[00:25:55] why does none of that code be viewable on github [00:35:12] go to src folder and theres Soda.java [01:54:43] Ya I'll do that later today [02:00:29] Well remember when you told me to ignore the vandals [02:00:51] Yes [02:00:54] This isn't a vandal [02:01:05] I am talking about are talking [02:01:12] ? [02:01:16] About me complaint about vandals [02:01:22] Not that the user is a vandal [02:01:32] Which is stated in this website [02:01:37] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Do_not_insult_the_vandals [02:02:31] Who did I say was a vandal [02:04:57] Uh never mind [02:05:00] Misunderstood [02:08:45] It’s ok [02:09:04] I just need to be more Civil is [02:09:13] [1/2] did y'all know that wp has a entire essay in why bfdi is not here [02:09:13] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Why_is_BFDI_not_on_Wikipedia%3F [05:21:16] [1/2] Any suggestions for this? [05:21:16] [2/2] https://collei.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Developers_Wiki [05:22:21] It's an attempt at reworking the mh devwiki main page [06:11:38] [1/2] [06:11:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240184798472048700/image.png?ex=6645a399&is=66445219&hm=7100ad0a2ea36e1f3d17aca9da701294bb17ab478b1ef56a8f3d5406e8a8cfcc& [08:41:44] "Hundreds of templates" - That's a bit of a stretch still 😄 [08:42:08] true lol but I could probably import hundreds from some various places over like a week or so [08:42:12] But looks good indeed. [08:42:15] thx [08:46:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240223724741853275/unknown-english-v0-26betpzmghta1.png?ex=6645c7da&is=6644765a&hm=e3a7988c0c0d68fc2337c6a69c5de3b389734fdb752c2a214e12c9f226a5fdc8& [08:49:41] LOL [08:53:03] Japanese [08:53:47] lol yea [08:54:01] I found it on https://www.reddit.com/r/translator/comments/12jjlrk/unknown_english/ [11:53:16] Stewards vs local Bureaucrat is like fighting the sun vs a human. [13:55:45] I find a lot of people wander onto specific wikis (Esp. true with Wikibooks) based on hyper-specific keyword searches and then find talk pages (and are shown how to use the edit button) [13:57:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240301985693962260/image.png?ex=664610bd&is=6644bf3d&hm=bce91302eb8ea5f9878398fd45b461a9ced18b90a001ad1e04729ddd6263c1c0& [16:45:26] () [16:45:56] So let's move to there [16:46:18] So how did you get the change to living in the US [16:46:20] If you can tell me [16:46:37] I was a student here many years ago lol [16:46:43] chance* [16:46:46] sorry [16:46:52] Ohhh [16:46:54] Nice [16:47:24] So you enrolled in scholarship progams or similar stuff [16:47:28] No [16:47:32] Oh [16:47:39] Not that there's any for international students [16:47:40] Or in exchange? [16:47:48] Ohh [16:47:50] If you don't know this [16:48:22] International students usually are either on government scholarships from their country of origin or just pay for themselves [16:48:36] Typically you don't get merit based scholarships if you are not a citizen [16:48:40] So you've been in the US for years, that's the reason why your language level is good [16:48:42] (experiences may vary) [16:48:53] Ohh [16:48:54] I know [16:49:00] So you fund yourself for study? [16:49:05] I mean I was C1 in English by the time I was like 14 [16:49:07] Or your family fund you for your study [16:49:07] Yeah [16:49:12] Wow nice [16:49:22] I was like A1 to A2 at the age of 14 [16:49:26] 🤣 [16:49:30] But now as you may have seen [16:49:32] More because English is one of the only things going for me lol [16:49:43] Well you have definitely gotten better x [16:49:53] Eventually we will all be there [16:49:58] Much better so [16:50:12] Yes it's nice for meeting up virtually in there🤣 [16:50:21] So you went to the US at 14? [16:50:37] Or you have some kinds of international school in China where you learned English [16:50:41] Naw [16:50:54] I went to a public highschool and then us high school [16:51:21] Oh you spent your time in the US for high school [16:52:04] For me I abandoned high school in China because of ideology conflicts, with the government of course they force students to take brainwashing courses followed by Xi took power [16:52:20] @jeanboulanger I think we are switching to here. The reason why I say that is because although blocking discord is not ideal, no one so far is getting into trouble for accessing discord (not that anyone uses discord anyways--the equivalent is QQ or YY). I know this because I live in China [16:53:01] You live in China and your friends in China access Discord everyday? This isn't the thing I've ever seen in China [16:53:02] 政治课其实从来都有的。 [16:53:10] Have you got any plans to move away? [16:53:12] Well we are weiros [16:53:16] Not the Politics subject [16:53:23] The Xi Jinping's Thoughts subject [16:53:27] 习近平思想 [16:53:29] This one [16:53:34] 为什么我这边是没有这种课的 [16:53:37] 神奇。 [16:53:42] They went into school curriculum from 2018 [16:53:44] 2017* [16:53:54] First of all, just because no one has ever had a problem doesn't mean they never will, and secondly, I don't know what was said, and I doubt it was criticism of the government [16:53:57] 你是什么时候上学的? [16:53:59] 我17年还在中国呢。 [16:54:02] 不,16 [16:54:04] 我是说在中国 [16:54:22] Man I can't care less about politics [16:54:28] 那你还说你现在在中国,就是中间你离开过? [16:54:29] But discord should be okay [16:54:35] 我现在就在美国。 [16:54:37] 🤣 [16:54:40] 是这样 [16:54:41] Sorry [16:55:19] 我脑子真的不好用了,你之前还说过你是中国人,只是在美国生活🤣 [16:55:25] 有时候就是这样,经常忘记事情。 [16:55:45] I suspect it is a regional thing. My cousin's still in high school and that was never a thing for them. [16:55:53] I've got it, I'll leave you to it. It was well worth it to change channel. [16:55:55] 所以回到刚才的话题,是因为那洗脑课程导致我不上学的。 [16:56:10] Gotcha [16:56:19] So he's in China? Is he taking international school or some sort of that? [16:56:22] No [16:56:25] Public [16:56:41] In government-fund schools these are commonly seen and isn't seem to be avoidable [16:56:48] Even in Shanghai and Shenzhen [16:56:51] It's always like this, a lot of the times policy directives come out and it's up to the schools to implement them [16:57:00] I've got relatives in Shanghai [16:57:08] Pretty sure they don't have this [16:57:30] Up to the schools to implement them? So how do schools even have the choice if the courses are written into school curriculums [16:57:37] And what ends up happening is that schools want to suck up and does all kinds of bullcrap [16:57:52] It doesn't even matter if it's not in gaokao tho [16:58:01] They're directed by the so-called education departments and they have little choice on implementing them [16:58:03] I just have one last thing to say: be careful. You're criticizing the Chinese government while one of you is still in China and speaking Chinese. All it takes is one leak. Good evening and good discussion. [16:58:24] Thank you for your kind regards [16:58:35] Wish you have a nice day too! [16:59:05] 🤣And yes I'm the guy who's still in China and speaking Chinese over there😂🤣 [16:59:27] Not sure about you but when I was growing up curriculum is mostly up to the schools and essentially no one enforce them, they only do things if the parents start complaining [16:59:40] Not that it is good in their own right but I think you need to transfer bro [16:59:45] During the Li Keqiang government, yes it's up decided by school [16:59:46] s [16:59:59] But now under the new leadership, unfortunately it's not [17:00:28] 不知道,我回头问问。 [17:00:39] I don't know what outcome such courses may take to Chinese people [17:00:49] But for sure, they will make negative impacts on me [17:01:47] Definitely don't do it if you have a choice, not that I hate whatever classes they have but you shouldn't force yourself. [17:02:11] So you are in an international school now...? [17:02:20] Yes this is why I later abandoned school [17:02:22] No [17:02:33] I'm no longer in school anymore [17:02:38] Eh [17:02:52] I think the easiest way to move overseas is you want to is by going to college there. [17:02:54] But my plan is to go back to another school, a language school learning German [17:03:02] Gotcha [17:03:03] To support for my move to Germany [17:03:07] Why not go to Canada lol [17:03:17] Canadian colleges give you free work permit if you graduate [17:03:28] But I wanted to first take care of my career [17:03:43] Free work permit upon graduate? [17:03:51] It's gonna be hard without a four year degree, at least in US CS market [17:03:53] Yeah [17:04:02] Pretty sure that's how it works, correct me if I'm wrong [17:04:17] But for me I believe if I wanted to study I will be obsessed with it [17:04:22] It's damn near impossible to find a job as an international student in the US lol [17:04:43] If you think Chinese CS market is bad you should look at the US ones [17:04:46] Just like what I did before, despite I live in China all the life so far I learned many things others cannot [17:05:05] Internet is a miracle innit [17:05:24] But in terms of developing my career I have many selections, for example to set up business [17:05:32] You got money? [17:05:45] I also learn on subjects of economy and commercial-related topics [17:05:49] I mean if you got money then it's like a lot easier. [17:05:56] Yes I collected money from my relatives now [17:06:07] I know a guy from Shandong who traded Bitcoin and essentially got 3 mil [17:06:08] Thanks to my campaign, with repeative brainwashing [17:06:16] Bought his green card and lives in the US now [17:06:19] I'm narrative so I don't worry about doing this thing [17:06:23] Usd [17:06:29] Woww [17:07:18] I don't get in contact with much of money so far, but with living in Europe I hope I'll be succeesful in investing thanks to my knowledge in that field [17:08:01] Not to considering the things too much, for now the top priority thing is, I need to move out from China to ensure security [17:08:47] So you've got your residence permit in the US? [17:08:51] I invest a fair but too but I don't think it's anything related to "knowledge" [17:08:53] No lol [17:08:54] Like a green card [17:08:55] Ohh [17:09:09] You know US has a quota on green cards right [17:09:32] Like there is a diversity quota and the more populous your country of origin is, the longer you wait [17:09:43] For Chinese/indian nationals wait time is usually 10-20 years. [17:09:48] I believe investing is in close connection to the business world which involves in knowledges to become success [17:10:11] Sorry but I know little to nothing about the green card [17:10:25] What I take care of the US is their technology, for the moment [17:10:38] Oh it's a long wait [17:10:45] It's more because the US engineers are very well paid. [17:11:05] But since you can maintain countinous living in this country, it shouldn't be a thing to worry about what do you think [17:11:19] Yes they have high income [17:11:42] So it has been a place targeted by many Chinese people🤣 [17:12:09] Yeah for me it's whatever. For me home is wherever gives me money lol [17:12:24] Maybe I'll be back in China in a couple years, who knows [17:12:40] My roadmap is, first moving out from China to Europe where I can have a place to get in close contact to the Western world, so I can verify my dipictions about the society and order [17:13:00] So next if I have enough knowledge and is capable to move to the US, I'll make move for sure [17:13:31] So uncertainties do raise questions to you [17:13:47] But what I want to say is, I don't recommend you moving back here [17:14:19] Over the past 3 years more Chinese people were forced to flee from their country because of excessive power, you may already know [17:14:49] Well last time I was back was this January [17:14:56] I'm among them being affected. So do you know I don't use cell phones in China? [17:15:00] Oh [17:15:37] And because I don't use cell phones in China during Covid lockdown I refused to scan QR codes with phones which tie to my identity [17:15:53] I was denied to enter the hospital and my operation got postponed [17:15:56] For almost a week [17:16:10] I definitely don't mind but if you really do care, I think you need to move like soonish. [17:16:25] It happens in the US too during early COVID. [17:16:29] So later I called the government service hotline and asked them to request a QR code tied to my mom's phone [17:16:38] Then I was able to be admitted by the hospital [17:17:02] The reason I was declined was because I refused to follow government's instructions [17:17:12] To be under monitoring of them [17:17:34] Instead of healthcare resources running out [17:18:01] So of course if the hospital exhausted their resources, they can postpone my operation it's understandable [17:18:20] But they denied admission just because I don't use a cell phone how crazy they are [17:18:38] The issue is there was such a hysteria about COVID that they were like what if you had COVID [17:19:02] My experience may be an example showing that innocent people are even influenced by the government, while they're not doing anything wrong. [17:19:15] Bro everyone was fucking crazy about COVID in 2020-22. I got thrown out of a restaurant because I was speaking English lol [17:19:41] In the US people have different education levels with different cultures, sometimes they just require healthcare [17:19:59] It was more mass hysteria that made the government like that. Even at the end of '22 there is still a significant part of population that preferred zero covid [17:20:00] So public health authorities sometimes have no choice but to find out a way to address this issue [17:20:29] I mean...https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/alberta-woman-dies-after-being-denied-transplant-for-refusing-to-get-covid-vaccine/ar-AA1fMl6A?apiversion=v2&noservercache=1&domshim=1&renderwebcomponents=1&wcseo=1&batchservertelemetry=1&noservertelemetry=1 [17:20:29] I don't know where you get the data [17:20:57] being an overweight person, I do still prefer zero covid tbh [17:21:14] anything that affects the lungs like that will basically be a death sentence for me [17:21:27] If I remember correctly the issue with the policy wasn't about it being useless, it's more that at the end of 22 containment has simply failed [17:21:43] Towns in Xinjiang were quarantined for like 5 months because they could not fix it [17:22:00] Albert Health Services? Where is it located [17:22:09] I feel ya. I got COVID early '23 and was almost hospitalized despite having 4 shot [17:22:26] Canada [17:23:00] Finding out the root cause, if China has a strong and robust healthcare system this should not incur to become an issue. [17:23:24] Covid-related issues was wild all over the world. Where I used to live bar life-threatening circumstances you cant go anywhere if you refuse to do COVID tests lol [17:23:45] No shit, the country is poor as fuck [17:23:53] So yes they take the taxes people payed for their luxuries, and they get a weak healthcare system, so ok Covid came and they can't take any measures so they simply block people moving feely? [17:23:57] We are broke lol [17:24:23] You jest but being in the US it was also a shit show. [17:24:43] The difference being the hysteria caused lockdowns till late '22 while us opened up mid '21 [17:24:49] US healthcare system is strong and robust I assure, and they sometimes having a look people see they're almost fallen off, but in fact they're not [17:25:24] So I'll leave from there and wash my body [17:25:27] So see you later [17:25:30] 🤣 [17:25:31] See ya! [17:25:44] See you then, nice talking with you [17:25:51] 和你聊天很不错! [17:26:04] The US suffers not from its healthcare (which is arguably the best in the world) but more from inequality and other issues. [17:26:46] So much so to the fact that the average life expectancy of the US is lower than in China despite having a more invested health system (drugs, obesity etc.) and during COVID it was definitely exacerbated [17:27:05] 和你聊天我也很开心。 [17:27:16] If people get equal access to resources some may waste [17:27:22] Resulting in ruining of resources [17:27:35] Nice [17:28:10] 其实资源在哪里都会浪费的。在国内是大家没事跑去看病,在美国是不付钱的人疯狂占用资源 [17:28:18] 典型群体就是无家可归者。 [17:28:19] I'll now go, so bye for now [17:28:23] 嗯,晚安。 [17:28:41] 比如我不付钱有可能是因为我真的有困难 [17:28:59] 总比哪些素质差的中国人害人还占用珍贵资源的好 [17:29:22] 有些人是无辜的,他们本来就需要资源但是没办法 [17:29:39] 其实,美国人素质也1就那样。 [17:29:40] 你说是吧 [17:29:44] 我觉得你出来看看就知道了 [17:29:49] 我在国内被辱骂,在美国被追打 [17:29:52] 威胁,殴打1 [17:29:55] 我觉得其实都差不多。。。 [17:29:56] 是的美国人素质不怎么样 [17:30:12] 如果他们素质真的好我不会首先考虑去欧洲 [17:30:15] 但是政府不一样 [17:30:21] 嗨,到哪里其实都会好起来。 [17:30:24] 我觉得 [17:30:31] 一定会慢慢好起来。 [17:30:35] 嗯。 [17:30:38] 我觉得可以也。 [17:30:42] 中国有一个坏政府,他怎么好 [17:30:46] 不过欧洲人其实。。。也差不多。 [17:30:52] 我的意思是,你的生活。 [17:30:59] 结果只能是“ruin everything”😂 [17:31:06] 政治我不想谈,因为大家永远谈不出什么。 [17:31:28] 先睡吧,我写东西去 [17:31:30] 加油! [17:31:31] ❤️ [17:31:35] 这个咋说,聊天也是一种思考问题的过程? [17:31:37] 这样 [17:31:47] 你写啥东西? [17:31:56] 政治主要是政见相合特别好,有一点不一样,差距就会急速分裂化。 [17:31:59] 我要写研究报告。 [17:32:03] 这样 [17:32:04] 做科研。 [17:32:14] 我洗澡过会儿回来 [17:32:29] 你也是做计算机科学方面? [17:33:15] 我本科专业是计算机科学和经济。 [17:33:27] 所以cs我肯定会一点 [17:33:49] invest我也做的。过去一年回报率大概33% [17:49:05] 是这样 [18:06:49] Det er da godt nok meget kinesisk snak her. :ThinkerMH: [18:09:47] Ja [18:11:54] What's this? [18:12:25] 🤣Sorry I speak only Chinese and English so far🤣😂 [18:15:25] [1/3] apparently this exists [18:15:25] [2/3] https://coverartarchive.org/ [18:15:25] [3/3] I wonder if API can be used w/ MediaWiki to provide images w/o upload [18:16:14] [1/2] there's this at least [18:16:15] [2/2] https://github.com/lastfm/coverartarchive-api [18:17:16] too bad I don't know shit about api etc [18:17:42] It’s an API that provides images from song covers? [18:17:49] exactly this [18:18:22] I'm saying, could it be used for images on a wiki [18:18:41] sorta like Mediawiki Commons, w/o upload [18:19:02] Well this looks like it’s not a web API it’s Java [18:19:04] I’ll see [18:19:18] there are several types, it seems [18:19:27] https://musicbrainz.org/doc/Cover_Art_Archive/API [18:20:26] So there is a rest API [18:20:33] Let me dig in mw.org [18:22:05] Só there is a setting to use images from URLs I need to see if we have it enabled [18:22:39] We do [18:23:56] Im not sure how well it works [18:34:43] wdym? [18:34:47] in managewiki or? [18:35:25] Mediawiki supports loading images by their URL in line [18:36:27] $wgAllowExternalImages ? [18:36:35] but it means raw URL? [18:36:53] any way to hookup image from given parameters? [18:38:26] A template taking in a parameter? The URL structure seems to use the id of a song so could pass that in [18:38:44] If the image url can vary or takes a lot more then just the ID [18:39:07] I’d say enable External Data, use it to use the API to fetch the URL of the image and render that [18:39:09] [1/2] I'm not sure, but for example from here [18:39:09] [2/2] https://musicbrainz.org/release/9545ffd0-2cce-48b8-9328-70d03feb3cef [18:40:15] oh [18:40:21] https://wiki.musicbrainz.org/ [18:42:13] HTTPS://http://coverartarchive.org/release/9545ffd0-2cce-48b8-9328-70d03feb3cef/ [18:42:28] yeah, so like [18:42:38] Or http://coverartarchive.org/release/9545ffd0-2cce-48b8-9328-70d03feb3cef/front [18:42:49] no way to make it easuer w/ just artist and album name? [18:43:25] It depends. The API refers to all songs by that ID. If there’s a way to search ids based on name then sure [19:28:31] I must be really tired or really dumb, but how external images even supposed to work on wiki [19:28:40] like, I've enabled a setting [19:28:41] and [19:28:58] I don't seem to find an example/instruction? [19:37:38] Link to a image URL in the same way as normal external links [19:38:02] Ending in a file extension I think but not sure [19:38:45] doesn't seem to work [19:42:08] Hm [19:42:12] Screenshot? [19:43:05] The EditThis.info way [19:43:23] Hm? [19:44:47] On EditThis.info, image uploads are disabled for being too costly; external images are the only way to actually add images to pages [19:44:52] did y'all know also https://wiki-site.com [19:45:02] Lol [19:45:38] That wiki farm is gone, no more, reduced to atoms [19:46:15] is just that their hosting is so shitty that the site disappears a lot [19:47:06] They should probably rename it "Shitty Site" [19:47:12] so any feature to add? [19:47:25] shitty-wiki-site.com [19:48:27] if you wanted to put a logo in your wiki you needed to pay in wiki-site.com [19:49:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240390537194901644/2024-05-15_22_48_32.png?ex=66466335&is=664511b5&hm=c7e3d5c999474d19a2eb3da0fdcc744bdc056b7f9515f5104c8dc18b213dae56& [19:49:29] [1/2] theres a page for wiki-site in Spanish Wikipedia [19:49:29] [2/2] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki-Site [19:49:40] Hm [19:50:54] "Wiki-Site es un wiki hosting" - Wiki sentence of the year [19:51:03] well, my motivation for that silly idea was sure fun while it lasted lol [19:51:06] that was quick [19:51:25] so nvm [19:53:49] [1/2] miraheze is not gonna get an article in wikipedia [19:53:50] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft:Miraheze [19:54:12] again lol [19:54:45] [1/2] but got an article in the spanish one lol [19:54:46] [2/2] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miraheze [19:54:51] Just cite MWCon, problem solved [19:57:03] [1/2] nahhhh [19:57:04] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Shitter&redirect=no [19:57:43] https://www.semrush.com/website/fandom.com/competitors/ - two of the "alternatives" are owned by Fandom [19:59:12] who tf reads fandom articles, like those that appear in https://www.fandom.com [20:06:12] [bounce](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/707809006328217640.gif?size=48&quality=lossless&name=bounce) [20:07:19] What [20:08:05] [Pfft](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1163729611667017758.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=Pfft) [20:08:18] fake nitro be like [20:09:27] non wiki sites like gamespot [20:10:56] they are not even viable alternatives. [20:38:53] Reddit as an alternative [20:48:24] Do they end with a file extension [20:49:04] yes, png [20:55:45] are you putting the link in `[]` or is it just the plain link text [20:56:04] from my experience it needs to just be the link without additional formatting [20:57:20] this [20:57:23] [ ] [20:57:33] I think it only works without the brackets [20:57:42] I've already dropped the whole idea and disabled the setting [20:57:51] didn't worked w/o them either [20:57:54] just raw link [20:57:59] hm [20:58:01] odd [20:58:08] That was quick [20:58:23] yup [20:59:20] it's futile [20:59:37] another useless thing to get burned out over [20:59:47] Oof [20:59:49] and frustrated [20:59:53] It’s an interesting idea [21:00:08] Now you’ve got me interested in it [21:00:52] [1/2] I'll keep the draft tho [21:00:53] [2/2] [21:02:51] I may test it on beta for fun [21:03:05] WH is too big despite all of its flaws [21:25:37] [1/2] I think is an alternative because of subreddit wikis? [21:25:37] [2/2] yeah these websites are made by robots lol [21:26:58] Most "wikis" are not actually wikis; the core requirement for a website to be even considered a wiki in some sense is for it to have a built-in editing system that can be used by anyone, which many lack [21:27:37] I always saw Discogs as a very strange wiki lol [21:28:06] now that I looked more into MusicBrainz - it is as well [21:29:08] and then someone suggested using google sites as alternative to fandom under my post :squint: [21:29:34] I used to make my websites in google sites lol [21:29:46] a site is a site [21:29:47] ofc [21:30:02] a site can work as encyclopedia [21:30:11] a wiki site can work as encyclopedia [21:30:22] but any site can be a wiki [21:30:31] *can't [21:31:44] ExtensionPager.php? @Original Authority [21:41:04] [1/2] 😉 [21:41:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240418699622744135/image.png?ex=66467d6f&is=66452bef&hm=697746b50011cd1ef0c6e263e80ed3ff38a331935d7bc294f3017d9b06b7304d& [21:41:23] o_0 [21:43:07] It just occured to me that all the reaction YouTube content creators all get their material from the same two sites. It's not very well known. [21:44:21] [1/2] also gone are the days of adding settings to ManageWikiSettings.php 😛 [21:44:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240419526470795324/image.png?ex=66467e34&is=66452cb4&hm=13dfe3c09cee28a5c36d3c448a32446bcbe198dd210a9543e57ad0afb75ed7e7& [21:48:21] Looks like CreateWiki's not working properly there; one of the wikis that was approved doesn't appear at all, not even an error page [21:49:03] where? it's working fine as far as I know; I haven't approved any requests in a couple of days [21:49:30] (by where I mean what wiki if you can dm me a link) [21:49:36] He cooked [21:49:49] https://meta.telepedia.net/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/94; the URL where the wiki should be (https://worldbox.telepedia.net) shows only a blank page [21:52:49] oop I may have pulled 1.40 of Translate instead of 1.39 [21:55:55] You gonna push it back upstream? [21:56:08] push what [21:56:18] . [21:56:29] assuming it’s part of CW [21:56:41] Nope completely different extension [21:56:49] built from the ground up with improvements [21:57:38] I did try to rewrite these changes into CW/MW briefly but it was more work than just rewriting an extension to meet my needs