[00:01:56] k?`q6wg&b6R^K,([C9{uAQ`JOy0 t I [00:02:12] fat fingered it, whoops [00:24:42] That could probably be the syntax of an esoteric language of sorts [00:25:02] Also, my discord account got glocked [00:31:08] Ban reason was just "spam" - yea I used ripcord and posted links to my CDN but ffs I been doing it for ages [00:40:59] typical discord [00:41:54] two weeks of no discord I guess in the best case and starting over with trust in the worst [00:42:19] Permanent lock? [00:43:08] Yep, indefed. I appealed it. Let's wait for email then. [00:45:13] If I add my alt into here I will announce it on IRC first and verify the identity via website [00:52:43] You can tell, I am very mad at thte world [00:58:13] understandable [00:59:31] https://nex.f2esports.net/upload/cdn/firefox_2024-06-18_00-56-48.png Yea, I can't even log in, at leat mediawiki says you been glocked [01:07:44] https://nex.f2esports.net/upload/cdn/Ripcord_2024-06-18_01-03-48.png all I am going to say about this one is "How unfortunate" [01:08:06] If I get the account back, I will write an essay, if not, I will write an essay.\ [01:23:57] anyway if you need to contact me when I am offline there you go: https://felenov.f2esports.net/profiles [02:01:20] any mediawiki technical people ever try free lance services(either in editing wikis and template stuff or setting up backends?) [02:04:34] closest i can think of is our dear chair @.labster since I know he works for wikiteq [02:05:01] <.labster> So does Harej [02:06:00] <.labster> Actually the entire board in a sense if you count WikiForge [02:06:44] Oh? [02:07:32] True, althougj WikiForge is just a host so don't really meet what I meant by freelance. I counted WikiTeq since you guys do induvial consulting and development [02:07:33] Hey guys [02:07:36] Good night [02:07:40] How are you? [02:07:46] Just connected. [02:22:35] Is hare with WikiTeq or another group or freelance? [02:24:51] <.labster, replying to pixldev> Both [02:26:41] interesting [02:27:02] maybe once I'm confident in my abilities with MW ill try my hand at it [04:02:02] I play Noita and I do like it, but I often forget the fact that it could be counted as a falling sand game lol [04:06:41] [1/2] It's okay [04:06:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252474542836678717/firefox_2024-06-18_01-50-49.png?ex=66725950&is=667107d0&hm=ff2bd40c689161c3a35571e00dada0360ec6d2bc6463825796fed9f4b63a0dab& [11:11:12] what is that? [11:51:41] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252591561288585338/IMG_8278.jpg?ex=6672c64c&is=667174cc&hm=c2302b543e869c8649c4219fc9217afa4ccd30e337ffc942d0c2952af49e3041& [11:51:46] @paladox [11:51:56] oh nice [11:52:31] I will be voting shortly [11:52:45] It also came with a reform leaflet in the same pile [11:52:48] I binned that [11:53:00] lol getting reform [11:57:40] Lib Dem & Labour have learnt my email [11:57:49] Conservatives gave up [12:00:15] I didn't realize the UK did postal/mail in voting [12:00:46] @paladox vote cast and returned [12:00:49] Yep [12:00:53] Optionally [12:00:56] nice! [12:01:32] Just checked https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Postal_voting and it seems indeed that most European countries aren't big on postal voting for all [12:07:10] They also accepted my request to not have to sign the ballot [12:10:17] huh how. [12:10:22] i thought that was a requirement [12:12:41] You can request not on the application with a reason. I stated my handwriting is poor due to dyspraxia/dysgraphia and it's not likely to be consistent [12:12:47] and that must have worked [12:12:53] cause there was no signature box [12:12:58] oh [12:13:03] wow [12:13:11] my handwriting is poor [12:13:37] I honestly don't get how comparing signatures work as I feel mine always looks kind of different [12:21:04] contact the returning officer for future elections [13:04:26] what was the deadline for that? would i have to proxy vote at this point? [13:05:28] 5pm tomorrow [14:47:26] [1/2] Parsing this is so much easier [14:47:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252635793449554011/3568f78727928179.png?ex=6672ef7e&is=66719dfe&hm=629ebd4dcb341d669233ef5ff4ded4bb8fb82715dea45087f1a8764decaf0739& [14:50:56] I’m