[01:12:32] Is it bad to say the new logo looks better than the actual logo [01:24:55] [1/2] i love the logo [01:24:56] [2/2] it looks colorful [01:28:44] no [01:28:58] now that you mention it, I'm wondering which one's cooler [01:29:52] eh, its a nice logo but IMO wouldn't work as a permanent one [01:29:59] issue of it being for pride month aside [01:30:30] Why not? /gen [01:30:40] idrk [01:32:24] Hello guys [01:32:29] I have a question [01:32:48] What's the meaning of 'Never meet your heroes'? [01:43:53] Hm, normally it means just that, as it can often lead to disappointment if they aren't as you imagined. [01:45:06] Wiktionary: "It is unwise to seek personal acquaintance with people whom one has regarded with high esteem, as they often fail to fulfill one's expectations, resulting in disappointment." [01:45:13] ohh... [01:45:28] I think this also apply to internet users, too. [01:46:00] Oh absolutely [01:46:14] Influencers are a picture perfect exampe [01:46:47] oh, I wouldn't talk about them. All of them are pure manipulators. [01:47:04] Obviously not everyone is like that [01:47:15] I was meaning, real users who make good content. [01:47:32] In some cases it's kind of awesome [01:48:04] Not quite a 'hero' but I was once at an wiki event and was talking with someone about one of my python projects and mentioned one of the main tool I was making to make it actually work [01:48:18] Turns out, that person I was talking to was the person who made it! [01:49:15] With developers in my experience it's often pretty neat to meet the people who make the tools you use and sometimes take for granted [01:49:30] Helps you really appreciate the effort put into it [01:49:45] Wow [01:50:06] I think the best way to connect with someone, is knowing and interacting in real life. [01:51:41] Yeah, I am fortunate to live near a Wikimedia chapter where there are quite a few prominent developers and community members, so I've gotten the opportunity to meet and talk with them face-to-face. I spent all day at an event with some a few weeks ago and it was a absolute blast. [01:58:35] that's really cool, having partners to help you building your wiki page. [01:59:09] I wish I could get more editors for mine, but not idea if someone is interested in BD comics... [01:59:47] It wasn't working on a wiki. [02:00:02] I feel the same way man, poor Nyctopedia.... [02:00:54] It was a tech event, where each person just worked on their own tech projects, and we chatted and goofed off. We started the day with a discussion of the Crayolya flesh colored crayon xD [02:01:36] How could I atract Fandom users to the MH wiki version without sounding rude or authoritarian? [02:02:50] If that had an easy answer life would be a lot simpler [02:03:24] If there's a discord try talking there in a calm, polite manner explaining why you think a Miraheze wiki would benefit the community over FANDOM [02:03:48] umm... [02:04:07] why'd you fork in the first place? probably some answers there [02:04:54] The Fandom version I know, the main creators of the site in Fandom, Hasn't been online in 2 years... [02:05:41] [1/2] well then you could've adopted the wiki [02:05:42] [2/2] but you didn't, because you had reasons. maybe you could share those reasons with them [02:06:39] When I found out the wiki, I wanted to contribute there, but the main contributors are dead from long ago, and there's some few active users who are adding info, and doesn't seem to have a discord page, just the Fandom TL... [02:07:45] The main founders hasn't been online in years, even If i wanted to adopt, I couldn't let them know... [02:07:56] you don't really have to [02:08:09] https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Adopting_a_community [02:08:20] Adoption is when theres no local admins [02:08:37] Is there a local community to speak of? [02:08:49] plus, watching the 'Stop using Fandom' video made me realize that contributing in that place is not worth it. [02:09:13] what's the wiki about? [02:10:24] Good to know mossbag really did a number on the status quo [02:10:35] The Asterix project [02:11:27] I'm planning to put Mossbag's video on that Fandom's TL, but I'm afraid to be rejected among these active users... [02:12:54] Also, I'm going to ask for volunteers at the Community portal, but I'm afraid that no one would like to participate. [02:13:55] also, I'm finishing some basic tweaks at my wiki, so users can get help how to edit. [02:14:31] Bad