[01:16:33] Русский? [01:18:38] translator i forgot i had enabled 😆 im actually brazilian [01:18:49] and bad at spelling [01:22:19] Someone using discord plugins huh [01:22:30] No judgement, I am a Ripcord user myself [01:23:00] sshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i confirm nothing [01:24:01] The irony is discord devs are contributing to vencord Github from the same account they use at work, it's a part of TOS they rarely enforce and just to cover their corpo ass [01:26:43] 😂 [01:26:44] NO WAY [01:26:55] [citation needed] my guy [01:26:59] link please [01:38:16] just wrote the hackiest code ever cba [02:33:05] It's OR [05:23:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243071815052431380/114_20240523082238.png?ex=66502457&is=664ed2d7&hm=0630c738ae5bdcd98d91091d076f54b0610ec90be95fd99c4afe8981a6f313d8& [09:48:19] [1/2] I love musixmatch [09:48:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243138434084765816/Screenshot_20240523-034738.png?ex=66506263&is=664f10e3&hm=c427b75741294bd94a1b9d5653b72f5c7a0f27a6a948bfad40e42bb042c2eecb& [10:03:38] Same [12:35:11] [1/2] something updated on themetoggle [12:35:11] [2/2] https://github.com/alex4401/mediawiki-extensions-ThemeToggle/issues/23 [12:35:28] this opened after my request on phorge [16:00:38] wiki.gg isn't even on 1.41 how bizzare [16:01:29] damn [17:14:58] [1/2] what's wrong with linux in one headline [17:14:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243250835996278905/image.png?ex=6650cb11&is=664f7991&hm=cbec7a47f1445014d9e4a12a6054b070a35737aa886d2a9b6bf7be6dd8a83641& [17:17:01] then again the page/headline are absolute garbage so it's an unfair comparison anyway [17:38:05] @theoneandonlylegroom how would you handle the change from SRE to tech in the Ru Xlation? I would just leave the translated text as is and skim it for mistakes [17:39:49] tbh I have no ideas on how to translate tech (and I don't remember how sre was translated either, it must be something done before me) [17:40:25] I think we have consensus to leave the translation as is [17:52:50] I gotta set issue-tracker up for myself to keep on top of things now [18:11:52] still firmly believe that ubuntu is the best linux distro [18:24:16] hard pass personally despite a top option for me being an ubuntu derivative [18:35:03] Debian - It just works TM [18:35:47] lmde carries my favor at the moment [18:36:03] I'd like something with a more recent package base but the options on that heavily dissuade me for one reason or another [18:40:26] Stumbled across https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Antandrus/observations_on_Wikipedia_behavior earlier today, very interesting read, i would recommend checking it out [18:55:52] Ouch this list. [18:59:08] Lol [19:01:20] 16 is a concept I've thought about a bit for dealing with certain cases [19:01:54] fighting with them in the moment merely encourages continuation and wastes your time, giving them little attention except tedious removals they have to then evade is more discouraging [19:02:16] though of course that shouldn't go as far as leaving severe vandalism in place [19:07:53] remarkably clairvoyant on the whole [19:11:25] Yup [19:11:47] Reading through this i can definitely see things that I’ve done as well [19:12:38] The seeming overall focus on writing an encyclopedia over policy and drama is interesting [19:13:03] Obviously there will be drama and you need to have conflict and policy to discuss but still [19:13:53] Granted it don’t translate as well with us on meta/global since we specifically volunteer to do that stuff [19:14:05] for our purposes as platform-scale volunteers with a more general purpose some adaptation is required, but the key does remain [19:14:36] Which is fine, I’m definitely a believer in, as WM meta put it I believe, internalists and externalists [19:14:59] there is benefit in joining, watching, assisting on the field itself rather than sticking to purely administrative, policy, political things, as the awareness you get from stepping into the broader community benefits you on the latter subjects [19:15:11] and it's nice to get away from them sometimes tbqh [19:15:18] Okay not quite the name [19:15:27] https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/Metapedianism [19:17:15] 26 and 37 are funny [19:18:08] 26 I can personally corroborate from historic cases [19:18:29] 37 is a tight rope to walk [19:18:41] 61 and the one I can’t find with the driver analogy also hit close especially for me who’s mainly on meta and global [19:19:18] 61 pairs pretty nicely with a lot of the worst dramas of the platform [19:19:38] oh yeah, we had this ... [19:20:03] we definitely have it ^ [19:20:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243282374020829224/image.png?ex=6650e871&is=664f96f1&hm=e55df72f589d01019a2439fcc2e8c569cecf3461deb0d9c09de6e4235772500b& [19:20:57] metapedian is pretty much me in a nutshell tbh, down to the limited involvement in content creation [19:21:08] From now on the next time a vandal calls me a racial slur, I’ll take a slight amount of pride before blocking them [19:21:30] tbh my first association was certain user in exile [19:21:32] Same, cough my first wiki [19:21:33] nothing filled my ego more than the utter non insult I was given on encyclopedia dramatica [19:22:07] lmao [19:22:19] seems to be down now or I'd quote it [19:22:30] basically came down to saying I was a gary stue and had no idea why people agreed with me [19:22:58] on a page that was supposed to be about finding the worst insults you could dream up for users [19:23:03] Ew? [19:23:26] nope [19:23:58] you missed dramas of previous year lol [19:25:01] Oh, Nalekush [19:25:02] no idea if they ever actually contributed to some wiki, but I certainly never seen them to help anyone here, at least since I joined [19:26:55] I used to lurk for a while bewfore registering in 2023 so I most likely missed it. I only bothered to edit in March this year [19:27:10] had a wiki or two of his own in fact [19:27:34] if you showed up later 2023 you missed that whole business [19:28:36] More than likely, I was spending more of my time reading SPI on Ru.Wiki when all the geopolitcs were going down [20:15:39] just took my pc apart and cleaned off all the dust and its running so much better [20:15:47] maybe Its just gaslighting me tho [20:44:25] objective benefit + feels better = hey, take the win [21:12:54] ED changed to the .top domain I think this month or previous [21:27:22] ah [21:33:01] [1/2] this was 10 months ago [21:33:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243315775587225670/P_20230728_111452.png?ex=6651078c&is=664fb60c&hm=93f07eba73c1a72fb50bcbe1f2f0d1a16fcac72a4a3c7d42221e731db0f4a57f& [21:33:33] giving me an asthma attack rn [21:33:51] I gotta give it a clean again soon [21:34:24] and i dont have asthma [22:11:31] and I am posting it as a general reminder for people to clean their computer once in a while [23:13:19] How is your day [23:53:12] Can I just say, It never ceases to surprise me when Im going down the Wikipedia rabbit hole, find posts/editors from 2007 or even 2004, and click their userpage to find their last edit was just a few days, or even today ago!