isn't fixed [17:41:23] but not a major issue [17:41:48] you mean sticky? [17:42:08] yes [17:43:06] please no miraheze bar [17:43:31] [1/2] Sorry it took forever to download ibispaint [17:43:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236735041594196139/Screenshot_20240505-103926.png?ex=663916c3&is=6637c543&hm=c312fee43f0e1dcde8916c8cf4c867a9440d2f2f59cbdee31b8d42ffe72620d9& [17:43:33] A ojg [17:43:34] Worng [17:43:36] Image [17:43:39] lmao [17:44:03] Miraheze not enforcing its "brand" is both blessing and curse [17:44:13] curse as in, still being obscure [17:47:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236736030384849027/image.png?ex=663917af&is=6637c62f&hm=f92e23b2db691b2d86ceafa2e22620a1729e31acbfe4e0bfa7d62707d9e31a03& [17:47:31] [1/3] OK so you can see my award winning drawing, basically so we have navbar at the top, I'm thinking like width 100โ„… and height ~10% ish, and then maybe 2% padding (which would mean -4โ„… from width and height to prevent overflow but you get the point) inside that there's the profile icon that's margin left 2โ„… margin right 2โ„… , then we have the nav items that you see in cosmos and normal [17:47:32] [2/3] FD and oasis etc, then margin right 2โ„… on that nav and then we have search button and rc button etc then 2โ„… margin right on [17:47:32] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236736048990785586/Untitled1_20240505104259.png?ex=663917b3&is=6637c633&hm=ece90d3160c84702f3e222a681c68053a33b5862ce2b4d740c1d5fdf894f806a& [17:48:36] I don't have stylus with me because I'm at a restaurant on my phone [17:48:49] When I get home I can create a normal drawing [19:16:38] Goodness FD on Miraheze would be awesome [19:17:22] Oh hi kraken, nice to see you here on Discord! [19:17:59] DeFandomized FD would be called Desktop obviously [19:18:15] Though personally I canโ€™t say Iโ€™d be super eager. If someone made an open source version of the skin we could absolutely add it ๐Ÿ™‚ [19:19:17] I could make the Pull Request to add it myself [19:20:34] ere you talking to me? [19:21:24] Yes, I mistyped, sorry [19:21:43] All good! [19:35:45] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236763283050987530/51457e81b0db884a117abc1b0bb217cf7942d18b5077daac183e28c8751869dd_1.png?ex=66393110&is=6637df90&hm=8e3a6a7feb7b163ea63316143f06cc10510b45f5e51e6cfb457996ab1f67fc44& [19:36:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236763373048172555/image-2.png?ex=66393126&is=6637dfa6&hm=5b7f3dd9b6e6e8f54ab961601dcdc8cb789672bb364874fc7a527200b0b9cb1e& [19:36:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236763411690557620/image0.png?ex=6639312f&is=6637dfaf&hm=651f56e5d68825127b184faf9eee50d2af9a42967787bd41a41def66ba93b254& [19:56:28] @rhinosf1 labour won my county [19:56:32] god it was so based [19:57:12] _waves at @paladox_ [19:57:20] @paladox what do you think overall? [19:57:35] it was absolutely based [19:57:38] labour smashed it [19:57:44] and we won an unexpected race! [19:57:59] labour had swings to them all up the country [19:59:56] @paladox you only won about 40% of the seats that Con lost [20:00:18] we won in the areas we needed to in order to win the next election and have a majority [20:00:22] Independents gained half of that [20:00:24] our vote is very efficent [20:00:31] I'd say you could still do better [20:00:36] Huge losses for Con [20:00:50] We're now down to zero conservative councillors in the entire city [20:01:03] No we're not [20:01:09] Lib Dem's said that [20:01:30] Oh they didn't [20:01:41] None in Portsmouth South [20:01:58] Not one conservative councillor elected by any of the wards in Portsmouth south [20:02:09] 1 elected in