[00:07:29] [1/2] Video will only make sense if you've played Star Rail and have watched HI3 Final Lesson [00:07:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249515244443664415/firefly_death_scene_but_i_added_something.mp4?ex=66679541&is=666643c1&hm=a94cba997dcbb7e8675576964d7adb98f685796873ed5d94a544130f7556c5de& [00:07:58] [1/4] Thought of another dumb analogy for the template > module > extension hierarchy. [00:07:59] [2/4] Template: I made a cool ink stamp [00:07:59] [3/4] Module: I made a machine that makes cool ink stamps [00:07:59] [4/4] Extension: I made a 3d printer that makes machines for ink stamps [00:08:38] Lol [00:11:53] [1/4] hm, to me it’s more: [00:11:53] [2/4] Template: stamp with pieces ig you can move and replace [00:11:54] [3/4] Module: mechanical machine toform stamp faces with gears and moving parts. [00:11:54] [4/4] Extension: sci fi nano 4d stamp maker [00:22:36] [1/2] i served my own Phorge to managing my takss [00:22:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249519048044187778/image.png?ex=666798cb&is=6666474b&hm=464130d584f878a925a5e9cec7393ee370db2151e78cf6fc6dced8f22bb718b1& [00:24:03] 🇼 [01:45:10] [1/2] me when I want my wiki to look nice but I don't wanna learn how to code [01:45:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249539812667686993/IMG_6360.jpg?ex=6667ac22&is=66665aa2&hm=31a5e75353da8b749ee1c6fdb1f2830ba82f925aff482c708cee8d8952407371& [02:01:20] @foxstep_the_cat :pensive: way too real. CSS is horrific [02:04:27] true [02:43:47] Yea like I want a slideshow on the front page of my wiki but it's TOO MCUCHCHCHDHJDE WAHHHH [03:10:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249561367699128343/stelle-eating-robin-eggs-artist-luizhtx-v0-uxnelcqa6nzc1.png?ex=6667c035&is=66666eb5&hm=b89b64f255983b36682bdd00ced5e1cdab05a9b51cdad59717fe1f1e64e8aa91& [03:16:17] It's not that hard to learn some coding [03:16:28] Although that one does sound harder [03:22:23] [1/2] i believe that’s just a setting with the gallery tag [03:22:23] [2/2] `` [03:26:49] slideshow mode looks pretty shitty tbh [04:02:11] Well idk, I sorta want those "featured pages" things or whatever [04:02:21] Not sure if nows a good time tho [04:02:32] It is summer break but I don't feel like doing much for my wiki rn [04:02:52] I'll post something to support once I'm ready/have a clearer idea of what I want [04:05:21] [1/2] like what Fandom wikis do on main page? that's called slider mode but it doesn't exist outside of Fandom [04:05:22] [2/2] there's a JS/CSS snippet to replicate it, lemme fins [04:06:33] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Snippets/Photo_Slider [08:00:11] Check my main page at the bottom. Http://jwmeeting.miraheze.org [08:01:02] On Commos it is used as well [17:02:05] just came to say how cool is the https://www.rockstargames.com/VI website [17:09:06] it's only scroll and an embed? [18:01:36] I think I’m tripping rn [18:01:43] I search for a technical minecraft topic [18:01:50] First result fandom [18:02:05] Some forum posts, GitHub [18:02:12] And then [18:02:20] Minecraft.Miraheze.org [18:02:26] I still don’t see minecraft.wiki [18:02:31] Que??? [18:02:58] Adding wiki to the search makes it fandom then indie wiki [18:03:51] Can’t even blame google [18:03:53] It’s DDG [18:04:27] google leak confirmed that new sites are always nerged hard tho [18:46:31] So cool though [18:46:45] Think they copied https://angular.dev which is even cooler [20:26:21] [1/2] you can now add emojis to tabs in Opera heh: [20:26:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249821983609192479/Screenshot_2024-06-10_at_21.26.14.png?ex=6668b2ed&is=6667616d&hm=c784359a548537e14a08316ca220894ea1451352ed5c3037c5fb37a5e1e6a387& [20:27:27] How dare you [20:29:41] 😛 [20:29:56] Meanwhile I am there saying that "40K words is still not enough for the wiki" (this person does not know how to wiki) [20:29:56] [1/2] fixed [20:29:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249822885422436434/Screenshot_2024-06-10_at_21.29.52.png?ex=6668b3c4&is=66676244&hm=80b3e148a95b44dbcd0ee13ac604cf6324e3b06dd62694a3dfb4834ddc370e54& [20:34:38] [1/2] Fun fact: this is a FBI surveillance post across the road the Russian embassy