[00:03:16] btw @raidarr random question, what's the day to day(or week to week may be more accurate) / variety of duties of a global sysop? been really curious about them and I don't know why lol [00:15:11] There's locking accounts, reverting vandalism (rollbacking edits, deleting pages, etc.), and setting up abuse filters; if the GS reform happens, then we can add right management, wiki reopening/undeleting, etc. to that list [00:17:30] does the reform include doing SR/P stuff? [00:22:54] It doesn't, which I just noticed after reviewing it; I'm honestly surprised that GS doesn't include patrol rights, which IMO global patroller should also have [00:23:09] how exactly the reopening thing will work minus nda or a brand new user right to account for private wikis remains tbd [00:23:49] a good chunk can include cvt wiki maintenance for the rare few interested in such things [00:23:55] I doubt it would be all that hard to add `managewiki-visibility` [00:24:00] basically ensuring cvt has some sort of file on what they do [00:24:06] huh [00:24:24] you also mentioned reviewing wiki reports i think, back when you were a GS looking into nonci [00:24:25] if so that would assist both the gs reform proposal and the wiki managers proposal where a similar problem exists in administering wikis from meta [00:24:28] iirc [00:24:51] gs have a stake in those actions as well indeed, and can assist in conservatorships or even representing stewards when coordinating with them to deal with something [00:25:03] I'd have to looka thte code but if there aren'y objections from tech I can look into how it may be done [00:25:27] it would be a big step for both proposals to eliminate a point of concern [00:25:48] they are global sysops, things that normal sysops would handle but scaled up to a global scale are in GS domain [00:25:49] one of those ideas lost along with a legend's exit [00:25:59] things that would be crat or CU/OS go to stews [00:26:18] gs would act as sysop in cases where no sysop are available, in conservatorships, interventions, that sort of thing [00:26:39] deferring as much as possible to local operatives unless stepping in is straight up necessary [00:26:44] I'd imagine things like helping oversee local elections to slap/warn people who interfer cough mockup might count [00:26:52] stews obvi close [00:27:07] I did a bit of that as gs on mockupedia ye [00:27:07] "Fine, I'll do it myself" [00:27:17] interesting [00:27:42] anyways ill ask CA about making it a seperate right then dive into the codebase [00:28:02] through the wonderful power of pings [00:28:43] @cosmicalpha thoughts on this? [00:30:21] if it helps something just like that was discussed with agent for a time in relation to the gs reform proposal [00:31:45] ๐Ÿ˜ญ isai [00:33:17] Under what context? What point? The read right controls wiki privacy. [00:33:36] no i mean to toggle private in managewiki/core [00:34:27] Since it was proposed in 2 rfcs to give GS or a new role managewiki-core but that has NDA issues as it allows to unprivate a wiki [00:37:29] That would mean a lot of extea stuff to diferente remote and local otherwise youd lock lock leadership out of changing it also. [00:37:45] hm [00:37:50] no mu beuno [00:39:02] Would be complex but not necessarily out of the realm of possibility [00:39:35] Actually maybe not [00:39:36] so a bad idea for me to tackel [00:39:40] welp time to make the PR [00:39:52] It should be easy [00:42:01] ๐Ÿ’ค [00:42:07] hm [00:42:36] you can't access the global managewiki locally so would just granting local crats the new right work? [00:44:24] [1/3] @pixldev split remote DB check from to another var $isRemote or something, then into `$isRe [00:44:24] [2/3] mote ? !$permissionManager->userHasRight( $context->getUser(), 'managewiki-visibility' ) : !