sure [15:01:30] they made registiring for a postal vote easier by bringing and online portal [15:10:39] @.labster how many people work at wikiteq? [15:15:17] also sweet god never knew professional mediawiki is so expensive we have it good here at mira lmao [15:38:11] [1/2] started a new minecraft world to play with a friend, been a long time since i've played normal survival minecraft [15:38:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252648564874547291/faPYDf5.png?ex=6672fb62&is=6671a9e2&hm=fef4fa9e0adac6483633ee0bb1d2c3a9c2492ad8b7c39a6419094f0c81a6bf0d& [15:38:23] well this is pretty heavily modded so [15:40:46] when dungeons arise my beloved [15:40:50] not gonna look around too much right now [15:40:53] hm? [15:41:02] love that mod the structures are so cool [15:41:25] thats what thats from? [15:41:34] yepp [15:41:53] neat! [15:42:02] this is my second time playing Better Minecraft [15:42:13] i got bored the first time since I was alone [15:42:16] Miraheze SMP when [15:42:16] oooh yeah thats a fun one [15:42:25] I always enjoy games way more with friends [15:42:29] honestly? [15:42:36] if we have enough people willing [15:42:37] it really is a fun "get in and fuck around" one [15:42:40] I'm down! [15:42:46] If we are dead serious I can provide a box to host it [15:43:14] I think if we get like 4-5 people that would be a start to consider it [15:43:19] id be down too [15:43:20] assuming canada is in thats 3 [15:43:29] 😎 [15:43:37] modded or plugins? [15:44:05] As long as the server will be enjoyed by people and will not be an abuse magnet I am down to put in on the F2 eSports Zulu or Ares clusters [15:44:22] I wouldn't be opposed to a whitelist [15:45:24] Simple sanity check, I do not want grief protection to be used [15:46:19] a google form with IGN and discord/on wiki to verify someones has been engaged with the community before maybe [15:47:57] I would say that if you made some edits on meta, hang around on irc/discord and have not been blocked then you can probably be trusted to not grief. I would set up CoreProtect tho [15:48:28] I would give everyone coreprotect view permissions but leave rollback to some, simply because that's [[wp:the wiki way]] [15:48:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wp:the_wiki_way [15:48:40] oh totally core is a must [15:49:05] the worldbuilding server I play and wiki mod on has core inspect given to all players [15:49:14] only senior mods plus have rollback [15:49:24] Even if there is no griefing if you fuck up you can just roll back what you did [15:49:29] we can prob grant op to a few people who are also volunteers [15:49:37] although using core would limit us to plugins [15:49:37] My redstone test server uses core protect for a reason [15:49:49] i know there are mod equivalents [15:50:02] [1/3] also this zoom mod is nuts [15:50:02] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252651545133191209/XCpf4OT.png?ex=6672fe29&is=6671aca9&hm=aeca10957536a817a2bb3b4a54a13fdbd7701dcc29b1a337b807585c0f6a460b& [15:50:03] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252651545984766082/bmKI7C6.png?ex=6672fe29&is=6671aca9&hm=515e82533272a6da1b7b035ae706435c08a01ac417e187d82f96c61d9a2c9e79& [15:50:54] >wake up, get drunk, ah yes lemme edit in the mediawiki namespace, go to bed, next day see 99+ alerts, alright time to go through and click the rollback links in own contribs [15:51:15] lmao [15:51:27] this is reddit at its truest.... [15:51:27] https://www.reddit.com/r/admincraft/comments/j7l73z/an_alternative_to_coreprotect_for_fabric/ [15:51:44] one being logical [15:52:05] the other being helpful but flaming the other and downvoters [15:52:27] and the last promoting a software thats confirmed to be security risk incarnate iirc [15:52:29] and malware [15:52:32] https://modrinth.com/mod/wi-zoom this... [15:52:52] most on topic reddit thread [15:53:15] Reddit is a trash [ile [15:53:50] https://essentialsx.net/do-not-use-mohist.html though i see some people saying its fine [15:54:13] if we did this would we want to do fabric or paper [15:54:34] could also do forge ig, or purpur or whatever the paper fork fork fork of the week