[00:05:23] There should be more specific details lower down the page [00:25:10] i literally dont understand xmpp at all [00:25:39] whats xmpp again [00:26:22] i have no idea at all 😭 [00:28:53] lol [00:58:40] IRC on Russian steroids and acid at the same time [00:59:38] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237207179115757578/image.png?ex=663ace79&is=66397cf9&hm=fc4b4bc63a8298ae8695b52b535283320a6320114c090857aba0dc7ff2194214& [01:04:09] it's somewhat similar to IRC IIRC [01:04:20] You can DM people, you can call people, you can send stuff to groups, you can set a custom status, you can have E2E encrypted conversations, you can verify that the other person's is actually who they claim they are and you can also use it as a way to get the front and back end to communicate (because you can) [01:08:38] Google and Apple use XMPP for their push notification services, by the way. [01:21:58] irciirc [02:29:01] [1/2] I just started this one and it was pretty good so far [02:29:02] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissu [02:43:19] wait. why are moderators blue now instead of purple? [02:46:14] Because we changed it back to what it used to be and because I thought it provide a pretty good contrast to the Administrator color. [02:59:53] I just got to the part where the dying girl escaped the hospital with her friend and stole clothes from a laundromat [02:59:56] I see she has my kind of mindset [03:02:59] Ok genuinely literally everything she is doing sounds exactly like what I'd do [03:03:07] I don't think I'd want to die in a hospital either [03:03:09] Big brain [03:14:03] Nice! Thanks for the reply. Frankly, I do agree it is better, but I was wondering. [03:27:23] they added vodka to irc again lol [03:27:51] irc-plus [04:03:14] [1/2] im assuming theres some weird OS actually called "brain" but its funny to see "this software is compatible with brain" [04:03:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237253385997254710/image.png?ex=663af982&is=6639a802&hm=adc78169dee144aa65c099979d3b7b4f3fa767745d85876d3e75cdc89168896f& [04:10:07] [1/2] Let's run ONScripter in my nugget [04:10:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1235788341660880948/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_98785ebf-f99b-4ddc-9d88-ce444bb2a49e.jpg?ex=663aeb14&is=66399994&hm=a4348ec4344face7ec88d357e3c30c575d58e74a34f1a0c0bcd67edfb30bf147& [15:16:57] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/08/pakistan-baby-charged-attempted-murder-hiding [15:42:43] We do not need to read this. Real news we can look up ourselves. Miraheze is kind of an escapism. So please do not post such things here 🙏🏻 [15:43:37] Hey I'm just wondering but if I wanna report illegal content should I go email stewards or someone else (?) [15:43:38] It's from 2014 by the way 🤦🏻‍♂️ [15:44:23] You can put it on the [[SR]] [15:44:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR [15:44:24] [15:45:05] Gotcha [15:45:26] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Wiki_reports [15:49:14] Captchas aren't working lol lemme try another browser [15:52:58] If it's doxxing or stuff involving minors, email is preferred otherwise SR is definitely the way to go. [15:53:53] Gotcha. Yeah it is about a wiki dedicated to doxxing minors. I have sent an email already but just wanna make sure. [15:54:09] then it's better to wait [15:54:18] for email response [15:58:01] Definitely email. That's a serious infraction of multiple policies and has legal implications. [16:00:18] The charges against the baby were dropped almost immediately for obvious reasons, I know it's from 2014, the title is funny, that's why I posted it [16:05:00] Thanks, I'd already raised that one for deeper review as I've got limited bandwidth today [16:05:46] Thank you for letting me know! There's actually another wiki that's engaged in a doxxing war with the one I talked about in the email, and I'll send another email pronto. [16:07:28] this could also be a T&S report I believe [16:10:26] 2nd email sent [17:55:29] https://tenor.com/view/wikipedia-wikipetan-anime-moe-anime-girl-gif-26469387 [17:56:00] I found this wikipe-tan gif and I wish I could use it IRL :p [17:56:27] Real [17:57:48] they should put it on wikimedia commons so it could be used in wiki-discussions if the other part is yapping without sources (jk jk, I know it's not proper discussion conduct and would just escalate the situation) [17:58:48] Save it for the WM discord [17:58:49] Lol [18:36:36] Babel is such a good idea, I kinda wish more software had support for something like this. [18:58:15] literally me [19:00:31] I think we should leave Filmpedia because of his