[00:30:10] @suzuneu I really don't want to bother to login to Miraheze right now but I just want to say about your RfGP, could you consider waiting until the global group RfC reaches its conclusion? Because if the global rollbacker group changes I think that'd be a better right for you to request [00:33:35] @brandon.wm expanding the scope of global sysop wouldn't nullify the roles in proposal 4 or 5, global sysops might do some of the same tasks but that doesn't mean there can't be other roles doing that. There is no access to PII and if you had any concerns about the permissions granting access to PII you had weeks to raise that argument during the drafting stage. [00:34:08] did I say there was concerns about access to PII? [00:34:12] if so, I’ll have to fix that [00:34:31] either way, the Global Sysop role would be better as is [00:34:52] being able to be that mini-community mod would not be good, as community mod is already a mini-steward [00:35:48] [1/2] > Global Sysops are highly trusted users who have administrator and interface administrator permissions on all wikis for the purposes of anti-vandalism, global policy enforcement, routine maintenance, and to provide assistance to local communities and administrators [00:35:49] [2/2] This is not "mini community mod", it is rather for enforcing global policies [00:38:06] global policy enforcement sounds like there’s authority over content policy, etc. [00:38:12] [1/3] > Community Moderators are a global role that can assist in any aspect of enforcing policies. Their role is to encourage assist and guide communities, and to assist Stewards in maintaining a safe environment for discussion. [00:38:12] [2/3] The alternative is vague. No clear definition. They just enforce policies (could be local or global, who knows) and also they become de facto Meta admins (any particular reason?) They "encourage", "assist", and "guide" communities but no explanation is given for why that requires rights. It combines wiki creator too which is not for any particular purpose [00:38:12] [3/3] So global sysop has a narrower scope [00:38:15] Correct [00:38:22] That's also how I interpreted it [00:38:26] right - that should not be the case [00:38:32] Why not [00:38:42] Community moderators are doing that too aren't they? [00:38:43] content policy is a discretion that should be reserved for Stewards and Community Mods only [00:39:24] it’s a delicate thing to determine and nowhere near GCP or regular vandalism responsibilities [00:39:47] right - but that bar of trust is very, very high for community mod [00:39:50] Correct [00:40:00] right, and so GS shouldn’t be handling it [00:40:18] All that would mean is that there's a higher bar for appointment [00:40:25] So you'd need to be more trusted to get support [00:40:26] So [00:40:31] hell, GS shouldn’t handle GCP either [00:40:33] Heard a new rfc was open [00:40:42] Ok [00:40:51] Yes they should [00:40:53] Is this about the global groups [00:40:55] right, but that would raise the bar significantly [00:40:59] which isn’t the idea [00:41:02] And? [00:41:04] clear cut things with a steward +1 i think is fine [00:41:25] take someone explicitly attacking someone with horrible racial slurs [00:41:32] we can likely trust gs to lock [00:41:45] Is this the global groups thing yes or no [00:41:50] obvious cases are obvious; giving GS authority over the more nuanced cases wouldn’t be the best idea [00:41:50] though i would probably global block than get a plus one to lock or smt [00:41:53] [1/2] So far every time someone opposes it's because "this role requires trust" [00:41:53] [2/2] So are we supposed to distrust everyone on Miraheze? [00:41:58] Yes it [00:42:03] what [00:42:13] no, but practically speaking, our numbers for volunteer ranks right now are low [00:42:15] Nothing in this RfC has mentioned nuanced cases [00:42:21] Thank you [00:42:33] Whenever I support creating a new role, the counter argument is "this requires trust" [00:42:42] And apparently, trust and responsibility