is [15:58:44] We can run a FTB modpack but some people cannot or do not want to access those since that requires the FTB launcher OR something like MultiMC [15:59:48] Never played feed the beast [15:59:58] I use modrinth's launcher for packs rn [16:00:07] I first used technic launcher years ago maybe? [16:01:56] im personally a vanilla push person [16:02:10] S/push/plush [16:03:04] the Luna Pixel Studio packs seems awesome [16:04:15] Better Minecraft, MEDIEVAL MINECRAFT, Prominence [16:16:11] what does professional mw that we don't have [16:16:53] Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― [16:17:01] I mean ironicly BlueSpice is cheaper [16:17:13] https://wikiteq.com/pricing [16:18:50] whatever it is, honestly, miraheze has more than enough options [16:20:33] I would guess pro wikis are like, tied to organisations, work as documentation and stuff, most likely private [16:21:09] although one might just make isolated mw installation [16:22:29] no offense to wikiteq they are a great service with great people and skills I could never have but id prob self host myself if anything for the fun and learning experince [16:22:36] and i dont' have a spare k [16:22:46] .img test [16:22:55] [1/2] 1500 buckaroos to get someone to set-up mediawiki :0 [16:22:56] [2/2] holy hell for that price alone I'd go through the headache of figuring out self-hosting [16:23:01] nawh bro not workingπŸ’€ [16:23:49] it's not just setting up mediawiki [16:23:52] im assuming this is for massive enterpises that can't afford failure [16:24:01] yeah, that's what I thought [16:24:02] and that [16:24:10] the real selling point of these services is that you get to call someone else if something goes wrong [16:24:30] I mean if the US Gov needs a wiki, I'd consider wikiteq, since they are experts with certs and experince [16:24:32] support baby [16:24:42] smh just ask me im great support [16:24:53] the "make it someone elses problem" tax [16:25:04] wikiteqs permission and wiki farm setup tools seem neat [16:25:12] if you're self-hosting you're responsible for debugging, and then everything you might have "saved" by selfhosting goes away in paying someone to debug your half put together install [16:27:30] ye [16:27:58] but I wouldn't see the point of, for example, a game hosting a wiki on wikiteq, when other free and public options are available [16:29:08] of course [16:30:58] Felenov: and @canyada what are some the coolest modpack you'd want to use? Or plugins if we go with that, may be better but [16:31:55] im fine with anything, i think lunapixel packs are a good middle ground for the most ppl to have fun [16:32:11] i personally skew more towards packs with create tho [16:32:31] modpacks are more fun, plugins are better for people to do less install work [16:34:00] i havent played around w plugins too much sadly... [16:35:10] i set up a server with them once or thrice [16:35:12] they fun [16:35:22] luck perms gives you insane control over permissions [16:35:26] coreprotect is divince [16:35:41] functionality wise its fun not as many new features [16:35:57] ie /sit, essentials has mail and nicks, prefixes are funny [16:36:04] /glow is a common command [16:36:22] @rhinosf1 still waiting for mine [16:36:35] ooo [16:37:29] lemme try and boot my server [16:38:55] oh also project korra was fun [16:39:04] avatar the last airbender bending in mc [16:39:12] [1/2] plugins on my local server [16:39:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252663919755923536/zsDRMBa.png?ex=667309af&is=6671b82f&hm=9bca9b0f8e367781ffc0d480f9b76d6d0dd6daf4af68fb4786c4abdce1f9fb74& [16:40:44] plugins always felt kinda harder to setup than modpacks bc im not good at technical stuff [16:40:55] [1/2] this is fine [16:40:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252664351370776576/mxstbG6.png?ex=66730a16&is=6671b896&hm=9aad81b5113df9b8d45fbeaa38e76db519266e6bbe093a5803b2c979599c4619& [16:40:56] all i know is drag modpack zip file into prism launcher [16:41:04] normally works fine [16:41:09] well [16:41:17] for ones that need config it can be a pain [16:41:27] setting up permissions can be a brat [16:41:32] if you wanna be detailed [16:41:41] prefixes and nametags