[00:08:09] dry chat [01:13:09] Apparently there's a #miraheze-buffalonas IRC channel [01:13:40] Oh right [01:13:44] I saw that idk what it is [01:14:17] Not as good as #wikimedia-kawaii [01:22:40] what [01:31:50] there was #miraheze-ballmedia [04:10:02] what if we make interests channels [04:10:13] like for example #food [04:31:13] that's why #offtopic exists [04:45:11] For example, a cool trillium I saw on a hike [04:45:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236901589768212501/PXL_20240504_234035659.jpg?ex=6639b1df&is=6638605f&hm=b5fbd170a187fb18c0ccf1a823fadb448eee5f9d0d36b3a475e09246fbdc70cc& [05:04:07] [1/2] starving [05:04:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1236906319005356148/images_2_24.jpg?ex=6639b647&is=663864c7&hm=fe7561b7e9b0b8ec0857f5e7ac86819e02bf727ada0f79a37d6f60a4001458d3& [12:35:11] stick disease [16:02:40] https://youtu.be/DPMluEVUqS0?feature=shared I just watched this again and it's still pretty sad [19:40:44] oh SRE has a different name now :ThinkerMH: [19:42:48] Yeah renamed to Tech [20:57:19] The fact Phab got replaced with Phorge means I will still beb replacing $phab with $phorge for weeks [21:02:17] lol am I creating a ton of work for translators also? [21:02:36] You got pinged did you? [21:04:05] Hmm? [21:06:53] [1/2] You might have / have not gotten a notif from [[Special:Diff/394734]]. [21:06:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/394734 [21:06:53] [2/2] Either way all of the Ru translations need to be double checked anyway so I have am going through everything anyway so nothing extra for me to do but if you are going to update something that is fully xlated to Ru do ping me on DC or leave a note on my talk [21:06:54] [21:08:37] Oh yes I did. Well I got pinged on IRC wiki didn't ping me [21:22:08] Gotcha. XMPP is felenov@xmpp.jp if you need it [23:12:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237180141189337240/image.png?ex=663ab54b&is=663963cb&hm=07b0469bb13b3bf7799663575859df2631d84c913f02de069415bc654f6a3b7d& [23:43:19] [1/2] what [23:43:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237187974047727706/Screenshot_20240507_064153_Chrome.jpg?ex=663abc96&is=66396b16&hm=dffbe37537203ac636bc8223909299501c9de7f28db7a09149edfc043283950f&