idea [02:14:44] They'll see you as a troll and just block you [02:15:30] Don't waste your cards [02:15:41] You mean about putting the video on Fandom's TL? [02:16:02] aye [02:16:04] huh [02:16:23] Damn, I was going to do that soon... [02:16:27] you know when you think about a normal thing for too long and read too much into it and it becomes complex [02:16:30] like [02:16:33] me talking to you [02:17:19] my taps on these plastic buttons are being read and seen by billions of tiny switches into a software of unimaginable complexity [02:17:19] Now, how do I get to them? [02:18:43] than over thin air to my router, ask dns servers, through my ISP, to libera chats servers, to be received by software on miraheze's servers, than sent again over the web to discords servers and finally to the machine of infinite complexity you hold right now [02:18:46] funky huh [02:19:08] oh uuh idk community portal main page talk [02:19:47] hehehe [02:20:04] Be polite civil and reasonable [02:20:14] Think of this from their prespective [02:21:04] I think I'm gonna need more help with this. I'm occupied at my job, and when I arrive to home, I'm too tired to open and make some contributions. [02:21:44] I'll try to make a post in their TL with a civil message, plus mossbag's video. Hope they accept. [02:21:59] (TL?) [02:22:10] Also I wouldn't link the video [02:22:15] paraprase points [02:22:25] FANDOM people aren't huge fans of it [02:22:55] TL= the Time line where whey post related stuff, polls and topics like a Twitter account. [02:23:00] which wiki is this? [02:23:24] I'll sent you a link... Hold a sec. [02:23:41] Oh hi @firestar464 . [02:23:47] (I'll be logging off for the night. See yall) [02:24:04] cya [02:24:49] https://asterix.fandom.com/wiki/Main_Page [02:25:10] Oh, goodbye, and thanks for the help. [02:25:59] [1/2] https://asterix.fandom.com/wiki/Special:Contributions?target=SeichanGrey [02:25:59] [2/2] seems like one of their admins is active again [02:26:55] Wow [02:27:26] How do they keep editing in there and still has no idea about Fandom's bad intentions? [02:27:54] as you can see they're not that active [02:29:26] If I talk with this user, will he/she get angry about me creating another wiki in another place? [02:29:54] I have an inactive Wikia account, so I could reach this person with no problem. [02:30:49] [1/2] https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Forking_Policy [02:30:50] [2/2] follow this and there'll be no problem [02:38:35] So, you're telling me that I should fork the wiki's content into the wiki I made in here? well, the problem is, the articles in Fandom are mostly informal, doesn't have the typical wiki redaction rules, and are posted with no references... [02:38:57] if it's that bad, then feel free to write your own content [02:39:30] Besides, how about messaging SeichanGrey? should I talk to com to Miraheze? [02:39:44] Sadly wiki pages on Fandom cannot be shut down... [02:43:44] [1/3] Kick, kick, clap [02:43:44] [2/3] Kick, kick, clap [02:43:45] [3/3] We will we will rock you [02:43:45] wikis on fandom can be closed if they are inactive or otherwise violate fandom's policy [02:44:32] wow [02:45:24] But it is possible for me, a simple mortal, to make the wiki closed? Does the forking method could really work if i give it a try? [02:45:51] Tbh, no [02:46:07] The wiki isn't small enough [02:47:24] but most users are dead, plus, many 'articles' are poorly place a template for deletion... [02:47:51] plus the poor and informal redaction... doesn't seem really encyclopedic. [02:48:48] feel free to start writing for your miraheze wiki and then invite people on fandom to join then [02:49:00] hmm... okay. [02:49:16] But is it a good idea to talk with the previously mentioned user?? [02:49:33] I know, but still [02:50:48] If someone would've wanted a wiki shut down, it would've required for the founder to be the only editor and have them close it themselves [02:51:06] Or have the owners of Asterix DMCA Fandom for it [02:51:23] oh 😢 [02:52:03] [1/2] Look at this article... literally, this is how most pages look. Other just have two-line information. [02:52:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249919044891709490/image.png?ex=66690d52&is=6667bbd2&hm=de71eb72f10a173d695613d8b391a63686590c9565b6202b66058cfc72a09234& [02:52:12] [1/3] So u have 2 choices: [02:52:13] [2/3] - Make a better Miraheze wiki from scratch [02:52:13] [3/3] - Adopt the Fandom one and