[00:10:35] someone recommend me a irc client for windows that doesn't look like I'm in the 90's [00:21:16] :ThinkerMH: [00:22:37] I use in mac Limechat but well, is mac only [00:24:14] Deep ocean theme looks good [00:25:08] Another new Ballmedia? [00:27:22] hello I decided to use HexChat in windows [00:29:50] I would take EditThis over Fandom [00:31:10] IceChat 9 [00:32:11] alr unistalling hexchat [00:33:38] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237563026417389578/5-icechat.webp?ex=663c19e2&is=663ac862&hm=834313ee6ef659c90d427227e0d637de6a5eaebe1937a1d32f577e19a8b56498& [00:35:14] Or you can be like @originalauthority and use IRCCloud [00:35:37] that shit aswell [00:35:41] disconnects after 2 hours [00:36:00] I run my own bouncer. Logs everything. [00:36:46] Also, shouldn't you be asleep? [00:44:50] now in icechat [00:45:43] god awful themes [00:53:16] please for the love of god someone port Limechat to Windows [00:53:25] I love it because of Deep ocean [00:53:28] theme [01:04:35] yes [01:15:53] good to know ro isn't the only euro with a abysmal sleep schedule [01:16:04] I work from home so its calm [01:16:09] i'll nap in the morning [01:20:45] I don't need one. [01:20:51] Felenov never sleeps. [01:39:51] real balmedia [01:40:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237579879168348262/image-4.png?ex=663c2994&is=663ad814&hm=2dbc06ccb298a36fb262e98d9be18c64e35f9461b6435fa6ae469477739248e2& [01:44:03] ofc [01:44:13] 2003 moment [01:51:38] if you think it, this is the character with most kills in history [02:25:07] [1/2] I hate when beatmappers don't make a new combo [02:25:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237591079298142209/screenshot001.jpg?ex=663c3402&is=663ae282&hm=5f45fb7562c2d32f683d4ff210447ed0b82aa6de5a3e0840965e8c420c69bd72& [02:28:46] [1/2] cleaned up my desktop (it was almost covered in random files that i didn't need anymore) [02:28:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237591998966272000/image.png?ex=663c34dd&is=663ae35d&hm=1529f312615965ed99839e424c0530fa3e8e5a268f9012ece48b8938ecfa742e& [02:28:56] also hid the recycle bin icon [02:33:55] pretty [02:34:47] [1/2] mines messy [02:34:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237593514309718027/bGg2QgU.png?ex=663c3647&is=663ae4c7&hm=75e9365be989cff9bb3fd361e1c95f41b7dd9d7c8d2f3b2b105f1fa4f698f1d5& [02:35:07] rendered the icon myself no it's not a sideways roblox logo [02:35:17] intentional [02:39:19] Real [02:40:30] i love random wiki quotes [02:41:13] i hate my own horrible recollection we say so much funny nonsense and i forget it [02:41:56] cough mirabeta https://bash.toolforge.org/quip/5Vvz0Y0BGiVuUzOdj1X4 [02:48:38] still not as bad as mine [03:21:37] The neon director approves of the logo [03:42:00] [1/4] wiki.gg got considerable strong seo [03:42:01] [2/4] not of fandom level ofc, but still recognisable to google [03:42:01] [3/4] they won't give access to search console tho [03:42:01] [4/4] and idk what the use google analytics, I tried to request access but then couldn't load it [03:48:48] Miraheze still has good domain authority tho [04:18:41] /giphy [04:35:31] Recreating wiki.gg wikis on Miraheze doesn't sound that bad [04:35:51] Just make sure you actually know what the wiki topic is abou [04:54:28] [1/4] So here's my elevator pitch against that: [04:54:28] [2/4] 1) If it's on Wiki.gg, there's a pretty good chance most of the community wants to contribute there or the developer would prfer it [04:54:29] [3/4] 2) Given 1, it's going to be tough work to pare aware contributors unless the wiki.gg version is abandoned [04:54:29] [4/4] 3) We have capacity but not unlimited capacity. Will hosting a middling copy of a wiki.gg wiki make Miraheze a stronger platform? Probably not. [04:55:34] I see, wasn't Ballmedia inaccessible for a while before though? [07:32:19] [1/2] this person knows that there's indie NC Megaten Wiki but they keep torturing themselves w/ Fandom content moderation [07:32:19] [2/2] https://vxtwitter.com/VeskScans/status/1788067531955335371 [07:33:25] it's just hilarious [07:34:58] because of kymi [10:16:03] if kymi (or another owner) agrees then you could have some representative [11:29:24] @rhinosf1 wow [11:29:30] tory mp defected to labour [11:29:34] another one in 2 weeks! [11:29:51] and there's reportedly another one apparently looking at doing it [11:29:56] Ugh - Politics 😛 Always a mess, never stable [14:02:17] To be honest, modern politics is less mature than the average CoD Warzone lobby [14:47:17] Is this the Fandom version of Jimbo before [[WP:ARBCOM]] came to exist [14:47:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:ARBCOM [14:47:19] [14:47:29] THIS [15:09:47] @paladox who [15:09:58] dover [15:10:50] What do you mean? The government know exactly what are they are doing and everyone definitely has confidence in them [15:14:37] Yeah and I’m the chair of the Wikimedia board of trustees [15:15:12] You'd do a better job at that than the UK government do at governing [15:15:22] That’s sad on multiple levels [15:15:22] They couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery [15:15:46] They'll be out at the next election [15:15:56] They've given up and moved to cause hell for the next mood [15:16:26] When’s British election season [15:16:50] Yeah I was being sarcastic. I have so much faith in the Governments, It's huge! It's amazing! It's the best thing in the world 😛 [15:17:32] Wait til the USA election weeks are on. Ugh [15:17:52] screams internally [15:20:07] If that corkscrew circus performer of a hobgoblin who dyes his hair with Orange-581 wins against grampa joey, idk man [15:20:11] It’s joever [16:25:03] It's expected to be December [16:25:22] Regardless of who