are bad [00:42:49] “global policy enforcement” heavily implies authority in nuanced cases [00:42:52] imo [00:42:59] How is it bad [00:43:01] You could've raised this during the drafting stage [00:43:06] cough captcha exempt [00:43:26] ….is “global policy enforcement” not obvious that it includes all cases? [00:43:41] Well I didn't mean for it to include all cases [00:44:04] Feel free to go on wiki and change it so that the proposal says they don't take on cases with nuance and only handle blatant and obvious violations like vandalism, unambiguous harassment, extreme and directed racial slurs, etc. [00:44:07] It’s not that - it’s that we currently don’t have a ton of volunteers. Lowering the bar a bit for right now, allows us to raise the bar later when we have good candidates. [00:44:24] Hmm [00:44:27] Well given the expansion of global patroller/rollback it shouldn't be a problem imo [00:44:28] Raising the bar right now means that there’s less of a chance that anyone ends up in those roles. [00:44:40] We can’t have any randos on the roles [00:44:43] Because they can’t build that trust like they would otherwise. [00:44:43] Tho Brandon [00:44:48] See 2.1 [00:44:52] Which is [00:45:00] election requirements for roles [00:45:13] This can be handled by anyone already [00:45:30] For stewards keep the same as normal [00:45:31] obvious cases are classified as spam or vandalism 99% of the time [00:45:34] The highest role of anything [00:45:43] So like, if the people who we'd trust with global sysop now get global rollback, and then people with higher trust (like Raidarr just as an example) would be global admin [00:45:45] Assistant [00:45:47] Is ok [00:45:54] It's not said so in policy [00:46:04] I've always gotten the impression that's how it is in practice [00:46:11] But still policy says they only do spam and vandalism [00:46:30] my point was more that 99% of obvious cases are spam or vandalism [00:46:38] so it’s already all clear [00:46:45] I didn't get that impression, like look at mockupedia [00:46:59] There is almost no changes between [00:47:04] "you Nazi I'll run you over with my car" on a talk page isn't vandalism [00:47:04] Trusted and entry level [00:47:11] But it is unambiguous harassment and attacks [00:47:16] Mockupedia would be something that should be handled by a Steward anyway [00:47:19] The only difference is user support [00:47:24] By 10 percent [00:47:30] Which really isn’t that much of a difference [00:47:31] That specific Nazi comment was handled by a global sysop [00:47:32] in that case, it’s good that there’s no ability for GP/GA to handle [00:47:45] While the rest was handled by stewards yes [00:48:09] imo that’s not how it shouldn’t have been done. not because it should stay up (obviously, should be deleted), but just because cases like that are under steward watch [00:48:26] I don't see why they can't be under global sysop watch [00:48:27] and so that overall should lay at the feet of CMs and stewards because they have a lot more background into [00:48:37] and just more ability overall [00:48:39] Why [00:48:45] Why do they have more background and ability [00:48:47] Like Brandon the difference between the elections of trusted volunteer and entry level almost have no differences at all [00:48:55] The only change I see is different [00:48:56] Because you don’t want cases like those to get splintered. [00:49:09] Is there user support percent [00:49:19] Ok how about it's also added that all cases of harassment and other GCP violations must be reported to stewards [00:49:24] what does user support have to do with this [00:49:41] Every problem you've raised (trust, entry requirements, splintered, etc.) are also applicable to community moderators and stewards [00:49:46] Overall I just don’t think a GS change is necessary [00:49:52] Ok it’s just me talking about how it almost had no difference besides that one factor [00:49:53] one day we’ll have this kind of discussion before the RFC opens, and I’ll eat my hat [00:50:04] right, but