from the ground up [22:10:09] Visual Studio Code is the best code editor 🔥🔥 [22:10:26] https://tenor.com/blQLH.gif [22:14:02] why you need to download programs for each programming language [22:16:18] CLion, PyCharm, PhpStorm, Rider, RubyMine, RustRover [22:16:45] and is open source, and probably completely free [22:17:01] You don't [22:17:06] most of those can handle most things [22:17:28] for example, PhpStorm can handle all of the stuff that Webstorm does, and can also handle DataGrip stuff [22:17:36] IntelliJ handles just about everything [22:18:00] There's no comparison between an IDE and Visual Studio Code [22:18:26] VSC is great, I agree. I use it sometimes, but its nowhere near PhpStorm for PHP stuff. [22:18:56] Agreed [22:19:06] Though I haven’t used it much [22:20:42] All you need is ed to edit your source file [22:20:47] [1/2] and I love this icon so much for some reason [22:20:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240428695085256734/q52i8bUAEvcb7JR4e-eNTv23y2A_wg5sCz0NC0GrGtcw1CRMWJSOPVHUDh_bngD0q4gMvVeoAs900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj.png?ex=664686be&is=6645353e&hm=5936dfd5d66dde53e1658e29e332d64a6e0c7ae5b86d296f5a9c528835850b44& [22:22:12] I’m fairly sure @bluemoon0332 just uses nano(or vim) [22:22:47] I am dying for a drink of dr pepper [22:24:35] I do not drink carbonated beverages [22:24:54] not sure how I feel about that [22:25:00] I want a baja blast but the problem is that I live on Mexico [22:25:11] {{Promotional_source}} [22:25:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Promotional_source [22:25:12] [22:25:51] And i need to go to those stores that sell american stuff [22:25:51] Coffee as well [22:26:58] [1/2] this screams 1999 or early 2000 [22:26:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240430251876552785/visual-basic-6-sp6-257-1.png?ex=66468832&is=664536b2&hm=cf5231996d90499cbb5dbe5ba6e24256e33fdf0dc24b07c4368c52769c6524aa& [22:29:04] oh i Love it [22:29:05] tea [22:29:05] too [22:29:09] I drink tea religiousl [22:29:13] Brit’ish! [22:29:21] oh aye we lurv a bitta tea [22:29:26] I did have some tea when I went to London [22:29:37] did you drink out of dinky cups with your pinky finger out? [22:29:44] I don’t recall [22:29:46] Maybe [22:29:59] Knowing me probably [22:31:00] It was eh. Like it was fine but I don’t like tea and coffee so [22:31:11] I had it with milk and sugar and that was okay [22:31:20] For me personally [22:31:37] https://tenor.com/bT99N.gif [22:36:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240432662737321984/image.png?ex=66468a70&is=664538f0&hm=0d933cb359c0d269a694b32db26d36c04128683d5fb7a9276a2bfcbf744b374e& [22:37:09] Nano works when you need to ssh to a box and mess with a config. Otherwise WinSCP's editor works [22:37:49] Nah he just uses that for development as I recall [22:38:15] The person I work on Catalyst with uses SciTe as his main editor for everything [22:38:28] Never heard of it [22:39:14] Editor from the devs of the Scintilla editing component (the one used in Notepad++) [22:43:07] I use VSCodium [22:44:15] Unsurprising [22:45:39] [1/2] weird icon tbh [22:45:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240434953095745597/codium_cnl.png?ex=66468c92&is=66453b12&hm=a53cd3f77ff844e94abd858a281a48b3d392be7d343c4598f68de40d61ac8df3& [22:46:58] VSCode is basically just a browser [22:47:02] its written in typescript which is so weird [22:47:57] looks like a coral [22:47:59] 🪸 [22:48:14] Almost certainly intentional [22:48:22] Huh [22:48:28] how long u been a mod for [22:48:29] well there is a web version [22:48:33] well yeah [22:48:40] what i'm saying is the app is the web version [22:48:40] just as an app [22:48:45] lol just noticed? [22:48:55] like its the exact same thing, when you open the app you're opening a mini browser [22:48:57] yeah [22:49:11] Uh Brandon nominated me, or more accurately I agreed to the nomination shortly after Agent left [22:49:30] I volunteer as tribute! [22:49:44] also you're a wiki creator too [22:49:44] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1019693511232208928/threads/1232418458856194170 [22:49:44] wtf [22:49:47] have I been under a rock [22:49:51] Yeah that one’s