[01:05:50] @brandon.wm That's more something you like to deal with I guess [01:18:43] I can edit it but can't be bothered to for now [01:21:43] Updated [01:21:57] Lit. [01:32:12] I guess things tend to work themselves when you shine a light at them [06:50:52] [1/2] very useful update twitter (I do not remember what I reported but it was probably a spammer) [06:50:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1245268102967590933/image.png?ex=665821cb&is=6656d04b&hm=140d7b3e3d5f5961e20eea045391b24e7597702427dc81d91a687d86815f813e& [08:58:16] [1/3] this is, obviously, an AI-generated answer on an AI website, and is (obviously) not accurate [08:58:17] [2/3] and yet people think AI is able to replace humanity [08:58:17] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1245300166446022688/image.png?ex=66583fa8&is=6656ee28&hm=20c9d346486bafe8f66845d8cb6d3004ea5088588d4a48a63a4f0f1bf8b47b0f& [09:06:15] another funny thing https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40460639 [09:07:00] google ai :Kappa: [12:55:36] [1/2] Now finished my last college exam [12:55:37] [2/2] Will get a BS in computer science [13:30:25] Congrats [13:30:33] 01010101001 so i believe [14:43:09] thx [16:08:59] Congratulations! [18:25:11] Thx [19:29:43] https://www.ticketnews.com/2024/05/ticketmaster-hack-data-of-half-a-billion-users-up-for-ransom/ [19:29:45] 😮 [19:31:06] `“Hacker” group ShinyHunters has claimed it has cracked the Ticketmaster system and accessed some 1.3 terabytes of data, which includes names, addresses, credit card numbers, phone numbers, and payment details. The information is said to be up for sale on the dark web, with an asking price of $500,000.` [19:36:35] oof [19:38:14] lmao [19:48:29] [1/2] Is this real [19:48:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1245463795795497101/image0.jpg?ex=6658d80c&is=6657868c&hm=c754cf4bae075692873568265ba88040b503654e9df1c578ee639e618f561334& [19:50:03] I just saw that blog post lol [19:50:09] the amount of water [19:50:13] is amazing [19:50:32] it ends w/ something "dear user you can now report ads!" [19:50:40] lol [19:51:15] Mass report [19:51:28] it's really hard to read [20:41:14] This is why I don't use them [21:03:17] This is unverified [21:03:54] Per Troy hunt [21:10:48] Troy Hunt is not a single source of truth [21:22:37] Nope [21:22:44] He's a good one though [21:23:04] And unverified doesn't mean untrue [21:23:31] I simply don't think there's been any coverage that proves it's an actual breach yet [21:41:59] Ah okay. I stand corrected. Thanks for the clarification [21:59:39] TLDR: "I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further." [22:49:31] Yes [22:50:04] I cannot believe my eyes either, but I'm glad they posted this blog [22:52:42] For a long time, I've been waiting for them to address this situation, and they have finally did [22:54:41] Of course they're not going to get rid of all of the ads overnight, it is something that takes time, like months, if not years. [22:56:30] Regardless, I fully support this decision, and I hope that Fandom continues towards this path, because we all know the current logged out ad experience is terrible, overwhelming, and we all know it's not sustainable in the long term. [23:04:43] And of course, this blog doesn't fix or even address all of their issues, but the most notable one is the ad experience, which imo is their biggest issue [23:34:50] Ad experience and community respect to me have been fandom’s biggest issues so hopefully they’ll make good on this. Control and customization(ties with respecting the local communit) as well [23:35:18] Agreed 100% [23:37:23] get rid of all the ads is not feasible and indeed I don't think what anyone reasonably asks for tbh [23:37:38] tolerable levels though, that should not be too much to ask [23:38:58] Even just legible levels would be nice, if we could bump it to readable even better