Stewards and CMs are either classified as Stewards, or assistant stewards [00:50:15] the idea is for the complicated things to be handled by the immensely trusted peoples [00:50:20] because that’s their job [00:50:26] We should have this during the RfC drafting [00:50:38] :ThinkingHardMH: [00:51:01] this is just my point, Collei [00:51:05] Like really there is almost no difference between the election processes for trusted and entry [00:51:13] change for the sake of change without meaningful difference doesn’t seem productive [00:51:22] what would you propose? [00:51:29] it’s too late now anyway, but out of curiosity [00:51:34] I fine with [00:51:35] [1/3] > complicated things [00:51:36] [2/3] You're arguing against a strawman, I said earlier on that I didn't intend for this to apply to complicated/nuanced cases [00:51:36] [3/3] I'll get to the other argument next [00:51:42] The assistant [00:51:47] Process [00:52:21] right, and I replied that 99% of obvious things are already handled, and the 1% generally needs steward attention anyway [00:52:26] I believe global sysops handling cases of unambiguous GCP violations is productive as long as they report back to stewards because it makes things get taken care of faster [00:52:28] yes [00:52:30] but [00:52:30] But trusted would just need a minor buff in obtaining support [00:52:33] we didn’t [00:52:34] But besides that [00:52:38] What’s the main topic [00:52:38] And that's currently not allowed under policy [00:52:42] unless someone wants to close the rfc [00:52:42] We are talking about [00:52:45] What is currently being done is not in policy [00:52:52] The RfC... [00:52:55] it’s fine i think [00:53:13] Ik but what is the main thing you are taking about [00:53:25] nothing really needs sorting aside from Proposal 7.X (I forget the exact sub-digit) [00:53:29] I still want Wiki mechanic renamed to technican smh [00:53:33] I'd appreciate if someone could copy on-wiki my statements about intending this to only apply to unambiguous cases and also remove the part about helping with wiki setup given that it would conflict with wiki mechanic [00:53:42] You could add a proposal for that [00:54:09] maybe later my brain is mushed rn :( [00:54:17] if someone wants to be my guest [00:54:19] could you attempt to clarify: what are the practical changes that the focus change of GA would accomplish? from a day-to-day perspective [00:55:05] i prefer mechanic, though obviously you can create at will [00:55:24] only comment I’ll add is that if/when you do, just say “Proposal 4, but make it Wiki Technician instead” [00:55:29] so the rest of the stuff still applies [00:55:37] Technican seems more accurate, it’s technical, but theres so mechanics [00:55:47] we’re farmers not auto dealers [00:55:50] lol [00:55:50] :farm [00:55:56] farmers lmao [00:56:07] cc @.labster for name [00:56:22] I second that. Technician sounds much better! [00:56:32] I think we should just keep it as is [00:56:41] Well from what I can tell they do already handle unambiguous GCP violations but in policy it states they only handle spam and vandalism so it'd put into writing what they already do, which has been done before [00:56:48] But if you want to, just kindly make the Proposal 4.2 [00:56:53] you wanna make the proposal! [00:56:56] and Wiki Mechanic 4.1 [00:57:15] I agree [00:57:18] Your idea is great [00:57:21] Nope. because I am off to bed [00:57:25] 3 am [00:57:27] dang [00:57:29] go eep [00:57:30] I have chosen to abstain proposal 2.1 [00:57:37] <.labster> WM is just confusing with Brandon, WT confuses with WikiTide [00:57:56] Not everything has to be thought of as an abbreviation [00:58:06] that was our original thought as well I think [00:58:11] but it generally is [00:58:16] Correct [00:58:22] Plus the WM in this case [00:58:24] MH, WT, WF, GS, GR, WC, IA, etc. [00:58:27] Is wiki mechanic [00:58:30] ||cough Content Policy and community portal sure weren’t|| [00:58:36] @notaracham has an entire page on abbreviations lol [00:58:37] <.labster, replying