were the worst [16:41:52] ough [16:43:21] ill boot it up and send screenshots [16:43:35] also [16:43:37] luckperms [16:43:40] has a web editor [16:43:42] πŸ™ [16:44:16] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252665194753167431/I8oMvRT.png?ex=66730adf&is=6671b95f&hm=ec9be278bcac8c75840eb22cc82cefd4a40f0d75f2994d4312766605234dca51& [16:44:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252665293432557638/hAiIRFk.png?ex=66730af7&is=6671b977&hm=5e42ba9d9755fe7671490c5474e0c328eb82d345e69fcf690fb8488c772d2fc2& [16:46:42] oh god [16:46:53] usually im just. everyone has op go do whatever idgaf [16:47:35] yeah lmao works [16:48:03] plugins define what permissions they have and normally set the default of a permission to either everyone or op [16:48:16] allowing server owners to customize to their hearts content [16:48:19] like mediawiki [16:48:36] pffft [16:48:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252666291018399866/Ku2XmP5.png?ex=66730be5&is=6671ba65&hm=d1af8082b832607c6549cd1a23d68558312239bc81430497f9e4f6fb5b4919a8& [16:48:44] but the tradeoff is u have to know what ur doing huh........... [16:48:51] yeah [16:49:08] its a good balance of customization and ease [16:49:17] but for complex stuff its annoying [16:49:25] most olugins have easy or no config [16:50:31] [1/2] loaded in [16:50:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252666764567908542/JD0Ysnx.png?ex=66730c56&is=6671bad6&hm=02094326d1fbec56f979d54b51c500d0ed6e32fa717caa0514271f700a5b160d& [16:50:52] the prefix and nick spacing is a pain as you can see [16:51:10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252666932541526087/2Xe6otN.png?ex=66730c7e&is=6671bafe&hm=15d37b57e2b2fa0786bba008f1dda0a38013238b2f70e325123f317cc5908acb& [16:51:38] damn is that text color hardcoded [16:52:20] the prefix and nick? [16:52:26] yea [16:52:42] i see them [16:52:52] minecraft has formatting codes for rgb values [16:53:01] Hopefully tomorrow then [16:53:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252667397492572260/7YQXGGG.png?ex=66730cec&is=6671bb6c&hm=a8d42c4884f74200a2ff3d3d3a7a4162846d99a98c6eb9105e67ca8f4691af86& [16:53:16] here make something https://www.birdflop.com/resources/rgb/ [16:53:16] yeah oh my god [16:53:47] here are the prefixes i made [16:53:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252667594624733214/Lzbr3VY.png?ex=66730d1b&is=6671bb9b&hm=b63ef012fc7aac58d57153a8c26ff3343c5ecbb23c0be347acc0370b95e3c6ae& [16:53:50] this was for friend [16:53:56] pick one lol [16:54:02] theres tools for tha- oh of course theres tools for that why would i have ever thought otherwise [16:54:16] i used to do it manually [16:54:26] [1/2] hahaha forgot im both [16:54:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252667754704539759/E9VgNfK.png?ex=66730d42&is=6671bbc2&hm=f328fefbb2952e9a8d6c2479d7e2c6d47a5b328f23abd735e78bea359d5dc24a& [16:55:21] ah free vaporize reaction [16:55:32] hm? [16:55:48] genshin joke [16:56:21] a [16:56:23] lmao [16:56:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252668363369484468/2b8mc0v.png?ex=66730dd3&is=6671bc53&hm=596d0c2cef2261b5cacbdc28716bdad1c0f5a4e4efea34afb51df1a6f7642928& [16:57:04] oooooo [16:58:02] [1/2] this is fun [16:58:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252668656551202957/lxXO7UT.png?ex=66730e19&is=6671bc99&hm=03397e1074b133eebd16d54f1630bbaec3e902eb1d38d213524cb7048889c76f& [16:58:47] ooo cool [16:58:55] i can make more as well [16:59:08] the nickname is also supporting of custom codes with permission [16:59:24] also [16:59:28] core and aux protect [17:00:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252669390311260221/LMQfHNb.png?ex=66730ec8&is=6671bd48&hm=30249e544c941febd0cee330be3242390993ef5b543e2cb515f96d0e7be056b7& [17:01:31] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252669535077797938/on0yGTR.png?ex=66730eea&is=6671bd6a&hm=64a8c9f1d4c74902f13eac30425364cfee648d352106e5ca0cfd1d3f79973898& [17:01:39] this is what Felenov was refering too [17:01:49] also supports rollbacks [17:02:35] ohhh yeah that looks handy [17:03:11] [1/4] gotta be careful [17:03:11] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252669954407272529/8BL1JKh.png?ex=66730f4e&is=6671bdce&hm=6a1c085e7b4d7e16afefa745586d17c42de5cb4d4cafc2c1660931f4aab85e76& [17:03:12] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252669954680164503/6yN2yAk.png?ex=66730f4e&is=6671bdce&hm=9173c731a3ae7bbd3960d11465907b51cd7e2feadd86f36bb338f372a0eaf162& [17:03:12] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252669954990538833/i063ibp.png?ex=66730f4e&is=6671bdce&hm=605b93ba7fe0ff2c31bc541206f89c1aed25b364e01a588de049374324fb9667& [17:03:13] as you can see [17:03:22] dupes and item loss [17:03:42] this was kinda goof on me [17:03:59] i rollbacked the -container action but not the +inventory one i thin [17:04:07] and aux protect is like coreprotect [17:04:08] on steroids [17:07:06] [1/3] but takes a shit more space on large servers i think [17:07:06] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252670937887805494/MNH022o.png?ex=66731039&is=6671beb9&hm=06ffc5ebe1b8f99472634f620cd3cff9be6a189501652ef46bcdd1e69b7eb141& [17:07:06] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252670938256773140/41WJmet.png?ex=66731039&is=6671beb9&hm=b6598a616a852fa20843c8ede2d07e1d2a3d45b46422e14f049c92dd2bbdbb0d& [17:07:45] coreprotect is a must have [17:07:52] aux is more powerful but not as used [17:07:55] ough i would imagine [17:08:17] on my friend's server i think there isnt this type of plugin and theres just daily backups [17:08:29] on the server i play players have access to the inspector command [17:08:41] ie you can click on a single block or chest to see its logs [17:08:47] these we done via lookups [17:09:41] core: https://docs.coreprotect.net/commands/ aux: https://github.com/ks-hl/AuxProtect/wiki/Actions [17:26:18] that was a long rant about minecraft server [18:29:39] well [18:30:37] So we got at least three people interested in MH-SMP [18:30:40] [1/2] I'm gonna write up on something involving me and Fandom, and it'll potentially generate controversy that could be as big as the grimace incident, if they don't handle it well [18:30:40] [2/2] I won't publicly explain it here yet, but for those who wanna know, I'll talk in dms [18:32:51] [1/6] I think we can go with vanilla 1.20.x with: [18:32:51] [2/6] EssentialsX [18:32:51] [3/6] NoChatReports [18:32:52] [4/6] CoreProtect [18:32:52] [5/6] Brewery (alcohol) [18:32:52] [6/6] FAWE [18:33:18] oooo been a while since i used brewery [18:33:27] 1.21 just came out like a few days ago [18:35:25] [1/2] can't forget piggy back [18:35:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252693164318396477/jKRihsw.png?ex=667324ec&is=6671d36c&hm=3fbd7149e8445bbb21f2911f5d80eead1834a74ea59ad221c587710a86e7afb9& [18:35:26] lmao [18:35:37] Also Sit on everything [18:35:43] we could also do eglow for elected volunteers if yall want [18:35:59] /sit is nice yea [18:36:04] [1/2] This is my MMC [18:36:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252693328731050004/910d4472a2af92f6.png?ex=66732513&is=6671d393&hm=40cfb2d9fae95350c34ad70ad95088fdbf95720970203e425514f87e7ae7fc98& [18:36:30] viaversion and viabackwards if people user different versions [18:37:08] [1/2] my main, modded fab 1.20 with client side mods [18:37:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252693599993204786/Q6RSgbi.png?ex=66732554&is=6671d3d4&hm=c709147a9b85f6b9f423d44c52c0ba01c6c17e1ec785f6fdd0a0b42f1fb69a35& [18:37:15] Server sysops, volunteers (S, SO, SRE, GSO, BM, TS) [18:37:30] actually just moved to sodium plus [18:37:49] we could use luckperms to make groups per volunteer so players can add their own glow [18:37:56] since eglow supports permission per color [18:38:08] ie wiki creator can only be gold [18:38:13] or just everything is also fine [18:38:16] as a nice treat [18:38:28] I love the thought of getting someone to volunteer for sever perks [18:38:43] Could just do colors matching cord roles [18:38:53] yeah hence why i said hold [18:39:09] if we wanna get fancy colored names in tab and prefixes [18:39:25] s/hold/gold/ [18:39:37] good thing with plugins is we as admins can experiment without needing players to change stuff [18:39:44] so we can move fast and break things [18:40:09] I usually got myself and a sock logged in for