work on that [02:54:48] current admin isn't really the founder, but they are the only active admin so idk if that counts [02:54:57] Nope [02:55:00] Doesn't count [02:58:10] Well, since october 2023, I'm creating the MH version, but I knowledge about css and french language are limited, and having more volunteers would make things better hehe. [02:58:59] Here I can find history-related users, so I hope I can find Asterix or Band Dessinée fans soon... [02:59:15] Je parle le Français et connais le CSS aussi [03:00:24] umm what lololol [03:00:38] I just know how to say 'boar' in french hahaha [03:00:40] I can speak French and I do know CSS too [03:00:47] cool. [03:01:06] Ye [03:01:32] I know a bit of spanish, but I think I need french and German translation in the the future. [03:01:50] mh has a very helpful community; if you have any questions there're people that can help here 🙂 [03:02:10] Yeah, I've been doing it long ago... [03:03:54] [1/2] My last question is what are Namespaces; how it works, and what use could give it. [03:03:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249922030413807636/image.png?ex=6669101a&is=6667be9a&hm=86e8d3c9c5b8451bdb99ec975a446afd093efd25faadc2b2720c6c0219d3c001& [03:04:45] [[mw:Help:Namespaces]] [03:04:45] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Namespaces [03:04:46] [03:14:09] cool, but if I want a namespace called 'gallery', how do I content files within it? does it works similar like "category"? [03:18:22] is there a reason u want a gallery: namespace specifically? standard practice is having gallery pages as a subpage of the main thing, like "Some character/Gallery" [03:21:48] [1/2] I know, but the files are usually attached to their categories. Also, I want to make a template that redirects to a gallery related to the article's subject. [03:21:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249926531581481051/image.png?ex=6669144b&is=6667c2cb&hm=632cd47c026a67edf98d4dd9c76dc4e5eb377829472fee98b2a408a5ec0b744f& [03:22:04] Oh, hello, canada ^^ [03:23:20] [1/2] what does "the files are usually attached to their categories" mean exactly [03:23:21] [2/2] also linking is still pretty easy w a template like `[[{{PAGENAME}}/Gallery]]` [03:23:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:PAGENAME https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b%7bPAGENAME%7d%7d/Gallery [03:24:32] Sorry if I explained bad. [03:25:08] [1/2] I was meaning, I don't want a gallery along with another categories like this one. [03:25:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249927370777821225/image.png?ex=66691513&is=6667c393&hm=175c50210fd112269d84573ead2f28a12ddb0ff54bac84508d87bbaa07ef08a9& [03:25:50] I want a page only exclusive for files and I was thinking if the 'gallery' namespace could help... [03:26:17] don't play along their forking policy, honestly [03:26:38] [1/2] But rn I have this trouble👇 [03:26:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249927750819516456/image.png?ex=6669156e&is=6667c3ee&hm=e85e12f7488a6084a9f008b9059e6835490f6bfcab0e26ffb62fbdae79f123df& [03:30:44] [1/7] u could just make a page with all the images [03:30:44] [2/7] ``` [03:30:44] [3/7] [03:30:44] [4/7] in a gallery [03:30:45] [5/7] /gallery [03:30:45] [6/7] ``` [03:30:45] [7/7] its not as if making a gallery namespace will make a "add to gallery" bar show up under the category bar [03:32:06] theres ways to transclude the contents of a gallery onto a page, and if that cant transclude only the files [[mw:Extension:DPL3]] definitely can [03:32:06] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DPL3 [03:32:07] [03:33:47] [1/2] Oh, you mean like this? [03:33:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249929548007477249/image.png?ex=6669171a&is=6667c59a&hm=453db32b62c377abd1f85ad150a7b76118e515af1f7ed152aca26e519c458549& [03:34:34] well yeah [03:34:51] the thing is, the average page has around between 70-200 images, and doesn't look a good idea put them all for one only page, that would make readers desist to reading it. [03:35:08] ^^U [03:35:33] which is why u put it on a subpage called "Example/Gallery" which only has the images [03:35:56] and u can further categorize the images there by where the image came from etc [03:36:49] [1/2] https://yohaji.miraheze.org/wiki/Youkai_Gakkou_no_Sensei_Hajimemashita!