wins the country is going to be fucked under either party so who cares 🤷🏼‍♂️ [19:38:13] [1/2] you should has options for wikitide and Orain domain links [19:38:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237851067329413170/image.png?ex=663d2624&is=663bd4a4&hm=2cb06c95fdabd127eb45171216a354e5db0638c0869a38f5f23da8ea1276e03a& [19:46:59] #tech - It has been proposed before, and will likely be implemented. [19:49:01] It is supported in ManageWiki I will probably make it supported in CW eventually (maybe even next week or so) [19:50:07] I can do it functionally pretty easy but messing with UI placement to make it good with UI using MW OOUI forms is tricky and that is the only reason it is not in CW yet... [19:50:17] yeah [19:52:51] [1/4] hey I proposed that lol [19:52:51] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237854749068492810/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-04-01_a_las_9.51.51_a.m..png?ex=663d2992&is=663bd812&hm=5736ce9e06581a91fae9fcccbd9a5858659faf622af41d858b89b6acc2404b22& [19:52:51] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237854749265494147/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-04-01_a_las_9.51.51_a.m.1.png?ex=663d2992&is=663bd812&hm=cd0a8f8e82b47009326275a016be150ee5ee9a2315999366b2908e9e504de3d5& [19:52:52] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1237854749798436874/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-04-01_a_las_9.51.51_a.m.4.png?ex=663d2992&is=663bd812&hm=2235f5e566c8ec7af8b7358a2873723a1afd41d66d1495cae4595c9138619ddd& [20:00:24] were [20:05:29] codex when plz [23:12:06] Hey, Wikimedia Invader here, what's your opinion on Fandom? [23:14:55] Fandom has different properties that can be useful for some users [23:15:35] We provide rather a wiki that one has control over [23:15:37] The community is mostly nice. Corporate makes me want to play catch with my yearbook and my head. [23:16:16] Their SEO is god tier but their customizability and control is horrendous [23:16:53] obviously I'm spoiled by our extensions and ManageWiki and being open source to add new thing but still [23:17:14] also the fact they said UCP was gonna be open source [23:17:19] I hate the load of adds that are weighing heavy on the browser [23:17:53] What's UCP? [23:18:58] https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Unified_Community_Platform [23:19:28] I don't know the story first hand but I think people contributed under the assumption is was going to be open source not sure [23:19:43] This appears very illegal [23:19:52] First of all, MediaWiki is GPL [23:20:04] I may have the story wrong tbf [23:20:37] @originalauthority do you know the story of UCP open source mess [23:21:38] they promised it was coming and it never materialised. [23:22:11] This is laughable, because staff document it even though it isn't public https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/Repository [23:22:32] https://dev.fandom.com/wiki/Repository?diff=201295&oldid=179833 I removed the bit that said it would eventually become open source and nobody said anything lol [23:23:41] And they haven't been sued, why? [23:24:59] The WMF isn't going to do it for obvious reasons. It would have to be a volunteer mediawiki dev. [23:25:41] I doubt many of them are aware of the latest xwiki Fandom news. [23:26:13] Not to be one of those people who yells fandom bad but yeah I'd use Miraheze any day of the week. Even Tuesday. Plus their lock in of course. [23:27:00] Most Wikimedians like to yell "Fandom bad", tbf [23:27:05] Yeah, I'm not sure how engrained the WIkimedia community is with the interfarm news from indies, mira, fandom etc [23:28:05] 🫡 fandom bad in it's current state and leadership but i meant the people who just yell it without any backup except ads bad [23:28:43] The few people in Wikimedia community I don't think knew of miraheze [23:30:23] huh? [23:30:30] What's going on now? [23:30:37] We are known, but have a mixed/improving reputation, to my understanding [23:30:46] Hey NotAracham [23:30:54] Can we chat about something off-topic? [23:31:10] I mean it's understandable but I don't love that lots of fandom people most likely think of us less as a better wiki host and more like a faction of revolutionaries. [23:31:20] via la revolution! [23:32:06] Very interesting, thanks. [23:33:01] Not really here for more than a moment, trapped in a work thing. 😦 [23:33:21] You have no idea what mental trouble I am rn. [23:33:24] So it's okay. [23:38:53] I can definitely relate to that, if you want to talk you can DM me, idk if I can help but I am sorry to hear that [23:39:12] It's fine yeah, it's just I want to feel like I am valued. [23:39:16] I can DM you, sure. [23:39:32] Alright [23:39:41] I might not be able to respond immediately but I'll try to talk later today [23:41:43] Just showing up here, and offering to help, that in itself is something man. No matter what, there will always be someone grateful for what you've done, be it volunteer, administrate a wiki, help them with issues, or even give them a smile on a hard day. You're always valued. [23:42:42] Yeah my wiki trusts me, and I do let others smile for the volunteer work I do. [23:42:59] I feel like Yuya from Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V atp. [23:43:11] Bringing smiles everywhere with spreading joy ngl. [23:48:13] [1/2] It must be something in our survival instincts or something, but it seems way too easy to perceive the negative and self-judge than it is to realize the good we've experienced and that's around us. Regardless, your feelings are always valid, no matter what others say. [23:48:14] [2/2] You can DM me, too, if you like. [23:48:14] Just in my own way. [23:48:24] I would love too.