Portsmouth north [20:02:19] My vote helped do that @paladox [20:02:26] based [20:02:38] my voted helped labour go over the line [20:02:47] @rhinosf1 Here we go. Have fun!! [20:02:48] Also nearly time for lights out @rodejong [20:03:22] two people one mind [20:03:43] @rodejong lights out and away we go! [20:03:57] @paladox I didn't vote Labour [20:04:00] nah ro no eep til 2 AM [20:04:12] Formula1 [20:04:18] ohh [20:04:54] @paladox you didn't really do anything to convince me you'd do better than the incumbent Lib Dem's [20:05:09] We have a council doing a very good job [20:05:32] We have the largest council led flood defence project in the country [20:07:40] I'm not sure any of your policies would impact me [20:08:45] Piastry is cooking [20:09:05] 3โ†‘ +F [20:10:45] And 1 โ†‘ [20:11:03] No comprendo [20:11:13] We're down 1 @rodejong [20:11:41] @pixldev we are racing round the car park of stadium in Florida [20:12:00] Formula1 Miami Grand Prix [20:13:00] @rodejong Race Control: Perez noted for a false start [20:13:30] Yeah saw that [20:13:46] Alpines fighting ๐Ÿ˜ฎ [20:13:51] Floorida oh dear [20:14:08] tories only won in PCCs [20:14:22] 19 tory PCCs to 14 labour PCCs [20:14:30] @realcastle they've held a few mayoral positions [20:14:35] only 1 [20:15:14] they only won in tees valley [20:15:41] actually labour won 17 vs tories 19 [20:15:51] would have been more if we kept the voting system we had for pccs [20:16:10] which is +10/-10 [20:16:15] You can't blame the voting system [20:17:07] eh you kinda can when they change things. [20:17:12] @rodejong Perez - NFI [20:17:25] But those going around stating it directly are the ones that pisses me off [20:18:10] @paladox I do quite like how 20,000 people voted for a bin in London too [20:18:22] possibly would have been more [20:18:32] but because you have fptp it forces tactical voting [20:18:45] forces people to be more scared. Evil vs less evil [20:18:57] tories were quite literally briefing they won it LMFAO [20:19:02] I mean 20,000 people thinking a bin is the best option for London is still a lot [20:19:08] Hulk Train ๐Ÿ˜„ [20:19:10] and yet kahn went and won it by 11% and increased his votes [20:22:16] @rodejong there we go [20:22:22] yup [20:26:03] I hate those graphics [20:26:07] So distracting [20:27:52] Which one [20:27:55] @rhinosf1 i've also manged to be housed [20:28:02] got a new social house. [20:28:05] Those above the cars [20:28:21] the first thing we got through the letterbox was someone stating we should oppose more housing development LOL [20:28:27] that pissed me right off [20:28:47] Oh ye [20:28:51] first of all it is a new housing estate, we need more housing and that was a brass neck [20:29:08] @paladox which party? [20:29:24] wasn't a party although it said the parish council opposes more development [20:29:33] _privately rents_ [20:29:35] gave us a link to the council website where we could oppose lmao [20:29:50] we used to until we got a section 21 [20:30:11] it's why i strongly support labours plan for housing [20:30:56] I'm hoping I don't have to move for a while [20:31:11] Moving is stressful [20:31:17] private renters should welcome labours plan [20:31:34] As long as councils can cope [20:31:35] banning section 21 + other changes would give people more rights and a securer home [20:31:45] social housing you get more rights but still [20:31:53] You need a system that can deal with stuff [20:31:54] 1.9 Whoop Whoop [20:31:55] you aren't a wild animal [20:32:10] Most of the public sector can't organise a piss up in a brewery [20:32:24] And most things take ten times longer than it should [20:32:52] I'm lucky my landlord had a temporary heater available