/Image_Gallery [03:36:49] [2/2] example from my wiki [03:36:51] you mean the example/gallery in the url, press enter and pur them all? [03:37:06] ohh lemme check [03:37:11] yeah just add /Gallery in the url and that will make it a subpage of the main page [03:39:48] [1/2] got it. Can i make a template to attach it to the main page so anyone can check it out like this one? [03:39:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249931062453211156/image.png?ex=66691883&is=6667c703&hm=b804d548dcefc883b4050b25e5c1caab3de06bf3501265197bf4faf61235b2f0& [03:40:22] yeah with this [03:40:47] and then make it look pretty around the link as desired but the link is the main thing [03:41:23] And I use the [[{{PAGENAME}}/Gallery]] inside the template, right? [03:41:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:PAGENAME https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b%7bPAGENAME%7d%7d/Gallery [03:41:35] yes [04:00:55] thank you! [04:02:45] [1/2] btw, I have this issue on templates: When i click and pull a picture in a template, this can be extracted easily. I've tried with the "=link" option, but the picture is still obtainable. Is it possible to paste it as a 'static' url using the [[file:]] method? [04:02:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/file: [04:02:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1249936836072050729/image.png?ex=66691de4&is=6667cc64&hm=e8f9c0ac71abe6dad83aae4a6d504d9aeeef128c2efc41b57aac8ff503d78255& [04:04:52] if thats a table, put `style="pointer-events: none"` on the cell with the image [04:12:03] you mean `[[File:...|link=]]`? [04:12:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:... [04:12:24] leaving link blank makes image unclickable [04:14:39] but this option doesn't work in my wiki, for some unknown reason... [04:15:16] your message says `=link`? [04:16:03] `[[File:Icon.png|30px|link=]]` [04:16:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Icon.png [04:17:52] yes, just like that. [05:07:40] https://youtube.com/watch?v=cHqyAUhhmiU [09:35:59] [1/2] randomly thought of checking if my wiki shows up on Imagining October search, and yeah, on first page, nice [09:36:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250020701457485894/IMG_20240611_121732.jpg?ex=66696bff&is=66681a7f&hm=e1391a2870e0632440406bb28ec65dacc58a362dfb3e4e7727d091fa50e13ae6& [09:36:38] not in top results which is alright, since my article is about soundtrack and only briefly about film [10:02:20] Can you give a link to the page where that happens? [10:06:05] I think they meant that you can still drag the image when using `|link=` [10:06:45] what's critical about dragging images? [10:07:12] (and who want to drag them in the first place) [10:07:18] 🤷 [10:09:17] [1/2] just getting lost in the details i totally get it [10:09:18] [2/2] anyway putting the image in
stops it from being interacted with [10:32:52] [1/3] The only problem with that is copyright. All files (strictly taken) have to be licensed, and the license has to be available to those who want to verify where it comes from. Although it is condoned, it's not actually legal to disable the link to the file page. [10:32:53] [2/3] Most don't know this, and even on Wikipedia they occasionally use "link=" too. [10:32:53] [3/3] But this is just for information. It would become a bigger problem with a wiki where all images are disabled to link to their file pages. [11:10:34] [1/2] my cs friends trying to explain js higher order functions to me i feel like im getting stupider by the minute [11:10:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250044500475248701/image.png?ex=66698229&is=666830a9&hm=e026b98fae64ced38bd33bfd18c076007be64addd95a9e30eb07d1c2b834e084& [11:11:18] weird way to explain it ngl [11:14:30] tried looking at w3schools and mdn docs and freecodecamp and nothing is clicking [11:19:51] :ThinkerMH: [11:25:47] i dont got code brain i got the art brain 😔 i need my things Rock Solid and Unchanging like html and css and no nebulous """variables""" and """functions""" [11:26:50] Same here. I can't deal with "but in case of... then..." [11:27:33] It's the OCD brain 😄 [11:36:46] me, yesterday, stupid and naive: ohh so function parameters are just like wiki template {{{thingies}}} sure i can understand this [11:36:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7bthingies [11:38:41] idk, ask gpt-4o to explain? [11:39:05] chatgpt can suck shit [11:39:31] ill old man yells at cloud chatgpt until the day i die [11:40:50] "I'm sorry, I'm unable to assist with that." [11:41:02] Don't