[00:48:49] Eh? Did I miss a discord fake account purge? [00:54:53] I think Discord nukes inactive accounts every now and then [00:55:43] does it? [00:56:55] Yeah, it says in their TOS that they will wipe your account after two years or so of inactivity to save them disk and compute [00:58:29] hm [00:58:36] i see leaves in the logs [00:58:44] but not a single mass exodus at the same moment [02:34:59] https://felenov.f2esports.net/cms/essay/attention if anyone got spare time, any feedback on this? [02:56:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1244846729656930315/Im_going_to_be_single_forever.mp4?ex=6656995c&is=665547dc&hm=814cf4c75ad50a04f6ebb8c568d67dad9a576587095ec55e9d21d7df35b35897& [02:58:11] [1/2] Lmao [02:58:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1244847158360801320/Screenshot_20240527-195802.png?ex=665699c2&is=66554842&hm=2a7006f4807a575052628a2bffecc04a119f9667e9e83632684f37f225659136& [07:17:37] well, tomorrow is my last final exam for college, and then I'll be receiving my bachelors degree :p [07:17:40] wish me luck guys [07:22:01] gl [07:27:00] thx brother [09:03:03] good luck man! [09:08:41] You've got this! [09:09:16] thx guys [09:11:55] Fits with how I think of it. Quality over quantity, do not boast yourself, let others notice you is better than "look at what I've done". I could almost have written it myself 🙂 [10:07:25] [1/2] so, artists are now leaving Instagram, which is completely understandable, but just like w/ twitter many will stay because they don't to rebuild following from scratch [10:07:25] [2/2] cohost is still very much ignored by masses, but recently I was suggested to try sheezy which is apparently non profit/volunteer run too [10:15:01] it's nice that more people start and get involved in such projects but it's really frustrating that a lot of people are refusing to try them either because it's "too hard" (kinda in the vein of what Collei posted lol) or there were failed attempts (cough artfol cough) [10:18:25] plus the struggle of being non profit, there's always uneasiness on how the platform sustains itself, especially in the beginning, but seeing how Miraheze is nearing 10 years and gone trough some heavy struggles makes me feel hopeful [11:33:18] [1/2] > 10 years [11:33:18] [2/2] Damn, already? [11:33:57] Like I know it was launched in 2015, but it really feels like the site didn't kick off until like 2018-2019 [11:35:52] In comparison, gg is only 2 years old lol [11:37:30] gg being gamepedia 2 means that it just had a break, it already kicked off w/ experience of older platform, you know what I mean, + different strategy etc [13:40:10] Yup [13:41:39] Y'all casually started as an alternatively and people naturally came in, while wiki.gg did have more backing and motivation to host forks of wikis [13:56:25] people who do that are more likely to try to hat collect, game the system, and treat advanced permissions as ego boosters. If someone does that, it's a red flag when they request sysop. [13:56:47] Wikimedia Meta has seen a lot of this [19:07:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1245091061299413132/Mysk_myskmastodon.social.png?ex=66577ce9&is=66562b69&hm=13f24e0fbfe1c7eb2cb0af40b3dafd7c519d5c6a31834c8cca43e730818f838c& [19:28:04] what's the context there? [19:31:11] Class action lawsuit against Apple for collecting PII in the app store. Apple files a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss claiming no reasonable person would expect their actions in an iPhone to have privacy protections. [19:31:44] Só [19:31:47] Apple said that [19:31:54] Yes [19:31:57] That's their defense [19:32:08] I honestly have no idea how to feel about that ngl [19:32:10] No reasonable person has an expectation of privacy when using their products [19:32:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1245097397105852456/image-23.png?ex=665782d0&is=66563150&hm=aa3d7388c67f436d3405a040cca9cd6340a11345afbc21ac517c419762602691& [19:32:56] wow, that's quite brazen [19:33:02] That a real apple advertisement? [19:33:06] Yeah [19:33:09] Do you have a link to the actual case files [19:33:11] Without the not [19:33:18] I'll go look for it [19:33:25] I remember "your phone knows a lot about you but we don't" lol [19:33:27] Saw the meme on ExTwitter hold on [19:34:56] https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/65748302/libman-v-apple-inc/ [19:35:05] Should be it ^ [19:35:59] What's nice about the US is how transparent court cases are. There's a lot that can be said about the justice system but cases in European countries are way less transparent [19:36:13] Yeah [19:36:24] I read it in a bit [19:36:31] Well the PACER system is less than ideal but the Free Law Project has made a lot of it public [19:36:55] It depends on the court here tbh [19:37:02] Yeah I mean in most European countries there's nothing even close I think. It's just final judgments that are public and even those aren't always and can be hard to find [19:37:32] what I do find odd in the US is directly elected judges on the state level [19:40:07] But back to Apple, they definitely don't like the EU's Digital Markets Act and I think they even are trying to argue that they don't fall under it which is quite ridiculous [19:40:27] It’s apple [19:41:31] [1/2] All the big tech are the same. [19:41:31] [2/2] I am quite happy with our Danish Margrethe Vestager fighting these big tech companies. [19:41:52] Directly elected judiciary doesn't really make sense [19:42:04] Neither does police and crime commissioner [19:42:07] She does a hell of a job. A lot of big fines have been given already. [19:42:19] Policing and crime should not be party political [19:42:48] yeah, I get the idea behind it in a way but I don't think it's a good idea [19:43:11] I feel like European countries do a relatively good job at finding impartial judges via neutral ways [19:43:43] what do they actually do? I've heard about them before (in this channel actually) but I never really understood what their role is [19:44:52] https://www.electoralcommission.org.uk/voting-and-elections/how-elections-work/types-elections/police-and-crime-commissioners [19:45:17] Govern and oversee the police [19:47:00] Maybe I'm wrong but I feel like the stuff described there overlaps a bit with what an MP should do [19:50:52] To highlight only that brings it out of context [19:51:05] There's 20 pages in between of legal argument [19:51:30] In many areas highlighting exactly why you should read the privacy policy [19:51:56] And stating how Apple make the facts they were collecting data clear [19:53:59] It will be an interesting ruling [19:54:34] But to say [19:54:50] > Apple files a Rule 12(b)(6) motion to dismiss claiming no reasonable person would expect their actions in an iPhone to have privacy protections. [19:55:16] Is categorically untrue and amounts to misinformation by omission [20:11:37] Even though the privacy policy admits they collect all your data, they run advertisements directly contradicting their own privacy policy [20:11:42] So I feel that's still deceptive [20:12:38] Im not a lawyer but I’d call that false advertisement at best [20:45:04] They don't contradict the privacy policy [20:45:09] Or at least that's the claim [20:45:29] Apple also claim that the whole lawsuit fails to state any loss and has no valid standing [20:46:34] As for fails to state loss, I believe they're claiming punitive damages, just like most of these privacy lawsuits [20:46:50] I'll read the standing argument later [20:52:06] You still have to show it had some impact [20:52:13] Punitive damages have to have some basis [20:52:29] The full reason is there wasn't any to the person filing [20:52:40] It's intertwined with the lack of standing but [21:27:06] I would trust Apple with my data more than I would trust the UK Government. [21:27:17] True [21:33:29] That’s incredibly sad [23:52:40] [[Global_Sysops/Chart]] Looking a bit outdated. NA is a Steward and some of the dates are off too [23:52:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Global_Sysops/Chart [23:52:41]