older [22:51:07] i mean wasn’t this the same as you learning about the rename ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [22:51:10] i think it wad that [22:51:19] [1/2] neofetch in mac [22:51:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240436377477316650/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-15_a_las_4.50.57_p.m..png?ex=66468de6&is=66453c66&hm=59a6b05a1d290cda9674c960d2a28821d1716564ca4ce1a6e1f83a7feabff9b8& [22:51:53] 😮 [22:52:51] Im not a very active WC though.i gnaw a bit here and there but my focus has been irl support and also working on a CW Pr [22:53:01] oh yeah i also made a technical contribution guide [22:54:29] Btw [22:54:31] Someone [22:54:47] Forgot to anwser my question on the global roll backer reforms [22:55:16] wdym [22:56:24] What is the global part roller main purpose going to be if Proposal 2 passes [22:56:43] what pr [22:56:52] i'm too lazy to find it [22:56:57] also contemplating going for dr pepper [22:57:00] but its 12:00 [22:57:18] Which 12:00 [22:57:23] in the night [22:57:32] ah the fun one [22:57:35] but i did book annual leave tomorrow from work because bridgerton s3 is out [22:57:36] someone will answer later [22:57:40] so I will probably be awake until 5am [22:57:45] Later [22:57:47] Later [22:57:52] yes [22:57:54] I have been patient for [22:58:04] 5 hours on it but I guess I need more [22:58:08] ... people have a life irl [22:58:12] not everyone checks miraheze every 5 hours [22:58:22] I said [22:58:25] I guess I need more [22:58:52] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/511 [22:59:09] I need to get back to addressing the changes [22:59:25] Everyone has a life sorry I get to annoyed some times after having to work on the character wikis for some changes I did today @koreirose [22:59:32] ok its fine [22:59:42] also since I don’t have beta access or a local cw yet im deving in the complete dark [22:59:52] Well [23:00:04] My thoughts on the global reform [23:00:05] Are [23:00:15] It’s very good for a draft [23:00:18] dats a bit silleh [23:00:22] As buffing the role is a better way [23:00:39] To make it stronger remind how powerful global groups are meant to be again [23:00:49] Eh for this it’s hard to fuck up™️ [23:01:18] Global groups don’t need to be powerful. They exist to solve a problem accross all wikis [23:01:32] All wikis huh [23:01:37] That’s stronger then being local [23:01:47] well yes that's why they're global [23:01:53] Ok [23:02:05] Well from what I heard global rollbackers are having issues [23:02:21] In the draft form of request for comments [23:03:22] Wikimedia has a global two factor authentication tester and global IP block exempt group. Hardly powerful [23:03:36] GS and Steward are powerful of course [23:04:05] don’t have much use of the power to help much [23:05:16] I can see [23:05:22] Well when this draft gets finished [23:05:28] Their is making it stronger [23:05:41] Destorying the group completely [23:05:47] And the alternative one [23:05:54] For now [23:06:05] dont worry once i try to working on tasks that involved special pages and tables [23:06:16] things gonna go goofy as fuck [23:07:00] I have that one task for a special exempt wiki page on my raidar [23:07:28] Look, GIPBE exists for those who contribute to a lot of wikis and are stuck in a "bad hood" sharing a range with aboozers [23:07:39] Yesh [23:07:44] Its a useful role [23:08:01] What does GIPBE mean [23:08:11] Global IP Block Exmept [23:08:25] Ok that is really good [23:08:30] Once you think about it [23:08:50] It’s basically block immunity and is only given to trusted users [23:10:05] My old mobile carrier was used by a well known X-Wiki LTA on WMF so yea, it's useful shit [23:19:23] There are also thing like GROLL which is useful if you watch over a large number of small wikis. Also, IIRC on WMF GSO's have IPBE [23:51:37] @rodejong by the way, https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/44131#mw-section-comments - they joined and started editing on the genshin wiki like was discussed in the comments and don't seem to need the original request, so perhaps decline the original request [23:57:41] Got it. Done. Thanks! [23:57:48] Glad this worked out. [23:57:51] np