$ceMW` [00:44:24] [3/3] This is not exact but just a rough way to implement. I rather not grant new crats a new right for it only because I like to make things simple and not add new writes for most unless needed. [00:45:51] That is probably wrong syntax even so don't copy and paste that suggestion but the concept should work. [00:47:49] i was gonna say i don't know php syntax very wel but that dont look write [00:47:57] eh im sure rabbit will fix it [00:47:59] this is a joke [00:48:05] I'll go clone to repo [00:48:15] should I make a tracking task? [00:48:33] lol I turned off auto review until I perfect its config but not the summary stuff yet [00:49:02] can people who open PR's ask for reviews or just those with write [00:49:52] I'm not sure tbh, I don't know if review will work even if manually triggers with it turned off... or maybe I didn't turn it off properly lol. [00:50:21] i mean @coderabbit review [00:50:37] also where did you find this lol i may use it for my own project [00:50:53] eh well i write directly and there are no prs so [00:51:18] https://coderabbit.ai [00:51:36] i mean where did ya hear of it [00:51:58] also, ? [00:52:03] I noticed in in use on SemanticMediaWiki repos lol [00:52:15] a [00:52:42] yeah sure if you want [00:52:53] [1/2] shush youtube [00:52:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241191747665657936/NXUMrC2.png?ex=66494d64&is=6647fbe4&hm=307da8507ab98309d7da1a3771714acbc1488fed10691f3ac446a0a4faf96de9& [00:53:24] write it all so i can replace my job resume with tasks ive completed lol [00:55:06] There is some truth to that. I really hate working with PHP sometimes tbh lol. I like working in c++, c#, python, ruby, puppet, and kotlin a lot better lol [00:55:07] i love how i see a bug report task and i see the phrase " value set to 999e+99999: [00:55:32] we can all thank magnus anywyas back to php [00:55:39] but yeah python is nice [00:55:53] puppet is barely a language i dont count it [00:56:17] C++ is eh i don't love it C# never touched [00:56:30] kotlin i touched a bit but it and java eeeen [00:56:58] god this dark reader extension is so nice [00:57:05] Still a language lol I like puppet because the code can look nice (if you do proper standards lol) and I like code I can (and like to) read lol [00:59:25] c# is what I wrote @MirahezeRelay from scratch in as well as the CVTBot (which is a heavily modified version of Wikimedia CVNBot in c# lol) though I am considering maybe rewriting the relay in Python... [00:59:53] if you do then i can contribute heeh [00:59:56] [1/2] h u h [00:59:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241193523395694663/SN2rHky.png?ex=66494f0c&is=6647fd8c&hm=fb2c12e064252685b405257ed3bafa7bd99ce51edfdafb24e7284515196fd5b3& [01:00:11] huh? [01:00:16] i kinda forgot raidarr was locked for a bit [01:00:28] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/p/Raidarr/ [01:01:23] oh that is still locked? [01:01:52] I should re-enable... [01:02:06] yea lol [01:02:50] @raidarr you made it all the way back to steward and your phorge account was still locked ๐Ÿ˜† [01:03:32] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/people/manage/2608/#1269 [01:04:10] Whoops maybe you can't view that link lol [01:04:14] not sure [01:04:36] i can [01:04:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241194767744892969/OfKmkwe.png?ex=66495034&is=6647feb4&hm=258aabddfb0b3f3031ebf812c976e1a8b9c3b31eb66238ffe2cc9a6c282e3986& [01:06:39] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12142 [01:11:22] @pixldev before we do the right I'd like confirmation we will expand MW to non-NDA otherwise the work isn't really necessary. [01:11:34] fair [01:11:40] it's a draft rfc rn [01:11:53] so if you'd rather wait till after im fine with that [01:12:06] Yeah lets wait till after the RfC [01:12:34] ill change the task to stallled [01:12:47] So we don't waste time with work that may not be used, at least not with 100% certainty. [01:12:56] Sounds good. [01:15:43] I am going for a couple hours. DM if absolutely needed. I only get push notifs for DM. [01:16:08] sure [01:16:14] then you're gonna sleep [01:16:15] right? [01:16:51] Its 9AM for me lol I already slept a few hours anyway [01:17:23] i thought it was like 4 for you getting my wires croseed lol [01:17:30] and jesus man you need more sleep [01:17:54] lol I get about 4 hours sleep on average at least past month. [01:18:36] thats not healthy ๐Ÿ˜ญ [01:18:58] But yeah my time is 14 hours ahead my time before which probably doesnt help [01:20:34] please tell me you normally get more sleep [01:24:56] Maybe an hour or two more but yeah not always that much. [01:25:16] ๐Ÿ˜ญ im feeling the sleep deprivation on your behalf [01:25:47] I say the same exact thing lmaoo [01:25:55] @cosmicalpha knows I'm on his case daily about it [01:26:09] you and ro are sfuwqujovgw [01:26:31] @rodejong how much sleep do you get huh sleeping at 3 am [01:26:36] Sleep feels like it's written in alien for Mirahez-ians [01:26:52] Struck from the dictionary [01:26:57] lol yeah I function fine its just I never really am able to sleep to much [01:27:07] You should see the players of the minecraft server i moderate the wiki for [01:27:11] what is a `@silent` message? [01:27:24] Supresses push notifs [01:27:27] i think [01:27:32] you still get the red ping [01:27:38] How'd you do it lol [01:27:46] all i hear is php is the best, go php! [01:27:48] append @silent to a message at the start [01:28:05] test [01:28:15] useful in dms [01:28:17] huh lol learning something new [01:28:31] ie if i wanted to DM you about something not urgent at all id use it [01:28:46] good to know [01:29:17] useless for me anywhere but DMs since I get to many notifs if I turn them on so I only get DM notifs lol [01:30:06] How did I not know this was a thing lol. Apparently existed for a year... [01:33:40] its not exactly advertised [01:33:48] i completely misunderstood it at first [01:37:17] a [02:17:20] anyways thanks (and thanks @tali64 ) for the clarification, it was very insightful ๐Ÿ˜„ [02:25:59] Use DotNet for MediaWiki 2.o [02:27:20] [1/2] If you want to make the big money - learn COBOL or Fortran [02:27:20] [2/2] Instant 7 digit/year paycheques [02:38:53] like hell [02:39:05] im going to assume this is sarcasm [02:39:53] It's not [02:40:01] get out [02:40:11] /j. [03:32:19] I know some COBOL lol [03:35:22] I only used it like one time ever but it wasn't to hard to learn almost everything about it IIRC [03:36:01] What they're not saying w/ this is that COBOL/Fortran are generally extremely niche older systems like nuclear plants and... Other Nuclear Things. [03:36:47] So there aren't oodles of these jobs and most require living onsite or other forms of nowhere. [03:37:11] But it is admittedly lucrative work, if you can land it. [03:38:14] I know lol its like a 70 year old language isn't it? [03:39:52] Yup yup yup [03:39:53] It was still kinda fun to work with as a side project of mine once about 5 years ago lol [03:41:16] For sure, I appreciate how blunt/efficient it can be given what it grew from, even if I never got much beyond basics [03:43:16] [1/7] ```cobal [03:43:16] [2/7] IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. [03:43:16] [3/7] PROGRAM-ID. HELLO-WORLD. [03:43:17] [4/7] PROCEDURE DIVISION. [03:43:17] [5/7] DISPLAY 'Hello, world'. [03:43:17] [6/7] STOP RUN. [03:43:18] [7/7] ``` [03:43:47] That took me longer to remember then should've lol [03:43:57] Even for the non-silo jobs, it's a lot of 'if you mess up, you're knocking out power or water to several communities, possibly for extended periods of time' [03:44:13] Not low stress by any means [03:44:16] yep [07:17:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Permissions would it be possible for "Request about permissions with the tool" to be translated into other languages? Unlike other noticeboards, for most requests, all that's really