sockpuppets... @tali64 @cacklettaguy1655 @alpad_ 🙁 [19:32:50] [1/2] Anyone else watching Eurovision Song Contest? [19:32:50] [2/2] I bet the Song Contest Wiki's will be buzzing 😄 [19:53:45] If they didn't realize it when I busted coco again and pointed them straight at the evidence then there might not be hope tbh [19:54:24] Even then there will always be suckers who buy in and repeat [19:54:46] Now he made his own wiki farm with some Miraheze people who are stewards and help him... He also wanted me to be a global helper there 💀 [19:59:57] He will take anyone to fill slots for the image of legitimacy [20:48:57] me: clicks random wikidata article [20:49:01] wikidata: [20:49:01] https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q86653013 [21:17:07] [1/2] a guy in tiktok: autism and all diseases are cured with random shit that is harmful [21:17:08] [2/2] me: [citation needed] [21:19:53] [1/2] I made a script that should in theory abuse the survey app, let's see if it works or not (I saw a "is flagged as spam" value in some of the responses when testing so it has some automatic detection of spam + some of the questions I've received are absurd and obviously intended to catch people who answer randomly so it may catch me eventually) [21:19:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237514266148601856/image.png?ex=663bec78&is=663a9af8&hm=2997d215d8361910584d63108e906e5be51141e1c5d17d41638a758ebfdce5dd& [21:20:42] [1/2] script is this btw [21:20:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237514470717128814/image.png?ex=663beca9&is=663a9b29&hm=badeeafbac5a47f6fd553e698cf1cba03e08bb5995507d9e9c62926558b0237c& [21:36:08] I should try this with Swagbucks soon [21:52:39] did tinyurl died 😶 [21:53:29] yup [21:53:42] I used it for my MEGA links [21:55:16] [1/2] Bruh [21:55:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237523172174336180/Screenshot_20240507-145450.png?ex=663bf4c4&is=663aa344&hm=c015b0cfef8825002d308b7cfd5744d84cc477ee69e59bcb14b86fe59a8a1dbe& [21:56:23] [1/2] .... I chose English on signup [21:56:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237523450910736415/Screenshot_20240507-145559.png?ex=663bf506&is=663aa386&hm=d0949c3b587643378203b9ad44c5ed98056e8a7303d897a916d7bbe4aa3eab55& [21:56:38] Time to use my advances n5 knowledge of JP to complete this [22:02:49] it asked me if i speak jp fluently and i did a little white lie and said yes [22:03:04] clearly being able to read hiragana and knowing 10 words is fluency [22:04:17] Later this week I think I'm going to look into how to automate completion of surveys in this app [22:04:29] It doesn't seem that complicated [22:04:41] I just picked randomly every yes-or-no question not even being able to understand what it was asking and it still gave me points [22:59:54] i hate wiki.gg [23:00:28] can i just copy there wikis on miraheze and get seo boosted [23:00:47] and hope people get confused and go to the miraheze one and not wiki.gg one [23:03:19] they are better than fandom [23:03:38] they may not be stellar across the board but they do certain stuff well [23:03:43] i havent used them so [23:08:29] same [23:08:52] but they definitely seem better than fandom in terms of restrictions and such [23:11:18] the only think that makes me feel like labster when MHL announced the shutdown is no local crats [23:15:48] [1/2] @raidarr hey could you explain what you're doing on ballmedia wiki [23:15:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237543437339725824/image.png?ex=663c07a3&is=663ab623&hm=2564db55c60016030051a59d018a6b542aab8bd9bec98a784a390a80bf5cfdb6& [23:18:44] Please don't arbitrarily fork wiki.gg wikis onto MH, that's not a good use of our resources. [23:19:09] i made the logo [23:21:51] we voted to change to cosmos [23:21:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237544965450502234/image.png?ex=663c0910&is=663ab790&hm=bda3479c816fd9ef861e8eb97ffe8942f426e6923ef57b20c099449e56000091& [23:56:30] [1/2] here's my take [23:56:30] [2/2] your "ballmedia" ain't legit [23:57:24] ? [23:57:42] [1/2] you don't have representation from the two biggest wikis, polandball and polcompball [23:57:42] [2/2] we refuse to recognize it, and your group will remain insignificant [23:58:03] ok and is the wiki you are currently talking about polandball or polcompball [23:58:06] if not this doesn't matter [23:58:15] well [23:58:16] and a wiki network can exist even if "the two biggest wikis" aren't in it [23:58:21] we have raidarr [23:58:26] and the other wikis [23:58:32] and the pcb subreddit [23:58:37] raidarr is the biggest wiki fr [23:58:40] and artell gang [23:59:21] pcb subreddit being in real ballmedia: