[03:37:19] Every vandal is a waste of time unless you do RBI [03:37:44] as some of them have obsession so much they keep making accounts and be annoyances [03:37:53] Abigblueworld is one example [05:13:40] Observation: putting just U+200D in discord tends to break things, for example you can send empty messages and they will be processed normally [05:13:41] ‍ [05:19:20] ‍ [05:22:45] [1/2] that's what it renders as [05:22:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243796376639508490/f5906b59516edc44.png?ex=6652c724&is=665175a4&hm=d61cf05870737e430140af6b4f1ee4f09d200df5645bda50b3bf72a3d4100a63& [05:24:16] I often use the Unicode ZWD as as hidden watermark. Let's say a number of authorized users are allowed to access a piece of text. the software displays the text with unicode watermarking in different places for different authorized users. If the text is to get leaked it is very easy to determine what user has leaked it by the hidden watermarks [08:47:04] @pneuma01 whats your on wiki username? [09:07:46] [1/2] en-us > * [09:07:46] [2/2] This 'murican software! Where's my dictionary at? [09:17:52] Nothing to do with America [09:19:46] Either way I usually work with American English, with some exceptions, like aluminium (not aluminum) and cheque (not check) [09:20:07] Cheque's will be gone soon anyway [09:22:15] In my wiki I am Pneuma. But why? [09:22:41] Check your talk page on meta in a few minutes [09:23:59] ok [09:33:48] now up for all [09:36:03] Thank you! [09:56:54] Happiest thing I did today: I was able to install and run ManageWiki on my hosted wiki [10:04:48] how well does it work? [10:04:51] that's quite the achievement [10:12:44] wow [10:15:57] The one time I decided to set up a demo wiki farm locally was the time I began to hate WMF [10:17:08] <.labster> If you know how to do it, can you make a docker that reproduces the steps to set it up? [10:18:17] I absolutely cannot stand docker. I usually automate things with shell and py [10:24:45] [1/4] 1. Get VPS and domain [10:24:45] [2/4] 2. Install nginx and setup mediawiki nornally [10:24:46] [3/4] 3. Arghhhhhhhhhh [10:24:46] [4/4] 4. It works [10:24:59] just kidding, i'll write a manual soon [10:48:06] I have a Phorge account that I monitor so you can use that to bother me if you need something [12:08:12] @paladox my Labour mp is out campaigning today [12:41:18] Red and Regular Tories are the same [12:44:18] @raidarr @.labster @felenov [[User:W2/IMW]] guide created [12:44:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:W2/IMW [12:44:19] [12:49:12] Waki [12:49:54] https://tenor.com/view/hug-love-hi-bye-cat-gif-5848836 [12:52:23] Lit, I will have a look later. [12:52:53] We are going to need a user sub page indexing all the user subpages on CreateWiki [12:53:13] Shit it almost forgot to commit my patch for my PR [13:05:08] or a category? [13:05:43] maybe [13:17:24] You can skip the entire SetupCreateWiki.php by just inserting the first wiki into cw_wikis [13:17:59] I guess its the same thing but [13:54:52] i hate lua syntax [14:37:33] [1/2] Past me loved messing around with LUA files of games just to see what madness I'd cause. [14:37:33] [2/2] Then again, there was only like one game I could do that to-- [14:40:34] Cool [14:42:34] [1/2] Though personally, I prefer sticking to Miraheze if I want to manage a wiki with more autonomy [14:42:34] [2/2] Don't want to deal with the difficulties and the expenses that come with self-hosting, I'm too poor for that :p [14:47:41] Same [14:47:55] I may be biased but really any wiki I’d need I’d choose Miraheze [14:48:14] No ads already a volunteer here so much customization [14:48:31] The community run [14:49:45] Yeah [14:50:55] Tbh I personally like all 3 major wiki options [14:50:58] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [14:51:46] I forgot about wiki.gg lmao [14:51:55] I still find it so weird they don’t allow local crats [14:52:08] Yeah [14:52:19] They're a good option too [14:53:33] I do really want to put my past behind and work with them in peace instead of against them like several months ago [14:55:39] Gg? [14:55:50] Yeah [14:57:49] But other than that, I did start to take some good steps with them, including joining several gg communities, doing edits (even if small ones) on both gg wikis of games I've played and the really small and inactive ones [14:58:25] I'm also proceeding to get a big wiki to fork to gg (Pixel Gun Wiki) and am sacrificing my staff position to let it happen [14:58:28] I somehow never thought, what are they doing w/ dormant wikis? [15:03:08] AFAIK, nothing is really being done to them, like closing them or anything like that [15:03:28] They're just left around floating on the internet [15:03:45] Which imo, is still better than nothing [15:26:15] It's not really a problem for their model, provided the wiki is moderately content complete. [15:26:57] Their whole thing is a sort of mutual network of game promotion that feeds itself, alongside monetary input of freedom games. [15:29:20] Correctly or incorrectly, I view its function as a very novel marking strategy/perpetual campaign alongside with incidentally being a wiki hosting service [15:36:05] Their business model doesn't really make sense to me because if you've got a specific part of a business which is costing money and not making any then eventually you either remove that part (via a sale to Fandom most likely) or via monetising with revenue-generating ads (which they've made a point of saying "we dont show normal ads) [15:50:50] [1/2] discords tags rollout has begun [15:50:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1243954438964772914/image.png?ex=66535a59&is=665208d9&hm=ce13a8006bc32a03404715d7f52baec81afd866b5af0a80394720bf2589e8248& [15:52:18] wat [15:52:37] yup [16:01:09] lol [16:04:19] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1239288610596065441 [16:09:22] [1/4] Yeah, it's not a money-making operation as I understand it, not directly at least, but rather a homegrown solution to: [16:09:22] [2/4] * Provide support and documentation for their products [16:09:23] [3/4] * Leverage the same resource to inexpensively advertise new games that freedom games has developed or published. [16:09:23] [4/4] * Increase total sales for themselves and those that they've brought into the fold through an ever growing network of wikis [16:10:00] The longest way around to reduce a business expense - set up a whole other business. 