testing and I can pretty much do all the setup [18:40:38] [1/2] ie Wiki Creator Prefix or smt [18:40:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252694478674858127/xjvNi1L.png?ex=66732625&is=6671d4a5&hm=6e8d5e9843194322f5b2eefdb20e8bd799e091d169ce86589ec9957c5fc77a09& [18:40:39] idrk [18:40:46] i can help as well if needed [18:41:43] so 1.20 or 1.21, paper? [18:41:47] or purpur [18:42:09] I would go with purpur, if I touch a paper server it will implode on itself [18:42:28] MC servers are essentially forks of forks of forks of forks of forks... [18:43:05] IKR [18:43:11] isnt there a fork of purpur [18:43:15] pufferfish or smt [18:43:21] for context to other people [18:43:48] the tree is: vanilla > bukkit > spigot > paper > purpur [18:43:51] i think? [18:44:55] I lost track [18:46:39] I think thats it [18:47:49] we prob dont need more then 2 ops, maybe 3 [18:50:17] project korras default config is weird [18:50:38] i usearc spark(a lightning bending ability) [18:50:54] with multiple full shots it dont kill a zombie(same health as a player) [18:51:02] i try using it underwater [18:51:11] using lightning under water [18:51:17] well you can guess what happens [18:51:17] I been seriously considering making a mod to re-introduce the Agent from education edition into Java editon [18:51:24] but its kills me in seconds [18:51:35] I thought you were gonna say Agent from Miraheze lmao [18:53:08] i cant even use lightning in survial i just pickup the mob instead [18:53:25] https://minecraft.wiki/w/Agent that agent [18:54:41] If you were a true OG you would remember the nyan seed and the nether reactor from pocket edition [18:55:36] I've heard of the nether reactor [18:55:49] i first recall playing on shitty free pocket edition [18:57:33] I played it too, no saving, survival was just creative with dmg and mobs [19:01:44] so we doing all volunteers have all glow or per group [19:01:53] we could always refine late [19:02:11] @canyada what do we want our first goal to be beat the dragon? [19:03:56] First thing: do we ask tech very very nicely to host the server or do I just deply it on F2ES infra [19:06:39] B probably I don't think a minecraft server would fly by the IRS [19:06:40] we can try [19:06:50] reception? [19:10:49] If not I got boxes that are being paid for and are doing nothing [19:12:09] [1/2] Logo? [19:12:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252702410758033538/7df3f23b41d05e73.png?ex=66732d88&is=6671dc08&hm=a2eb3c180255ff2a8d157f2affa90d022f43e0a7483f182a7dd7e1dc5dd40749& [19:12:37] i like that lol [19:12:49] or we make the miraheze logo in minecraft [19:13:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252702671207403662/8t9A024.png?ex=66732dc6&is=6671dc46&hm=6d29ee229e268e0ea13179a56f0291f2894a81295efe24d08e2e2bfabce7b448& [19:13:20] honeyt comb and honey blcokc [19:13:49] leme try and make ir [19:16:17] [1/2] changed color slightly to match css on the off site [19:16:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252703450337120346/1b3ab0455091282a.png?ex=66732e80&is=6671dd00&hm=6d1f1dc721f6581fe6bd9eaae4324ee61427e84ac7fe96acf475d1cfd35392b4& [19:21:20] WHY IS REBUILDING THIS SO HARD [19:21:27] is beat the dragon such a first goal thing when i play w others usually its a few days/weeks of fucking around before end gets opened and elytras are in circulation :ThinkerMH: [19:22:14] I would rather metagame and then just build shit [19:23:03] im fine w whatever tbh [19:23:52] my goal is simple [19:23:53] have fun [19:27:14] damnation [19:27:21] we're going with this logo [19:27:27] hexagons are too hard to build [19:27:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252706343886913556/6XpN5ca.png?ex=66733132&is=6671dfb2&hm=9b583c5ce8a568232fd5fe564ae8de1d47f352cfb165a93ba34f7c42919bc45f& [19:27:59] shit nuke done break blocks [19:28:04] use //cut [19:28:11] Also, remember the hexagons are spaced out [19:29:07] im just bad at this [19:29:16] should restart with a proper reference [19:35:34] [1/2] no more evidence of my failures [19:35:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252708302794788975/lfGP0Dd.png?ex=66733305&is=6671e185&hm=c5952273ffe10d8dd4e5ef2ca99ce8714b3a5fb6e2475d57c98f4389ff451c69& [19:38:50] guys