ask ChatGPT [11:41:05] It's awful at code [11:42:25] if Rhinos says that then it's 200% true [11:43:06] It lacks the ability to understand code context [11:43:18] See our experiments with CodeRabbitAI [11:55:01] Why is it that text that read out by TTS hits harder than something read out by a human? [11:55:46] I have a log of a fight on IRC that I was thinking of turning into a video, but voicing it by TTS for some reason drives the point home better than me reading it out [11:57:57] what is coderabbit built on? [11:58:15] GPT-4o [11:58:30] [1/2] huh [11:58:30] [2/2] a dude I know is doing very well with it [11:58:47] I have found it to be mostly unimpressive [11:58:54] maybe ask the actual model instead of the coderabbit? sometimes the internal prompts of a third-party service fuck it up [11:59:01] And often blatantly wrong [11:59:11] [1/2] this needs to be updated [11:59:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250056738548355153/Out_of_date_clock_icon.png?ex=66698d8f&is=66683c0f&hm=2d6fc85d8eeb56e8c2ad1ec4528153072bc24eb26f9c48f7f4ad29b16c43b911& [11:59:13] The people building it are receptive to feedback [11:59:17] to be moree modern [11:59:20] What [11:59:23] Why [11:59:27] You know what a clock is [11:59:32] almost self-referential ngl [11:59:48] An analogue clock isn't that old [11:59:58] not the clock [12:00:12] the symbol [12:00:15] Why [12:00:20] What isn't modern about it [12:00:25] What else do you suggest [12:00:29] looks like it was made in 2006 [12:00:36] It probably was [12:00:36] (the symbol) [12:00:42] But what's the alternative [12:00:52] Go make one if you want [12:00:59] It doesn't need to be updated though [12:01:07] You just want it to look nicer [12:01:19] plus looks werid next to the other warnings [12:02:38] Make a nicer one? [12:04:41] normal ass closks [12:05:18] if by modern you mean stripe it off details and shading - that's sad [12:27:01] Wait, Pride Month is too controversial to be used as a server logo. [12:27:40] I thought people didn't like politics in their servers? [12:51:40] The community voted overwhelmingly to use it as a logo [12:52:01] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1248279925195014204 [13:02:26] Why fix what isn't broken? [13:02:51] ok [13:36:16] What happened to the server loo [13:36:21] logo* [13:37:03] So 7 color bands of rainbow? [13:37:04] Oh rainbowww😂 [13:48:44] yeah everything has to be flat, boring and lacking any artistic individuality. [13:49:38] on a side note I found out a few weeks ago that some wikipedia assets were drawn by the youtuber JJ McCullough and i think that's kinda neat. [17:09:46] [1/2] That's... one way to approach that [17:09:46] [2/2] But yeah, functions can be carried around without being called :D [17:10:48] I hate that this makes sense [17:10:54] oh i got that part the part im still not getting is sometimes the function is like `myFunction;` but then sometimes its `myFunction();` [17:10:54] Screw you [17:11:31] im going to body(jumpOffBridge) [17:11:53] `SlushieMachine` is a machine. `SlushieMachine()` is just a slushy [17:12:27] huh..... hm...... [17:12:40] ...pretty much yeah [17:13:17] [1/2] `someFunction` is like, a thing that can be called with (or without) arguments [17:13:17] [2/2] `someFunction(123)` is you actually using that thing and getting some output [17:26:09] [1/2] why is.... why are.... huh...... [17:26:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250139020160401448/image.png?ex=6669da30&is=666888b0&hm=8189f891c7278c9e296dc1b7efb16d0e112e95339c7deff520c0a54f836c0c77& [17:31:58] [1/2] Ah yes an average day of wiki farming [17:31:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250140485205626920/IMG_3067.png?ex=6669db8e&is=66688a0e&hm=c5401038491757aff7cad61c89154cb44c1e386db07857390b2de1022a1a84be& [17:33:38] Sigh [17:33:41] Link please [17:33:56] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45524 [17:34:11] @pixldev here you go [17:34:54] [1/2] Huh [17:34:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250141225042972712/image0.jpg?ex=6669dc3e&is=66688abe&hm=ed9a1244b8f09dd2487c4813278133f3ebac7d94455ddba17ed1362730021f61& [17:35:14] Yes that’s the one with the teste spam [17:35:40] Whatever, :BanCatMH: done [17:36:56] Ah, uhhh [17:38:42] Que [17:38:43] [1/2] So, see that `() => { ... }`? This is an anonymous function declaration. It's basically equivalent to `function() {}` but just a different form + some scoping