within an hour and an engineer out the next day [20:32:57] When my boiler broke [20:33:13] Yes? [20:33:26] yeh so section 21 shouldn't exist [20:33:41] I don't disagree [20:34:22] 1.9 again for Ferrari [20:34:58] @paladox the biggest thing id want is the scrapping of bloody recruitment controls [20:35:18] We simply can't deliver more with less money and less staff [20:35:28] recruitment controls? [20:35:36] @paladox in the civil service [20:35:45] oh [20:36:26] @paladox like I'm not been funny but the only way we're delivering more with less staff is contracting out [20:36:44] And "strategic partners" are a nightmare for the public sector [20:37:16] Serco's primary skill is winning government contractors and finding monkeys that can just about deliver something that is tolerable [20:37:50] I've seen a centralised contract with a strategic partner that had no service level agreement in it [20:37:53] the tories are getting rid of even more people. It's laughable [20:38:00] @rhinosf1 "Cones Lifes Matters" Whahhaa [20:38:14] Love the F1 commentary [20:38:16] @paladox I'm fairly sure that's a screw Labour over plan [20:38:41] well the govt are trying to screw labour over [20:38:46] that's their plan until the GE [20:38:52] It is general election season [20:39:05] Screw over whoever is in next cause it ain't us is the government agenda [20:40:15] @rodejong 2.2 for max [20:40:31] indeed [20:42:33] 3.1 [20:42:39] ouch [20:45:52] 2.4 that's better [20:46:25] Sainz to Box [20:47:52] crash!! [20:48:04] FSC [20:50:00] @rodejong bloody Americans and American teams [20:50:29] An American taken out by an American Team ๐Ÿ˜„ [20:51:10] ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ [20:51:43] @rodejong NOR is gonna go a lap ahead [20:51:50] Indeed [20:51:52] Weird [20:52:30] @rodejong what the hell is that driving from MAG [20:53:10] Think He expected that Sargent saw him ? [20:53:51] @rodejong that's MAG's fault [20:53:56] Ye [20:54:02] 10s time penalty [20:54:16] Idiot [20:54:34] He collects those ๐Ÿ˜„ [20:54:41] 5th of the weekend [20:54:41] He just got called a magnet around incidents by Sky [20:55:35]  SAFETY CAR IN THIS LAP  [20:55:53] here we go [20:56:21] Norris with Fresher tyres [20:56:21] And we're racing again in Miami! [20:56:49] He's held it [20:56:51] Go lando [20:58:38] Will he finally win his first? [20:58:44] Please [20:58:56] Let's get Oscar on the podium too [20:59:14] He deserves that indeed [21:00:08] I like Oscar [21:00:16] There's something really likeable about the kid [21:00:18] Nice guy indeed [21:00:37] And lando is just fun [21:01:17] I've no idea why I'm calling Oscar a kid. He's 3 years older than me. [21:02:32] LOL [21:03:06] The whole weekend people were talking about Boring Miami ๐Ÿ˜› [21:03:18] It's been action packed ๐Ÿ˜„ [21:04:02] I'm glad tomorrow is a day off [21:06:47] Come on Oscar [21:07:21] Urgh [21:07:25] Yes [21:07:31] Not in the EU, unfortunately [21:07:32] No [21:07:41] Hey @felenov [21:07:45] Ayo [21:08:01] @felenov what's not in the EU [21:08:20] 6th of may is considered a work day. [21:08:25] Poor Oscar [21:08:41] @felenov UK have it off [21:08:44] LOL Mag another pen [21:09:22] [1/2] this is what we got [21:09:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236786844843245689/2024-calendar-with-holidays-portrait-sunday-start-en-ch-612x792.png?ex=66394702&is=6637f582&hm=6fca309a7aef41bb7dc8fdbf4422d597c709fc60166a3f6f619e5c4ca4606f40& [21:09:26] Goes from bad to worse for Piastry [21:09:56] @rodejong can we give him 4 points [21:10:16] You've got 3 this month [21:10:27] 4 even [21:10:30] I get 2 [21:10:42] Poor guy, from 2nd to 19 [21:11:00] ๐Ÿ˜ฆ [21:11:08] Also I