i found some axalotals thanks the the giant gapping hole into the void of existance [19:39:25] Do we operate our own discord and IRC or add a channel into the dc here? [19:39:42] I would defo want a dc-irc-mc bridge setup going on [19:43:57] As a discord mod I'll say since this is a purely niceh community we won't make a channel for it here [19:44:36] so would need to be just offtopic here a thread which would be just discord or a new serve [19:44:58] I'm not sure how operating channels in a registered IRC namespace works [19:45:11] i think we can use a ## channel [20:10:36] I'm back boyz [20:10:56] minecraft.miraheze.org [20:12:39] Oh dear. [20:13:13] this i'm not going do jokes about the police number [20:14:18] I hope [20:15:24] Inspiring [20:15:48] Stay civil Emicraft. [20:16:36] yeah [20:17:02] tho i have still Evil Miraheze server that is not longer called Miraheze lmao [20:24:38] [1/2] uhhh [20:24:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252720654177013770/SPOILER_Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-06-18_a_las_2.23.38_p.m..png?ex=66733e86&is=6671ed06&hm=1b75d62ef7992bc137fdadfff675abb91de1bc12facf2223c86aa17806691c74& [20:32:51] Yay [20:35:57] [1/2] I have another mh meme, tho very late [20:35:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252723500049764403/mirahezeddos.png?ex=6673412c&is=6671efac&hm=b1bb49b6def02ded643c53eeb7903fd6d6c6d7371747bf57d86d47444d1fabac& [20:41:33] <.labster, replying to pixldev> [1/2] About 10 employees/contractors. Professional is expensive because we'll do other things - ensure uptime, dedicated support, develop extensions. In industry you're not so much paying for the things done as you're paying for something to be the service provider's problem rather than your own. Miraheze is great but you have to admit our downtime record has been [20:41:33] <.labster, replying to pixldev> [2/2] pretty terrible (some years going to 1 nine or zero nines), and that's not really acceptable for someone hired with an SLA. [20:43:47] I will admit that :p for a volunteer service I think it's above and beyond but someone like the US gov may not be as impressed [20:43:59] anyways thanks man! [20:44:23] I know is very early right now but what we can do for 01/04/25 [20:49:27] @rhinosf1 nope [20:51:04] Every single year Jeremy Clarkson posts a tweet saying he got a C and 2 Us and then some funny thing about how he's doing well [20:51:14] To say, whatever happens, it doesn't matter [20:51:50] I can't even remember my A-Level results [20:51:58] It was only 2 years ago [20:52:08] I'll be around on results day whatever happens [20:52:24] While you're crazily checking UCAS at 8am [20:54:08] [1/2] I just hope that I get into the uni with whatever I get [20:54:08] [2/2] I just need the 112 point [20:55:25] BBC then at a minimum [20:56:50] [1/2] Yea [20:56:50] [2/2] If I don't get the grades, then I will still get in hopefully [20:57:25] If it shows pending at 8am still, go to your school, pick up the results and give them a ring [20:57:46] But good luck πŸ™‚ [20:57:54] Thank you ^^ [21:00:32] how cyber nato wiki are still ok w/ us lmao [21:01:01] did they just forget the wiki exists [21:01:20] that would be funny as hell [21:01:52] Probably [21:03:03] I'd love to meet the senior nato official who owns the responsibility for that wiki [21:03:17] And ask them why the hell they chose us [21:03:38] plot twist: it was an intern who left years ago [21:03:41] <.labster> The NATO thing is run by a partner university I think. It's an informational site, not mission critical. [21:04:05] link? [21:04:27] Interns don't decide stuff like that [21:04:43] Someone somewhere must have some responsibility for it [21:04:49] They probably forgot tbh [21:04:58] <.labster, replying to pixldev> https://cyberlaw.ccdcoe.org/wiki/Main_Page#Behind_the_scenes [21:06:17] <.labster> I read those words as something like: operated by a grad student at University of Exeter [21:07:07] good night [21:07:33] dont look like usernames a NATO officer would pick [21:07:47] paste is broken [21:07:51] oof [21:08:12] <.labster> I don't know, I lurk on /r/noncredibledefense, and the usernames are pretty wild there. [21:09:12] ladies and gentlemen, the bar of wiki requests in 2018 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/5258#mw-section-request [22:23:57] I really want to make a wiki with a cool concept like bluepages, any idea? [22:54:52] If the nato wiki ever goes down global security will be compromised! [22:57:31] what is a nato wiki [22:57:43] NATO wiki [22:58:35] that doesn't answer my question lol [22:59:04] [1/2] is this, probably not: [22:59:04] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO [23:01:37] [1/6] Not to bring any drama in here, but I'll briefly discuss here with how I got globally blocked on Fandom today: so, I forked the PG3D Wiki and did get a bit carried away by advertising it on an alt account, and as a result, got globally blocked for it. [23:01:38] [2/6] To any Fandom editor, star, or staff seeing this: I'm sorry for disappointing you all in these recent times, especially with this. Even though I did contribute to a lot of wikis on Fandom, I think any of the Fandom Stars reading this deserved to be called as better and more hard working editors than me. [23:01:38] [3/6] I did want to take a break from Fandom, since it did affect my mental health and that I was rather too addicted to the platform, to the point where it did badly affect other wiki platforms. However, nowadays, I have set a goal on wanting to edit wikis on any platform, Fandom and beyond, without wanting to cause any trouble or drama between any community. [23:01:38] [4/6] The PG3D Wiki was the only wiki I have gotten to fork, and it's only because every other staff agreed on it. I didn't really plan on forking other wikis, either because the community wasn't motivated nor is it otherwise asked for. [23:01:38] [5/6] I did at first want to publish more about this situation, since I did get pretty mad at the global block, but I've decided instead I'll negotiate with Fandom staff on an appeal for this block, whether it's shortening the block or making it local to the PG3D Wiki. [23:01:39] [6/6] If anybody wants to talk to me about this, I'm willing to answer. [23:03:40] I have not visited a FANDOM wiki since a long time ago [23:03:50] no way you typed all that [23:09:51] [1/2] uhmm [23:09:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252762228936147065/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-06-18_a_las_5.09.28_p.m..png?ex=6673653e&is=667213be&hm=75a1455fa51fce69cd23688d71a63cc6efd4c6db59f4e5cb37a3af56db89b43d& [23:10:03] [1/3] I still have a bunch of wikis there, many of which where I am the only admin, hence why I thought it would be rather problematic to have me globally blocked on the platform. [23:10:03] [2/3] I am more than willing to accept a global block on my alt and a permanent local block on my main on the old PG3D Wiki. This is all I want, nothing more. [23:10:03] [3/3] I've submitted an appeal. [23:10:32] I have a lot of abandoned wikis there [23:11:24] Yeah, it's problematic to have the smaller wikis be left without an admin. This is what I worry about the most. [23:12:45] Actually, a rather unlikely to happen scenario, but what I do fear the most is them closing wikis I've founded. [23:13:18] Almost happened once due to a migration bug, but glad to see it fixed. [23:40:00] better back up asap (really a good idea in any case for any project however stable or favorable you find it) [23:42:13] @justleafy2003 i can try to do a backup via wikiteams discord bot if you want [23:42:30] [1/2] pretty much the only good thing NATO gave us [23:42:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252770445669699665/GP90.png?ex=66736ce5&is=66721b65&hm=a67b8b1c398db01d2de22e9f0d065b504550d2194c2e9c5741a2dcdab46b8fbe& [23:43:12] 🫑 πŸ«‚ [23:45:59] [1/3] Ah yes, WM Commons [23:45:59] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252771323005112410/1920px-5.png?ex=66736db6&is=66721c36&hm=257554a1ded2364423d40998649a7d694259ea851bb99522df58177c0d5fb1b8& [23:45:59] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1252771323264897136/1280px-7.png?ex=66736db6&is=66721c36&hm=442cda01cb60231653683c24bac1989bb863793dd620d35bada18049f15bb227& [23:58:48] πŸ‘€