[01:02:06] the only things in Rotterdam are ghettos and data centers, afik [02:08:05] Japanese R sound [02:08:08] Very difficult [02:08:43] I did do the tutorials online and I'm making a sound but it's not like what I've heard as the Japanese r [02:12:09] Is that retroflex R? [02:12:42] Voiced alveolar tap [02:13:02] I saw different retroflex sounds that aren't available in other varieties of English, exclusive in Indian accent [02:13:35] I was able to master the trilled R [02:13:39] Since high school [02:14:12] I've been practicing when I have free time but that's not as much as I'd like [02:14:32] Because the free time I have is just random time periods, not enough to study [02:14:55] And the "kh" sound, as in "loch", I was able to master it when I asked my late uncle who knows Swiss Standard German a little [02:15:10] Хорошо, хуй, хай [02:20:21] Кашель, the soft sign at the end of the word is technically "pronounce y a little" [03:01:56] eh? [16:29:49] No [16:36:39] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1242516417870565377/rugram96485237.ogg?ex=664e1f16&is=664ccd96&hm=cba67ae107711a2555aebe03eebe5f264a1f4ca923659810ce2e6d8ed6da073b& [20:48:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1242579732638208060/image.png?ex=664e5a0e&is=664d088e&hm=0eadb86c16c3c841038d5869ceb65e3d39c0a74e233a0f8e3dd021fd2300e85f& [20:55:54] Yes [21:01:39] store.miraheze.org might be a way for WikiTide Foundation to make some more money, just putting it out there. Maybe the board might consider looking into this. [21:06:00] the idea was there floating around, reappearing occasionally ... ngl would be nice to have something w/ mh logo [21:06:24] The idea floats around every so often [21:06:42] Absolutely [21:06:46] But it's never worked out as cost effective or worth the resource [21:06:58] We have no base to dispatch from and shipping can get expensive [21:07:12] I would rock a Miraheze hoodie with pride [21:07:28] It's unlikely we'd make money unless many many users bought stuff [21:07:35] But that requires an upfront purchase [21:08:09] yeah, the burden of merch making [21:08:24] Ez favorite https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/901057109951647754/1223405066602680431 [21:08:59] unless you make a psd file aa paid download so user gets to print w/ it whatever by himself lol [21:09:23] /j [21:09:24] Hm [21:10:02] mh logo is already available as svg which is yeah [21:13:42] [1/2] vry cool [21:13:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1242586141539041420/Screenshot_20240521-151136.png?ex=664e6006&is=664d0e86&hm=94f7a8bc463294f30a194bcf00194a73e937c8fe86ba429bc7a0f2e6fa6586ae& [21:14:55] just got that same thing [21:14:58] i don’t mind the idea [21:38:09] There are companies that will make the shirt for you whenever someone buys it [21:38:13] So like you make the shirt design [21:38:17] Then if someone buys it [21:38:27] They take a % fee of the purchase, make the shirt, and ship it to the person who bought it [21:46:33] There is a reason companies exist that specialize on that sort of thing. They do the design and logistics and the client gets a fixed percentage from every sale [21:46:55] What’s the rates [21:47:10] Idk never used it before [21:48:37] Depends. With Dotexe you can negotiate. Bigger clients get more % because of economies of scale. [21:49:26] So most goes to the manufacturer [21:50:53] Most of the sale is covering manufacturing cost, logistics, etc and then when it comes to the bottom line, if it's let's say a 50/50 you might be ending up with keeping just 40% of the sale [22:04:19] if someone or a small group wants to investigate the feasibility of a store I'm sure the board would at least take a look at the results [22:05:14] Ordered on wish, sold for 3 times the payed value 😛 [22:06:01] Does Wish exist still? Haven't used it for 2 years now 😄 [22:06:26] Would be nice [22:11:52] If you buy shit on Alibaba at 1000X or more quantity the seller will happily throw your logo on it or tweak the product to your needs [22:13:39] I don’t think we need that many [22:14:57] Again, there are companies that just hold lots of stock of %generic_ubranded_item% and when someone orders it they print the design they need and ship it [22:28:06] we could oblige if it's something small, easy to defer all shipping/handling, rather cheap in bulk and so forth [22:56:52] In my experience, at the volume we're talking about (pretty small), the sort of print and fulfillment options that would work with us would mean a pretty negligible cut for us (and potentially a loss to the org) [22:57:43] But that's not a hard no, it's worth looking at if somebody has a good idea and the math work. [23:28:17] 1 + 1 = 2 [23:28:45] That's some good working math, right there. [23:29:14] why a loss? [23:30:01] If they have a minimum batch order that requires up-front payment and units don't move, we eventually recognize that as a loss. [23:30:40] Just one example, there's other ways [23:31:03] Hm, true, but if we find a vendor that prints on demand purely by request without up front, worth considering [23:31:46] Not much profit but its some nice change and if it’s not a loss it would be nice [23:33:10] Lots of contingencies on on-demand production and fulfillment too, but I'm still working on paper four and am all business'd out for the day [23:34:57] Fun thought exercise though, once I'm over the heavy lift I might give this a few cycles of my time and see if I can put real numbers to paper [23:39:19] You got this💪