don't have to show up to work 2 of the 5 days of the week. I can, but I don't need to. [21:12:03] I have 1/2 day from home, 0/1 day on official travel, 3/4 days in the office [21:12:28] This week is 3 office and 2 from home due to industrial action by the association for locomotive engineers and firemen [21:12:43] @paladox can Labour also solve rail strikes when they're in power [21:12:56] I am always free ๐Ÿ˜› [21:12:57] there's too much shit [21:13:00] and very little money [21:13:05] No work days [21:13:13] Huh @rodejong [21:13:36] I do have to show up if there is a meeting scheduled, which I hate. Meetings suck, just make it a call, or even better an email or a slack. [21:13:42] @paladox could you at least make RDG and ASLEF talk [21:13:49] Due to health. I am unable to work. [21:13:57] @rodejong oh? [21:17:37] @felenov I had a 4.5 hour meeting with a supplier on Friday [21:17:48] In a windowless box [21:19:28] I had to sit 3 hours of "bla bla bla" that does not apply to me at all and expected to answer questions coherently. I am anti-cheat engineer, not a game designer. [21:20:16] I mean the meeting didn't even get to my bit on the agenda [21:20:30] Do you know what I learnt in 4.5 hours [21:20:48] That a certain staff member doesn't know when to shut up [21:20:52] That race between Ocon and Alonso -- Lovin that [21:21:34] Whoop whoop - Alonso passing by ๐Ÿ˜„ [21:21:38] You know, humans have two ears for a reason. It's expected that one speaks half as much as one listens [21:21:58] I believe he has 10 mouths to the 1 ear then [21:22:09] I heard a lot about nothing [21:22:46] He spent about an hour of the about 2.5 he wasted basically advertising a private cloud from his project to our supplier [21:23:02] People do that. What pisses me off the most is when a lot of words are used but a small amount of information gets conveyed. [21:24:18] I don't know why he wasn't told to shut up tbh [21:24:26] I wasn't hosting [21:24:29] Politeness, that is. [21:24:31] Cause I would have [21:26:27] There's politeness and somehow flew 3.5-4 thousand miles to listen to do a workshop (among other stuff) on X topic. They don't need to hear about Y. They probably know more about Y than you and it ain't relevant to X. [21:26:38] [1/2] People get mad at me because I am not going to sugar coat anything, I am going to be upfront with what I have. I am not going to talk trash behind someone's back, I will say it to them. [21:26:38] [2/2] If someone talks too much I will tell to shut the fuck up and let the other party have the talking stick. Or if someone's being a piece of shit I will call that someone out as a piece of shit. [21:27:05] @rodejong cross everything [21:27:16] @felenov I agree [21:27:57] Sugarcoating is kinda pointless [21:28:54] @rodejong stupid Williams [21:29:15] LOL [21:30:26] [1/2] Wait what? [21:30:26] [2/2] Bottas 12%?? [21:31:37] Remember https://f1.com/vote [21:31:42] Click lando [21:31:51] @pixldev do what I say [21:31:57] Whahaha [21:32:19] [1/2] There are some people who cannot say thing as is. I don't get what I need done when I set the deadline, I confront the one tasked with doing it if they done it. A yes or no question and I get a paragraph. [21:32:19] [2/2] My next message is: Have you done what was in the ticket, yes or no? It's a simple question. [21:32:21] @rodejong you as well [21:33:23]  FINAL LAP  [21:33:34] [1/2] a must have cursor pack [21:33:34] [2/2] http://www.michieldb.nl/other/cursors/ [21:33:37] He shouldn't budge it [21:34:05] 8 times 2nd [21:34:33] Congratulations Lando Norris! A first victory! [21:34:52] ๐ŸŽ‰ ๐Ÿฅณ [21:35:22] ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ [21:35:43] @rodejong what a race and what a victory! [21:35:59] Nice gestures from Max. Clapping towards Lando [21:36:46] All those people who said, I'm not watching a Verstappen borefest ๐Ÿ˜„ [21:37:46] https://www.dexerto.com/ - here's where you can read internet drama (before the reaction streamers react to it) [21:38:08] You heard his radio? [21:38:16] Yeah!! [21:38:38] "The Norris has landed" โ”€ Coulthard [21:39:13] Hear that crowd [21:39:37] @rodejong I don't know how any could not be happy for him right now [21:39:40] Brilliant drive [21:39:44] Well deserved win [21:39:51] Deserved indeed [21:39:54] And he's a nice lad too [21:40:20] @rodejong what's he done to his nose? [21:40:26] I beg your pardon..? [21:40:34] You're too slow [21:40:46] I wanted you to vote Lando Norris for F1 driver of the day [21:40:50] Everyone is happy [21:41:04] @rodejong look at that [21:41:11] Stage diving on the crew [21:41:17] They're loving it [21:41:53] All the crew look so happy too [21:41:59] They should be proud [21:42:02] Luckily they didn't drop him! [21:43:58] @rodejong oops lando [21:44:11] hehe [21:44:11] At least it's after 10 here so we didn't have to bleep him out [21:44:54] They'll just say "Sorry for any bad language" [21:45:42] They certainly did [21:45:48] ๐Ÿ˜„ [21:45:49] And any offence caused [21:46:13] So predictable heh [21:49:01] @rodejong bed time now [21:49:13] Sleep well ๐Ÿ™‚ [21:49:25] Miami's podium is like a 2 hour drive [21:50:43] I wonder how Ted Kravitz will portray this race :ThinkerMH: [21:50:54] Ted's notebooks are weird [21:51:05] no shit [21:51:06] ๐Ÿ˜„ [21:51:07] Although apparently they aren't his notes [21:51:13] oh? [21:51:30] I heard somewhere they are wrote for him [21:51:41] LOL ๐Ÿ˜ฎ [21:53:20] @rhinosf1 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/05/chaos-decline-labours-spoof-stitches-together-14-years-of-tory-low-points?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter [21:53:21] LOL [21:53:30] https://www.conflix.uk/ [21:54:37] @paladox sleep [21:54:41] It's 11pm [21:55:06] 11.55 pm [21:55:50] Leclerc is almost invisible on that stage ๐Ÿ˜„ [21:56:06] It's 3:56 pm [21:56:41] Fuck timezones [21:56:57] Language!! [21:57:02] Now say sorry! [21:57:49] Someone said that nobody cared about profanity, but now... [21:57:53] Saying words such as "fuck" is not on its own a punishable offense; I don't believe Emiliano was in the wrong in this circumstance [21:58:11] Imo, he certainly was not [21:58:34] Why are you taking me serious?? [21:58:34] Profanity as an explicative is fine and tbh somewhat common here [21:58:50] Sir this is the internet who damn knows at this point [21:59:12] thats why i like using tone indicators when im joking cause people are fucking stupid /j [21:59:12] Yeah timezones sucks [21:59:31] Timezones are useful [21:59:36] Confusing but useful [22:00:06] 114th winner [22:00:14] look at that [22:00:25] Okay sleep [22:00:33] Because literally is broad day here but in Spain is dark night [22:00:33] Everyone is a Papaya fan today [22:00:40] It's tomorrow for @rodejong so he should sleep too [22:00:50] LOL [22:01:06] I sleep when I am dead ๐Ÿ˜„ [22:01:33] Sleep? What's that? [22:01:37] Endless sleep [22:01:42] Likely [22:02:14] 8 cans of C4 energy every day minimum [22:02:34] Coffe for me ๐Ÿ˜„ [22:02:45] I have built in energy because of my adhd lol [22:05:48] [1/2] Get on my level [22:05:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236801047188607008/236b802f4929ecae.png?ex=6639543c&is=663802bc&hm=852e6b5f04230c793ba8fc91ec0e77f0fef36fe62c658c8292d3cff70112cee4& [22:06:03] ๐Ÿ˜„ [22:14:17] [1/2] what is better [22:14:17] [2/2] XD or ๐Ÿ˜† [22:20:05] depends