in DC - the cameras with telephoto lenses are in the skylights [20:34:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249824065745850489/firefox_2024-06-09_13-42-41.png?ex=6668b4dd&is=6667635d&hm=329190d1d06c73051f0dc2cec3a11776017852726834c9f12df334c9128648de& [21:21:11] Interesting lol [21:24:35] YOOOO the new pride logo looks so cool [21:26:57] thank @canyada [21:27:36] [1/2] ehhehe [21:27:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249837397802221679/2024-06-11_00_27_26.png?ex=6668c148&is=66676fc8&hm=0f1869561a7ac8f2db82f648e2c07a0bec4f39c68be94d646e23e5676e9cbcfd& [21:27:52] and @justleafy2003 for coming up with the base that canada adjusted [21:31:29] rbg!!!! [21:33:05] Awesome [21:43:13] nice [21:43:18] I love the new logo [22:01:47] Well the rainbow besides the pride stuff is cool [22:03:12] What [22:03:24] I still like the new logo [22:03:35] With the design just not what’s it associated with [22:03:41] And I rather not get into it [22:08:01] Than it's better not to make such provocative statement. [22:08:17] Ik I just said I don’t like what’s it’s associated with [22:08:26] No need to rub it in the faces of those who support it [22:08:36] I am not rubbing in anyone faces [22:09:17] Comments made in a discriminatory manner against marginalized groups (race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, etc.) will not be tolerated. [22:09:51] There's a zero tolerance policy in effect with the above statement, please be aware. [22:10:34] You can disagree with what it stands for, but you still need to be respective about it. I feel that you went borderline here [22:11:03] Guys, chill. Brandon is right, if this discriminatory we will stop it. But we won’t take action on someone having an opinion [22:13:53] Brandon I am simply stating my opinion it’s in no way intended to harass or harm anyone [22:16:24] someone didn't learn the phrase "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" [22:17:13] I was simply stating my opinion i still like the logo just not the things it’s associated with and that’s what I think. It’s ok to have opinion I was not intending to harm anyone [22:17:36] I would refer certain speaking members here to the Miraheze Spaces Code of Conduct, specifically, the Definition of Harassment section. [22:17:42] The words and thought process you've put here can easily be construed as harassment or targeted. You've explicitly said you don't want to get into it, which is fine and why nothing further is occurring. But keep in mind what discrimination is and how it affects people, and that it will not be tolerated. [22:18:03] I agree, I'm simply saying that you didn't need to say that bit. You could just say you like the logo, you didn't need the trailing explanation. [22:20:25] I think all that needs to be said has been said at this point, perhaps it's a good time to drop the topic and move on with our collective days? [22:20:48] Agreed [22:21:08] Their is a huge difference between harassment and stating my opinion of a controversial topic just because I don’t like a controversial topic doesn’t mean it’s harassment I do agree to drop this topic and move on [22:21:20] Ok I will move on then [22:21:20] Appreciated, thanks. [22:21:39] Nice baby yoda picture [22:25:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249851922568056852/403622069_868714031385788_2855964522948436595_n.jpg?ex=6668cecf&is=66677d4f&hm=fcba6b115b01d54cbabef3257fd674cf5793773aa7050f3bfb1a6e10cabc1c53& [22:26:55] Is it the wii shop music [22:28:50] [1/4] Bang Bang Clap [22:28:50] [2/4] Bang Bang Clap [22:28:50] [3/4] We Will We [22:28:51] [4/4] Will Rock You [22:29:11] I get it now [22:30:22] Btw [22:30:28] How is wiki farming going so far [22:32:50] 🤦 [22:45:37] omg Miraheze is gay now (so cool) [22:46:42] to be clear I saw the answer key [22:50:08] i know the new server icon is the pride flag but i keep seeing it like its the infinity gems or smth [22:53:17] lmao [22:53:39] lol [22:54:02] Meanwhile, I still love how my pfp and the effect match up so perfectly [22:54:22] I need to change it to another yugioh one eventually though. [23:26:55] it does look quite nice. [23:27:12] i like matching pfp with name color if it's applicable.