[00:23:49] [1/6] This is some incredible luck [00:23:49] [2/6] For context here's how this works. This is from making 10 pulls at once on the "banner" for a limited-edition 5 star light cone (weapon), pulls are made with the gacha tokens. The golden ones are 5 stars and the purple ones are 4 stars. You're guaranteed a 4 star after 10 pulls and a 5 star after 80 pulls and the chance of a 5 star significantly increases without being guaranteed a [00:23:49] [3/6] round 70ish pulls. Additionally even once you reach 5 star pity, there's a 25% chance that you won't get what you pulled for but will instead get a different rare item, this is called losing the 75/25 and once that happens, your next pity is guaranteed to give you what you're pulling for. That increased chance is called pity. There is a 0.6% chance for a pull that doesn't have pity [00:23:50] [4/6] to get a 5 star and a 3% chance for a pull that doesn't have pity to get a 4 star, if you don't get a 5 or 4 star, you get a 3 star which is mostly useless [00:23:50] [5/6] So in total without hitting pity I got two 5-stars and one 4-star. So I hit a 0.6% chance twice and a 3% chance once in 10 pulls [00:23:50] [6/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253143231143612587/Screenshot_20240619-171738.png?ex=6674c814&is=66737694&hm=16036647b5fe6fc25fabef2861e919ae45ca29f733db783ae5dd703a33bd5fb4& [00:24:13] honkai! [00:31:17] eglow is my go to and i suppoet esx [00:35:05] My nephew watches in YouTube people opening FIFA packs lol [00:36:08] i am a hungry shopper with plug-ins lmao [00:38:22] School is also pay 2 stress lmao [00:39:52] [1/3] No way you can damage your pc with a very old game [00:39:53] [2/3] Btw Joel [00:39:53] [3/3] https://archive.org/details/twister-hra [00:45:28] @felenov thE minecraft server i play on just had a ddos with the attackers trying to attack port 22 [00:45:30] lol [00:46:52] Ill post the staff explanation in a thread ifnyour curious [00:48:58] ~Womp womp~ [00:51:10] oh shush [17:00:15] [1/2] @rhinosf1 [17:00:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253393990213042266/IMG_5476.png?ex=6675b19e&is=6674601e&hm=a0878b9169027ca24a4498232556f2dd976669636b127c273f7e5b37d38ff98e& [17:00:44] Ready to go [17:00:55] yeh posting it later [17:00:59] i've filled it all out [18:15:33] hi [18:17:36] hai [18:45:47] hoi [19:14:24] [1/3] mericans when they see a single block fo coal [19:14:25] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253427754498654298/2cfGz7I.png?ex=6675d110&is=66747f90&hm=89b4c4fdbf6eaf091d816e8d257907da2c1a903a04b10b5e7ece8e6d8aeb2202& [19:14:25] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253427755153096806/m4xRR57.png?ex=6675d110&is=66747f90&hm=4d87b3a090bb45f37efe67f0585c07a90b9c95a5dcbd77ea79d776467b587030& [19:14:35] mine mine mine mine [19:35:47] [1/2] @canyada i hate wandering traders. bitch trying to fleece me [19:35:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253433136121905253/tGTr7fi.png?ex=6675d613&is=66748493&hm=440607a813cf7e9c2915949046fd1fcb75f91e9d773ba033e9440020f85fb5bf& [19:36:05] but their silly little globes!!! [19:36:28] (the 1st and 2nd were charm, first was smt bout gravity, the second prevented enderman from being pissed when you look at them and smt about them teleproting [19:36:36] the map was an overworld city map [19:36:41] but like [19:36:47] 5 for sapling? [19:36:50] lmao [19:37:04] i respect the hustle [19:37:37] wandering traders are like ants to me as long as they dont wander into my house and walk all over my chests i leave them alone [19:38:35] their man use to me are a chance at free invis pots [19:39:12] u can get invis pots out of them?????? [19:39:17] i think [19:39:30] no shot [19:39:31] they always drink invis potions when the sun goes down [19:39:43] yeah but they dont drop them [19:39:54] if you can snap their neck after the animation starts and before