to yoshi459292927370272> It is [00:58:46] uh [00:58:50] we’ll revisit that trust me [00:58:57] CP is a peculiar abbreviation for sure [00:59:09] Lol [00:59:12] Off topic but how it’s being the only global sysop member [00:59:12] ya think [00:59:37] anyways [00:59:46] irc time [01:00:03] [1/3] 💤 [01:00:03] [2/3] 🛏️ [01:00:04] [3/3] 🛌🏻 [01:00:34] honk shoe [01:00:39] thoughts on the rest of the stuff in the RfC? [01:00:47] particularly Proposals 3.1 and 3.2? [01:01:34] I do think [01:01:37] The GR [01:01:41] NEEDS a buff [01:02:12] So it being able to do local blocks helps it better [01:03:05] welp, we can all vote here! [01:03:07] so we should [01:03:16] make our voices heard, stuff like that, etc. [01:03:52] gonna look through [01:05:14] Proposal 3.1 I support [01:05:28] Due to it being a CVT group [01:05:37] That is supposed to counter vandals and stop them [01:09:59] Btw Brandon I do think this rfc is needed to help out miraheze as current issues like almost no global sysops. GR only being useful for reverting the edits of vandals instead of having the power to stop that source of vandal edits. So your rfc does have some vaild reasons to exist [01:10:44] thanks! [01:12:14] Np [01:13:47] down with wiki mechanics! https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/?diff=401688 [01:15:54] ….oh [01:16:34] viva la revolution [01:17:06] (its only 9 pm why does my brain feel sleep deprived) [01:17:32] wiki mechanics (n.) - the workings and quirks of collaborative websites. [01:17:53] guh [01:18:27] um.....we're gonna have to do this differently [01:18:38] as it stands, not entirely clear [01:19:30] feel free to move it around my brain is not coherent enough for me to trust myself with more editing [01:20:10] No, I'm just not sure how to do this tbh [01:20:14] without it being totally confusing [01:20:26] it's already confusing with the new proposal [01:20:31] because 4.1 could pass, and 4.1 [01:20:35] but like [01:20:37] which name do you use [01:20:39] so [01:25:16] @pixldev fixed-ish [01:25:21] let me know what you think [01:26:43] uuuuh [01:26:44] good [01:26:46] prob [01:31:13] Btw [01:31:21] GA are fine in rights [01:31:27] They don’t need a huge buff [01:31:29] To me [01:31:35] The only thing it needs [01:31:39] Is more members [01:36:34] Wait a min [01:37:41] Yes? [01:39:08] Hey pie [01:39:17] What is miraheze relay about [01:40:33] It relays the Miraheze Discord server with the IRC [01:40:44] What is IRC [01:41:22] I have confirmed that RfC has opened. I withdraw it later [01:41:37] Internet Relay Chat; it's basically an ancient version of Discord [01:41:42] https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+irc [01:41:44] Oh [01:42:01] Thanks tali btw I don’t want to go to a different [01:42:07] Site at this point [01:42:48] Word of caution: if you use Google, you accept that your personal information can and will be collected at any time; there are a variety of privacy-respecting search engines out there, but the one I personally use is DuckDuckGo [01:43:06] Same [01:43:16] Btw one thing I get annoyed at [01:43:16] i live laugh love google [01:43:45] Is when I have to go though a bunch of stuff to find one important detail instead of having it explained [01:44:07] I know [01:44:11] I also use Google [01:44:17] @tali64 uh noo IRC is fundementaly different from discord [01:44:17] Bi menat [01:44:18] [1/2] St [01:44:19] [2/2] Dg [01:44:28] I mean DuckDuckGo [01:44:57] It's just that nobody takes you seriously when you send them a DDG link [01:45:10] 💀 [01:46:05] I have never once in my life had someone not take me seriously because I use a different search engine [01:46:10] Well yes, they're built on different technology, but from an end-user perspective, they're quite similar, though IRC doesn't have many features that Discord does, such as file embedding [01:46:32] People make fun of me for being privacy obsessed [01:46:36] IRC only recieves messages you're connected to hear [01:47:04] long story short: irc sucks [01:47:06] That’s their problem [01:47:08] Not yours [01:47:09] And that's their problem just tell them to shut up and look at whatever you sent or screw off [01:47:17] IRC isn't bad [01:47:18] Or ik [01:47:22] Don’t even listen to them [01:47:37] use matrix or element or smth [01:47:41] I like it for on the go, a device I don't have discord on [01:47:41] Like if they are just going to waste your time their is no point in troll feeding [01:47:44] Users [01:47:48] Pix [01:47:50] and use irc matrix-bridge [01:48:03] I don't need another chat platform account sweet jesus [01:48:16] Plus barely anyone I know uses matrix [01:48:27] @koreirose if people make fun of your because of what you feel you need those are the types you should not bother wasting any time with [01:48:29] matrix clears irc and perhaps even discord [01:48:31] Who cares [01:48:36] What's the point of using a chat platform with no one to chat with [01:48:41] I have a Matrix account but I couldn't find anyone else who uses it [01:48:44] Yea ik [01:48:48] If someone loves to have privacy [01:48:50] My friends are all fine with DDG [01:48:51] Like who cares [01:48:57] hey Miraheze CEO plz move to revolt.chat [01:49:01] If you love one thing [01:49:06] We should establish a Miraheze Matrix room at some point [01:49:15] I also used Revolt and had unfortunately the same problem [01:49:19] I love decentralised if I could have my friends and communities all be on Matrix I would prob use it [01:49:25] Maybe yoshi64 [01:49:26] what problem [01:49:26] ‘Have [01:49:27] +1 if there's a Miraheze Matrix room I might use the site [01:49:36] or whateve the fuck telegram is [01:49:37] fucking getting flagged as a bot or smth [01:49:51] Telegram sucks [01:49:52] theres a Miraheze telegram [01:49:54] iirc [01:50:07] Hopefully not an official one [01:50:08] Not to my knowledge [01:50:32] Fairly sure I would have heard of it by now [01:50:34] i love revolt tho [01:50:38] it's pretty cool [01:50:53] i recall hearing about it once when tweet deck or smth had issues [01:51:14] Huh [01:51:27] If you can find me the link I will admit I am incorrect and apologies but I don't think there is one [01:51:36] it wasnt a community one but an update one actually [03:54:38] 🍉 [04:34:40] 🍝 [04:41:08] watermelon [05:00:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248864282649690142/devopscats_devopscatstoot.cat.jpg?ex=666536ff&is=6663e57f&hm=6f36edf10fe21fe938b3d162ac7519d9b7deeec495db4bd5c03c69aa46c10f04& [06:56:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/585157540317233152/1248883049475604571/IMG_9876.jpg?ex=6665487a&is=6663f6fa&hm=3f85fb4649dd313a7de274359fa6854865050fa58281fe39ca569a78679bf73f& [08:15:31] I thought the fun privacy app of the month was Signal. Is that not cool anymore? [08:38:38] I like Signal yes [08:38:47] Lolll [08:48:00] signal been shoved in every "how to hide from kremlin" piece for ages and idk still [08:48:11] non of my friends are as paranoid as I am lol [08:48:36] in the end I've got Telegram because of them [10:11:25] [1/2] rip Chuck Roberts [10:11:25] [2/2] https://youtube.com/watch?v=Wyqzz6Gdpaw [11:11:49] [1/2] Transmiraheze logo [11:11:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248957653410119750/image.png?ex=66658df5&is=66643c75&hm=5cac5c506ea926e23a537784fd611a9a599fec96c37f7861f9262ffb203cfdf4& [11:14:04] [1/3] male and female mirahezes [11:14:05] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248958221276811364/image.png?ex=66658e7c&is=66643cfc&hm=2fd7aa61c2329212f0057eb8a7a58dece6f16c6245fc371fdcb1d48fbdd9cdab& [11:14:05] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248958221645774928/image.png?ex=66658e7c&is=66643cfc&hm=d5e32c4eb224aa2850d514f22f78123f15cef5a07141220d9731f0fcc55973ab& [11:20:19] make bisexual duh [11:38:16] [1/2] agender miraheze [11:38:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248964308952678420/agender_miraheze.png?ex=66659427&is=666442a7&hm=3627c15591cecba251ab3d2bc102200e648db2c108a73cc7f82676f7a2578236& [11:40:06] [1/2] bisexual