[03:42:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1245945541444112384/gnarpy-regretevator.mp4?ex=665a98b5&is=66594735&hm=464a69f29adec5f7cf92657a160d1436c6f2934b4581bc35e37c0bb13a9b00d0& [04:27:27] why when i connect to the libera server it also joins the miraheze servers, oh my god I'm getting banned [04:28:24] Hammers, hammers, 1000 hammers. 🤣 [04:28:46] No worries, Emicraft, IRC is a weird one. [05:20:51] I swear there was one comment when I first saw it, now there's none lol [09:09:23] yeah they probably deleted it [09:09:37] I see them do that a lot when they don't like what someone is saying (its usually the truth) [09:16:33] I'm paraphrasing but sounded like "how about y'all share your ads profits w/ editors" (unless I misunderstood) [09:17:15] it was late night for me lol [09:20:01] They sold D&D for that [09:22:11] But still, I think selling these properties would be better for everyone involved. Less things to manage, less need for too many ads, and thus better long term results. [09:24:21] OR [09:25:53] Sell just the wiki platform itself, give it to another company, maybe give some wikis to wiki.gg or something, idk [12:01:31] spent the afternoon putting [[dev:Template:Spoiler]] on the devwiki 🥳 [12:01:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Spoiler [13:16:09] I'll check itout [14:26:01] Speaking of which, now that my midterms are over, I can focus on my Wiki Request Review [15:12:51] and it joined again, *sighs* [16:40:31] https://en.citizendium.org/ I went on the Internet and found this. Basically wikipedia where everyone uses real names [16:40:58] No thanks! [16:41:52] nope [16:42:16] Oh, and you need to be invited to get an account. [17:03:37] I believe it is very selective in who gets in. Existed already in the early 2010. [17:04:10] Correct. It's an old project and you have to know someone who is trusted IRL to get invited [17:05:28] One of the things I do with my bandwidth is scan the internet for sites that use MediaWiki. Lots of cool things come up. [17:05:32] Yeah. They started as high quality wiki in stead of the hated stubs and nonsense what came on Wikipedia [17:06:24] CZ has a lot of stubs too but I am not going to give my real name to the internet [17:06:56] They wanted to provide a wiki on the level of Encyclopaedia Brittanica [17:07:45] Must have lowered their standard then [17:08:15] https://citizendium.org/wiki/Buchenwald_Concentration_Camp example of a stub [17:09:12] They did make machine readable pages before Wikidata became useful so I think we know wehre WMF took the inspiration [17:12:39] I particularly like their set up of documentation the sources, etc. [17:12:45] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1246149383750287451/unknown?ex=665b568d&is=665a050d&hm=c886449045466abf80b07a6bc9e769def79b044b6cf602d18467206b0c32a7dc& [17:14:58] It's not really a stub. As the page is divided over different tabs [17:16:14] I like their navigation templates [17:16:28] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1246150315976163338/09da010caf86664f.png?ex=665b576b&is=665a05eb&hm=a6501922f8f995f94951a4d022c3547a0de7c09970456915a638588bc7f7b38e& [17:40:14] [1/3] They have a problem though... [17:40:14] [2/3] "CZ is free. All written content is available under the Creative Commons-Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license or any later. Written content that originated in part from Wikipedia is also available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike." [17:40:14] [3/3] The logo at the bottom shows cc-by-nc-sa, which contradicts that statement [17:43:56] Give them some slack, the project is still technically in beta [18:00:07] You also have to remember Wikipedia will never be complete [18:02:08] [1/2] Right, I got a wiki to build (at this point I am just going to use most of the templates that exist on Meta, it works) [18:02:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1246161807790444554/d2bce546ff6760d0.png?ex=665b621f&is=665a109f&hm=158cc37d1ecd0a0a35a9ae2778cdf86ada7fc9f7c9d6fb85c75ddf9f7a7cc32d& [18:06:31] I'll put this on my curated list of gaming wikis very soon once it gets worked out a bit (or if the community, if any, moves or primarily works there) :p [18:09:25] I got a few people that will do the wiki writing, I just have to sort their work into pages and teach them how to MediaWiki [18:11:01] using V2010 for now as it's easy to use for construction and then I am going to switch to Citizen once the wiki is mature enough. (usually I would use Monobook when editing) [19:06:55] This is the time I am going to work with the things I hate the most and that is meta-templates. I hate them but they make maintaining easier.