needed is a basic explanation [09:09:27] I wake up at 9, so 6 hours [09:18:16] Wow people at MH really don't like sleep heh [09:18:27] Though no one can beat CosmicAlpha at bad sleep schedules! [09:18:52] true even I can't [09:20:35] I'm quite the oppose if I don't sleep enough I'm just bad at doing anything and can't concentrate [09:27:58] I like sleep [09:28:18] I got 8.5 hours last night [09:37:14] whenever I'm in wiki editing mood sleep deprivation follows [09:40:11] /not like it has really was going away in the last 5 years/ [09:40:40] [1/2] I'm lucky I have no schedules to adhere too. [09:40:41] [2/2] So I can make it as late as I want to [09:40:54] 5/2 ruins me [09:41:29] I miss 2/2 tech support w/ night shift job, although it had one big con - interacting w/ customers [09:43:52] When I was 18, I loved working Night shifts all the time. I'm a Night Owl, so I always changed shifts with someone else ๐Ÿ˜„ [09:44:15] Starting 23:00-7:00 [09:45:24] It's the silent hours. Not much noises, not many in the house, much better to cncentrate and less distractions [09:56:04] not much things happening too, like less phone calls, I got back massively to art on those night and weekend day shift [10:39:14] Indeed. Did a lot of mailing and paper work [10:43:45] But isn't there very little social interaction? [10:44:07] introvert moment [10:44:28] I don't like people but I wouldn't want to go long term without people [10:46:58] I love being focussed in my own little world, without any distractions. I am super efficient then. I really love the quiet times then [10:47:24] As soon as there are distractions I lose focus. [11:48:00] goes to show how much I actually use it >.> [12:14:31] Aye [13:56:40] [1/3] @rhinosf1 & @redmin0 [13:56:40] [2/3] "FORMULA 1 MSC CRUISES GRAN PREMIO DEL MADE IN ITALY E DELL'EMILIA-ROMAGNA 2024" [13:56:41] [3/3] Quallifying is up!! [13:57:04] Hello [13:57:06] Here we go [13:57:08] Who get's Pole? [13:57:20] Probably a Ferrari [13:58:01] I hope that Red Bull get their act together. An 8th pole in a row would be awesome [13:58:24] But I think it will be a McLaren [13:59:18] Oh and Sargent crashing and creating a red flag that ruins a load of drivers' session [14:10:02] Look at Piastri Cooking [14:11:45] Sainz too [14:13:21] Norris and Piastry 1, 2 ๐Ÿ˜ฎ [14:18:54] Hรผlkenback!! [14:19:41] Tsunoda 3rd ๐Ÿ˜ฎ [14:19:53] Lec. 2nd [14:20:11] I didn't have that on my bingo card [14:33:49] YUKI! [14:50:09] Well, the most important 10 minutes [14:50:32] WHo WHo Who WHo Who ๐Ÿ˜„ [14:50:47] It's Exciting [14:53:33] Hamilton behind Tsunoda? [15:02:36] [1/6] WOW [15:02:37] [2/6] Verstappen (8 poles - New record) [15:02:37] [3/6] Piastri [15:02:37] [4/6] Norris [15:02:38] [5/6] Leclerc [15:02:38] [6/6] Sainz [15:10:57] Well ... That was exciting ๐Ÿ˜„ [15:30:30] Was not expecting a race like that from McLaren or Red Bull. [15:31:25] McLaren were fantastic at Miami, too but still... [15:36:19] *quali [16:54:31] I got a perfect image that describes it [16:54:39] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241433784411492352/image.png?ex=664a2ece&is=6648dd4e&hm=da2406e08df04fb98359ed08e64a1293c98c1bc3199369368e5bc113e8768635& [21:28:39] Bro things that Joe Biden is superman [21:37:59] Lmao [21:51:04] It hasn't been as exciting for ages. [21:51:21] You really had no idea who could get pole [21:52:41] Just side by side with Norris and Verstappen, Norris was on the backfoot, but he made time in the last final chicane. Verstappen made an error. Only 0.9 between them [23:53:35] [1/2] I think google logo in google.com is fawked [23:53:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1241539214487847003/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-05-18_a_las_5.52.09_p.m..png?ex=664a90ff&is=66493f7f&hm=86d7884ad2c04527557997d4a39f9f435391de2b62c484ff2a4b9a5a5ca3fe0a& [23:54:17] ๐Ÿ’ค [23:54:40] gogle [23:55:27] goggle.com ๐Ÿ˜จ