miraheze [11:40:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248964769818345523/bisexual_miraheze.png?ex=66659495&is=66644315&hm=9b0441589d2922128482ce369c775a6954e79b7c50ac2a2f06e00562eb58da8c& [11:41:31] good but to small [11:42:00] i meant file size [11:43:29] I'm just playing around a bit, I don't recon people need this in high quality raster or original vector format? [11:43:40] yeah [11:57:56] yay 🫡 [12:11:31] Hi guys why I am global locked on Miraheze? [12:12:05] What have I done wrong? [12:18:07] What’s your user name [12:18:18] MetaKnight545 [12:25:38] [[Special:CentralAuth/MetaKnight545]] [12:25:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/MetaKnight545 [12:25:39] [12:26:02] 16:32, 18 January 2024 NotAracham talk contribs changed status for global account "User:MetaKnight545@global": set locked; unset (none) (Ban evasion, vandalism) [12:26:28] We don't welcome death threats against our users [12:33:53] Excuse [12:38:32] I say sorry [12:41:38] Luca. [12:41:56] What? [12:42:06] If you wish to appeal, email `stewards@miraheze.org`. Your pleas will fall on def ears here. [12:43:23] I have a question why Real Life Villains Wiki is so hated? [12:44:42] are you the anon who spammed on everyone's user pages? [12:44:57] Yes [12:47:36] I think we'll let the record reflect you've admitted to abusing multiple accounts and vandalism [12:48:29] Ok [12:49:21] If you want to appeal, do what @pixldev said but I can imagine it'll be declined [12:49:42] Ok i accept the ban [12:50:26] Cool logo. Gonna upload to Wikimedia Commons [12:50:54] Mark Zuckerhigh [13:07:46] [1/2] color adjustment for the middle [13:07:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248986831475834962/image.png?ex=6665a921&is=666457a1&hm=b72abaf6b37ac3c6254f9b2585c8000f349b456b028743fc5fb15651bb782077& [13:08:26] Uuuh excuse me sir recoloring the Miraheze logo for different topics is my thing 🤓 [13:08:31] (Joke) [13:08:36] These are really cool! [13:08:53] your better than me at it ngl [13:09:00] Eh [13:09:25] That reminds me I should update the icon I had for the MediaWiki volunteer [13:09:32] yeah [13:13:29] [1/2] ballmedia miraheze [13:13:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248988270239682580/image.png?ex=6665aa78&is=666458f8&hm=68fce71c21fa3bce4bdae404a918bbbf30abf1421b9f6176447edcbf1a3057bf& [13:13:48] Oh no [13:14:46] Can you do this in the Miraheze yellow tones? [13:19:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248989690099531927/image.png?ex=6665abcb&is=66645a4b&hm=eca24570131e20a4aff1455e56026ddbc7b9f0c12f53d208e62c46080ae9e34e& [13:21:56] Looks good [13:22:58] [1/3] pixel fix [13:22:58] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248990656081428602/image.png?ex=6665acb1&is=66645b31&hm=3546719d1fa18d7716dbac1c6827a4427930f070757752ef8121422bf2a01903& [13:22:58] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1248990656748326922/image.png?ex=6665acb1&is=66645b31&hm=80d5ba4754b786a1d580b3f710ff1b6855dfd55a015a84e63ccf599627113782& [13:23:31] some parts of the white hex survived so i fixed [17:30:38] random (literal) shower thought i had, would anyone be interested in a minor announcements channel? A no ping channel where most elected volunteers and other trusted community members can post minor news about the site and achievements, ie new extension that lots of people may find helpful, call for people to assist in a translation effort, new rfcs or rfps, etc [17:35:15] ahh love shower thoughts [17:35:26] i always think i can do something really ambitious [17:35:35] then i get out the shower and think yeah that was ridiculous idea [17:35:45] I was literally in the shower when I came up with it [17:56:30] gonna put a reaction poll tontry and gauge interest [19:14:24] since this has gotten pretty strong support in the past 2 hours ill make a #discord-forums post on it to further discuss [19:22:53] #Channel Proposal: #minor-announcements [21:42:48] The best one would be SimpleX [22:53:54] ¿cómo te va el día?