[01:36:55] evius [01:47:40] what an wall head bumping task is to put Ubuntu 24.04 in a virtual machine using VirtualBox [01:50:54] prefer installing 22.04 πŸ‘ [01:51:29] [1/3] is more light [01:51:30] [2/3] 24.04: 6 gb [01:51:30] [3/3] 22.04: 4 gb [01:56:01] [1/2] won't boot up the 6 gb ||bitch|| [01:56:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238308531426562139/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-09_a_las_7.07.16_p.m..png?ex=663ed030&is=663d7eb0&hm=111be8d756353167308aad84cc23e2d1149b0699c8d0f881762690173ebf2894& [01:56:58] 22.04 also haves erros with VMSVGA but at least boots up [03:05:47] [1/2] i feel like i should pick a raccoon because eating a raccoon could satisfy hunger [03:05:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238326090313891884/image.png?ex=663ee08a&is=663d8f0a&hm=a66e2427dd43f1ac996e9c6ce0e6dafbdd1c2e9a6edb114ba9c0a6c3c1cf6c98& [03:06:35] ☠️ [03:15:14] Pretty sure a thousand guys can feed off one tractor [03:17:01] real [03:42:15] Now I had the balls to dual boot Ubuntu [03:42:42] I needed to access the BIOS to disable secure boot [03:43:10] Because without disabling it u gonna bork your system [03:43:15] Interesting [03:43:50] Has anyone here watched the anime Gushing Over Magical Girls? Is it any good? [03:44:11] A friend is insisting I'd loveeee it but their recommendations are usually dogwater [03:44:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238335905539031050/ssstwitter.com_1714772891159.mp4?ex=663ee9af&is=663d982f&hm=c9cd7196b914f1bb8fd6a75dcabec5d76e792e86416f5d2b7bde13e4afb1764d& [03:46:52] I love computers but they scare me sometimes [03:48:56] So I disabled secure boot and when rebooting it says me something like "Some changes was made to the BIOS, type this set of number and enter if you want to proceed with the changes or type esc to proceed with no changes" and the screen was kinda scary, I didn't take a picture but it looks something like this [03:49:26] unrelated screen but well [03:49:38] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238337125532041287/17029375165148664820121411652690.jpg?ex=663eead1&is=663d9951&hm=12c04468991cd4aab8503a8a1e92b3a783148ffd0495b44916bf05342333d36d& [03:52:00] ignoring me didn't y'all? [04:02:32] i can read a total of 0% of that image [04:08:24] fawk [04:09:20] Get new drivers [04:09:26] It says wireless module not supported [04:09:28] [1/2] doing the badaboop flash magic [04:09:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238342117277827133/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-09_a_las_10.09.03_p.m..png?ex=663eef78&is=663d9df8&hm=aa13dc4c6d13d50ffd067c2809eef4b4cecf581959c331936d3d7ea005e35c54& [04:09:52] Ah I didn't see unrelated lol [04:11:09] going to install ubuntu tomorrow because no time [04:12:12] by the way, no, I'm not dual booting ubuntu in mac, I have another computer, I'm doin' it in mac because the another computer failed to flash ubuntu into the usb using rufus [04:12:33] i love the name rufus lol [04:13:36] [1/2] almost there yay [04:13:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238343152260223076/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-09_a_las_10.13.23_p.m..png?ex=663ef06e&is=663d9eee&hm=e6a046101f688c60776c562887979b7b297133bd080b3277e8da68096d659923& [04:14:43] probably forgotting some use cases, but who tf needs to flash 16 usb or cards [04:16:28] [1/2] another kick in the nuts by apple to microsoft lol [04:16:28] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238343878994825216/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-09_a_las_10.15.46_p.m..png?ex=663ef11c&is=663d9f9c&hm=de25fc958a781ce8a13e71baddf5f91a905830781590bf8fbacc6809a234c91e& [04:17:07] [1/2] aw fuck [04:17:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238344042497048607/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-09_a_las_10.16.54_p.m..png?ex=663ef143&is=663d9fc3&hm=616bbd5804d42824c0efaa1ae64ad35e00ffbc865a9fba51b09b8e1f8f7e738e& [04:19:46] sigh [04:19:53] doin' it again [04:21:16] [1/2] if this keeps failing this is going to be a sisyphus moment [04:21:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238345087788912690/Z.png?ex=663ef23c&is=663da0bc&hm=cb9810b328b7667528cde76ee504483145add7f061a2abdfb8d36daba6685724& [04:32:11] [1/2] yay [04:32:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238347835657949204/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-09_a_las_10.28.48_p.m..png?ex=663ef4cb&is=663da34b&hm=5c81cf487f0a5b4981e0cbdc3f17ce5e8a04edb20dd9ee3d74f70609d2c55f57& [04:32:47] [1/2] Going to dual boot it tomorrow [04:32:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238347982856785970/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_accc6cc6-5aab-4734-9585-5b853a42d08e.jpg?ex=663ef4ee&is=663da36e&hm=45836bf6402cfe52ec209ce5d5f3f014932ca034a3cbbe0c160330ee81f7b147& [05:21:13] dry chat [05:29:03] Desperately trying to fix the broken main page lol [05:29:21] The main page for some reason can't be viewed by logged out users despite it being public [05:29:26] And I don't know what is wrong [12:49:26] my laptop's battery can't last 10 minutes and this is the screen I end up with [12:55:40] [1/2] LOL [12:55:40] [2/2] I I pull the powerplug, I have no screen. My battery is literally dead. It just became part of the powercable lol [12:59:40] basically my laptop [13:18:57] my old laptop is the same (and very slow), but it's the only computer in our house that has a CD/DVD tray so I shan't relieve its suffering just yet :p [13:20:56] lol. Mine doesn't even have that. I have to ask my son to put things on USB sticks for me, as he has the one with a CD/DVD tray πŸ˜› [13:23:16] oh lord that sounds cumbersome! [13:24:19] they can pry my dvd tray out of my cold, dead hands haha [13:24:39] now installing ubuntu [13:24:43] dualbooting [13:24:52] I hope I don't mess up [13:25:13] keeping my fingers crossed for you 🀞 [13:28:40] file boot/ was not found [13:28:41] fuck [13:28:51] how do i fix that? [13:36:17] Use Ventoy instead [13:37:19] ok [13:37:29] btw I used balena etcher [13:41:04] Ventoy was installed correctly in the USB [13:41:07] now what? [13:41:13] @ahriboy [13:41:42] Insert ISOs [13:42:19] I mean copy the ISOs directly after installing Ventoy [13:44:30] oh is as easy as that [13:45:33] [1/2] This shitty ass video helped me lol [13:45:34] [2/2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BsHYXXsUiQ [13:48:41] [1/2] slow [13:48:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238487883397070868/slow_af.PNG?ex=663f7739&is=663e25b9&hm=87962bfba522263b0712d7486f984be3e8254dcefc0948a13dd0caa9855818b9& [13:49:12] Dude when I have the money I want to get myself a laptop with a disc tray. I miss big chunky heavy laptops [13:50:54] I luv disk trays [13:54:52] [1/2] toshiba big chunky heavy gamer [13:54:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238489434882572309/toshiba_qosmio_x305_q725_01.png?ex=663f78ab&is=663e272b&hm=47a4801f34f9aaafe1f8328ceda1949ff9787ed13b9a25442f9a45a511512fbe& [13:57:11] OH YEAH THAT'S THE GOOD SHIT [13:58:40] actually how the fuck you are going to put this in your backpack [13:59:02] I used to have this old clunker of a computer with a manual volume wheel, disc tray, massive vents, and a big raised clicky clacky keyboard and I miss it so much [14:01:36] Easy, my backpack is big-ish [14:02:46] and if is small-ish lol [14:46:21] get a better one [14:48:01] Mint or Fedora would be better [14:48:05] I wonder, would a video guide titled "how to use your mop" for sysops actually be useful. [14:48:16] nah I love ubuntu [14:48:28] and help, why is my usb read only [14:48:51] wouldn't hurt I reckon [14:49:14] ubuntu is okay but the only reason I'd use it over mint is kubuntu [14:54:37] I never seen a centralized place where the full list of sysop tools is listed and demonstrated, so that's something that can be filled in. (i.e. clicking this link automatically reverts a series of edits) [15:24:47] usb got fucked up [15:25:04] fuck you ventoy (i think) [16:02:27] accepting congrats on fucking up my phone again [16:03:04] cherry on top is that the closest to me phone fix place closed 2 min ago [16:03:25] nothing is working [16:03:43] my usb is fucked up because of ventoy making it readonly [16:04:17] Installed Ubuntu with a tool in a partition but i can't boot in the partition [16:04:27] what I do!!! [16:37:26] help [16:37:51] why is so