😄 [16:11:15] As someone who runs a minecraft bank indeed [16:11:17] (Might be being overly cynical/reductive, just finished my next-to-last graduate semester so I've got business operations on the brain) [16:11:29] We don’t exactly make money handing out interest [16:11:51] We make our dough from our shop [16:14:01] The operation of real life banks is a whole other wild thing, but I do have a day I should be getting to. 😄 [16:14:09] Yeah if i was a financial backer, though, my concern would be wether the benefit balances the financial strain [16:15:31] Minecraft banks are way more fun to fun [16:15:54] It’s even better as the board chair as I don’t have to do real work besides discuss :EpicFaceMH: [16:16:23] The CEO does the in game grinding, the accountant makes our financials [16:16:26] For sure. At least for now that bet seems to be paying off (or is a manageable downside), but I could see problems with that math down the line. Return only stays good to a certain point of network scale as there's only so many potential visitors to promote to, and not all onboarded wikis will be equally helpful in that goal. [16:16:40] Because of course the minecraft bank has public financial reporting [16:16:53] True [16:16:54] But I'm not privy to their numbers or priorities, so that's 100% a view from the outside [16:18:20] For now at least, I think it's a very neat idea that I haven't seen tried before in exactly this way. [16:21:20] Looks at gamepedia [16:34:00] What was their original operating model, anyway ? [17:16:11] Gamepedia? Pretty much the same as Wiki.gg (Wiki.gg is basically a carbon copy, with the only difference Gamepedia showed the usual ads that you'd find on Fandom) [17:23:56] Yeah, that's the part I'm interested in, more specifically. Revenue model (or lack thereof) [17:29:13] Can someone proof read something for me? [17:29:18] i sense a lua not enjoyer [17:29:26] Is it Lua [17:29:46] Yeah I'm not good at lua.. Just feels frustrating to use compared to python [17:30:00] Nah its something on my wiki [17:30:09] As a pythonistia who was using lua this morning [17:30:12] SAAAAAMMMEEEEEE [17:30:29] Yeah haha [17:30:44] Like I get it has its usecases, is fast, small and embeddable but like..... augh] [17:30:55] I'd rather struggle to implement python than deal with its weirdness [17:30:59] Lua on mediawiki is good though [17:31:03] Lua sucks [17:31:09] lua is mid at best [17:31:16] This is what i want proof reading if anyones up for ithttps://grimtown.miraheze.org/wiki/HPA-C982B3 [17:31:17] Scribunto is salvation [17:32:29] The writing is very similar to SCP [17:42:21] Anyone have any critisisms?? I need feedback :-) [18:28:28] Yeah, their model is rather a bit unusual, but what matters imo is if it is sustaining them well or not. I sure do hope for the best for them. 🫡 [18:31:35] Tbh, a smaller portion of their wikis, which are the more original wikis based on games published by Freedom Games, are mostly empty wikis. There is a mostly filled main page, a page about the game itself, and like several one-sentence pages. Not that it's necessarily bad though, since all wikis start somewhere. [18:32:22] Yes, 99% of the wikis they've actually created themselves are dead and empty, which—in my opinion—shows that their business model is entirely built on forking wikis from Fandoms. [18:32:36] But as you say, thats how wikis begin, but meh, take that as you will. [18:35:21] Yeah, but not really 99% of the wikis, but more like a somewhat majority or most of the wikis at best. There are some good, more original wikis as well, many of them may have like a few dozen pages, and some that are doing pretty well with hundreds of pages and a big community, such as the Enshrouded Wiki. [18:36:05] I'm concerned that once wiki.gg gets big, it'll start doing what Fandom does. You know Wikia wasn't that bad at first, when a company has a monopoly is when it starts mistreating its users. [18:36:44] Agreed [18:37:24] tho, imo, part of what got Fandom into this mess is being bought out by TPG, and just acquiring too many properties [18:38:35] Yeah [18:39:14] Freedom is wiki.gg's parent company and there is nothing above them that owns them to anything [18:40:10] and I'm sure they're gonna remain that way for a long time at least, so I guess we don't really have to worry about them being acquired by a bigger company or something [18:40:40] curse owned gamepedia, but then amazon/twitch happened [18:40:54] then, you know [18:41:30] of course, this doesn't mean they won't resort to not having more ads at some point, but I guess them being acquired by a bigger company is like the least of my worries imo [18:41:35] yeah [18:43:01] [1/2] ngl, I did personally think Fandom & Gamepedia working together was cool [18:43:01] [2/2] but come to think of it, these days, would've been better as separate sites, but not like rivals or competitors either [18:44:10] like the two platforms working together but separately [19:23:58] hello [19:24:20] sup [19:26:58] just playing some ctgpr, hbu? [22:54:02] Freedom Games is a subsidiary [23:08:10] Hello