they finish i thought so? [19:39:59] let me test [19:40:33] damn quick time event [19:40:37] @felenov (does pinging you in discord also ping your irc cause same name?) what do you think place you bets [19:41:07] [1/2] wtf legit [19:41:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253434476537577482/image.png?ex=6675d752&is=667485d2&hm=454010bfeff15dff1cfa8c07d7b5846d6aeb04705f14749adbf600597175b996& [19:41:12] A ha! [19:41:16] wait [19:41:21] 8.5%?????? [19:41:32] laaaame [19:41:33] see im just such a pacifist i never kill them ๐Ÿ˜Œ [19:41:45] i just gently nudge them off a cliff ๐Ÿ˜Œ [19:42:02] paci-fist [19:42:21] that may honestly be better if you can time it right [19:42:50] id need to run the math on how tal the cliff would need to be to kil them [19:42:52] and how long [19:42:58] and if you can hurt them before [19:44:08] wait when do they drink milk [19:44:16] oh maybe in the morning to clear the effect [19:44:17] morning to get rid of the invis [19:44:36] got it [19:50:59] @canyada i strength 255 slapped a wanderer and he dropped an emerald [19:51:11] better minecraft really is better [19:51:19] waoo [19:51:36] 3 the second one [19:51:52] 10 traders lets see [19:52:50] 13 from 10 [19:54:02] 15 this time [19:54:03] not bad [19:54:07] what even mod does this [19:54:09] thats like 1-2 per [19:54:10] try normal villagers [19:54:20] Server getting deployed today [19:54:59] aye [19:55:00] and [19:55:03] coco beans? [19:55:33] wonder how many people will wanna join, even just a few is fine cause long as we have fun and goof off thats what matters [19:55:41] what in the [19:56:49] ill probably be asleep when the server opens its 4am ๐Ÿ˜ฉ [19:57:08] lemme see [19:57:21] chrust [19:57:39] wait are these coco [19:57:48] did u get villager poop [19:57:54] beatroot! [19:58:16] ok that makes more sense [19:58:32] REI does not show mob drops as sources drat [19:59:32] FARMERS delight has hot choclate wooo [20:45:54] @rhinosf1 https://x.com/theipaper/status/1803890908934312168 [20:52:50] Why does he even open his mouth [20:54:15] We must vote these bunches of shit heads out [20:54:16] They deserve everything coming at them [20:55:54] I have done my bit [20:56:02] And I assume you've posted yours off too @paladox [20:56:10] yeh [20:56:15] i posted it off an hour ago [20:56:31] Good [20:59:26] @rhinosf1 the betting thing just makes you angry and laugh at the same time [21:06:03] It all depends on if CoreProtect is going to behave [21:11:03] whats exploding [21:11:26] MySQL [21:11:41] I am going to pull a WMF and just use MariaDB [21:13:19] I am re-living my days as a Cassandra/OracleDB database admin [21:14:23] why use MySQL [21:14:31] I just always use Maria [21:23:36] I have not used MariaDB before but | have used MySQL plenty. It's a fork anyway not a lot has changed [21:54:20] dba is pretty easy, do something, it screams at you, scream it it back, fix the issue, repeat until it works [22:01:36] sounds like rust [22:01:44] mariadb > mysql [22:15:22] Programming in rust is like being in a abusive relationship [22:17:40] PFFFFFFFT [22:17:52] @suzuneu mr rust dev comments???? [22:18:04] https://tenor.com/view/deer-gif-22652112 [22:23:34] [1/2] Nice seed [22:23:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253475359605784636/c347243c8deed60a.png?ex=6675fd66&is=6674abe6&hm=ff1d869113a9d557d656b228fffe8a0a6ea58ec3843ce3ab4721879937e7c9b5& [22:25:12] glorious [22:27:55] This screams FLORIDA to me [22:27:57] waki irl? [22:32:24] ๐Ÿ‘€ [22:41:17] Well it's rather common to be abused by Rust compilers lol [22:41:48] mingw is also a nasty bitch (compared to msvc that is) if you talk about compilers [22:43:46] [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/764849945210519552.gif?size=48&quality=lossless&name=this) [22:43:59] let me cook compiler [22:44:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253480525344149534/cT4hLQR.png?ex=66760235&is=6674b0b5&hm=1147f70a9f5a5d24e10abba5d08c49a0e55d8d9e43a076cca061ef00dfebaa46& [23:02:59] :angry: [23:20:26] [1/2] I cannot contain my excitement [23:20:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253489670466048021/c06bbe759499a10d.png?ex=66760aba&is=6674b93a&hm=b391edd73bc6d4b5e3566d7c9b29ca78b03ff09df6cb79922eaeb8f47be6df93& [23:20:42] so [23:20:56] fuck MySQL and MaraiDB Lite is king [23:21:24] hey maria [23:23:43] OA do you play minecraft? [23:26:02] [1/2] Server is ONLINE [23:26:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253491080310165515/d4489f6311f1e8d5.png?ex=66760c0a&is=6674ba8a&hm=2ae644cded14ddce0a7696e5216c1e874485f7bfca1546029f9b5bbecdb95bf8& [23:26:08] I just got DNS to do [23:27:32] hell ya [23:28:01] Will it be compatible with cracked Minecraft launchers? Asking for my friend who doesn't exist [23:28:14] Taaallliiiiiii [23:30:34] Achtung! [23:32:11] Piracy big no-go [23:35:11] Please purchase the game, seriously... [23:35:42] ritz crackers ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ [23:38:53] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253494312835219548/Ladies_And_Gentlemen_We_Got_Him_Fbi_Edition-1.mp4?ex=66760f0c&is=6674bd8c&hm=270bc829738ac8d733f0652856f6a085d481e8065fac2ede97111db3122bcce0& [23:42:16] LMAO [23:44:01] sometimes [23:44:11] i like playing egg wars but i'm really bad [23:44:16] 4th player found [23:45:17] is your skin also a man in a suit? [23:46:19] [1/2] OA's skin: [23:46:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253496181389262931/330px-Popbob-skin.png?ex=667610ca&is=6674bf4a&hm=adfd4f8eb28157500a75fe18eb204347030a2946c6726001f7c57e6adf823876& [23:46:21] Pretty sure its just the default ๐Ÿ˜ฆ [23:46:27] [1/4] I once was looking in an admincraft discord thread and after the person send their log report that said it was pirated plugins one of the mods just said: [23:46:27] [2/4] โ€œOh, thatโ€™s an easy fixโ€ [23:46:27] [3/4] User: โ€œreally? How???โ€ [23:46:27] [4/4] Mod: bans user [23:46:42] LMAO [23:46:45] popbop [23:46:57] ah. Ill find you a good suit to wear haha [23:47:14] ive been using my trench-coat for a while [23:47:19] lemme see [23:47:40] [1/2] the famous RCE exploiter has a lit skin [23:47:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253496524927664208/c8e7dcf6dabdddf3.png?ex=6676111c&is=6674bf9c&hm=ab7d6a5d423155b31b750bc2e2d5dcbd41cb8d9265eba5c6b215d338750f87d1& [23:47:45] [1/2] me [23:47:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253496546557825044/image.png?ex=66761121&is=6674bfa1&hm=e987013354c4d34e71742f90778efcf869f30a06082816e452210a7dff3c342a& [23:48:12] the horns were from a character i played on a world building server i left on cause they looks pretty cool [23:48:15] [1/2] me [23:48:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253496671925436426/76ed410b550c994c.png?ex=6676113f&is=6674bfbf&hm=11f0b32006fe1c1bf13b71f8d52075da279994133a84a6cd6743de72c8d73e57& [23:48:22] looks about right [23:48:44] I actually had art of that character/skin made [23:48:54] oh i like this [23:49:25] [1/2] velipix <3 [23:49:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253496965032050719/0A57EF82-E93A-49A7-AC6C-FBBCB22641D1.jpeg?ex=66761185&is=6674c005&hm=a39b854627f1b364612506d00f0c0a4358ec1681a242182ef7ee3161a3422525& [23:49:26] my bou [23:49:39] i need to get a new skin made since in using a new character [23:50:04] [1/2] I have something worse [23:50:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1253497128030961694/ravebase.mp4?ex=667611ac&is=6674c02c&hm=a09db48a8695114f0e7c0e1a745e4fff39c3f9cde61b093e4966cfa08c045672& [23:50:06] an elf boi since i was kidnapped into an elf family by some other players in friends wotn [23:54:37] [1/2] VRChat: NOOO YOU CANNOT COPY MY AVATAR THIS IS CHEATING [23:54:37] [2/2] Minecraft: Yea you can steal my skin I can't do shit about it anyway