difficult to dual boot ubuntu [18:13:47] Fuck it, going to use VirtualBox until I get a new usb [18:15:07] [1/2] Oh no I can install communism in my Linux pc [18:15:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238554931452055702/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_2eddc211-8d33-4d9e-a393-ca866f72029d.jpg?ex=663fb5aa&is=663e642a&hm=32cbf6fa13e2b2c06d0a3a48c99b230cf173cc32e479b4c73b831013bc5f076d& [18:18:57] Quiet chat [18:19:59] yawn [18:20:46] [1/3] RIP Kingston Data Traveler 3.0 [18:20:46] [2/3] 2020 - 2024 [18:20:47] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238556353153208460/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_703282a0-96c8-4716-884a-995c4afb90d9.jpg?ex=663fb6fd&is=663e657d&hm=fe3295499ed847b75bb5f094d898e1c660c6eca433a8b1b594f9076aa9e4cef0& [18:20:59] Now is read only and can't be formatted [18:21:26] Disk part didn't do jack shit [18:24:09] Got killed by Ventoy (I think) [18:27:05] @ahriboy's recommendation of Ventoy killed this USB lol [18:32:24] Also, why did MediaWiki replace things like "php DeleteOldRevisions php" with "php run DeleteOldRevisions php" [18:32:33] @emicraftnoob go download rufus [19:47:28] because camel case [19:47:47] oh no its actually the same [19:48:01] but maintennce scripts should be piped through run.php now [19:49:18] mostly because it reduces boilerplate [19:51:28] My usb got fucked up [19:51:42] I need to buy ine [19:53:09] ok, next time use rufus. I use it to generate live linux usb [debian, ubuntu] [19:53:32] I used Rufus the first time but it failed on me [19:54:28] Is that the computer I used to flash the USB with Ubuntu has the spinny shitty drive? [19:55:11] [1/2] Now that usb got fucked, using Wubi [19:55:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238580112476078190/rn_image_picker_lib_temp_bf24a31d-7c31-4e2e-a9b9-1349d780e72b.jpg?ex=663fcd1e&is=663e7b9e&hm=e471c61fe230b1ef79be5953bfc4620a5c400cf1027d61edf483cf48378f0e92& [19:57:16] Probably with this one I'm getting 4 blue squares and a penguin live together [19:59:27] I think that there's not much difference between 22.04 and 24.04 [20:00:09] 24.04 is the same thing as 22.04 but with a crown and some ui changes i think [20:04:27] just downloaded vivaldi [20:15:55] Imagine your daily driver web browser being Vivaldi, it sounds very weird [20:18:02] it might actually be my new daily driver [20:18:24] its like the emacs of web browsers [20:36:07] it does too much for my tastes tbh, I like web browsers to just browse, but I'd pick it over edge/chrome/opera at least [20:37:46] @rhinosf1 @redmin0 : No more "We are Checking" ─ Xavi is no longer Leclercs Racing engineer. He's moved elsewhere 😭 😭 😭 I blame it on "Lollipopman" [20:39:35] By the way, have you considered joining the translation cabal? [20:39:52] I am swamped as it is [20:40:18] And I rather would like to add that energy towards Commons [20:42:36] And Dev. [21:29:47] Be a big change for him [21:40:54] A lot of website owners prefer Chromium [21:41:30] And btw about the USB flash drive loss, I'm so very sorry about Ventoy [21:43:12] Indeed. I am going to miss that reply πŸ˜„ [21:44:22] I think Xavi was insecure and had to ask 2nd opinions the whole time πŸ˜› [21:46:09] I just stole a customer from a rival banking corporation in minecraft [21:46:12] feeling good [21:46:39] LOL [21:47:01] :thinking12: [21:47:38] It’s easy and hard because the rival bank does not offer interest and we do and who dont want free money [21:48:12] but i have to talk in a way that is explicitly not an advertisement because im doing this in a discord of the rival bank and don’t wanna get banned [22:28:11] [1/2] i love how these are still unread [22:28:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1238618617411670067/image.png?ex=663ff0fa&is=663e9f7a&hm=ecce56c43362a1e29efcaf24d8e5bfbb4277a6d64332c7ce23d05ed992baffff& [22:32:45] pffft [22:34:14] LOL [22:34:38] I could check them... But hey... You enjoy them, So I let ya πŸ˜„ [22:35:15] _has no energy in scrolling that far back_ [22:36:00] OH ... I am tired I guess. YOUR notifications πŸ˜„ [22:36:20] Nevermind, carry on [23:23:25] how tf I have my usb not be read only [23:58:55] now my USB is Fort Knox