[00:11:35] thought that was common knowledge [00:21:48] people still do it [01:10:10] i tried importing a wikipedia infobox back in 2020 and it took a solid 30 minutes to just get the dependencies lol [01:10:25] and it didn't even look that good even when i got it working [03:42:27] Why do they make their templates so complicated? Doesn't it make it harder for them too? [03:43:55] Import from a Fandom wiki or another wiki where u know has a similar template with little to no dependencies [05:03:01] my friends on the pg3d wiki were playing gartic phone, and this was one of the animations haha: [05:03:02] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/585157540317233152/1251568508173811753/album_2024-06-15_19-03-10.gif?ex=666fb641&is=666e64c1&hm=12ada13bc71f189e12d217bbbf126937ff1916866b1cbfea60864f9b1a14f7a4&=&width=962&height=612 [05:26:46] Indeed it's common knowledge but people think templates are too hard for some reasons [05:26:52] :ThinkerMH: [05:45:58] bruh [05:46:15] btw, u guys know wiki about fictional country? [05:47:29] H3ll0 [05:47:58] h1 [06:13:39] Wikipedia and very broad and very big, ot makes sense that they need their templates to be very universal/flexible + it's Wikipedia, they will have folks who know how to maintain them [06:18:14] [1/3] the last part might need bolder font and maybe an animated border decor lol [06:18:14] [2/3] maybe just say templates and bring infoboxes as example [06:18:14] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1251782871274750054/IMG_20240616_091631.jpg?ex=666fd525&is=666e83a5&hm=0d0d12a80f070d40d1dbec3a0284000fd449cb24cd11a54e2a691be05d356b3e& [06:37:11] One question what is your least favorite wiki host [06:40:54] Holy shit [06:41:02] That's a lot of links and a lot of words [06:42:38] auuyghyhy Fandom because of the AI thing [06:42:45] And the ads [06:42:49] Otherwise it's ok [06:44:10] I find shout wiki and fandom to be confusing and spam me with ads telepedia to but it’s not a huge problem as fandom and shout so it’s not my least plus shout is really laggy as heck [06:45:19] I mean fandom is just annoying imo [06:45:26] As I mentioned with the ads [06:45:59] I've been scrolling through fandom wikis for inspiration n stuff but every time I click on a page I am presented with an ad that takes up my entire screen [06:46:33] Especially since I'm on a phone and don't really have access to a computer so I can't even browse peacefully [06:48:34] Like come on, fandom [06:48:48] If I could get rid of one thing that would be ads [06:48:53] I hate them [06:49:07] If you tone down the ads, your fan base will like you more and they'll hopefully donate to keep you running [06:50:10] I still won’t donate to stuff If I have to deal with ads [06:50:21] Plus shout wiki also has that same problem [06:50:28] Of making the ads ANNOYING [06:51:30] I mean idk what shout wiki is so idk [06:51:41] Shout wiki has ads [06:51:45] In their thing s [06:51:52] That something’s makes you reload [06:51:56] The page for it to work [06:52:05] The only reason I go to that host [06:52:20] Is because of tail64 tiresome wiki wikis [06:52:55] But yea, like if you're gonna add ads to your website, don't make them annoying [06:53:08] Especially if it's somewhat necessary [06:53:43] Yeah and shout wiki is that. Problem of annoying ads that won’t leave you alone when you are trying to get somewhere [06:53:50] Just put them on a sidebar or something [06:53:51] Which most of the time isn’t [06:54:02] No like if your website it's necessary [06:54:16] Like I know wikis aren't really necessary but they are pretty large [06:54:17] Not really that only harm [06:54:52] It’s not needed to put ads on everything plus most of time is really unneeded [06:55:12] Hold on I misspelled [06:55:24] Misspelling is common [06:55:35] As in, if a lot of people use your website and it's a necessary or major part of their lives [06:55:40] So the website is important [06:55:45] So I don’t blame those unless your grammer cares that give a crap about it [06:55:49] Don't make ads annoying [06:56:16] Yeah the ads should have purpose most of the time it doesn’t as it’s just spam for me to get through [06:56:29] I know people want to promote their business and stuff [06:56:52] But couldn’t you make them somewhere that it doesn’t ruin performance [06:56:53] And make money [06:57:01] That to [06:57:13] But make the ads things that shouldn’t be insufferable [06:58:13] Yea [06:59:39] SEE IN THE STARS https://youtu.be/9x_4xFFVoks?si=ebrVFQxthmKEtHMC [07:02:51] animusic [07:03:37] I listen to this for some reason [07:06:16] Me when I have to deal with annoying users on the LCW https://youtu.be/9x_4xFFVoks?si=ebrVFQxthmKEtHMC [07:07:10] [1/2] Opps me when I have to deal with annoying users who only purpose is to cause chaos and be unhelpful [07:07:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1251795183536701440/IMG_3097.jpg?ex=666fe09c&is=666e8f1c&hm=889e43b25435721f8810e22d850395cce4c117b8cf11cd1999771beccc9c38b2& [07:10:23] Same [11:57:33] [1/2] btw my friend make this story of "Ãn Ba Tú Kang" [11:57:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1251868264317849729/Tak_berjudul789_1.jpg?ex=667024ac&is=666ed32c&hm=a47827c99dde3546c71c86182e0fe723bc0ac016fd7b0b7fa37597b6959f53d0& [11:57:48] in Zhaomok Dialect (fiction) [11:57:56] [1/2] Hěnjiǔ yǐqián, zài hàn cháo, dàyuē gōngyuán qián 200 nián (mù ā ní zhīqián), yǒuyī wèi láizì zhōngguó de zhànzhēng yīngsháng, míng jiào ān bā tǔ kāng, tā cóng yīgè jiǎndān de nóngmín jiātíng zhǎng dà, yǐ zhànzhēng zhànshù de zhìhuì hé yǒnggǎn ér tè lásuo. Duìkàng hàochēng zuì qiáng, pángdà, cánkù de fú ā dé dìguó. Dāng fú ā dé hu [11:57:56] [2/2] ì Am Bao tù Kangshi de niánqīng rén, qízhōng bāokuò ān bā tú kāng, tā hěn kuài chéngwéi áh áh niánqīng de zhànzhēng zhǐhuī guān. [11:57:59] 很久以前,在汉朝,大约公元前200年(穆阿尼之前),有一位来自中国的战争英雄,名叫安巴土康,他从一个简单的农民家庭长大,以战争战术的智慧和勇敢而闻名。对抗号称最强、庞大、残酷的福阿德帝国。当福阿德皇帝的威胁增加时,汉皇帝招募了最优秀的年轻人,其中包括安巴图康,他很快成为最年轻的战� [12:05:40] I just used fandom template wiki [12:06:31] It’s the list of pages included when I export a template on Wikipedia and include dependencies [12:44:43] [1/2] just another day on fandom [12:44:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1251880134827311174/image.png?ex=66702fba&is=666ede3a&hm=320a4d89402bd3df7d07de654fa29e6e898a7321e60329d589e8cca4b8bcaa7c& [12:51:16] wellp [13:06:06] I opened my second support ticket in as many days yesterday [13:06:40] Although I will say that most issue tickets I open go great [13:07:02] One was oversight one was backend errors and this is a missing user right [13:10:08] Not sure how the move right just [13:10:13] Disappears from the user group [13:10:24] But hopefully it gets resolved [13:10:37] Was thinking about this last night [13:10:42] fun fact, this story is related to ambatukam [13:10:52] 💀 [13:11:13] Fandom is an evil ad fill greedy company, but do they make their support staff work on Sunday [13:11:27] These are the real questions that plague society [13:33:55] Have you considered that maybe there isn’t an IP correlation to be found? As you said it’s a strong suspicion it may be wrong or the vandal may be masking their IP [13:34:16] There’s no reason to get pissy at fandom for something that’s not their fault [13:34:27] god knows there’s plenty of things that are their fault [13:39:10] probably the latter; i'm referring to i downgraded yt app's latest sock [13:43:52] I don't think so, as I experience that waiting time for quite a few time [14:03:01] the yt guy is pretty obvious on check but the ip itself may not be a smoking gun [14:03:07] that is what fandom staff ought to consider tbh [14:12:12] english or spanish? [14:13:00] What? [14:26:44] whoever move first, is rainbow- [14:56:55] So I been wondering, since a lot of banks use voice authentication how long before they remove it with deepfakes [14:58:49] there already were cases of voice and image deepfakes [15:00:37] Felenov: banks use voice verification? [15:02:16] Yea, one of the banks I have an account with has that option instead of a security code. You essentially say a few phrases and they get a profile of your voice, then when authenticating they ask you to repeat something [15:02:30] I know banks in the UK really love to do that too. [15:02:38] Not either of the banks I'm with [15:04:53] HSBC offers Voice ID [15:07:13] Real-time deepfakes are something that is possible but I have seen cases where they would ask the caller to blow into the handset, clap their hands or make some other sound that would be uncommon for a TTS to make [15:08:08] lmao [15:08:48] Felenov: TSB use full name, post code, first line of address & date of birth [15:08:52] Consistently [15:09:32] [1/2] idk if it's a true but a warning thingy was going round like [15:09:33] [2/2] if random numbers are calling you shouldn't say "yes" when picking up, cus scammers will use record and use it your "yes" [15:09:44] They aren't even difficult [15:10:17] I know for a fact that the big four of the banks in the UK have voice ID as a thing they offer, but I would rather use a security code [15:11:52] I just don't pick up calls from numbers I do not know and send them to voicemail. If someone calls twice, I pick up. [15:15:49] to the second, me too most of the time [15:18:05] In a perfect world, we would use TOTP for authetication, or a system of a question and response code [15:22:05] It's only recently that banks started to integrate TOTP into their apps or give clients USB authentication devices (YubiKey in some cases) [15:35:03] Look at any security mechanism and you will soon find that the main limitation is the human in that mechanism [15:55:58] _uses Monzo and everything is done via live chat in the app so doesn't have to worry about all of that stuff_ [15:56:41] eh there's a benefit to talking to a human [15:56:49] it is live chat with a human [15:57:00] i meant talking to [15:57:10] Depends [15:57:11] text can be slower and harder to get across [15:57:26] i don't want to speak to someone in a call center 400 miles away who has no idea what they're doing [15:57:31] true [15:57:45] but sometimes a human does gain benefits [15:58:00] we had a discussion about this at Uni [15:58:25] and all of us agree we don't like and are less likely to use a company if when we need support we have to use a live chat [15:58:42] and it's hard work to simply talk to a human on the phone [16:15:10] I know this isn't the ideal solution, and it shouldn't be that way, but get firefox for mobile + ublock origin [16:17:16] no [16:18:55] but honestly, I won't be surprised if fandom staff are overworked and/or underpaid [16:22:14] Yeah [16:23:38] honestly, I don't really blame them for doing their jobs, I just mostly blame the top management and TPG [16:24:53] Yea, it's definitely the people at the top who are doing this shit to the company [16:25:46] Oh absolutely [16:25:55] George and Kimberton from my experiences have been great [16:26:14] [1/2] firefox supremacy [16:26:15] [2/2] also you can get other addons on beta apk [16:26:28] Like who else other than a greedy and clueless CEO allows ads to reign rampant on the wiki + fucking AI on whats supposed to be a creative writing website [16:26:57] tpg shareholders or board members probably [16:27:18] still, this is why ppl hate capitalism [16:28:37] its always that hustle for infinite growth [16:29:27] ye [16:29:45] been using firefox on pc for at least 2-3 years now [16:29:46] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [16:32:37] Ehrrrrrrrrrre it does sound tempting but I rarely browse fandom anyway so [16:33:31] But I'll keep that in mind in case I need to browse Fandom [16:33:37] For some reason [16:36:30] this is my choice, otherwise brave is a strong one for people dead set on the chromium base [16:36:45] Or https://antifandom.con [16:36:56] https://antifandom.com [16:37:07] Second one [16:38:15] I'm used to firefox so that's what I have? [16:47:24] oh if you're already there I fully endorse [17:17:09] .con? [17:17:53] Typo [17:18:06] Oh [17:18:09] I see [17:18:12] Pretty interesting [17:18:19] I'll check it out later, I'm busy rn [18:07:29] My github for education benefits have been approved [18:07:36] Only a year after I applied for them [18:38:20] Based [18:38:26] Much less cool [18:41:19] Yeah.... [19:53:49] How is your day today [21:50:09] [1/4] finished up (somewhat) my cosmos tweaks snippets wahoo [21:50:10] [2/4] https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/CosmosTweaks [21:50:10] [3/4] adds the fandom side buttons and dark mode and makes the mobile header prettier among other things [21:50:10] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252017398152822895/image.png?ex=6670af91&is=666f5e11&hm=a8ae44322a5dbd6d1cba5a803ff102756098b13fbb45e1bf4e00a3febce99613& [21:50:57] might be bit scuffed bc this was my attempt to learn js by doing [23:08:24] Oooh cool [23:08:57] I'm just chillin, I was just out with family and now I'm back home [23:09:27] Oh father’s day is great today