[00:00:23] 100% [00:00:33] I don't trust a for profit company running fan wikis [00:00:47] It's not stable, they'll compromise their neutrality and ethics if offered enough cash [00:48:17] You don’t seem the type to trust for profits with much to be fair :squint: [01:00:46] Yea [01:14:19] I tend to agree on principle [03:27:14] I thought redeeem was amongst super main people over there [03:32:47] damn i remember reedem from the gamepedia days [04:09:46] [1/2] Speaking of which, I do remember when you were a WR/WS for the Netflix Wiki, which I think was cool. [04:09:46] [2/2] Kinda sad to see that the WR/WS program was rather terminated though. Some WR/WS were turned into full time staff, a bunch of others were sadly demoted. [04:12:52] That's kinda true, unfortunately, but I do hope they don't reach the point where they need to have as many ads as Fandom and/or use non-game ads. [04:36:56] something happened to AVID and people bring up Miraheze 👀 [04:37:43] ofc it won't fix an expired domain issues, bound to happen anywhere [04:56:06] @yoshi459292927370272 @tali64 sorry about that I was looking at this vote which was a duplicate https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Global_Captcha_Exempt?diff=prev&oldid=402237, I seem to have mixed the two votes up [05:05:19] Not sure what that's all about, but just to confirm, no current members of the WT board have any remaining stake in or affiliation with the WikiForge project, though we do wish them all success and hope that we collaborate in the future where it makes sense. [06:05:54] oh [06:06:04] even CA? [06:06:18] wait, you said board [06:14:59] CA is on the board, yes [06:22:15] confuse [06:22:54] so, nobody currently on Mira is on WikiForge? [06:23:28] I forget that WikiForge exists tbh [06:24:08] I can't name one known wiki using it tbh [06:24:15] AVID [06:24:19] oh [06:24:24] weren't they using mira? [06:24:40] they were, then moved to WikiTide [06:24:51] but turned out it's too heavy [06:25:02] oh [06:25:06] so WikiForge was offered as better solution [06:25:20] Talking like, mid-sized business levels of traffic [06:25:50] I had no idea that WikiForge is now fully "separate thing" tbh [06:26:13] also I had no idea that this subject is so popular lol [06:26:19] it's cool tho [06:28:04] probably popular amongst like non-entertainment wikis, right? [06:28:14] or like software wikis or something? [06:28:34] I guess [06:28:46] [1/2] universities too apparently [06:28:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1250698359963123814/image.png?ex=666be31d&is=666a919d&hm=e4f30b4a387e836142baaac3ddb1d878ef94e6505cfbb03193bf4b8635d56447& [06:28:47] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [06:29:49] before joining Miraheze, I heard only of scary tv logos wiki lol [06:30:23] /90s russian kids please stand up/ [06:30:24] before hearing of miraheze, i heard of miraheze as the home of reception wikis lol [06:31:52] But I'm glad the platform has grown to beyond that [06:31:53] I meant like, the wikis of such direction [06:33:48] G'night. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fADp43wJwU [07:04:09] Yes I left WikiForge as well. It was a difficult decision to leave what I founded but I did feel it was the right path. WikiForge no longer has any association with us whatsoever. [07:06:26] Which I guess discredits the accusations that we would use WT funds for WF (which was always 100% false btw) [08:04:44] The nefix wiki was great, we really turned that place around [08:08:36] out of curiosity, who's on wf now? like, someone from wikimedia or other wiki community? [09:18:11] [1/2] yeah, I still think it's a cool wiki, especially with the concept of mini-wikis for movies and lesser known shows [09:18:11] [2/2] there's still an active admin there, and I am still an admin there who hops on there occasionally [09:26:40] I still have admin there [09:28:29] ah cool [09:29:05] u r always welcome to edit that wiki again if u want :) [09:29:09] btw, how's telepedia going? [09:32:32] I don't really edit Fandom anymore [09:32:36] and not bad [09:33:20] that's fine [09:33:24] good to hear [11:00:43] agent [11:00:59] and maybe people quietly hired in the background, no evidence of that but I've seen it asserted [12:53:00] _Hired_? I'm no longer at WF but I'm quite doubtful of that [14:59:20] whatever's going on there is neither transparent nor reassuring [15:13:12] [1/2] that raise a big flag for me tbh [15:13:12] [2/2] and FYI, Agent has offered to pays for AVID's hosting service as far as I know [15:18:33] I would assume to try and prevent some wikis from leaving [15:19:13] 100% [15:19:28] UH? [15:20:32] is something's up? [15:21:43] I am confused [15:23:22] TL;DL: discussing WikiForge and what happened after WT merge with Miraheze [15:23:49] I am used to having a large lanage model summize stuff [15:24:22] I am unsure how long WikiForge will last myself [15:24:59] We all have the same doubt as you [15:25:28] Problem with Wiki farms is often they becomee too big for their hosting [15:27:28] I'm happy that I can host my project myself if something happens to them [15:28:07] ~5 years of learning how MediaWiki works are actually worth it [15:29:54] Yeah I don’t see much more happening with WF when SRE and management is a one man team [15:41:34] WF? I thought they was a big corp [15:50:29] never [15:50:42] CF is a big corp [17:29:56] I thought WF was doing well [18:03:03] Wasn't Avid wiki at avid.wiki? [18:03:07] Seems to have expired anyway [18:03:58] yeah, I just saw in twitter something happened w/ their domain [18:04:15] Looks like wf is down entirely fun [18:04:17] people in replies quickly spiralled into doomtalk [18:07:10] [1/2] Home site works trangely tho, Home isn't accessible but other pages are [18:07:10] [2/2] [18:22:01] avid.wiki expired yes [18:22:26] data is still handy [19:07:18] I think AVID had a Ko-Fi set up to pay for hosting costs before their domain went kaput [19:32:29] avid pays its hosting as I recall, and a pretty penny for it too [19:32:40] but it never had native control of its domain [19:35:27] Fun fact: My wiki does provide multiple ways to donate, mostly for the domain but also for accessing contents that the publisher may have locked behind a paywall [19:36:23] It include Ko-fi, PayPal, MoMo (local e-wallet) and bank transfer [20:02:15] [1/4] Perhaps I sound like a conspiracy theorist but it's suspicious that Agent deleted some Miraheze Discord servers and then resigned without any regard for informing anyone about his resignation and failing to properly relinquish his SRE rights which according to the meeting minutes caused some problems with upstream providers and now is working on a for profit wi [20:02:15] [2/4] ki host instead [20:02:16] [3/4] Makes me wonder if he had other motivations for the WikiTide rename and all, like Zppix said in his open letter to the Board [20:02:16] [4/4] I suppose this might not go over well because Agent was well-liked among the community but for me it's much easier to be suspicious than trusting [20:03:50] I do not support any angle of conspiracy and believe however misguided the approach he had positive intentions for the community [20:04:48] from what I see the outcome was simple: as someone who already had demonstrated seeds of frankly being rather sensitive to pushback, he received a great deal of it from all sides, utterly opposed and disagreed with it, and feeling betrayed as well as incredibly burnt out following the considerable effort he put into the community, decided to pull the plug [20:04:49] Regardless of what people might think of Agent, I also reject any suggestion of conspiracies or whatever [20:05:17] Agent never really made it a secret that he was strongly in favor of the rebrand [20:05:56] That's fair [20:09:28] going to sleep now, hope that someone will call me and give my a payign job :skull_c: [20:10:12] better going with other's ideas