[00:06:11] This is offtopic. [00:07:37] There’s offtopic, and there’s a random image with no relevance [00:07:51] It’s not a big issue [00:08:15] I’m just pointing there’s not much point and am confused why you’d bother sending it [00:10:03] https://tenor.com/view/mood-pig-out-pizza-food-hungry-gif-15858554 [00:10:39] A random image with no relevance, yes. Sounds off topic. [00:11:23] It's not a meme shitposting-imagboard [00:11:55] It's only one image [00:12:42] its offtopic, there's no need to make a big fuss over one imahge [00:13:37] I'll note that you post a lot of images that are not at all related to MediaWiki. [00:15:48] [1/2] If there is a conversation that can benefit from an image there is no reason to not post it, it's not a True/False thing [00:15:49] [2/2] Nobody is perfect but some move closer to perfection with every day [00:17:29] My point is that you are causing a bick ruckus over one image which is not fair given you have also posted several images with no relevance to the conversation at all. [00:17:39] this is offtopic and there is nothing wrong with...an offtopic image. [00:18:25] I would not call it a "bick ruckus", was just a polite reminder, that got a few replies. [00:19:14] It's not a helpful reply because there is no rule against posting one meme in offtopic nor any reason why it shouldn't be allowed [00:19:26] [1/5] I would argue [00:19:26] [2/5] > First of all, some people are on Miraheze discord at work (you know who you are, we don't name names) [00:19:27] [3/5] > Second, does it have any contextual value or improve the project in any way, shape or form? [00:19:27] [4/5] > It's not a meme shitposting-imagboard [00:19:27] [5/5] is more than. apolite reminder but ok. [01:30:24] [1/2] very useful chatgpt [01:30:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1244462677812711494/image.png?ex=665533af&is=6653e22f&hm=a0f92c132d0ea6b7c715e70f14e703d07abbb4e4ced602e796e30d3157ad9a5a& [01:31:49] So do you man.. [01:31:55] so do you........ [01:32:14] I mean copilot was helpful with coming up with math functions at 11 pm so [03:17:17] Y=mx+c [03:25:42] lmao [03:27:00] [1/2] tried to get ChatGPT to do [03:27:00] [2/2] y=6sin(2(x-2))+40 [03:27:03] it didn’t go well [03:40:00] Quite an interesting tangent [05:00:48] Your code has a couple of issues [05:00:52] [1/2] 1. [05:00:52] [2/2] 2. [05:28:36] Yea ChatGPT cannot do math [05:41:00] "freaking humanitarian" [06:00:05] [1/46] Is there a better way to do importing here? [06:00:05] [2/46] ```js [06:00:05] [3/46] $(() => { [06:00:05] [4/46] if ( [06:00:06] [5/46] mw.config.values.wgNamespaceNumber !== [06:00:06] [6/46] mw.config.values.wgNamespaceIds.user && [06:00:06] [7/46] !mw.config.values.wgPageName.includes("Special:Achievements") [06:00:07] [8/46] ) { [06:00:07] [9/46] return; [06:00:07] [10/46] } [06:00:08] [11/46] const { html, Component, render } = import( [06:00:08] [12/46] "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/htm@3.1.1/preact/standalone.module.js" [06:00:08] [13/46] ); [06:00:09] [14/46] const SUPPORTED_SKINS = ["vector-2022", "cosmos"]; [06:00:09] [15/46] $.getScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/sweetalert", () => { [06:00:10] [16/46] if (!SUPPORTED_SKINS.includes(mw.config.values.skin)) { [06:00:10] [17/46] swal({ [06:00:11] [18/46] title: "Error", [06:00:11] [19/46] html: "The Achievements script doesn't support this wiki's skin. Please contact Collei/a for assistance.", [06:00:12] [20/46] icon: "error", [06:00:12] [21/46] }); [06:00:13] [22/46] } [06:00:13] [23/46] class App extends Component { [06:00:14] [24/46] addTodo() { [06:00:14] [25/46] const { todos = [] } = this.state; [06:00:15] [26/46] this.setState({ todos: todos.concat(`Item ${todos.length}`) }); [06:00:15] [27/46] } [06:00:16] [28/46] render({ page }, { todos = [] }) { [06:00:16] [29/46] return html` [06:00:17] [30/46]
[06:00:17] [31/46] <${Header} name="ToDo's (${page})" /> [06:00:18] [32/46]
    [06:00:18] [33/46] ${todos.map((todo) => html`
  • ${todo}/li `)} [06:00:19] [34/46] /ul [06:00:19] [35/46]