[01:09:31] [1/2] charged with armed battery [01:09:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240833546235412491/image.png?ex=6647ffca&is=6646ae4a&hm=57d1f740b4f0239d156b9beceaa646e6ee0b268dfd5401b70e67a11779a701d9& [02:06:30] @rodejong whoops lol I didn't realize we were still in thread. My bad. [02:07:52] First y'all highjack a support thread and they you try to highjack offtopic, which I think can't even be done! :ThinkerMH: [02:07:53] Yeah.. I've deleted my messages. [02:08:28] Suggest you delete yours as well to keep the thread clear [02:10:20] [1/2] ... [02:10:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240848852089831504/image0.png?ex=66480e0c&is=6646bc8c&hm=fd12414a97671ee671784ca3c230b49dcbf3ab6e6a4b249fba06fc73521c22a6& [02:10:37] Wrong channel lol [02:11:17] I am off to bed. I can't even find the right thread anymore [02:11:25] 💤 [02:11:59] _checks if this was posted in the right channel ... yes! ... Great. 👋🏻_ [02:12:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1240849446372249760/image0.png?ex=66480e99&is=6646bd19&hm=c3754e51c765e54a0391c0f6ee7c32ea7259dc2dd2e004b75591052cc7c63030& [02:13:11] The messages were never there all along [02:39:59] The friends were the ghost pings we made along the way? [02:40:33] :ThinkerMH: [18:41:37] [1/2] Trolls are weird [18:41:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241098314464890972/Screenshot_20240517-114120.png?ex=6648f660&is=6647a4e0&hm=e39374712330aad607ed89b3996855326df0d4e94d90cbec5a263eb876e16ad4& [18:41:41] Also that was very obvious [18:50:16] I'd say that's more scammer than troll [18:50:33] I honestly always wonder if anyone (especially on Discord) actually falls for these type of clear scams [18:54:21] Yea [19:00:40] [1/2] "Take an advantage of you" [19:00:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241103108520808469/Screenshot_20240517-115545.png?ex=6648fad7&is=6647a957&hm=a205c491504f10a49d8df847fd09be66e3b57cd93c443095df47f9d8369f55c0& [19:00:54] I reported the scammer/troll to the server I share with him [19:07:53] They make them clear for a reason that way they can filter out those who will not fall for them [19:08:19] Just like 419 scammers use sloppy spelling and grammar on purpose to filter out people that will not fall so they don't bother replying [19:09:03] [1/2] I feel like a lot of people who bother to interact these scammers are just trolling them [19:09:04] [2/2] I used to reply to all my scam DMs and emails pretending to fall for the scam but being purposefully annoying and acting stupid until the scammer gave up on me [19:09:45] I used to waste hours of my time talking to the tech support and IRS scammers. [19:10:53] I would play dumb and waste as much of their time as possible. Hours only to hear "I redeemed it on my google play" [19:11:34] Lmaoo [19:14:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241106699973169192/image.png?ex=6648fe2f&is=6647acaf&hm=af668247c0adf0becdf80dc2eae2852d314fe49d4467c3c6d89fd64b69689c2d& [22:17:28] Those are the ones you hear about since they are the ones talking about it. But for each person trolling the scammers, there are probably hundreds that truely do fall for them [22:41:36] Possibly [23:33:11] Kali Linux, great, at least was not: [23:33:29] https://tenor.com/view/i-use-arch-btw-use-arch-linux-fedora-gif-23272370 [23:34:02] I've come to soundly appreciate mint tbh [23:34:38] Ubuntu has better interface ngl [23:35:13] isn't ubuntu barreling headfirst into adawita gnome [23:35:17] in which case hard pass [23:35:31] and at any rate ubuntu is on my shitlist for other reasons [23:36:02] kubuntu I barely tolerate simply because I have a soft spot for kde but it has too much of the mainline buntu to hold my confidence [23:36:20] Kubuntu looks kinda fire [23:36:28] But I installed Ubuntu [23:36:39] got nothing I can't do with another build in that respect tbh [23:37:42] however as a bit of a linux softie I prefer to stick with something close to the tap with strong, not obscure support because I simply don't have the time or the passion to work out every little quirk in the OS, too many other hobbies to fight with my os in the way I would with something like arch which would otherwise appeal to me [23:39:06] in the long run I seem to be best off with a debian derivative, ubuntu in theory could be it but just covered that, mint opposes the mainline buntu BS in all the ways I appreciate + well supported with a strong future + strong packaging making it a nice get up and go OS I can appreciate for personal use and to recommend for others [23:39:36] otherwise something like suse tumbleweed appeals to me but rolling release has consistently left me skittish [23:40:57] [1/2] sorry but [23:40:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241173647603925082/images_2_26.jpg?ex=66493c89&is=6647eb09&hm=1fee6c248517a1820ce67aa4e2c59114c86cb56259bb14a16545947e00fbb051& [23:41:50] tldr next generation is hopeless 'cause can't read [23:42:20] it'll be amazing to see how people in the future string together conversations if we even make it that long [23:43:03] I am afraid they won't even be able to write without abbreviations, and without spelling mistakes. [23:43:08] resisting the urge to make an ubuntu normie joke tbh [23:43:15] It's part of the meme [23:43:24] If you are using a Linux distro with a command line interface you hate yourself [23:43:54] if you don't use command line do you even use linux tho [23:44:26] and don't get me wrong, I hate terminal life and vi would give me cancer, but that's a flaw on me [23:45:35] v - v i feel called out [23:45:46] LOL [23:45:49] CLI <# [23:45:54] Yes, I dualboot it in a laptop. The terminal is very important but omg imagine using command line for everything [23:46:02] but yea i hate vi(m) [23:46:12] nano is fine of config changes [23:46:21] still id rather vim over MOBILE [23:46:23] COUGH CA [23:50:17] honestly, mobile > vi for me [23:50:33] I've worked out an arrangement with the former at least although you won't catch me doing anything sensitive on there [23:50:44] Yea but like [23:50:52] Full on development work? [23:50:54] on mobile [23:50:56] as for laptops I've decked out at least a dozen [23:50:58] yeah no [23:51:12] hard enough to get me anywhere near "dev" on desktop as it is