shenanigans. [17:38:44] [2/2] The point is that this entire expression evaluates to being a single `function` type thing. And this expression is what the `searchbox` returns [17:39:50] So calling the function returns an uncalled function [17:40:00] Yes [17:40:10] ough [17:40:18] Whereas the second `searchbox` is itself just a function doing the stuff [17:40:35] I agree with that last comment [17:40:40] Basically the first one is equivalent of returning the reference to the second [17:40:46] Than again rust isn’t playing nice either [17:42:40] [1/8] ``` [17:42:40] [2/8] function returnsFunction() { [17:42:40] [3/8] return doesWork; [17:42:41] [4/8] } [17:42:41] [5/8] function doesWork() { [17:42:41] [6/8] // do stuff here [17:42:41] [7/8] } [17:42:42] [8/8] ``` [17:42:49] This is basically what these two are doing [17:43:25] ahhh.... huh..... ok i kinda see..... kinda..... [17:43:26] Except that javascript allows you to write an entire function as an expression [17:45:09] [1/7] ```js [17:45:09] [2/7] function returnsFunction() { [17:45:10] [3/7] return () => "which returns this string when called"; [17:45:10] [4/7] } [17:45:10] [5/7] console.log(returnsFunction()) // outputs that it's a function [17:45:10] [6/7] console.log(returnsFunction()()) // outputs string [17:45:11] [7/7] ``` [17:45:26] I hate coding sometimes [17:45:37] https://tenor.com/view/confused-what-huh-gif-15321953 [17:46:21] It's pretty useful in lots of places! [17:46:51] [1/2] E.g. instead of having to constantly declare a sorting function, you can just pass like [17:46:52] [2/2] `.sort((a, b) => a > b)` [17:47:25] im getting a stomachache from this [17:47:30] Anonymous functions are good yeah [17:47:36] But, why [17:47:45] ...hm? [17:48:06] I mean, this is just a demonstation of what can be done, not showing anything necessarily useful because I wanna show the general idea [17:48:12] Touché [17:48:37] Difficult to pick anything in particular cuz it's... kinda common thing? [18:29:59] Unrelatred to javascript but in coding in general I've never gotten around to making functions that return values. I've only had vars set up in body before hand to adjust by each func and call the var in that script from other scripts. [18:33:46] Guh [18:34:09] Are you okay [18:34:32] Who hurt you [18:34:58] No one dingus, I just never learned how to properly do it yet. [18:35:58] [1/2] "I wanna learn baseball, what does a fowl ball mean?" [18:35:59] [2/2] "OMG BAYBEE WHO HURT U???🥺 " [18:47:06] Ah so you are an object oriented programmer [18:47:52] My experience is game design with Godot so yeah I guess. [18:55:28] Fair enough. I know Jack squat about baseball so you win ig [20:28:29] Me with just about all the sports too [21:09:52] The thing is anyone could get your image so easily, if they need it. [21:11:37] mate, I can snatch cover image from web spotify despite right clicks not working on it at all [21:15:28] it's kind of pointless lol [21:16:22] I was meaning that if someone could steal your picture so easily for other places without your consent... [21:18:51] even if you can't left/right click on an image you can still inspect element and get the link to the file [21:19:02] that works on like 99% of websites [21:20:33] But at least cannot be obtained easily. I don't care if they use that tool. It's a little bit annoying that the pictures can be dragged easily. [21:21:09] then this would be your solution [21:58:25] Theres a browser extension tjat downloads all images on a page. I love that. [22:00:18] tldr if you see the image that means it’s been sent to your own pc and you can download it with the right tools [22:03:11] sent to my pc 😦 [22:03:12] by the postman? [22:03:29] lol [22:11:40] no the pokemon personal computer [23:26:07] @suzuneu i am committing horrid war crimes against your favorite programming language <3 [23:34:08] I spent way to long with dumb issues that are entirely my fault ie using get instead of get compound tag [23:34:54] should i try and actually understand the language basics before rushing in with a move fast and break things youll figure it out on the way attitude? [23:34:55] yes [23:34:56] but [23:35:00] im bored [23:35:03] also [23:35:15] da fuc is the difference between Vec<> and arrays [23:36:15] Basically nothing (Vec can be mutable but array) [23:36:28] Either way is fine. Often I learn by breaking things [23:37:32] im doing a lot of that so must be on the right track… [23:37:43] compiler been helpful ish